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cBn zhDng qFn pSi admire
1. 残 障 handicapped 15. 钦佩 to respect somebody
bFn guCn greatly
2. 宾 馆 guesthouse, hotel yLu rBn Qr shPng

liBn suM 16. 油然而 生

3. 连 锁 chain(store); to be linked arising involuntarily, (of emotion)to
shW piDn spring out unbidden
4. 薯 片 potato chips yXn hBn

tKng jF
17. 蕴含 to contain
5. 通 缉 wanted by law-enforcers yF sF bX gMu

dD hCi lAo zhPn

18. 一丝不 苟 meticulous;
6. 大海捞 针 looking for a needle with not even one hair out of place
jiU zhSng
in the haystack
jiAo xiCo
19. 纠正 to make right,
7. 娇 小 petite, dainty, delicate to correct
Ku yuBn
shXn jiAn

8. 瞬 间 in a flash 20. 欧元 Euro (currency)

mN mGng qG miDo

9. 莫 名 其 妙 unfathomable; 21. 嘿 hey

unable to make head or tail of it
22. 疤 Scars; scabs
10. 摊 to spread out; vendor’s mV zi

23. 模子 mold; pattern

mV mL fCng
wQi fC
一模 一样 / 模 仿
11. 违法 against the law
zhU rV cH lSi
24. 诸如此类 things like this;
12. 枚 classifier 一枚硬币
and so on; and the rest; etc
yIng bI
fX fCn
13. 硬币 coins of a currency 25. 复返 to come back;
jiAn kNng
to return
14. 监控 to monitor
tiBo jI

1. 调剂 to adjust, to balance, to make up a medical prescription


2. 粘 to glue, to stick, to paste

chuG xiBn

3. 垂 涎 to drool, to water at the mouth 垂涎三尺 to yearn for

pN bX jG dDi

4. 迫不及待 can’t wait to get on with it; impatient; in a hurry

jiBo jiBo shQ gPn jW juQ
5. 嚼 to chew, 嚼 舌 根 to gossip, 咀嚼 to chew or to think over,
yCo wQn jiBo zI
咬 文 嚼 字 to bite words & chew characters
dF dF gU gU

6. 嘀嘀咕咕 to mumble or grumble continuously with a soft voice

lBo sAo

7. 牢骚 discontent, complaint, to complain 发牢骚

yF piP

8. 一瞥 glance, glimpse 瞥 to shoot a glance, to appear in a flash

lBng tUn hW yDn

9. 狼 吞虎咽 to devour ravenously, to gorge oneself, to wolf down one’s food

bH yG

10. 鄙夷 to despise, to look down upon, despicable

liV tCng

11. 流淌 to flow
tG xFn diDo dCn

12. 提心 吊 胆 to be very scared & on edge

gW dMng

13. 古董 antique
lDo yIn

14. 烙印 to brand or to mark with burning hot iron; a deep impression being left in mind
biAn cS

15. 鞭策 to spur on, to urge on, to encourage somebody to make progress

qG tV

16. 歧途 a fork in a road, wrong road

wX rX qG tV
误入歧途to go astray, to take a wrong step or make a wrong choice in life
qH yS jiA

17. 企业家 entrepreneur 企业 enterprise, firm, company

qFng cG guDn

18. 青瓷 罐 container made of celadon (pottery); 青花瓷 blue & white porcelain

pGn pGn

1. 频频 again & again, repeatedly 频频发生、频频回头


2. 债 debt 还债; 债主(creditor)向张先生追债(urging to pay back the debt)


3. 刑 punishment (inflicted for a crime against law) 刑法; 死刑

cAng sAng

4. 沧 桑 time brings great changes to the world 沧海桑田 transformation of the world
chU yX

5. 出狱 released from prison


6. 绑 bind, tie up
shAn rBn

7. 潸 然 in tears, tearful 想到委屈的地方,她忍不住潸然泪下


8. 嗨 Hey!
xiDng shX

9. 橡 树 Oak tree
yFn qGn

10. 殷勤 eagerly attentive, solicitous

bD xiU

11. 罢休 give up 不肯罢休、绝不罢休

hMu shPng

12. 吼声 sound of roaring

kU kU tG tG

13. 哭哭啼啼 weeping & wailing



1. 爪 claw
hAn tDi
2. 憨 态 a naïve & innocent appearance 憨态可掬 charmingly naive
chD yI

