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History – SPE – Companies

According to Reuters, name one of the three Oil Majors who invests in Nuclear usion Startup

Chevron, ENI, Equinor

Standards Oil of New Jersey was dominated by a man known as “The Boss”. What was his name?

Walter Teagle

In what year did the engineer George Reyolds discover oil in Venezuela?


What does the organization P E R F stand for?

Petroleum Environmental Research Forum

The jacket of which platform was removed by Heerema’s Sleopnir crane vessel in 2020e, which set the
record of the largest single lift jaclet removal?


Which international oilfield service company recently contributed their North American onshore hydraulyc
fracturing business to a US oilfield service company for an eqity interest in that company?


The trustless of which foundation established the Ramon Magasay award to honor the memory of the
former Filippine president?

Rockfeller Brothers Fund

Name one of the three companies which has agreed to develop a strategic partnershio to deliver digital
twin technology for the upstream oil and gas markets

Doris Group, Schneider Electric, AVEVA

Which geologic time period went from 250 to 290 million years ago?


How many times has the university of Oklaoma won the Petrobowl championship?

Who is the pioneer in the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the exploration and
production industry?

Shahab D. Mohaghegh

According to the prize (1991), who said “the present war has revolutioned all military theories about the
field of fire” during World War I?

Winston Churchill

In 1912, one man owned 30% of the Turkish National bank, which made him 15% owner of the Turkish
Petroleum Company. Where was this millionaire from?


Name one key indicator companies look for when evaluating the economic viability of any project

Rate of Return (ROR), Rate on Investment (ROI), NPV

What is the process by which businesses use statistical methods and technologies for analysing historical
data in order to gai new insight and imorive strategic decision-making?

Business Analysis

What is the name pf the S P E’s flagship sustainability initiative?

The SPE gala sustainability programm

In which year did OPEC (O P E C ) make its first reduction in oil production as an attempt to support higher
oil prices?


It was said that this man, the greatest wildcatter of the ninetineeth centuty, could smell oil due to his
amazing hability to find it. What was his name?

John Galey

Which company practiced the “life is a fragile, handle with care” program at its labs and production plants
in the decade of 2970s?

Dow Chemical Co.

In which year was Arabian American Oil Companu (ARAMCO) formed?


Q: Who is the current CEO and Executive Vice President of SPE?

A: Mark A. Rubin

Q: In the context of oil and gas organization, what does COPAS stand for?
A: Council of petroleum accounting and shipping

Q: In July 2020, which company became the first one of Australia to submit a referral document to Western
Australia’s Environmental Protection Agency to drill and fracture six wells on its acreage since the……….
A: Black Mountain Metals

Q: Which company did Chevron acquire in 2020?

A: Noble Energy Inc.

Q: Who is the SPE international assistant director on strategic initiatives, who was a presenter of many SPE
Live Talks in 2020?
A: Dr. Nills Kaageson-Loe

Q: In which year was OPEC founded?

A: 1960

Q: In July 2020, how many Offshore Nigerian crew members were kidnapped from a floating production,
storage, and offloading vessel (F P S O) in an armed pirate attack, which later in August 2020 had been
A: 9
Q: In what year did the engineer George Reynolds discover oil in Persia, opening up oil development in the
Middle east?
A: 1908

Q: Argentina’s Vaca Muerta shale play was featured on the front page of the Journal of Petroleum
Technology in 2018. Name the month in which it was featured in?
A: February

Q: Colorado School of Mines is tied with 3 other institutions for having win the Petrobowl championship 3
times. Name two of these other institutions.
A: Texas A&M University, UNAM, University of Oklahoma.

Q: What was the key demand factor that caused the oil price correction in 1997?
A: The Asian Financial Crisis

Q: In what year was the Petrobowl Video contest launched?

