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Sample Essential Culminating Activity (community service action Possible Target

Questions (idea that resulting from the research) Audience
drives the research)
How can a career in ____ Do hands-on work serving an internship in a career or on a job site to Middle school, high
benefit our community? experience what it feels like to work in that career and share your school freshmen or
experience in an organized event to teach others what you learned. sophomores
How can I address an Explore issues or problems in the school or the community. Volunteer High school, middle
important issue in our with an existing community organization or start a new club or school students
school or community and organization to address this issue or problem. If you volunteer at an
improve the situation? existing organization, create a new approach for the organization to
expand and enhance the organization's role in our community.
How can teaching life skills Learn/improve your own life skills. Teach others banking, money Business classes, high
benefit students? management, parenting, job searching, college searching. Help plan school students
and organize a career/college fair or an event you create to teach what
you have learned.
How can learning strategies Discover learning strategies and student needs. Run a tutoring program Struggling underclassmen,
help struggling students? for reading, math, and study skills. Start a study group. Help people elementary students
with improving writing. Volunteer to work in one of our local schools
and learn how to teach.
How can studying the Study elements of books. Read the great poets and then write a book of Freshmen
elements of books enhance poetry where each poem models the different styles you read. Start a
the understanding and book club to enhance understanding and enjoyment of reading books.
enjoyment of books? Generate book reviews for school website, create read posters.
How can the study of Research positive behaviors and alternative programs. Find out about Students with challenges
behaviors help students and liability issues. Create an alternative to violence center, start a buddy
their parents? system, adopt a freshman, create a big brother/big sister type program.
Do peer tutoring with a special education student that is having
troubles in school.
How can participation in the Research one of the arts. Study how to paint using water colors, Fine arts students
arts improve student throwing ceramic pots, printmaking techniques, etc.. Learn how to
learning? Why is it create sculpture. Study throwing ceramic pots, glazing techniques.
important to support the Put on a public exhibition of you work. Paint the same portrait in three
arts? different styles. Research the psychology of art by interviewing
working artists in our community. Organize a poetry, fine arts,
reading, or speech festival; put on a play; put on an art exhibition.
Invite guest speakers.
How can this community Research community needs. Get involved in a community event. Join Interested participants
need be improved or the planning committee. Examples: Humane Society, Earth Day, Keiki from the community
addressed to better the Farm, etc.. Start your own: Lokahi, Toys for Tots, Locks of Love,
Hawaii island environment? Learning Center, Job Search.
How can I reduce or Study a social issue—prejudice, tolerance, meth use, teen jealousy, Affected group: minority,
eradicate a social issue? etc.. Create activity to teach awareness to another group. disenfranchised, etc.
How can the study of this Study a historical area of our island. Develop a lesson or unit to be Social studies classes
part of the island enhance used in social studies classroom and teach it.
student learning?
How can the study of food Study national food policy. Study food prep, nutrition, and budgets. Obese students, senior
benefit this target audience? Prepare food for seniors, school, younger children, and special events. citizens
How can attention to this Adopt a local trail. Clear it regularly. Make a booklet with drawings or Environmental group,
local trail benefit our photos. Lead a walk. MEPO
How can preserving this Study local history about fishing, hunting, agriculture, etc. Interview Local fishermen, hunters,
knowledge benefit the locals. Create a video for school library or public library and have a farmers
people of our community? public showing.
How can this issue be Study an issue such as suicide, depression, body image, anxiety, peer Students in psychology
addressed to best help this relation, etc., to prepare a brochure/poster/PSA/video for teenagers;
target audience? disseminate to the community.
How can pedestrian/ Survey road shoulder use for walking/biking/ skateboarding. Study Walkers, runners, joggers,
bicyclist/skateboarding usage and accidents, present results to appropriate authorities. bicyclists, skateboarders
accidents be prevented? Generate a public drive to build a skateboard park.
How can the development Study shoreline development. Work with planning commission, land PASHA, shoreline
of the shoreline affect our trusts, zoning boards. Prepare zoning/planning ideas. residents
How can the changing fish Study historical populations and catches or fish/shellfish. Analyze Fishermen,
populations affect the trends in catch and profits. Submit to local business/industry. Start or businessmen,
economy and lifestyle of help run your own business. entrepreneurs
our community?
How can learning to use the Study computer programming while learning how to teach/tutor Elementary students,
computer benefit young younger students. middle school, youth
students? groups
How can sports improve Start or help run an after school/evening sports program for younger Little League, youth
students’ well being? children; learn nutrition, physical training, coaching. teams, junior varsity
How can awareness of this Study a disease/health problem (Alzheimer’s, eating disorder, ADHD, Parents, youngsters
health issue prevent or etc.) Write an article or brochure; share at community event.
decrease the problem?
How can the study of my Study the techniques of genealogy. Do a genealogical study of your Family members, reunion
family history contribute to family, restore/maintain a cemetery; create plot map; share results and groups, church groups
the betterment of our process.
How can increased Research school events or issues. Organize events, get involved in Student government,
participation in school public relations, do a newspaper column, plan informative assemblies, grade level classes, clubs
events or issues improve do leadership training (these can not be part of the leadership or peer
our school climate? education classes, but must be clearly a separate event). Create a
handbook for future groups.
