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Yildiz Technical University

Department of Marine Engineering

Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

[Determination of Performance Characteristics of Hydraulic Pumps]

130A3058 Cem A. Dansık
120A3034 Ayberk Ardıç
120A3046 Fuat T. Ergin
150A3039 Ömer F. Özdemir
160A1068 Adem Taşkın
150A1082 Oğuzhan Karaca
160A1067 Özkancan Özkan
150A1705 Onur Uluçınar

Dr. Oktay Yılmaz
Dr. Serdar T. İnce
Pump performance characteristics are first analyzed independently of the rest of hydraulic system and
then as a part of the system. Both sets of data are valuable to the designer. Analyzing the pump by itself
gives an indication of its capabilities and performance based on the speed of rotation, internal
geometry, cost factors, etc, whereas analyzing pump performance in system essentially determines
pump system compatibility.
In the first case, the system designer may observe performance curves to see if a specific pump has the
pressure and volume flow rate to operate a given set of actuators. In a second instance, the system
designer may be computing the noise, vibration, cavitation and flow characteristics of a specific pump
before or after installation to determine if the pump and existing system are compatible.
In this experiment we are going to learn how to choose a pump and its working conditions by having
the knowledge of flow rate requirements, operating speeds, pressure ratings, performance analyzes,
reliability factors, building and maintenance costs and the noise factors.

Keywords: Pump performance characteristics, volume flow rate, operating speed, cost

Department of Marine Engineering Department of Naval Architecture and Marine


Cem A. Dansık Adem Taşkın

Ayberk Ardıç Özkancan Özkan

Fuat T. Ergin Onur Uluçınar

Ömer F. Özdemir Oğuzhan Karaca

Team Member Roles and Responsibilities

Member Responsibilities
Cem A. Dansık To do a complete research to prepare the content of The Method of Experiment,
Experiment Procedure, to set the responsibilities of Department of Marine Engineering
Ayberk Ardıç To prepare the aim of the study and literature review, to prepare the content of Abstract,
Introduction, Conclusion, to prepare the report layout, to prepare the draft report layout,
to review the complete report

Fuat T. Ergin To calculate total cost of the experiment setup and the cost of a test, to prepare the content
of Experiment Procedure
Ömer F. Özdemir To put all works done on the experiment report, to prepare the report layout
Adem Taşkın To assume and calculate the required information then draw the pump characteristic curves
according to the outputs, to prepare the content of Calculation and Result, to set the
responsibilities of Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Oğuzhan Karaca To do a complete research to prepare the content of Abstract, Conclusion
Özkancan Özkan To do a market research on choosing required sensors and pump then specify their features
in detail, to prepare the content of Calculation and Result
Onur Uluçınar To draw the 2D and 3D modellings of the experiment setup and the sensor layout, to
prepare the content of Abstract

1. Introduction
A pump is a device used to move gases, liquids or slurries. A pump moves liquids or gases from lower
pressure to higher pressure, and overcomes this difference in pressure by adding energy to the system
(such as a water system). A gas pump is generally called a compressor, except in very low pressure-rise
applications, such as in heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning, where the operative equipment
consists of fans or blowers.
Pumps have very important uses both in daily and industry. When we want a liquid moving, we use
pumps. For example, in our daily lives; cars have pumps in cooling and fuel systems, in our homes daily
used water like bath water is pumped via pumps, in industry; long pipelines pumping oil, in ships for
cooling, oil, fuel and ballast systems have pumps, power plants have pumps to. So, we can see there are
lots of uses for pumps. Basically, we can say if we want a liquid moving, we need a pump.
The machines that transfer the energy received by an external drive motor to the liquid inside are called
The shaft (or piston) of the pump must be driven by a driving machine. To do so, the shaft (or piston)
of the pump must be connected to a machine that supplies itself with energy. This machine can be an
electric or gas engine. A pump station essentially consists of three parts.

1) Pump (a tool that transfers energy to the liquid)

2) Engine (driving force)
3) Fasteners

It is possible to collect the energy provided by the pumps to the liquid in two main groups, depending
on whether it is continuous or intermittent.

1. Positive Displacement Pumps
Its most important type is piston pumps. In this type of pump, the transfer of energy to the liquid occurs
when the liquid is taken into a certain volume (cylinder) and a pressure is applied to the liquid within
this volume by a surface (piston).