A: 2015

Q: Which technology development company specializing in carbon capture solution did Baker Hughes
acquire on November 3rd 2020?
A: Compact Carbon Capture Technology (3C)

Q: In what year did Schlumberger officially complete its merger with Cameron?
A: 2016

Q: When did the first oil war begin?A

A: 1990, August 2nd

Q: What is the key supply factor that caused the oil price reduction in 2014?
A: The excess supply due to the shale oil production in US

Q: What is the name of the world’s largest, LNG powered, semi-submersible crane vessel?
A: Heerema Sleipnir

Q: In mid 2020, which company was the largest supplier of crude oil to India?
A: Saudi Aramco

Q: Name the SPE committee that promotes gender diversity and creates opportunities for women to enable
them to step into leadership roles and pursue their career goals.
A: Diversity and Inclusion (D and I) formerly WIN Committee

Q: What was the purpose of establishing first carbon capture project in Texas, 1972?
A: Enhanced oil recovery

Q: What is the name of the exploration well of the recent fourth consecutive discovery in block-58 in
A: Keskesi East-1

Q: In which offshore project the Gulf of Mexico was the deepest spar installed?
A: Perdido
Q: What company took over from the Apache as the new operator of block 58 in Suriname as of 1 January
A: Total

Q: In 2015, SPE international promoted the Petrobowl Video Contest. Name the university which won this
A: Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG)

q) In which year the first issue of The Way Ahead, a journal for young professionals, was published?

a) 2005

q) In which year did harry Cameron and jim Abercrombie design and manufacture the 1st blowout
preventers (B O Ps)?

a) 1922

q) in which year did the largest man-made oil spill to date happen?

a) 1991

q) which offshore production facility is used to produce the oil from the deep water liza field in


q) what’s the name of the organization IOGP?

a) international association of oil and gas producers.

q) in the context of HSES, what does the acronym BS represent?

a) british standard / institute

q) who was named as the oil king of baku and eventually launched oil businessman in the region?

a) Ludwig nobel

q) who’s 2021 SPE president?

a) tom Blasingame

q) in the context of energy transition what does CCS stand for?

a) carbon capture and storage

q) in the context of SPE committees, what does YMEC stand for?

a) young member engaging committee

q) enrico mattei was the founder of which oil and gas company?

a) ente nazionale idrocarburi (eni)

q) in which year Aramco was acquired 100% by Saudi arabian government?

a) 1988

q) during the 1980 decade when OPEC began to transform itself into a formal cartel, what country
acted as the swing production in order to meet quotas placed on its members countries?

a) Saudi arabia

q) name the united nations sustainable development goal number 11

a) sustainable cities and communities

1. The 2020 SPE board of direction consists of how many technical directors ? 6
2. Name the SPE committee responsible for developing and implementing programs and activities
directed towards young members including university students and young professionals ? YOUNG
3. What is called the highest honor or award a student can receive ? PRESIDENTIAL AWARS (FOR
4. In the contest of organizations what does AIME stand for ? AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING
5. What are the most common means of transporting crude oil before 1870s ? WOODEN BARRELS
6. Who is the current managing editor of the way ahead (TWA) magazine ? ANDREAS MICHAEL
7. Name the SPE community outreach program that promotes community service worldwide while
bringing together students young professionals and experienced professional . SPE CARES
8. This type of certification provides an international credential recognizing petroleum engineering
knowledge organized by the SPE name it PETROLEUM ENGINEERING CERTIFICATION
9. What is a type of companies where the data is part of its culture ,where there are processes based
on the measurement of results and encouragement of employees curiosity in order to seek new
ways to exploit the information available to the company ? DATA-DRIVEN COMPANY
10. Which university won the first petrobowl championship in2002 ? TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY ,USA
11. Which supermajor oil company announced in august 2020 that it will be pivoting from an
international oil company ioc to an integrated oil company BP
12. Name the first commercial perforating devices BULLET GUNS
13. The 2020 SPE board of directors consists of how many regional directors 11
14. Who is 2022 spe president ? KAMEL BEN-NACEUR
15. What is called the second highest honor or award a student chapter can receive ? EXCELLENT
16. Which is the name of first FPSO placed permanently in the north sea in 1993 ? GRYPHON FPSO
17. In which year the petrobowl competition was founded ? 2002
18. How is called the instrument used to measure the radiation dose ? GIEGER METER OR RADITION
19. What is the oldest thermal recovery method ? IN-SITU COMBUSTION
20. In the context of projects , facilities and construction what does the acronym FEED stand for ?
21. Name one exchange markets that control the oil prices ? NYMEX ,IPE and SIMEX
2) In which year petrowiki was launched with the full contents of the petroleum engineering
Handbook and in a wiki for members to update ? Answer: 2013

