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SLIDE 1- Appropriate Greeting.

To the most esteemed member of the panel, ladies and gentlemen, a pleasant morning.
STAFF prepared by Group 4 Luzon Cluster of LMC Class 03-2020.
Shown on the screen are the members with yours truly, PLTCOL JACKIE C
CANDELARIO, as the Group Leader, PLTCOL ABRAHAM SATORRE, Asst. Group
For our proposed policy entitled “POLICY AND GUIDELINES FOR LEGAL
SLIDE 4- The outline of our presentation will be the following:
 Executive Summary;
 Introduction;
 Background of the Study;
 Problem Statement;
 Relevance of the Study;
 Scope and Limitation;
 Methodologies;
 Discussion;
 Conclusions and Recommendations;
 Proposed Memorandum Circular; and
 Action Photos;

SLIDE 5- For the Executive Summary

This policy paper proposed The Policy and Guidelines for Legal Assistance and
Indemnification of BAC Members and its Support Staff. The relevance of BAC and its
functions in the PNP cannot be questioned. However, the BAC members and its staff
are very much prone to facing litigations and actions whether through civil, criminal and
administrative cases in the official performance of their duties. It is in this light that the
researchers of the study came up with this policy in order to address the issues and
problems present in the provision of legal assistance and indemnification to BAC
members and its support staff.


As the researchers of this study, we conducted qualitative interviews through the

use of self-made questionnaires in order to determine the issues and concerns to be
addressed, the process and system of requesting and receiving legal assistance and
indemnification, as well as to know what suggestions and recommendations that BAC-
PNP members can give in order to produce a policy and guidelines which seeks to
adequately provide such assistance.

Based on the interviews conducted show that the main problems that need to be
addressed in the provision of legal assistance and indemnification stems on the need to
expedite the process itself, the need to provide more financial assistance to BAC
members and support staff, conducting training and educating such officers when such
process is amended or when new laws and enactments regarding the same are
implemented. Finally, the interviewees personally believe that an enactment of policies
and guidelines will greatly benefit the not only the BAC members and support staff but
each respective PROs, NSUs and the PNP as a whole.

The aforementioned issues that are present in the PROs and NSUs are what the
researchers intended to address through this policy paper by making recommendations
and drafting a policy to make such process more effective and efficient.


The public procurement law in the Philippines, which according to them tends to
cause delay in project implementation and underspending by the government agencies.

Republic Act No. 9184, otherwise known as the Government Procurement

Reform Act, seeks to ensure transparency and fair play in the process of procurement,
primarily for government procurement but also much used, given its high profile for
private procurement. It is a law that establishes a mindset about bidding and
contracting. However, as of today, no guidelines and policies have yet to be
implemented and institutionalized for the PNPBAC.


To ensure fairness in procurement, the government created agencies and offices

which aim to guarantee that the interest of the government and the people shall be held
in utmost priority. One of which is the Bidding and Awards Committee as they ascertain
that procuring entities shall comply with the eligibility, requirements and qualifications
provided for under the law.

Hence, in the different PROs and NSUs throughout the country, BAC members
and support staff face litigation involving cases of conflict of interest, graft and
corruption, non-performance of duty, gross negligence, or when bidding participants
dispute the results of the bidding procedure.


The law that governs the Bidding and Awards Committee is The 2016 REVISED

After its promulgation, the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) was
thereafter promulgated pursuant to Section 75 of the said Act, the purpose of which is to
prescribe the necessary rules and regulations for the modernization, standardization,
and regulation of the procurement activities of the government. Subsequently, the IRR
was revised in 2016.

Generally, the law and its subsequent IRRS mandates transparency and
accountability measures to help fight corruption and inefficiency in public procurement.
According to RA 9184, the Bidding and Awards Committee is initially responsible
in ensuring the compliance of prospective bidders and making sure that the biddings to
be held are competent and legal.

The same law provides for the functions of the committee which centers in
ensuring that the procuring entity abides by the standards set forth under the law.


