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Submitted by:
Paul Herson P. Rosanes
STEM 12-2

Submitted to:
Ms. Grace Nova
Subject Teacher
A Kid in the Candy Store

The kid in the candy store is having a hard time in choosing what to buy. Everything in

that store are his favorites. But the boy’s father ran out of patience so they walked out from the

store empty handed. Among the characters in the story, for me, no one is right. The boy cannot

make up his mind, and cannot make decisions in a limited time. While the father seems to be an

impatient one.

Most of the time, when it comes to making a decision, we are like a kid, and the world is

that candy store. The kid sees all his favorites lined up and be amazed. “What should I choose?”

It’s always confusing what to choose or not choose, wait or not wait, grab the first candy in the

shop or wait to see every option. Finally, the kid ended up picking a bar of chocolate she always

used to have and left not so satisfied. Yes, we all have quite a bit of a dilemma when it comes to

making a decision. We are bound in between the time, the best we need, and the most perfect one

to choose.

As the quote says “Sometimes we worry about making the wrong choice. What if we regret the

direction that we take and it’s too late to go back? The bigger danger is that we make no decision

at all and end up going nowhere and doing nothing.”

Let’s take this as an example, when getting a simple gift for our loved one. What is our

primary objective in getting the gift? To make them happy and let them find what we give as

meaningful and useful. Our second-best objective would be to get the gift on time for the special

occasion. Then comes another important factor as cost. We definitely want it to be less costly but
as worthy as possible. This is how every decision in our life will depend. Setting objectives on

priority, time, and money. We will have a certain set of steps and accordingly, we go through the

process of it.

Decision making is taking the best shot according to the situation and the available

resources. When we are clear on the objective and the resources available to us, we tend to

always wait, analyze, and choose the best. Every day we will have to face at least one scenario

wherein we need to make a choice, a decision. When we say prioritize then the next action we

need is the plan. We would need the extra effort of planning and prioritizing how to decide and

how to move ahead. Planning helps us prioritize and do work effectively. Thus, planning and

prioritization is the best way for effective decision making and not be “The Kid in the Candy


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