8) Which company discovered the first oil discovery in Saudi Arabia ? Answer: Standard Oil of

9) Where is the optic headquarters located currently ? Answer: Vienna, Austria

15) Who invented the roller-cone drilling bit ? Answer: Howard Huges

1) Who was known as ‘’ mister five porcent’’? Answer: Calouste Gulbenkion

46) Which company became the first US oil and gas company to commit 0 routine flaring by 2030?
Answer: Occidental petroleum

60) What were the most common means of transporting crude oil before the 1870s? Answer: Wooden
barrels ( through trains transporting tanker..)

68) For which company does the SPE 2022 president work for ? Answer: Nomadia Energy Consulting

72) according to Saudi Aramco which field is considered to be Saudi’s largest unconventional gas
prospect holding estimate 200 T c f of technically recoverable resources. Answer: Jafurah tight-gas field

79) Which year Saudi Arabian government signed concession agreement with to explore in eastern
province Answer: 1993

89) Name the great female journalist who published the history of Standard Oil company ? Answer: Ida

97) Name the United Nations sustainable development goal #15 ? Answer: Life or Land

106) Who was the first SPE president from the Middle East ? Answer: Abdul-Jalel Al khalifa

109) In which country the largest man made oil spill to date happened ? Answer: Kuwait

110) what are three of the five countries which founded OPEC? Answer: Iran, Irak, Kuwait, Saudi arabia,

118) What is the year of the first oil discovery in Saudi Arabia ? Answer: 1938

127) When did the dissolution of Standard Oil happen ? Answer: In late July 1911

142) In which year onePetro was launched? Answer: 2007

144) In which year SPE was officially founded? Answer: 1957

145) Who was the first woman SPE president? Answer: Deann Craig

158) Who is the provider of AWS cloud ? Answer: Amazon

162) When Standard Oil established its first foreign affiliate Anglo American company ? Answer: 1888

165) When was PCP downhole pump introduced in Suriname by the national oil company (staatsolic)
Answer: 1983

59) What term refers to the company’s share of the production after royalties and partner shares are
removed? Answer: Net Production

128) What is the name of SPE, HSE & Sustainability webzine? Answer: HSENow

48) What does ASTM stand for? Answer: American Society for Testing and Materials

59) What term refers to the company’s share of the production after royalties and partner shares are
removed? Answer: Net Production

75) In the context of production logs , how is called the amount the service company charges to bring
their equipment to your well and ‘’rig up’’ on it ? Answer: Set up charge

170) Name the United Nations sustainable development goal number …. Answer: reduce inequalities
Technical reservoir
If your principal stress (largest in magnitude) is a horizontal stress and the least is overburden, what I the
resultant faulting regime?

Reverse faulting

In general way, bubble point pressure can be expressed as four parameters, including temperature, oil and
gas specific gravities. What is the fourth parameter?

Solution Gas Oil Ratio (R)

What is surface for sandstone and carbonate rocks?

Sandstone is –ve-, carbonate +ve

In a correct gamma ray log, which element’s contribution is subtracted?


What physical Property of a material refers to the maximum voltage required to produce a dielectric
breakdown through the material and is expressed as volts per unit thickness?

Dielectric strength

What parameter is defined as the on-heating temperature where ductility is reduced to zero?

Nil ductility temperature

What are unstable substances, which emits heavy particles(alpha and beta) and higher energy
electromagnetic waves (Gama) from their nucleus b decay called?

Radioactive substance // Radioactive isotopes

When conducting a polimer waterflood, a high-molecular-weight polyer is added to the water of the
waterflood in order to decrease what?

Decrease the mobility of the flood water

In the context of P V T analysis, what does C V D stand for?

