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3U days of GRAVITY item = BODYWEIGHT TRAINING 30 days of GRAVITY Levell 60 reps © Llevelll 80 reps Level Ill 120 reps each Part | Complete one exercise after Circuit the other - take as much time as you need. Focus Legs lunge step-ups Part Il ; Endurance to failure wall sit 3 sets up to 2 minute Test between sets 30 days of GRAVITY Part | Circuit © Focus Upperbody & f. 3 sets - all levels yew) OptionalMod = 2 minutes rest between sets I Replace backfists with < L420 alternating bicep curls ul 20 side-to-side backfists 20 raised armcircles 20seC raised arm hold Part Il to failure push-ups Build Up 3 sets (alllevels) how many consecutive time each set push-ups Test each time for as long can you do as it took you to complete today? the previous set 30 days of GRAVITY «>» © 3 sets - all levels 2 minutes rest between sets Levell 6 reps each Levell 10 seconds raised leg hold Level ll 10 reps each Level ll 20 seconds raised leg hold Level Ill 20 reps each Level Ill 30 seconds raised leg hold flutter kicks raised leg circles raised leg hold 30 days of GRAVITY ~: Levell 20 seconds © Level ll 40 seconds Level Ill | minute each Part | Tepeat once = all levels Circuit Flexibility back stretches toe touches kneeling hip flexors Part Il Splits 2 minutes side splits 100 half jacks go as low warm-up as you can 30 days of GRAVITY »: © Part | Abs & Core 3 sets - all levels 2 minutes rest between sets 10 plank arm raises 10 plank leg raises 10 body saw Oe aK garee gcc ay? 5 up and down planks Part Il Endurance Plank Levell {minute Level ll 2 minutes Level Ill 3 minutes 30 days of GRAVITY »: Part | Circuit © Focus Upperbody & f. 3 sets - all levels oye) Optional Mod 2 minutes rest between sets I Replace backfists with < L420 alternating bicep curls AO side-to-side backtists AO scissor chops AD scissors Part Il to failure push-ups Build Up 3 sets (alllevels) how many consecutive time each set push-ups fest each time for as long can you do as it took you to complete today? the previous set 30 days of GRAVITY «= Levell 80 reps © Llevelll 100 reps Level Ill 140 reps each Part | Complete one exercise after Circuit the other - take as much time Cane Legs as you need. aN lunge step-ups Calf raises side-to-side lunges Part Il Endurance to failure wail sit 3 sets up to 2 minute Test between sets 30 days of GRAVITY = Levell 20 seconds © Level ll 40 seconds Part! Circuit Flexibility bridges Part Il Splits 100 half jacks warm-up Level Ill | minute each Tepeat once = all levels (OE * ey knee rolls prawn stretches 2 minutes side splits go as low as you can 30 days of GRAVITY »: Part | Abs & Core © Asets - all levels 2 minutes rest between sets is go Ee CXS. 10 slow climbers 10 climber taps 10 alt arm / leg raises Part Il Plank Levell 1 minute 30 seconds Levelll 2 minute 30 seconds Level Ill 3 minute 30 seconds Endurance 30 days of GRAVITY Day 10 Endurance © 2 minutes each exercise 60 seconds rest between exercises ao raised arm hold knee-to-elbows scissor chops arm scissors 30 days of GRAVITY Part | Circuit © Focus Upperbody & £y | 2" Optional Mod : } Replace backfists with 4 sels all levels 20 alternating bicep curls; 2 minutes rest between sets Replace shoulder taps with 20 renagade rows Part Il to failure push-ups J Build Up 3 sets (alllevels) ae how many rs consecutive time each set push-ups Test each time for as long can you do as it 100k you to complete \ro= today? the previous set 30 days of GRAVITY = Levell 20 seconds © Level ll 40 seconds Level Ill | minute each repeat once = all levels Part! Balance knee raise knee raise press balance stand Part Il Splits 2 minutes side splits 100 half jacks go as low warm-up as you can 30 days of GRAVITY wu © 3 sets - all levels 2 minutes rest between sets Levell 8 reps each Levell 20 seconds hollow hold Level ll 12 reps each Levelll 30 seconds hollow hold Level Ill 22 reps each Level Ill 40 seconds hollow hold sit-ups hollow hold sitting twists eer ‘ oo a) sil-ups hollow hold hundreds 30 days of GRAVITY = Levell 80 reps © Llevelll 100 reps Level Ill 140 reps each Part | Complete one exercise after Circuit the other - take as much time Cane Legs as you need. lunge step-ups Part