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Good morning Ladies and Gentleman. First of all, let me introduce myself.

my name
is Partini Cakrawati, and today i would like to share about one of the popular
issue that happened in Indonesia. It's about The Papuan Indigenous Forest Fires.
So, what really happened? Papua's forest is one of the remaining rainforests in the
world with high biodiversity. More than 60 percent of Indonesia's biodiversity is
in Papua. But unfortunately, the forests that we should protect and conserve are
actually being damaged by those who are only concerned with their own interests.

Next, how could this things revealed?

Greenpeace International ( a non-gonvermental organization focuses its campaigning
on worldwide issues such as climate change, deforestation, overfishing, commercial
whaling, genetic engineering, and anti-nuclear issues) with Forensic Architecture
are doing an investigation used NASA satellite imagery to identify the source of
heat from the fires that occurred in one of Korindo's concessions located in
Merauke, Papua.

And turned out that the source of the heat is from a fire that was started on

This innovative investigation found evidence that a South Korean company, Korindo,
had destroyed around 57 thousand hectares of forest in Papua since 2001. When
compared, the area of forest that has been cleared is as large as Seoul, the
capital of South Korea.

So, what is the company responses?

Based on the results of the investigations, Korindo Group had denies the accusation
that they deliberately burned the plantation area.

"Regarding allegations of forest burning in the period 2011-2016, we need to re-

explain the statement of The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) in August 2019 which
stated the FSC had conducted an conclusion of the investigation stated the
allegation, that Korindo intentionally and illegally burned the plantation area is
not true," explained Korindo Group Which quoted from detik.com new dated November
12, 2020.

Next, i will tell you 4 facts about the Papua Forest Fires.

First, about the compensation cost. So, the local Papuans were persuaded by PT
Korindo Group to want to release their customary forest at a compensation fee of
Rp. 100,000 per hectare
In 2015, the customary owners were willing to release their customary forest by
accepting such low compensation. As a result, now more than 19 thousand hectares of
forest in Papua are controlled by PT Tunas Sawa Erma POP-E.

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