Costant Volume Development

The isothermal oil compressibility, for an undersaturated reservoir, can be calculated by a graph of an oil
property versus Pressure Mention this property.

Oil formation volume factor (Bo)

What is a subsurface condition in which the pore pressure of a geologic formation exceeds for is less than
expected, or normal, formation pressure?

Abnormal pressure

IN the context of reservoir characterization name one of the benefits of an integrated 3D reservoir model

Best reservoir-management decision, uncertainty, others

In the context of production Logging Tools, one of te applications to monitor cement placement, which has
two different objectives. Name one.

To determine where the cement went (cement top), other

In the context of acoustic logging, the longitudinal and transverse wave are known as what?

Compressional wave and shear wave

In the context 3D sedimentary models of shared-earth model for reservoir characterizatio. Name one of the
three data required for facies simulations.

Fades codes along the well, porosity, permeability, others

In a shale reservoir, what effects does the increasing quartz content have in the brittleness?

Brittlenes increases with increasing Quartz content

A retrograde condensate fluid has a phase envelope such that reservoir temperature lies between the
critical point and which other point of the binary diagram?


What are the high-temperature (H PH T) A P I well conditions ( maximum anticipated shut-in pressure and
maximum flowing temperature) on the seafloor that will trigger specifc design guidelines for oil and gas
subsea equipment?

Maximum anticipated surface pressure > 15 kpsi, T>350°F

Describe relative permeability in terms of the mobilities in multiphase and single-èhase flow

Ratio of mobilities in multiphase to the single-phase flow

Regarding aphase diagram, what is the maximum pressure above which gas cannot be formed regardless of
temperature increase?


WEhat is the key petrophysical rock property that influences volumetric sweep efficiency?


The result of reservoir characterization is the creation of the shared-earth model. What type of information
provides this model?

Critical information necessary for 3D modelling

What quantifies the reservoir’s capacity against the fractional flow capacity as obtained from petrophysical
studies of cores and logs?

Lorenz Approach

To characterize crude oil, a number of techniques are used. One of them os F T I R. what does F T I R stand

Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy

Name one equation or method used for predicting flow through choles.

Gilbert equation, Poetmann-Becks or Ashford’s correletions

A multiple completion in which the upper zone flows to the surface through the annulus formed by the
casing and the deeper zone tubing in sweet, dry gas Upper Completions. Name it

Concentric Completion

What does minus sign indicate in multiphase extension of Darcy’s law?

Flow goes along negative pressure gradient

In terms of phase behaviour diagram for a pure liquid, what is the equilibrium point between the
sublimation line, the melting point line, and the vapour pressure line called?

The triple point

This factor convert hydrocarbon in place to resderves or recoverable hydrocarbon, also being an average
value over the hydrocarbon pore volume. Name it

Recovery factor

Acoustic-wave data.acquisiton methods cover a broad range of scales from millimetres to hundreds of
meters. Which methof covers a high resolution and high range?

2D seismic / 3D seismic

In the context of acoustic logging, acoustic waves ae classified according to the direction of particle
displacement with respect to the direction of wave propagation. Name these classes

Longitudinal and transverse

In the context of acoustic logging, this type of wave can travel through solids, liquids, and pases and are the
astest wave type.this wave represent the acoustic first arrival. Name it.

Compressional (P, primary, or pressure)

Name the basic element of the shared. Earth model for reservoir characterization that shows the larger
framework of the reservoir, and consists of two primary elements, the bounding surfaces and the faults

3D structural modelling

What is calculated as the geometric mean of horizontal and vertical permeabilities?