3. 诧异 flabbergasted, astonished
bCo mW

4. 保 姆 nanny, housekeeper, housemaid

tAn huDn

5. 瘫 痪 paralysis, be paralyzed (body, transportation etc) 交通瘫痪

chDn dMu

6. 颤 抖 tremble, shake
bX cG xFn lBo

7. 不辞辛劳 spare no effort, doesn’t mind the hard work

liDng shDi

8. 晾 晒 to dry in the sun

zhNu wQn

9. 皱 纹 wrinkle
zhI qI

10. 稚气 childish, childishness 满脸稚气、稚气的话语

hLng zhMng

11. 红 肿 red & swollen


12. 凑 move close to; press near 把头凑过去偷听、凑热闹、凑钱

mQng lLng

13. 朦胧 dim, obscure, hazy


14. 噔 thump; thud

dNng chuAng

15. 冻 疮 chilblain, cold sore

shMu pD

16. 手帕 handkerchief
dDng yDng

17. 荡漾 to ripple, to undulate, ripple

yV tBng

18. 鱼塘 fish pond


yWn xW

1. 允许 permit, allow
pG bSi

2. 疲惫 tired, worn out

qFng chS

3. 清 澈 clear, limpid
yKng lCn

4. 慵 懒 sluggish, indolent, languid

kuBng fPng

5. 狂 风 gale, squall, fierce howling wind

hKng mGng

6. 轰 鸣 rumbling sound (from machinery), boom (sound of explosion)

dI tCn

7. 地毯 carpet
kU zDo

8. 枯燥 dull & dry, uninteresting

lGng chQn

9. 凌 晨 before dawn 凌:to approach, to insult or mistreat(凌辱,凌虐), surname


10. 袭 attack
zhSng zhNng qG shI

11. 郑 重 其事 in earnest, deal with something with a serious manner

duAn xiBng

12. 端详 to look over carefully, to scrutinize

miDn jiB

13. 面颊 cheeks
chuN qI

14. 啜泣 sob
Do huH

15. 懊悔 to feel remorse, to repent, to regret

zKng yI

16. 综艺 comprehensive arts & entertainment, 综合艺术 multi-media arts

nSi jiX

17. 内疚 guilty conscience, to feel a twinge of guilt,

sense of guilt from doing something that affected someone in a bad way

1. 熬 to cook (meat etc) into thick soup
2. 醇厚 mellow, rich
3. 天渊之别 a world of difference
4. 叮咛 urge again & again, to give instructions carefully & insistently
5. 嫌 dislike, blame, resentment, enmity, criminal suspect (嫌犯)
6. 啰唆 long-winded
7. 妨碍 hinder
8. 胡椒 pepper
9. 分界堤 road divider
10. 徘徊 linger, pacing up and down
11. 喃喃自语 to murmur to oneself
12. 怔怔 stare blankly, be in a daze
13. 失智症 dementia
14. 标示 mark, indicate
15. 穿梭 shuttle back and forth
16. 错愕 stunned, stupefied
17. 灼热 scorching hot

yI lI

1. 毅力 will power
rX qFn

2. 入侵 invade
bX xiW

3. 不朽 immortal (as an adjective)

shuN guM

4. 硕 果 rich fruits; great achievements

huF huBng

5. 辉 煌 distinguished, outstanding (results, accomplishments, victories etc)

gDo jiS

6. 告 诫 to admonish, to warn
huAng fSi

7. 荒 废 to neglect one’s study or work, to abandon cultivated field, to lie waste

qGn nQng bW zhuK

8. 勤 能 补 拙 diligence is the means by which one makes up for one’s dullness

yF fAn fPng shXn

9. 一帆 风 顺 to proceed smoothly without a hitch

jFng jG

10. 荆棘 thorny undergrowth

nG nIng

11. 泥泞 muddy, miry

zhCo zQ

12. 沼泽 swamp, marsh

nI jIng

13. 逆境 adversity, predicament

S yXn

14. 厄运 misfortune, bad luck, adversity

dC kuC

15. 打垮 to defeat; to beat; to strike down

bX qU bX nBo

16. 不屈不 挠 unyielding (in the face of setback and obstacles)