Moreover, PNP Memorandum Circular No. 2012-LS-001 entitled Procedures

Governing Direct Legal Representation Under the Legal Assistance Program of the
PNP provides that it is the policy of the PNP to provide legal assistance to all PNP
uniformed personnel with service-connected cases. The same Memorandum Circular
also lays down the procedure and guidelines to be followed regarding the same.
Based on the foregoing, the responsibility of the BAC to the people is to ensure
that they perform their official functions with necessary due diligence, and that they
remain faithful to the performance of their duties. With this, it can be inferred that their
functions are broad and technical enough to make them susceptible in receiving
lawsuits in the performance of its lawful duties.

SLIDE 12- Statement of the Problem

This policy paper addressed the concerns and problems being experienced by
the BAC members and staff in relation to the provision of their right to free legal
assistance and indemnification as provided for by the law. Specifically, it shall answer
the following questions:

1. What is the process of availing legal assistance and indemnification?

2. What are the concerns being experienced by the BAC members and staff
in attaining legal assistance and indemnification?
3. What specific policies and guidelines must be established to address such
issues and concerns?

SLIDE 13- Relevance of the Study

This paper aims to understand the current problems and issues concerning the
system to provide legal aid and assistance as well as indemnification to members and
support staff of BAC. Consequently, the findings generated in this study may provide
significant benefits to the following groups or individuals:

1. The BAC members and support staff.

As previously mentioned, BAC members and support staff are prone to

receiving law suits and cases filed against them in the performance of their
duties. This study shall be helpful in determining how to solve the present
problems that need to be addressed concerning legal aid and assistance. With
this, such public officials would not be apprehensive in doing their lawful duties
and they need not be worried about financial concerns if a case shall be filed
against them because the government shall address the same.

2. The lawyers of BAC members and support staff.

The findings of this paper shall also be beneficial to lawyers to serve as
private counsels to BAC members and support staff as the policies to be
implemented shall stimulate a more effective and better working relationship
between the parties.

3. The community.

This research as well as the proposed guidelines and policies, if

implemented, shall benefit the community and the public in general since the
provision of legal assistance and indemnification to BAC members and support
staff are one of the factors that may encourage the faithful performance of their
duties in public office. This, in turn, shall ensure a fair, legal, and corrupt free
system of procurement.

SLIDE 14- Scope and Limitation

The purpose of this paper is to formulate a memorandum circular that will set
forth the policies and guidelines for legal assistance and indemnification of BAC
members and its support staff.

No other used instruments were used aside from the self-devised interview
questionnaire that was utilized for data gathering.

The participants in this paper are only limited to PNP and BAC members who are
knowledgeable about the process of receiving legal assistance. The participants were
from the vicinity of the researchers which are PRO1, PRO3, NCRPO, SAF, HS, CES
and AVESEGROUP specifically, four each PROs and NSUs.

Since the methods of this study is through focused group discussion, it cannot
necessarily be generalizable to the population, unless such issues and concerns are
also present in such departments.

SLIDE 15- Methodologies (and like I have mentioned a while ago why we utilized the
qualitative method)

The present study utilizes Qualitative Descriptive Design, the primary aim of
which is to provide an accurate description of an event and the importance a subject
applies to the event (Holly, 2019). The goal to be achieved in this design is to provide a
comprehensive summarization, in everyday terms, of specific events experienced by
individuals or group of individuals. In addition to this, another goal is to obtain cases
deemed rich information for the purpose of saturating the data available. Qualitative
Descriptive study is a widely cited research tradition and has been identified as
important and appropriate for research questions focused on discovering the who, what,
and where of events or experiences as well as gaining insights from informants
regarding a phenomenon which is understood poorly.

Data Collection

Data collection of qualitative descriptive studies focuses on discovering the

nature of the specific events under study. Thus, data collection involves minimal to
moderate, structured, open-ended, individual or focus group interviews.

In this paper, however, researchers decided to interview persons concerned and

knowledgeable with the legal assistance and indemnification of BAC members and staff
by sending out interview questionnaires to such officers.


The study utilized purposive sampling which is commonly employed in qualitative

studies, which has been described as being useful for obtaining broad insights and rich
information. Furthermore, since focus group discussion is being used in this study, data
is obtained from a purposely selected group of individuals rather than from a statistically
representative sample of a broader population.