How can students benefit Write and illustrate children’s book about a serious topic: peer Elementary students
from reading about this pressure, divorce, littering, etc.; participate in a read-aloud. Research
serious topic? how you would go about publishing marketing and selling your book.
How can our community Assist senior citizen physical training at the Regency or some other Elder groups
benefit from students group setting. Learn how to deal with aging. Study national health
interacting with senior policy and participate in an AARP teach-in at Outdoor Circle.
citizens and the elderly?
How can pollution be Study coastal pollution and it's effects on water and life. Write a Coastal residents,
reduced to benefit parts of scientific paper assembling your data and have it published online. Do neighborhoods
our community? a cleanup. Organize a regular clean up schedule.
How can the study of bird Study local birds, migration, feeding habits. Make and install bird Environmentalists,
behaviors affect our feeders. conservationists
community positively?
How can aquaculture Design an aquaculture project in partnership with an interested local Businessmen,
projects impact our business. entrepreneurs
community’s economy
How can this political issue Research a political issue that interests you. Inform the community. Community action group
affect our community?
How can landscapes and Do landscape/garden design for business/domestic use. Study botanical Businesses, neighborhood
gardens benefit businesses factors. Design a unique landscape environment with plant collections
or homes on our and a theme somewhere on the school campus and build it.
How can our musical Write a CD of original ukelele music, record it and then organize a Music lovers
heritage be enhanced and public performance to share your work
passed on?
How have we lost Build a Taiko drum with a drum maker. Organize an assembly in the Elementary and middle
traditional skills as our local elementary or middle school to teach younger students what you schoolers
society has become more have done
modern? Why is it
important to preserve this
How can we replace our gas Research alternatives to our present cars and rebuild an engine so that High school students
driven cars with more it is more efficient
environmentally friendly
and sustainable
How can we enhance our Research and build working scale models of wind generators Local engineers
use of sustainable energy in
our community?
How can issues around the Bring global issues closer to home: collect/recycle books, clothing for LEO, student government,
world affect our developing countries or less fortunate groups, collect school supplies clubs
community? for underprivileged, help the Food Bank. Create an Invisible Children
campaign to advertise the plight of the less fortunate.
How can issues of ocean Do a study of the environmental impact of septic runoff from the land Whole community
water quality affect our into the sea and present the paper/talk/PowerPoint about your work at a
lives on land? ReefTalk workshop
How can we learn how to Learn how to garden by researching varieties to plant, interviewing Hawaii Island Food Bank,
grow our own food/ successful gardeners in the community and then planting your own. Outdoor Circle, your
flowers? Grow food for the Hawaii Island Food Bank. neighbors
How can we create a Study the old Hawaiian ways of growing in the ahupu'a'a. Learn about Amy Greenwell
sustainable life style living the plants that were used, how to cultivate them and volunteer at Amy Ethnobotanical Park
on the land? Greenwell.
How can we learn from the Write a hunting or fishing guide. Interview well-known hunters and Hunters, fishermen
ways of our neighbors about fishermen in the community and create a guide for others to use.
how to provide food for our
How can we help create Write a business plan for a business you want to create (open Workforce development
jobs in our community? restaurant, surfboard factory, coffee shop)
How can we use the online Create and program a computer game that teaches a unique subject (i.e. Students of all ages
world to teach real world the Spanish American War, running a hot dog kiosk, a program that
skills? converts simple mouse motions into computer commands, simulation
modeling in the stock market, etc,
How can we help change Create and model a physical fitness program and recruit members of Members of the
people's life styles so that the community to participate. community
they can include more
physical activities ?
How can we offer a more Work with Na Leo O Hawaii. Learn the use of televsion equipment Na Leo O Hawaii
educational expereince to and studios after training and becoming certified. To become certified,
children who watch you demonstrate competence in use of equipment by making two
television? Public Service Announcements.
Why does society place Learn how to do magic tricks and put on a magic show at a local Local elementary school
such value on elementary school as part of a fund raising benefit event
Is it important to learn from Organize a series of lunch time events in the KHS library that bring the Elders of the community,
the elderly in the elders of our community to school to talk about their lives. Interview the whole school
community them and record their stories.
How does our population of Do a comparative study of state laws that might be used to address the Homeless members of the
homeless people affect our issue in our community. Put on a concert to raise money to help our community
community? homeless population
How can we help our aging Create a program of activities for our retirement community and Senior citizens
population transition into volunteer to introduce it to the seniors in our community
changing but still
productive lives?
How can we make our lives Invent a product that we can use to enhance our lives. Write a The whole community
more meaningful and marketing plan to make the product available to the community
How can environmental Hiking various trails through the 7 climatic zones on Big Island, School science students
policy reflect the broad gathering evidence of different biomes and generating compare and
diversity in ecological contrast data sets to present in the classroom
How can we preserve Weave a number of hammocks that demonstrate different weaving The whole community,
traditional weaving styles? styles elders
How does modern society Invent and build a prototype technological device Business community
address its needs by the
adoption of new
How can the community Write a natural foods cookbook The whole commuity
address local health issues
by adopting a more
nutritious approach to

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