tiCo zhDn

17. 挑战 to challenge (verb), challenge (noun)

zW tI

18. 祖逖 a senior army general in the Jin Dynasty of China

Di dG shPng

19. 爱迪 生 Thomas Alva Edison

hBn yX

20. 韩愈 a writer in the Tang Dynasty of China


21. 锋 sharp, keen 锋利的刀子、先锋 pioneer

mL lI

22. 磨砺 to improve oneself by practice, to sharpen on grindstone

mQi huA

23. 梅花 plum blossom

lGng yBng

24. 羚羊 antelope
fBn zhG

25. 繁殖 to breed off-springs 繁殖后代


huN dB

1. 豁 达 open-minded, optimistic, magnanimous, generous

jW sDng

2. 沮 丧 dejected, depressed
chQn nI

3. 沉 溺 indulge, wallow
qGng xX

4. 情 绪 moods, state of mind

bL ruN

5. 薄弱 weak, frail
tUn shI

6. 吞噬 to engulf, to swallow, to gobble up

pI rV

7. 譬如 for example
yF juQ bX zhSn

8. 一蹶不 振 unable to recover after going through a minor setback

shW guAng

9. 曙 光 first light of the day (can symbolize hope)

jiAn chG bX xiS

10. 坚持不懈 unremitting, not giving up, to hang on

tuK yHng Qr chU

11. 脱 颖 而出 to rise above others, to distinguish oneself, to reveal one’s talent

qI gDi

12. 气概 loffy quality, spirit

zhuL zhX

13. 卓著 outstanding, eminent, brilliant

jF rNu wRi suK zhSng

14. 肌肉萎缩 症 muscular dystrophy

cBn Do huI

15. 残奥会 Paralympic games

lW xXn

16. 鲁迅 a famous Chinese writer & thinker


yFn sX

1. 因素 element, factor
guDn chS shH zhKng
guDn chS
2. 贯 彻始 终 to carry through to the end 贯 彻 : to put into practice, to carry out
rS chQn

3. 热 忱 zeal, enthusiasm, ardour, enthusiastic

fU yCn sS zQ

4. 敷衍塞责 to skimp on the job, to work half-heartedly, not to take the job seriously
fU yCn
敷衍: to do something half-heartedly or just for show
bD xiU

5. 罢休 to let something go, forget it, let the matter drop, to abandon (a goal etc), to give up
zhNu yS

6. 昼 夜 day and night, period of 24 hours, continuously, without stop

bI duAn

7. 弊 端 malpractice, abuse, corrupt practice

cCo nH

8. 草拟 first draft, to draw up (a first version)

rLng rW

9. 荣 辱 honor and disgrace, reputation

gNng xiDn

10. 贡献 to contribute, to dedicate, to devote, contribution

Q guL

11. 俄国 Russia
tuK Rr sF tDi

12. 托尔斯泰 Tolstoy – a famous Russian novelist, famous works included

“War & Peace”.
Rr sF tDi

尔 thus, so, you / 斯 this / 泰 safe, peaceful, most, grand (国泰民安)

zhAn tiAn yNu

13. 詹 天佑 a pioneer Chinese railroad engineer & expert

佑 :to assist, to protect (保佑)

14. 罔 to deceive, there is none (e.g. 罔顾 – don’t care about)


15. 殆 dangerous, perilous, to endanger; almost, probably, only

shG jiDn

16. 实践 to practice, to fulfil, to carry out in action


bW rW dNng wX

1. 哺乳 动 物 mammal
fX gDi

2. 覆盖 to cover
lX dI

3. 陆地 dry land (as opposed to the sea)

dH yX

4. 抵御 to resist; to withstand
shuAi tuI
jFng jI shuAi tuI shI lI shuAi tuI
5. 衰 退 to decline; to fall; a decline; recession 例子:经 济 衰 退、视 力 衰 退
jiCo jiCo zhR