Researchers of the study made use of the following criteria to select potential

As to BAC members or support staff:

a. BAC members or support staff who faced or are currently facing lawsuits that are filed
in relation to the performance of their official duties;

b. Has knowledge and experience about legal assistance provided to BAC members or
support staff


Data Gathering Procedure

Researchers of this study conducted a made use of a semi-structured interview

guide prepared by the researchers and validated by experts in the field of research.

(For the information, sirs and ma’am, we attached said written consent or
interview guide together with the questionnaire at the submitted folders)

Data analysis
Data analysis of qualitative descriptive research, does not use a pre-existing set
of rules that have been generated from the philosophical or epistemological stance of
the discipline that created the specific qualitative research approach. Rather, qualitative
descriptive research is purely data-derived in that codes are generated from the data in
the course of the study.

 Semi-structured interview guide was used.

 Data gathered were transcribed, coded and themed using thematic
 Ethics on research was observed.

SLIDE 17- Discussion

Based on the interviews conducted, the researchers of this study were able to gather
sufficient data and information not only regarding the process but also the issues and
problems that need to be addressed.

Process of Availment of Legal Assistance and Indemnification.

Most interviewees are not knowledgeable about the process because their
headquarters/Office have yet to experience availing such a program as no cases have
been filed against BAC or its support staff.

However, any BAC member or support staff may apply for legal assistance when:
 a notice from the Prosecutor Office, the Court, or any tribunal, was received by
him/her. after which,
 a determination must be made if the participation of such officer is a work-related
 Thereafter, the case shall be either referred to the Legal service for legal
representation, or an assistance of a private lawyer may also be availed of.
 After the resolution of the case comes the indemnification of legal fees

SLIDE 18- The following issues and problems were identified:

Process of Availing of Legal Assistance and Indemnification.

The offices involved in the process of providing legal assistance and
indemnification to BAC members and its support staff are:
1. Head of Procuring Entity
2. Legal Service
3. Regional Comptroller Division
4. Regional Logistics Division


Issues and Problems that Need to be Addressed

1. The problems arise not only in the indemnification and the assistance itself, but
the staff and the members are having difficulties regarding the sufficiency of the
assistance being provided.
2. The Honoraria which is supposed to cover fees for the legal assistance, such is
not enough considering the risk that such members are into.
3. Insufficient or No Funding. No funding source for any legal assistance,
especially if they opt to their private lawyers instead of the PNP Legal Service

SLIDE 20- Issues and Problems that need to be Addressed

4. Assistance may be said to be sufficient during the initial stage of the litigation but does
not endure up to the end.
5.There is a need for continuing education
6. There is a need for timely assistance.
7. Most importantly, the interviewees emphasize the importance of formulation
and implementation of MC which lays down the guidelines and policies regarding
the legal assistance and indemnification of BAC members and its support staff.


The following conclusions can be drawn:

• Although there is provision of legal assistance and indemnification, the issues
and problems concerning the same involves the following:
1. That such provision is at times present only at the initial stage, but not at
the latter part.
2. That some members and staff lack education and training on the process
of acquiring legal assistance and indemnification as well as the guidelines,
rules and regulations and other enactments implemented regarding the
3. That some PROs lack assistance in terms of facility since they have no
office intended for such function.
4. That the assistance and indemnification can be delayed and long drawn
5. That at most, what the BAC members and support staff need is financial
assistance since legal assistance is adequately provided.
That there is a need to craft policy guidelines for all the BACs to adhere to regarding the
availment of the aforementioned programs and that this should be institutionalized
within the PNP as required by law

SLIDE 22- For the Conclusion and Recommendation

• Finally, the researchers of this paper suggest the following recommendations:

1. That there must be a continuous or regular education and training
regarding the availing of legal assistance and indemnification.
2. That concerned offices must adhere to the time frame or prescribed period
provided by law wherein legal assistance and indemnification are
supposed to be given in order to expedite the process.
3. Failure to adhere to the same without any valid reason should give rise to
civil or administrative liability.
4. That each PRO and NSU should be provided an office to conduct its
functions in relation to processing requests for legal assistance and
indemnification. If the same is not feasible, at least an adequate storage
space to store its documents and papers should be provided.
by law.