Il ; Endurance to failure wail sit 3 sets up to 2 minute Test between sets 30 days of GRAVITY ©: Part | Circuit © Focus Upperbody & f. 5 sets - all levels «Optional Mod 2 minutes rest between sets Replace backfists with 20 alternating bicep curls 40 side-to-side backfists 40 raised armcircles 40sec raised arm hold Part Il to failure push-ups Build Up 3 sets (alllevels) a how many rs consecutive time each set push-ups Test each time for as long can you do as it 100k you to complete \ro= today? the previous set 30 days of GRAVITY = Levell 40 seconds each © Level ll 1 minute each Level Ill 90 seconds each Part | Tepeat once = all levels Circuit Flexibility back stretches toe touches kneeling hip flexors Part Il Splits 2 minutes side splits 100 half jacks go as low warm-up as you can 30 days of GRAVITY © Part | Abs & Core 4 sets - all levels 2 minutes rest between sets y f \ CSL, 10 side planks 10 side planks with rotaions 10 plank rolls LC As i et eet 10 up and down planks Part Il Plank Level! 2minutes Level ll 3 minutes Level Ill 4 minutes Endurance 30 days of GRAVITY == Levell 100 reps © Llevelll 120 reps Level Ill 160 reps each Part | Complete one exercise after Circuit the other - take as much time Cane Legs as you need. aN lunge step-ups Calf raises side-to-side lunges Part Il Endurance to failure wail sit 3 sets up to 2 minute Test between sets 30 days of GRAVITY Part | Circuit . e Focus Upperbody ‘ Sap e Optional Mod z Replace backfists with 5 sels all levels 20 alternating bicep curls; 2 minutes rest between sets 4 Replace side-to-side chops with 20 dumbbell chops AO side-to-side backfists 40 side-to-side chops ~40sec raised arm hold Part Il to failure push-ups Build Up 3 sets (alllevels) a how many rs consecutive time each set push-ups Test each time for as long can you do as it 100k you to complete \ro= today? the previous set 30 days of GRAVITY © Part! Balance Day 20 Levell 30 seconds Level ll 60 seconds Level Ill 90 seconds each repeat once = all levels knee raise press balance stand balance stand #2 Part Il Splits 100 half jacks warm-up 3 minutes side splits go as low as you can 30 days of GRAVITY =» © 3 sets - all levels 2 minutes rest between sets Levell 20 seconds each Level ll 30 seconds each Level lll 40 seconds each plank wide leg plank one arm plank raised leg hold sit-up hold hollow hold 30 days of GRAVI | ‘ Day 22 Endurance © 3 minutes each exercise 60 seconds rest between exercises ao raised arm hold knee-to-elbows scissor chops arm scissors 30 days of GRAVITY == Part | Circuit © Focus Upperbody ° Optional Mod . Replace backfists with 5 sels all levels 20 alternating bicep curls; 2 minutes rest between sets Replaces houlder taps with 20 renagade rows WAS 60 side-to-side backfists 40 shouldertaps 60sec speed bag punches Part Il to failure push-ups Build Up 3 sets (all levels) how many rs consecutive time each set push-ups Test each time for as long can you do as it took you to complete today? the previous set 30 days of GRAVITY = Levell 60 seconds each © Level ll 90 seconds each Level Ill 2 minutes each Part | Tepeat once = all levels Circuit Flexibility back stretches toe touches kneeling hip flexors Part Il Splits 3 minutes side splits 100 half jacks go as low warm-up as you can 30 days of GRAVITY == Levell 120 reps © Levelll 160 reps Level Ill 180 reps each Part | Complete one exercise after Circuit the other - take as much time Cane Legs as you need. lunge step-ups Part Il ; Endurance to failure wail sit 3 sets up to 2 minute Test between sets 30 days of GRAVITY © Part | Circuit © Focus Upperbody & f. Optional Mod Replace backfists with 20 alternating bicep curls 60 side-to-side backtists Part Il Build Up how many consecutive push-ups can you do today? 5 Sets - all levels 2 minutes rest between sets 60 raised armcircles 60sec raised arm hold to failure push-ups 3 sets (alllevels) at time each set Test each time for as long as it took you to complete (- the previous set 30 days of GRAVITY © © Part | Abs & Core 4 sets - all levels 2 minutes rest between sets 20 slow climbers 20 climber taps 20 alt arm /leg raises pat fF Part ll Endurance Ae Plank Levell 3 minutes

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