6. 佼佼 者 well-known figure; excellent (person, company etc)

chuN hDo

7. 绰 号 nickname
chuAn suK

8. 穿 梭 to travel back & forth; to shuttle

wSi jX

9. 畏惧 to fear; to dread; foreboding

xiAo yBo

10. 逍遥 free and unfettered; leisurely

fBn zhG

11. 繁殖 to breed; to reproduce; to propagate


12. 胎 foetus; embryo; litter; tire

qF xF dI

13. 栖息地 habitat

bW liS

14. 捕猎 hunting
wPi xiQ

15. 威胁 to threaten; to menace

bFn lGn

16. 濒临 on the verge of (bad outcome); close to (bad outcome or ending)

xiAng jiDn

17. 相间 to alternate; to follow one another (和“房间”的间读音不同)

间 =gap; to separate; to thin out (seedlings); to sow discontent
zhV sWn

18. 竹笋 bamboo shoot

kRn tS gCng

19. 肯特 岗 Kent Ridge (a place in Singapore)

shAn jH

20. 山脊 mountain ridge; ridge

lCn chP

21. 缆车 cable car 缆=cable; hawser; to moor

wU mHn dCo

第十一课:乌 敏 岛
gKng qHng

1. 公 顷 hectare
pQng bL

2. 蓬 勃 vigorous; flourishing; full of vitality

kuDng kPng

3. 矿 坑 mine; mine shaft. 矿 = ore; mine. 坑 = hole; pit; tunnel; to defraud

bI l`

4. 碧绿 dark green
xiAng qiDn

5. 镶 嵌 to inlay; to embed; to set (a precious stone in a ring). 镶 = to inlay; border (镶边).

shAn hV

6. 珊 瑚 coral
luM lX

7. 裸露 uncovered; exposed
hCn jiDn

8. 罕 见 rare; seldom seen

zhX zV

9. 驻足 halt; to stop walking

chLu shQn

10. 酬神 to offer thanks to the gods. 酬 = to reward; to repay; to entertain

luL gW xuAn tiAn

11. 锣鼓 喧 天 a deafening sound of gongs and drums

wDng shSng

12. 旺 盛 vigorous; exuberant. 例:精力旺盛

hQ mX

13. 和睦 live together in peace; get along harmoniously; peaceful relations

jiDn zhSng

14. 见证 witness; to be witness to; evidence

suI dDo

15. 隧道 tunnel
fV lCo xiQ yNu

16. 扶老携幼 bringing along the old and the young. 携 = to take along; to carry.
携手 to hold (hands)
xuAn xiAo

17. 喧嚣 to make noise; to clamour. 嚣 = clamour. 嚣张 = arrogant; aggressive

qFng lDi

18. 青睐 to favour; to think highly of

huA gAng shG

19. 花岗石 granite

zS zhCo wA

20. 仄爪哇 Chek Jawa in Pulau Ubin

hCi kuG

21. 海葵 Sea anemone. 向日葵 = Sunflower

fX shI

第十二课:富士山(Mount Fuji)
pPn fA

1. 喷 发 to erupt; an eruption
shAn bPng

2. 山 崩 landslide; landslip
mRi bV shSng shKu

3. 美不 胜 收 nothing more beautiful can be imagined

zhDn fDng

4. 绽 放 to blossom
xuDn lI

5. 绚 丽 gorgeous; magnificent
Dng rBn

6. 盎 然 abundant; full; overflowing 用法 = 趣味盎然 fun-filled、生机盎然 full of life

yXn wSi

7. 韵味 implicit charm in rhyme or sound; hinted appeal or attraction; interest

别有韵味=to have quite a lasting charm
guCng kuN

8. 广 阔 wide & vast

yBn shG

9. 岩石 rock
zhG jIng

10. 直径 diameter 其他 = footpath 小径; directly 径直

cG tiR

11. 磁铁 magnet 其他 = 磁性 magnetic, magnetism; 磁场 magnetic field

pAn dPng

12. 攀登 to climb; to pull oneself up; to forge ahead in the face of hardship & danger
shX lI

13. 竖立 to set upright; to stand } 竖立 } to erect a

shG bPi

14. 石碑 stone tablet } 石碑 } stone tablet

lVn kuN

15. 轮廓 an outline; silhouette

Bng shMu

16. 昂首 head held high; to raise one’s head; in high spirits

bRn zhKu dCo

17. 本州岛 Honshū Island, main island in Japan; the 7th largest island in the world
yFng huA