SLIDE 24- Shown are the references and rationale used in the conduct of our

Proposed Policies and Guidelines for Legal Assistance and Indemnification of Bids and
Awards Committee Members and Its Support Staff


a. Republic Act No. 9184, otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act dated
January 10, 2003” and its Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations, 2016 (IRR);

b. PNP Memorandum Circular No. 2012-LS-001 entitled “Procedures Governing Direct Legal
Representation Under the Legal Assistance Program”; and

c. Resolution no. 021-2005, otherwise known as “Approving the Guidelines for Legal Assistance
and Indemnification of Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) Members and BAC Support Staff.

The formulation of this MC is in line with Rule XXIV-Legal Assistance and
Indemnification of BAC Members, Section 72 of R.A. No. 9184 or the
Procurement Law and its 2016 Revised IRR. This MC seeks to lay down the
procedures and guidelines to be followed in requesting and providing legal
assistance and indemnification to BAC members and support staff.



BAC members and support staff, Section 72 and Section 73 of Republic

Act No. 9184 provides that legal assistance and indemnification should be
provided to such officers. After the promulgation of the said law, the provision of
legal assistance and indemnification to BAC members and support staff has yet
to be decentralized. This MC seeks to expedite the process of claiming legal
assistance and indemnification and to assure that the BAC members and its
support staff are receiving adequate and sufficient support from the government.


a. To provide policies and guidelines on the provision of legal assistance and

indemnification for BAC members and its support staff;
b. To ensure that the officers and offices concerned will adhere to the
prescribed period provided for by law to make the process more efficient
and effective;
c. To provide for the procedure in requesting and providing legal assistance
and indemnification; and
d. To efficiently and adequately provide assistance to BAC members and
support staff.


A. General Guidelines:

1. The provision of legal assistance and indemnification for BAC members and
support staff shall comply with the provisions of Republic Act No. 9184 and its
2016 Implementing Rules and Regulation.

2. Legal assistance, liability insurance and medical assistance shall be granted to

BAC members and support staff as a matter of right subject to conditions
required under the law.

3. Adherence to related GPPB issuances shall be strictly observed as well.

4. National Support Units (NSUs) and Police Regional Offices (PROs) and their
respective PMCs, BACs, and TWGs shall adopt the guidelines and
procedures provided for in this MC.

5. All activities pertaining to the procurement of equipment shall be monitored by

the Chief, SMD, DL in coordination with Chief, Bids and Awards Committee,
BAC Secretariat, and Directorate for Logistics.

6. In order to assure the prompt, efficient and effective manner of providing

legal assistance and indemnification, the following shall be implemented in all
NSUs and PROs:

a. A regular inspection shall be done to see to it that the BAC members and
staff are receiving prompt and adequate legal assistance and
b. A regular inspection must be conducted to ensure that the NSUs and
PROs are given an office where meetings and activities for such concerns
are to be conducted. However, if such is not feasible, or that they are at
least provided of adequate storage space where they can store necessary
documents for efficient safekeeping.

c. Trainings, workshops and seminars must be conducted in each NSU and

PRO to ensure that BAC members and staff are aware of the new
enactments, new steps and processes, as well as to assure that such
members are up to date when it comes to laws, and rules and regulations
implemented concerning the provision of legal assistance and

SLIDE 27- General Conditions

1. Free Legal Assistance

a. The Procuring Entity shall indemnify a BAC member and its Support Staff
who was or is a party to a pending or completed action, suit, or proceeding
whether civil, criminal or administrative in nature brought against him in the
performance of his official functions.
b. The BAC member or support staff has engaged the services of a private
c. The applicant and the attorney representing him/her shall be entitled to
actual, moral, exemplary damages and attorney’s fees, when awarded by
the court, respectively.