2. Dynamic Pumps
The biggest difference of these from other types is that the flow is not intermittent. The transmission of
energy to the liquid is by kinetic energy, that is, energy is transmitted by increasing the speed. The
centrifugal pump used in this experimental setup is a rotodynamic pump.

2.1. Centrifugal Pump

A centrifugal pump is a rotodynamic pump that uses a rotating impeller to increase the velocity of a
fluid. Centrifugal pumps are commonly used to move liquids through a piping system. The fluid enters
the pump impeller along or near to the rotating axis and is accelerated by the impeller, flowing radially
outward into a diffuser or volute chamber, from where it exits into the downstream piping system.
Centrifugal pumps are used for large discharge through smaller heads. Basic element of a centrifugal
pump is shown in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Basic element of a centrifugal pump

A centrifugal pump works by the conversion of the rotational kinetic energy, typically from an electric
motor or turbine, to an increased static fluid pressure. This action is described by Bernoulli's principle.

The rotation of the pump impeller imparts kinetic energy to the fluid as it is drawn in from the impeller
eye (center) and is forced outward through the impeller vanes to the periphery. As the fluid exits the
impeller, the fluid kinetic energy (velocity) is then converted to (static) pressure due to the change in
area the fluid experiences in the volute section. Typically, the volute shape of the pump casing
(increasing in volume), or the diffuser vanes (which serve to slow the fluid, converting to kinetic energy
in to flow work) are responsible for the energy conversion. The energy conversion results in an increased
pressure on the downstream side of the pump, causing flow.
The centrifugal pump is driven by an electric motor, water inlet to the pump is provided by a flow control
valve. The valve at the pump inlet is used to examine the effect of suction losses. For the performance
analysis of pump characteristics, the signals received from the appropriate sensors are analyzed with the
help of the package program.
The main purpose of the experiment is to obtain graphically the head, power and efficiency changes of
a centrifugal pump by recording the characteristics of the pump for different flow rates by means of
sensors. With the inferences we can derive from this experiment, we can optimally select values such as
the speed and output pressure of the pump and electric motor in order to achieve maximum efficiency
in the hydraulic system we will use.
Cavitation is the problems in the pump. It is defined as the phenomenon of formation of vapor bubbles
of a flowing liquid in a region where the pressure of the liquid falls below its vapor pressure. Cavitation
is usually divided into two classes of behavior: inertial (or transient) cavitation and non-inertial
cavitation. Inertial cavitation is the process where a void or bubble in a liquid rapidly collapses,
producing a shock wave. Such cavitation often occurs in pumps, propellers, impellers, and in the
vascular tissues of plants. Non-inertial cavitation is the process in which a bubble in a fluid is forced to
oscillate in size or shape due to some form of energy input, such as an acoustic field. Such cavitation is
often employed in ultrasonic cleaning baths and can also be observed in pumps, propellers etc.
Due to the general complexity of flow through a centrifugal pump, the actual performance of the pump
cannot be predicted on a completely theoretical basis. Actual pump performance is determined
experimentally through test on the pump and the result are presented as pump performance curve.
Performance characteristics for a given pump geometry and operating speed are usually given in the
form of plots of head rise, efficiency and power versus flow rate (commonly referred as capacity). This
information is most helpful to the engineer responsible for incorporating pump into a given pipe flow

Performance Characteristics Theory

Consider the experimental arrangement for determining the head rise (or pressure rise) gained by fluid
flowing through a pump, as show schematically below in Figure 2.

Fig. 2. Experimental arrangement for pump performance characteristics

The pump head rise can be expressed using the energy equation as below

Typically, the differences in elevation and velocities (between inlet and outlet) are also small so that

The power P, gained by the fluid is given by the equation below

The pump overall efficiency η, is the ratio of power actually gained by the fluid to the shaft power
supplied W shaft as given by the equation below

Typical performance characteristic for a centrifugal pump of given size operating at a constant speed is
shown in Figure 3.