18. 樱花 Sakura, cherry blossom


hP hX

1. 呵护 to bless; to cherish; to take good care of

sX mSi pGng shPng

2. 素昧 平 生 have never met before

mDo mSi
其他: 冒 昧 presumptuous, to take liberty of, bold
kuI zSng kuI
3. 馈 赠 present (a gift) 其他:反馈 to send back info, feedback
fDn fU zMu zV

4. 贩夫走卒 peddlers & carriers; common people

zhF Pn tV bDo

5. 知恩图 报 be grateful to the persons whom have

helped us out, and actively seek ways to
repay them
An wRn

6. 安 稳 smooth & steady

zhRn xG

7. 枕 席 pillow mat; pillow & mat; bed 其他:枕头/抱枕

yuBn sX chF sX
8. 元 素 elements; chemical elements 其他:吃素
fCn huG

9. 返回 to return to
zhQ rQn zhQ xuQ
10. 哲人 wise man; sage 其他:哲 学 philosophy
fB wSi

11. 乏味 tedious; dull; insipid

yKu yX fX yX
12. 优裕 affluent; abundant; 其他:富裕
not lacking in financial means
fV zDo jG zDo fBn zDo
13. 浮躁 impetuous 其他:急 躁 、烦 躁
kCn kR

14. 坎坷 to be full of frustrations & dashed

hopes; bumpy (of a road); rough (of life)

15. 迸发 to burst forth; to burst out

zhCn xFn

16. 崭新 completely new; brand new

mDo rBn

17. 贸然 rashly; hastily; without careful

mDo yI
consideration 其他: 贸 易 business trading
Dn jiDn

18. 按键 keys of computer, typewriter etc

jiDn pBn
其他:键 盘 keyboard
pW shG

19. 朴实 plain; simple; down to earth;

sincere and honest
qiS Qr bX shR

20. 锲而不舍 to chip away at a task and not

abandon it.
nGng jX lI

21. 凝 聚力 in cohesion; cohesiveness


22. 镭 radium (a radioactive element)

bK lBn lBn hV jF
23. 波兰 Poland 其他:兰花(胡姬花)orchid
huN jFn

24. 霍金 Stephen William Hawking

zI bPi

25. 自卑 feeling inferior; self-abased

chG zhF yH hQng

26. 持之以 恒 to pursue unremittingly;

to persevere in all circumstances
其他:有 恒 心 with perseverance

zhCng bSi

1. 长 辈 one’s elders; older generation

tG chDng

2. 提 倡 to advocate; to promote
(lifestyle/course of action)
zQ wV pBng dDi

3. 责无 旁 贷 to be duty bound; to be one’s

unshrinkable responsibility
dDi kuCn
其他:贷 款 a loan, to get a loan
yuBn shMu

4. 援 手 help; aid; helping hand

shDn yCng

5. 赡 养 to provide support for; to provide for

parents financially; to maintain
mHn miS

6. 泯 灭 die out; disappear; obliterate 例=泯灭人性

chF dAi chF mG
7. 痴呆 dementia 其他:痴迷 infatuated; obsessed
l_ jiDn bX xiAn l_ cI
8. 屡见不 鲜 a common occurrence 其他:屡次 repeatedly
bX l_ l_ xGng
9. 步履 walk; gait 其他:履 行 to carry out a task
pBn shAn

10. 蹒跚 to walk unsteadily; to stagger

xGng jIng

11. 行径 conduct; behaviour

qF liBng qF cCn
12. 凄凉 desolate 其他:凄 惨 miserable; mournful
pBng dD

13. 庞大 huge; tremendous

其他: 庞 然大物 huge like monster
bHng chG

14. 秉持 adhere to (principle); to uphold;

to hold fast to
mX biAo

15. 目标 goal; aim; target

biAo zhWn
其他: 标 准 standard; norm; criterion
jG shMu

16. 棘手 thorny (problem); intractable

chG zhF yH hQng

17. 持之以 恒 to pursue unremittingly;

to persevere in all circumstances
其他:有 恒 心 with perseverance
lCo wV lCo yH jG rQn zhF lCo