Coverage and Extent of Legal Assistance

1. Legal Assistance
 The Procuring Entity shall indemnify a BAC member and its Support Staff
who has engaged the services of a private lawyer and who was or is a
party to a pending or completed action, suit, or proceeding whether civil,
criminal or administrative in nature brought against him in the performance
of his official functions.
 The free legal assistance shall cover actual cost of suit and attorney’s
fees. Provided, that attorney’s fees shall not exceed Five Thousand Pesos
(P5,000.) per appearance which shall be paid by the procuring entity.

Provided, that no legal assistance shall be provided for:

1. Any action, suit or proceeding initiated by the applicant in his personal
capacity, or in behalf of the procuring entity, unless such was approved by
the HoPE.
2. Any action or suit initiated by the Government against the applicant

Liability Insurance
 The Procuring Entity shall maintain adequate liability insurance for and in
behalf of BAC members and its support staff.
 It shall only cover liabilities asserted against the public official which he
incurred in the performance of his official functions.
 The insurer shall pay for the loss arising from the claim or suit made
against BAC members and support staff during the policy period wherein
they serve their capacity as officials.
 In the event of settlement or compromise, indemnification shall be
confined only to matters covered by the settlement, and to which the
procuring entity had been advised by counsel that the person to be
indemnified have not been guilty of gross negligence, misconduct, or
grave abuse of discretion in the performance of their duties and functions.
2. Medical Assistance
 If BAC members and support staff has incurred injuries and disabilities in
the lawful performance of their duties, medical assistance shall be
provided to them by the Procuring Entity.
 Such assistance shall cover any injury or disability resulting from the
performance of their official functions, and without any contributory
negligence on their part, and that they have exercised the required due
diligence to prevent harm or injury to themselves.
 Indemnification shall be provided for medicines, laboratory and
hospitalization expenses. However, the amount shall not exceed the
actual amount incurred, substantiated by receipts and other supporting

Provided, that no legal assistance and indemnification shall be provided for:

 Any action, suit or proceeding initiated by the applicant in his personal

capacity, or in behalf of the procuring entity, unless such was approved by
the HoPE.
 Any action or suit initiated by the Government against the applicant.


i) Who can file. This MC shall be applicable to the following personnel who are
involved in procurement process:

a. BAC members or support staff

b. CIA members
c. TWG members

If the applicant is incapacitated, the application may be filed by his duly

authorized representative, his immediate supervisor, his next higher
supervisors, or any LS legal officer with the consent of his nearest relative in
the absence of an authorized representative.

ii) Where to file. Applicants assigned at PROs shall file their applications
directly with the C, RLO. Those who are assigned with the NSUs shall file
their applications directly with the NSU LO.

Furthermore, if an applicant was assigned to an office which has no LS legal

officer, he/she shall file directly with the C, LAD, LS.
iii) When to file. Applicants may file such application anytime during office
hours. The same shall be filed during or after the action, suit, or

As to medical assistance, claimant, of if incapacitated, his/her relatives and duly

authorized representative, must notify the Procuring Entity within seven (7) calendar
days from the occurrence of the injury or disability.


iv) How to file.

1. Upon receipt of the notice of complaint, affidavit of complaint or summons,
the named respondent/s shall immediately inform the BAC Chairman,
through the BAC Secretariat.
2. BAC Secretariat should thereafter inform the HoPE regarding any
complain filed against the office.

3. Applicant shall file a written request for legal assistance addressed to


4. After receipt, HoPe shall convene a team to study the complaint within
twenty-four (24) hours and review all supporting documents passed to
determine whether the case is service-related or BAC related complaint.

5. A recommendation shall be made to the HoPe for the approval of the

requested legal assistance if such is determined to be BAC or service
related complaint.

Provided, that the legal assistance herein granted shall be coming from a
private lawyer or counsel.

In case the convened team has determined that the action filed was not
BAC related, the respondent BAC member or support staff shall engage
the services of a counsel without the benefit of free legal assistance.

6. Respondent BAC member/support staff shall make a choice of counsel

and shall notify the HoPE of the same.

7. In case the action prospers, the expenses incurred can be subject to

reimbursement, upon submission of required documents, receipts, and
other supporting documents evidencing such expenses incurred.