Fig. 3. Typical performance characteristics of a centrifugal pump

2. The Method of Experiment

The experimental setup consists of a tank, water circulation piping system and a small-scale centrifugal
pump to analyze the performance of hydraulic pumps. The setup is equipped with electronic sensors to
take measurements on it. The signals received from the sensors are transferred to the computer using an
interface and evaluated with the help of a package program. The main reservoir tank is made with
dimensions of 0.645m x 0.88m x 0.512m, and a drain cock is installed in this tank. There is a volumetric
measuring tank with gauge level and scale on this tank. 3D modelling of the experiment setup with
dimensions is shown in Figure 4.

Fig. 4. 3D modelling of the experimental setup with dimensions

It is necessary to use a stopwatch to measure flow. This system allows measurement in water where
levels are constant, thus increasing the accuracy of flow measurements. Pressure and suction measuring
devices are equipped with a small piping system and tap to make many pressure measurements. The
stator must be properly balanced before the test process begins. The electronic tachometer mounted on
the back plate indicates the pump speed determined by the sensor not in contact with the engine shaft.
If more accurate flow measurements are required then the volumetric measuring tank can be calibrated
and a curve is prepared showing the relationship between volume and scale reading.
The venturimeter is a calibrated device and should therefore be calibrated using a volumetric measuring
tank before being used for direct flow measurement.
It is necessary to use a torque meter to measure torque. With the electric motor we use, it takes place
before the suction pressure gauge in the pipe system. This sensor allows us to measure the torsion in the
motor shaft power.
The 2D drawing of the experiment setup from top view is shown in Figure 5 and its 3D versions from
different sides are shown in Figure 6 and 7. The sensor layout of the experiment is also shown in Figure
8 as a sketch.

Fig. 5. 2D drawing of the experiment setup from top view

Fig. 6. 3D modelling of the experiment setup from side view

Fig. 7. 3D modelling of the experiment setup from rear view

Fig. 8. The sensor layout of the experiment setup with dimensions as a sketch
2.1. Experiment Procedure
Before starting the experiment, care should be taken that the reservoir is filled with water. During filling
the tank, the device must be turned off. The tank drain valve should be closed. The tank should be filled
with clean water below 30 °C. The tank can be filled with a suitable water source or a canister to 10 cm
from the top. Filling apparatus should be removed from the tank after filling. Then, the switch on the
electrical control panel should be turned on and the system should be supplied with electricity.
By starting the pump, the speed adjustment knob on the motor speed control system is brought to a
certain speed and the speed of the pump is read from the pointer on the system and cannot be changed.
The valve that goes to the metering tank at a fixed speed is completely closed and the maximum head
of the pump is obtained. In this case, the flow rate sent is zero. Then the valve is opened slowly and the
water is filled into the measuring tank. The flow sent by the pump can be read from the measuring tank.
Pump inlet and outlet pressures can be read from separate manometers or from a 1m manometer where
the difference between inlet and outlet pressures is read. In addition, the flow rate and velocities passing
through the system can be found by reading the pressure difference between the wide and narrow
sections of the venturimeter from 0.5 m manometers.
Pump flow is controlled by the outlet valve. Whether the valve is in anticlockwise or clockwise direction
ensures the flow to be maximum or zero. When the flow rate is adjusted, its reflection on the computer
screen is provided by the continuous and smooth rotation of the valve. The system needs a few seconds
to detect changes. Therefore, before the sample data is taken, it should be waited for a while for the
valve adjustment and sensor readings.
The inlet pressure is controlled using the inlet valve. This valve is used to examine the effect of upstream
pressure change. Flow rate should always be controlled using the outlet valve. An inlet valve should not
be used for flow control.
The signals received from temperature, pressure and flow sensors are reflected to the package program
through the interface and displayed on the screen as a mimic diagram.
In order to drain the water in the system, both inlet and outlet mains are turned completely open. When
both the system discharge valve and the pump discharge valve are fully open, the water in the system is
drained properly.

2.2. Calculation and Result

Equations, symbols and units that we use in our experiment are given in Table 1.