18. 老吾老以及人之老 to honour old people in the

same way as we honour our own aged parents
mSng zH

19. 孟子 Mencius, a thinker, educationist,

and philosopher in ancient China
bBi tLu wPng wPng
20. 白头 翁 elderly man 其他: 翁 father; old man

kR wDng

1. 渴 望 to long for, to thirst for

kP kS

2. 苛刻 harsh, pitiless, critically demanding

yuDn tiAn yLu rQn

3. 怨 天 尤人 to blame the “gods” and accuse others

(but never do self-reflection)
shSng xiBn

4. 圣 贤 wise & holy man, virtuous ruler

贤—worthy or virtuous person, virtues
zhQ lH

5. 哲理 philosophic theory, philosophy

fSng xGng

6. 奉 行 to pursue (a course, a policy)

rLng qiD

7. 融 洽 harmonious, friendly relations,

on good terms with one another, get alone well
chKng jHng

8. 憧 憬 to long for, to look forward to, longing,

vision for future

xF jiDn

1. 溪涧 stream, mountain gorge


2. 缕 strand, thread, classifier for wisps (of smoke,


mist or vapour)一缕烟, locks (of hair)一缕头发

juAn juAn

3. 涓 涓 a trickle, tiny stream, to flow sluggishly

juAn juAn xF

涓 涓 溪水
gAng yX gAng yV gAng

4. 缸 jar, vat bathtub 浴 缸 fish-tank鱼 缸

yCo wCn tAng
5. 舀 to scoop up, to ladle out 舀 了一 碗 汤
yBn sX

6. 严肃 solemn, grave, serious, earnest, severe

zF yCng

7. 滋 养 to nourish
Dn rBn

8. 黯然 - dim (in comparison to something brighter,

or a better performance),
- dim & sad (facial expression)
chBn rCo

9. 缠 绕 twisting, to twine, to wind, to pester

chLu chDng

10. 惆 怅 melancholy, depression,

a sense of loss
bB shS

11. 跋涉 to trek, to trudge

kW sS

12. 苦涩 bitter & astringent, pained, agonized

tDn wDng

13. 探望 to visit, to call on somebody


14. 盏 classifier for lamps, a small cup

chQn fPng

15. 尘封 covered in dust, dusty,

lying unused for a long time
qiBo jU

16. 侨居 to live far away from one’s native place,

to reside in a foreign country
qFn qi

17. 亲戚 relatives
qH qH gCn

18. 岂 how? 岂 敢 how dare: 我岂敢不听爷爷的吩咐。

qH nQng

岂 能 how can: 我岂能对不起我的救命恩人?


岂不是 isn’t it: 我岂不是被骗了吗?

gAn mRi

19. 甘美 sweet & refreshing

hBng zhKu

20. 杭 州 (没有氵) Hangzhou in southeast China,

well known for beautiful scenery
Ku zhKu

21. 欧 洲 (有氵) Europe

tQng wDn

22. 藤蔓 vine
S zhI

23. 扼制 to control, to restrain

yP zi

24. 椰子 coconut
yX lBng fPi qGn gKng yuBn

25. (裕 廊 )飞禽 公 园 (Jurong) Bird Park

qGng huBi

中三快捷华文:单元六《家国 情 怀 (moods, feeling)》

qGng jiP

第十七课:榴梿 情 结(psychological complex)