Spherical permeability

Q: A tubular placed at the bottom of the subsurface sucker rod pump and inside the gas anchor to drive the
formation fluid with little or no gas into the pump. What is the name of this equipment?
A: Mosquito Bill

Q: Uncertainty principle is a quantum-mechanical principle, that proposes measuring either one of two
related quantities, produces uncertainty in the measurement of the other. Who formulated this principle?
A: Werner Karl Heisemberg

Q: What is the part of the effect of gas on neutron porosity measurement called, that is not explained by
differences in hydrogen index?
A: Excavation effect

Q: Name the property of the proppant that is deteriorated by these factors: increasing stress on proppant
agents, stress corrosion affecting proppant strength, proppant impediment into formation, Proppant
crushing etc etc.
A: Proppant conductivity

Q: Name two empirical methods designed to generate the current and future inflow performance
relationships for vertical oil wells
A: Vogel, Wiggins, Standing, Fetkovich, Kins-Clark equations

Q: TAML contains classifications for multilateral wells. In this sample well, the lateral and the main bore are
cased and cemented at the junction. However, the junction does not provide hydraulic isolation. Which T A
M L level does this refer to?
A: Level 4

Q: Among the principles of integrated water management, which principle is “Greening the desert” an
A: Re-use the produced water

Q: Name two components of a frack stack

A: Upper master, lower master, valve, wing valves and others

Q: What is the term used to refer to a crack in steel resulting from stresses produced during transformation
from austentite to martensite?
A: Quench crack
Q: What is the term defined by A S T M as synthetic or semisynthetic organic solids that have a very
malleable characteristic that allows them to be modeled into an assortment of shapes, making them very
suitable for the manufacturer of various products?
A: Plastic

Q: In the context of geological time, a stratigraphic surface or interface that is synchronous, everywhere of
the same age is called what?
A: Chronostratigraphic Horizon (Chronohorizon)

Q: In facilities engineering, what does P & I D stand for?

A: Process & Instrumentalization Diagram

Q: What is a measure of the hardness of the material, generally measured by pushing a small ball into the
surface and measuring the force used to displace the ball to a set depth?
A: Brinell hardness

Q: Name one library in phyton mainly used for Neural Networks problems
A: TensorFlow, Keras

Q: What is the type of metric called, which is used to quantify how close a density function approximates an
A: Goodness of “XXXXX” (suppongo “fit” ma non sono per niente sicuro)

Q: In a large Cyclic Steam Simulation project, what is the typical performed technique to ensure all the wells
will be stimulated in an adequate timely manner?
A: Sequential C S S Methods

Q: What term is used for the spatial separation of components within a fluid, often driven by diffusion,
mixing or differential flow?
A: Dispersion

Q: What is the group of sheet silicates characterized by a platy appearance and a basal cleverage most
common in igneous and metamorphic rock called?
A: Mica

Q: What is the name of the structure of frozen soil found in a new cold areas of the world that extend to
depths in excess of 1000 meter?
A: Permafrost

Q: Petroleum applications of acoustic-wave-propagation theory and physics include two methods. Name
one of them
A: Surface-geophysical methods / Bare-hold geophysical methods

Q: What is the CO2 sequestration process under which formation of stable carbonate salts occurs by
reaction of CO2 with dissolved calcium and magnesium, which produces limestone called?
A: Mineralization CO2 sequestration

Q: Name two of the three faulting states/regimes based on Andersonian faulting theory
A: Normal, Strike-Slip and Reverse
Q: What is the other common name for Progressive Cavity or Moineau Pumps (PCP)?
A: Screw Pumps

Q: Name a welding technique used on diagonal cut strips of steel, that is superior to the butt welding
process for joining flat strips of metal together before rolling into coiled tubing?
A: Bias weld

Q: Most steels exhibit an endurance limit, which corresponds to the maximum alternating stress that will
result in what limit fir its fatigue life in an environment with no corrosion?
A: Infinite

Q: What is the equivalent or interchangeable Numbered Connection (NC) tooljoint code for 4/12* Slim Hole
(SH) pipe?
A: NC38

Q: What does “n equal to 0.5” mean in the General Deliverability Equation in Gas Wells Testing?
A: Turbulent Flow

Q: What is the term used to refer to a method that involves heating to soften a previously made
thermoplastic sheet, damping it over a mold. And then drawing and forcing it so that it takes the shape of
the mold?
A: Thermoforming

Q: What is a simple learning algorithm into Machine Learning that utilizes Bayes rule, together with a
strong assumption that the attributes are conditionally independent, given the class?
A: Naive Bayes

Q: What are the applications of Distributed Acoustic Sensors data in hydraulic fracturing?
A: Fracture geometry, propagation, height, fluid distribution, etc

Q: What term is used to describe the insulation leakage test done for high voltage electrical cables, with
high voltage measure?
A: Hipot-test

Q: In the tag system, what does a red tag put in scaffolding signify?
A: Do no use (is being erected/dismantle)

Q: This technology is more affordable for companies, since they can be used both by users with great
technical and analytical capabilities and by business users, and it refers to minor data extracted from
people. Name it.
A: Small Data

Q: In the context of HSES, what does the acronym WBGT represent?