Equation / Situation Symbols and Meanings Units
P1= Measure by inlet manometer P1: Inlet pressure Bar
P2= Measured by outlet manometer P2: Outlet pressure Bar
Q= Measured by flowmeter Q: Volumetric Flow m3/s or l/min
T= Measured by torquemeter T: torque transferred from motor to pump Nm
V1= Q/Ain V1: Inlet speed m/s
V2=Q/Aout V2: Outlet speed m/s
Ht=Hs+Hv+He Ht: Water head m
Hs=(P2-P1)/pg Hs: Change in pressure energy m
Hv=(V22-V12)/2g Hv: Change in speed energy m
He=Z2-Z1 He: Change in altitude energy m
Ph=HtQpg Ph: Hydraulic Power kW or W
Pm= ωxT Pm: Motor Power Watt
Pm= (P x Q) / 540 P= Pressure bar
E=100x(Ph/Pm) E: Efficiency %
Values Already Known: Ain: Inlet Area m2
Aout: Outlet Area m2
p: Density of the fluids (1000 kg/m3 kg/m3
T: Heat (Standard room temperature: 25 0C 0
Table 1: Equations, Symbols and Units Table
The operating ranges of the sensors in the experimental setup are given in Table 2. In the data outside
the working range of these sensors, erroneous results are obtained. More details about the sensors and
the pump we chose are given below.
Sensor Type Working Range Precision
1 Flow meter (m3/h) 7-25 3%
2 Manometer (bar) 0-10 ±2.5%
3 Torque meter (Nm) 0-1000 1.5±10%mV/V
4 Pump Power (kW) 2.2 -
Table 2: Sensor working range
Sample experiment data suitable for the working ranges of the determined sensors are given in Table 3.
Pump Speed: 2900 rpm- ω =303,7 rad/s
Pump Setting: %100

Table 3: Sample Outputs of the Experiment Setup

Fig. 9. Photo of the plastic tube flowmeter

Working Temperature Range 0ºC-70ºC
Form Troamid
Precision 3%
Working Flow Rate 7 – 25 m3/h
Working Pressure Range 0 – 10 bars
Diameter 2 inch = 5.08 cm
Table 4. Detailed information of the flowmeter we are using

Fig. 10. Photo of the bottom connection dry manometer

Fluid Temperature 60°C (max)
Ambient Temperature -40°C / +60°C
Pressure Range 0 – 10 bar
Maximum Working Pressure It should not exceed 75% of the full-scale value.
Over Pressure Limit ≤40 bar PN x 1.25
Sensitivity Class KL 2.5
Protection Class IP 41
Optimum Measurement Range Between 0.1 x PN and 0.75 x PN
Storage Temperatures -40°C / +70°C
Relevance EN 837 - 1
Mechanical Shock Test Load 15g
Mechanical Vibration Test 10 Hz to 150 Hz -1 octave / min. In 2s / 3 axes
Table 5. Detailed information of the manometer we are using

Fig. 11. Photo of the Strain Gauge Type Shaft Torque Transducer

Table 6. Detailed information of the Strain Gauge Type Shaft Torque Transducer we are using

Fig. 12. Photo of the Single-Phase Centrifugal Pump
kW 2.2 kW
Voltage 220V (single phase)
Maximum Flow 76-100 m3/h
Maximum Head 11-20 mss
Inlet Diameter 4 inch - 100 mm
Outlet Diameter 4 inch - 100 mm
RPM 2900 rpm
Suction Depth 6m
Table 7. Detailed information of the Single-Phase Centrifugal Pump we are using
Pump performance characteristic curve is shown in Figure 13 according to RPM to be approximately
2900 rpm and w to be 303.7 rad/s.

Fig. 13. Pump performance characteristic curve (n=2900 rpm, w=303.7 rad/s)
From the pump performance curve, we can see that the maximum volume flow rate through a pump
occurs when its net head is zero, H=0; this flow rate is called the pump’s free delivery. The free delivery
condition is achieved when there is no flow restriction at the pump inlet or outlet or when there is no
load on the pump. At this operating point, Q is large, but H is zero and the pump’s efficiency is zero
because the pump is doing no useful work. At the other extreme, the shutoff head is the net head that
occurs when the volume flow rate is zero, Q=0, and is achieved when the outlet port of the pump is
blocked off. Under this condition, H is large but Q is zero; the pump’s efficiency is again zero because
the pump is doing no useful work. Between these two extremes, from shutoff to free delivery, the pump’s
net head may increase from its shutoff value somewhat as the flow rate increases, but H must eventually
decrease to zero as the volume flow rate increases to its free delivery value. The pump’s efficiency will
reach its maximum value somewhere between the shutoff condition and the free delivery condition; this
operating point of maximum efficiency is appropriately called the best efficiency point (BEP).
Sample Calculation

