Case Study Rubric

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Case Study Rubric Met/ Points


All group members participate in project 5 points

Interventions for: 15 points

Hypothermia, hypovolemia, hypotension, hypertension,

Rationales for nursing interventions are evidence-based 10 points

References including at least one primary source 10 points

Organization of presentation 10 points

Total 50 points

Case study assignment 

Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary
1 pts 2 pts 3 pts 4 pts

Nursing assessment  Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary

20 % Provides
accurate nursing
Student's responses Student's responses Student's Student's
demonstrate minimal demonstrate responses responses
understanding of the understanding of demonstrate demonstrate
components of some of the understanding understanding of
nursing assessment components of of most of the components of
for selected patient. nursing assessment components nursing
for selected patient. of nursing assessment for
assessment selected patient.
2 points  4 points  for selected
8 points 
6 points 

Clinical Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary

20 % Demonstrates Student's responses Student's responses Student's Student's
understanding of demonstrate minimal demonstrate only responses responses
diagnosis, treatment or incorrect partial understanding demonstrate demonstrate
and potential understanding of of patient's diagnoses adequate thorough
complications patient's diagnosis and potential understanding understanding of
and potential complications. of patient's patient's
complications. diagnosis and diagnosis and
4 points  potential potential
complications. complications.
2 points 
6 points  8 points 

Plan of care  Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary

20 % Outlines
effective plan of care
Plan of care is Plan of care is Student Student outlines
incomplete, with incomplete, with outlines an a complete and
most componets several components effective care effective plan of
missing or not that are missing or plan for care for selected
relative to the not relative to the selected patient
selected patient's selected patient's patient, with
condition. condition. one or two
2 points  4 points  components 8 points 

6 points 

Professional roles  Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary

20 % Demonstrates
understanding of
Student's responses Student's responses Student's Student's
roles of professional
demonstrate minimal demonstrate only responses responses
team members
or incorrect partial understanding demonstrate demonstrate
understanding of the of the role of nurses adequate thorough
role of nurses and and other understanding understanding of
other professionals in professionals in the of the role of the role of
the care of selected care of selected nurses and nurses and other
patient. patient. other professionals in
professionals the care of
4 points  in the care of selected patient.
2 points  selected
patient. 8 points 
6 points 

Assignment Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary

10 % Follows all
Student follows very Student does not Student Student follows
instructions in the
few assignment follow all assignment follows most all asisgnment
instructions. Many instructions. Several assignment instructions
questions related to unanswered instructions completely,
selected patient are questions related to completely. including
unanswered or have selected patient. May have one comprehensive
minimal responses. Answers are or two responses to all
incomplete or do not unanswered questions related
1 point  answer question questions or to selected
sufficiently. incomplete patient.
2 points  related to 4 points 

3 points 

Grammar, Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary

punctuation, and
Student's responses Student's responses Student's Student's
10 % Conforms to
contain many contain several responses responses
rules of grammar,
grammatical, grammatical, spelling demonstrate demonstrate
punctuation, and
punctuation, or and punctuation correct consistent
spellling errors. errors. consistent use correct use of
of the rules of the rules of
grammar, grammar usage,
1 point  2 points  punctuation, punctuation, and
and spelling, spelling.
with a few
minor errors. 4 points 

3 points 

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