8. If the respondent BAC member or support staff has been found to be not
guilty for gross negligence, misconduct, or grave abuse of discretion, he
shall liquidate his cash advances by presenting receipts of payment and
other necessary documents.

However, if in case the BAC member or staff was found to be guilty of the
aforementioned acts, he shall pay the case advances made through salary
deduction or reimbursement.
9. After availing the services of a private lawyer, of after incurring expenses,
the applicant shall accomplish, under oath, legible copies of contract and
other supporting document evidencing that the applicant has availed of the
services of a private lawyer as well as document evidencing the payment
to be indemnified, and copies of other relevant documents. Such forms
can be secured at the RLO, from the NSU LO, or at the office of the C,

10. The HoPE shall be given at least 15 to 30 days, reckoned from the receipt
of the claim, to review and verify its authenticity and documents presented
evidencing it.

11. The HoPE shall order the processing of the release of funds and the
subsequent release of funds for the approved claims if the entity finds that
the claim is genuine and that all of the requirements provided by law have
been duly complied with.
v) Documentary Requirements. The application for legal assistance and
indemnification shall be supported by the following documents:
1. Certification signed by immediate supervisor or the next higher
supervisors to certify that the applicant is assigned under their
jurisdiction and that his case is service connected or is related in the
performance of his official duty.
2. In case the immediate supervisor failed to act upon the request within
the prescribed period, an affidavit shall be executed attesting the
3. Authenticated copy of the Spot Report, Incident Report, or
Investigation Report
4. Authenticated copy of the information, complaint, charge sheet, and
other legal processes and
5. Authenticated copies of other relevant documents

D. Funding Source

The PNP’s annual appropriation shall be the source of funds in order to grant
legal assistance and indemnity to BAC members and staff, as well as other
personnel who are involved in the procurement process.

In addition to this, proceeds and other funds derived from protest fees and
proceeds from the sale of bidding documents, among others, may also be used
as a funding source for the aforementioned purpose.


1. Actions of C, RLO/NSU, LO/C, LAD, LS. Within 24 hours from the receipt of
application all concerned offices shall evaluate the same and shall determine if the
application is sufficient in form and substance. The application shall be approved and
endorsed to the concerned Board for adjudication.
2. Actions of RD, PRO; D, NSU or Head of Office. Within twenty (24) hours from
receipt of the application, the same shall be approved and endorsed to the NHQ Lab,
through the D, LS/Secretariat, NHQ Lab, for appropriate action.

Aside from other tasks to be directed in relation to the official functions of their duties,
this section enumerates the specific offices concerned as well as their tasks and
1. Head of Procuring Entity a. Approve and endorse the application of claims for legal
assistance and indemnity. b. Oversee the proper implementation of the procurement
process as well as provision of indemnity in accordance with the law.
2. Legal Service
a. Provides for the required legal assistance and representation to the members who
were charged with offenses in relation to the official functions of their office.
b. Provides legal assistance in the preparation of legal instruments.
3. Regional Logistics Division
a. Provision of logistical requirements or support needed as provided for by the law.
4. Regional Comptroller Division.
a. Responsible for processing and settlement of claims.
b. Provision of financial assistance in relation to the litigation
c. Coordinate with the D, LS/Secretariat, NHQ LAB to conduct a study in order to
determine the amount of annual funds needed to provide legal assistance and
indemnification to BAC members and support staff
d. Ensure the inclusion of the determined annual funds in the PNP budget proposal
every budget hearing in Congress.

Any violation of this circular shall be investigated and if warranted by

evidence, appropriate criminal, civil and administrative charges shall be filed against
those who may be responsible thereof.


This Circular shall take effect after fifteen (15) days from the filing of the copy
thereof at the University of the Philippines Law Center in consonance with Sections 3
and 4 of Chapter 2, Book VII of Executive Order 292, otherwise known as “The Revised
Administrative Code of 1987”, as amended.

SLIDE 37- Shown in this slide is Flowchart on the Legal Assistance and Indemnification
for BAC Members and Support Staff

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