For the efficiency, the number of the effectiveness of the experiment data is increasing due to the
increasing value of the speed. In this part, we can see that we may have some error occurred in this
experiment where our overall efficiency is low which is in 20-30% range. We can say the bigger number
of efficiencies, the bigger effectiveness of the operated machine. To get the better efficiency, the rate
of power output and input must be bigger.
Other error that may occur during the experiment is parallax error when taking the data reading of water
height. Also, it happens in pressure gauge for inlet pressure. And when the adjusting the discharge water
pressure, the machine cause other apparatus, such as the discharge pipe is vibrating extremely hard. This
may be due to the material of pipe which it cannot absorb the vibration, and a steel pipe is recommended
in this situation.
There is also an error that cause from the reading that we take while undergo the experiment and to
minimize this error, we can do some action to overcome these problems.

• The apparatus must be check carefully to make sure it is in a good condition before carrying the
experiment because it may affect the results of the experiment.
• The reading at the pump suction and delivery pressure gauges must be read with more carefully to
avoid any error.
• The reading should be taken several times and the average value should be taken to know the average
reading that more accurate.
• The eyes must sharp and perpendicular to the scale of the water level.

2.2.1. Budget Plan

Budget plans with separate information are given in Table 8 – 9.
Single Phase Centrifugal Pump 2.377,11 ₺
Strain Gauge Type Shaft Torque Transducer 7.787,98 ₺
Bottom Connection Dry Manometer (x2) 61,94 ₺
Plastic Tube Flowmeter 1.134,35 ₺
Flow Control Valve 806,24 ₺
Ball Valve 424,95 ₺
Water Tank (Polyethylene Plate 10 mm) 1.265,02 ₺
Pipes (Approx. 3m D=30mm) 75 ₺
Total Cost of The Experiment Setup 13.932,59 ₺
Table 8. Total budget to build the experiment setup
Electrical cost of a test (0,71 ₺ / kWh) 0,49 ₺
Water cost of a test (0,3 m ) 0,1 ₺
Total cost of a test 0,59 ₺
Table 9. Total cost of a test

3. Conclusion
In conclusion; for a centrifugal pump, its efficiency increases as the volumetric flow rate decreases.
Therefore, to create a more efficient pump, slower flow rate is needed. Cavitation can also cause the
efficiency of the pipe to decrease.
From the experiment, the characteristics of this pump which is the efficiency, brake horsepower and the
head can be defined by using a different speed of pump. Thus, the objective of this experiment is
achieved in order to define any centrifugal pump characteristics.
We can also determine all the parameters required. However, it is to be noted that, some of the value of
readings obtained may be inaccurate due to certain errors that occurred during the experiment i.e.,
parallax error and human error. Yet it still leads and produced the expected results accordingly and as

From the nut shell, we can say that we have achieve our objective, which is to obtain performance
characteristics for variable speed centrifugal pump operating in three different impeller speeds. Based
on the graph obtain from the data result, we can see the entire graph are inclined at first then slowly it
started to declined. Based on these three-speed performances, we can see the difference of parameter
calculated to achieving our objective.
By doing this experiment also, all the characteristics of this pump which is efficiency, brake horsepower
and the head can be defined by using a different speed of pump.
We can conclude that the performance characteristics of a centrifugal pump from the theory are a little
bit similar with the result from the experimental value. The different value from the theory is because
of some errors and losses in the system and also a little bit error in reading process.
From the experiment, we know that the principal dependent variables in the pump are the head (h), brake
horsepower (bhp) and the efficiency (). The efficiency depends upon the size of machine and hence,
the capacity handled. The larger the machine, the higher is the efficiency. As the speed of pump
increases, the torque (T) increases, followed by the brake horse power (bhp) and also the volume flow
rate (Q). Since the pump speed increase, the head value of the pump will also increase.
As a conclusion, what we get here is that we know what a centrifugal pump is and how it functioned.
We also learned new knowledge on the performance characteristics which is very useful for us as a
future engineer in order for us to select an appropriate pump for several operations, which depends
largely on the brake horsepower, the efficiency, and also the pump head varies with the capacity or the
flow rate. All these need to be considered in selecting an ideal pump.

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