qiAn lH tiBo tiBo

1. 千 里迢 迢 over a great distance, from distant parts

liV liBn

2. 榴梿 durian
jiR chBn

3. 解 馋 to satisfy a craving for (good) food to eat to one’s content


xiAn qH

4. 掀 起 to raise in height, to lift, to begin,

to set off (a campaign)
yIng bAng bAng

5. 硬 邦 邦 very hard and stiff 硬邦邦的果肉不好吃


6. 瓣 a quantifier for fruit, corn, petal etc


花瓣 petal 一瓣橘肉 a piece of orange

Qr xG

7. 儿媳 son’s wife, daughter-in-law

jiX qHn qHn shI

8. 就寝 to go to bed 寝室:bedroom
bD qI

9. 霸气 arrogant aggressive domineering and forceful

霸位:to "chop" seats (use mostly in Singapore)
fDng sI

10. 放肆 unbridled, impudent, presumptuous

chS lG

11. 撤离 to be evacuated, to withdraw from

mRng dMng

12. 懵 懂 muddled, ignorant, confused

rRn rCn

13. 荏苒 (of time) elapse quickly,

pass imperceptibly in the course of time
mN rBn

14. 蓦然 suddenly
zB chQn

15. 杂 陈 disorganized display

五味杂陈:mixed feelings, complex feelings
xF xU

16. 唏嘘 to sigh, to sob

不胜唏嘘:Could do/say nothing but sigh, could not express one's
grief in words, one's sadness is beyond description, be
overpowered by unspeakable anguish or sorrow.
guM tiBo

17. 粿条 kway teow, flat rice noodle

qiAo rBn

18. 悄然 quietly

19. 落 fall, drop [SEE IMPT NOTE NEXT PAGE]

hLng wRi

20. 宏伟 magnificent, grand, imposing

chQng bCo

21. 城堡 castle

落 luò
xF shU
景象”;c.稀 疏 ,如“枪声落落”)。

-脱落。落叶。落泪。落潮。落英。落日。落体。落座。 陨 落。
shuAi lVn bL
-衰败:没(mì)落。破落。 衰 落。沦 落。流落。落泊 (a.潦倒失意;b.豪迈,不拘束,
均亦作“落魄 ”)。
-停留,留下:落户。落荒。落笔。落 款 。
-归 属 ,得到某种结果:落得。落空。
- 陷 入不利境地:落网。落难(nàn )。
xF shU
-稀少: 疏 落。稀稀落落。
huN gMu guC
-〔落落〕a. 豁 达,大方,如“落落大方”;b.孤独,不 苟 合,如“落落 寡 合。”

落 là 【动】
-丢了,漏掉〖be missing〗。如:丢三落四;这里落了两个字
-忘了拿,没注意取〖forget to bring sth.; leave sth.〗。如:我忙着出来,把票落在家里了
-落后〖lag behind〗。如:落下很远;落在后面

落 lào 【动】
lDo kDng
-倒,倒下〖fall〗。如:落 炕 (方言。病得不能起床)

guF xFn sI jiDn

1. 归心似箭 impatient to go back to home/homeland

juDn liDn

2. 眷 恋 be sentimentally attached to a person or a

place, to miss, to long for, to remember
with longing, yearning
gKng yX

3. 公 寓 apartment, condominium
qiDn quP

4. 欠 缺 lapse, deficiency

5. 腻 ① be bored with, be tired of 吃腻了

② greasy, oily 油腻
③ intimate 整天腻在一起
Mu Rr

6. 偶尔 occasionally, once in a while

fX jG

7. 负笈 to study abroad, leave home to study

(literal meaning: to carry one’s trunk of books)
yVn yVn zhNng shPng

8. 芸 芸 众 生 the mass of common people

shPng yB

9. 生 涯 ① career, profession (律师生涯、教书生涯、从军生涯)

② life (way in which somebody lives)
③ period of one’s life (求学生涯)
tiAn lVn

10. 天伦 the natural bonds and ethical

relationships between members of a family
qiS yI

11. 惬意 be pleased, be satisfied, contented

diDn niDn

12. 惦念 keep thinking about somebody or

something on one’s mind
xH yuS

13. 喜悦 happiness, joy

chU chAi

14. 出差 be on a business trip,

go to another place on official business
liCo wV qiAn guD

15. 了无 牵 挂 free of worries


了= to understand, to finish
Do dD lI yD Do zhKu

16. 澳大利亚(澳 洲 ) Australia

diDo lBn

17. 吊兰 Chlorophytum comosum, bracketplant

chuG wDn

18. 垂蔓 tendrilled vine


19. 扒 to hold on to, to cling to, to dig up,

to rake, to push aside, to climb,
to pull out, to strip off
pB pB

扒 = to steal 扒手 = pickpocket
chV er

20. 雏儿 newly hatched bird, inexperienced person

zhuL huI

21. 啄 to peck with beak(喙)

rLng mBo

22. 绒毛 fur, fine hair, down (soft fur)

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