A: Wet Bulb Globe Temperature

Q: Produced water can have trace amounts of radioactive materials that precipitate when treated. This
waste product is called TENORM. What does TENORM stand for?
A: Technology Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material
Q: In “Add Fracturing” why as temperature increases, does the acid penetration distance decrease?
A: Reaction rates increase

Q: Name one loss function that can be used in regression problems

A: Square loss, Absolute Value Loss, Huber Loss, others

Q: What is the name given to the waxes composed primarly of cycloalkanes and i-alkanes that crystallize as
small needlelike structures?
A: Microcrystalline waxes

Q: What is the Turkey’s method of visualizing data in which the steam is an ordered column of the
numbers, formed by truncating the data by one or two digits, while the leaves are the truncated digits,
lined up to the right of the number?
A: Steam and leaf diagram

Q: In the context of fiber optics, what does the acronym “DSS” stand for?
A: Distributed Strain Sensing

Q: What is the method for initializing a model, when the pressure at a reference depth is defined in the
input data, and the model then calculates the pressure at all other depths using the previously entered
density data to account for hydrostatic head?
A: Equilibration

Q: At constant temperature and pressure, the line connecting a liquid phase and a vapor phase in
equilibrium is known as what?
A: Tie Line

Q: Capillarity pressure for oil and water can be related to the principal radil of curvature and the interfacial
tension for the oil water interface by which equation?
A: Laplace’s equation

Q: What is the most commonly used method to average horizontal permeability?

A: Arithmetic average

Q: A coarse rock with some parallel alignment of granular and alternate bands of flaky r elongate minerals.
What is this type of metamorphic rock called?
A: Gneiss

Q: After perforation, the exposed formation forms an structure that is capable of withstanding the
differential pressure and the forces created by fluid flow during production, What is this structure?
A: Arch (or stable arch)

Q: What zine range of pumps have fixed or locked impeller to the shaft?
A: 6 inch or larger

Q: Name the simulation that is a process of running a model numerous times with a random selection from
the input distribution for each variable, which is commonly used for calculating the hydrocarbon volume in
A: Monte Carlo Method
Q: In the context of separator, what separator removes the major quantity of gas?
A: First-stage

Q: Name two types of artificial lift systems that involve pumping systems
A: ESP, Beam Pumping, Plunger lift, Hydraulic Pump, PCP

Q: What is the most popular steel refining process or technique which involves casting of steel from a BOF
or electric furnace into cylindrical ingots?
A: Vacuum arc remelting (VAR)

Q: What is the term for the slow movement of a solid due to an applied stress, often very sensitive to time
and rate of stress application?
A: Creep

Q: Name the concept that describes the phenomenon of a small values of an attribute are in geological
proximity of other small values, while high values are closed to other high values?
A: Spatial Continuity

Q: The cement hardening chemical reaction is classified themodynamically as what type of reaction?
A: Exothermal reaction, exothermic

Q: A double logarithmic plot of resistivity (x-axis) versus porosity, which helps to determine which zones
contain hydrocarbon. Name this plot
A: Pickett plot

Q: In the framework of a particular gas flowing through pores of a reservoir to the wellbore, the magnitude
of the change of temperature with pressure depends of which coefficient?
A: Joule-Thompson coefficient

Q: A person has been tasked to set up a perforating gun. He has assembled a charge liner, primer igniter
and explosive charge material inside the gun. What component is missing to complete the perforating gun
internal assembly?
A: Detonator cord

Q: What is the type of perforation Gun that needs a bar to be dropped to be fired?
A: Tubing-Conveyed perforating (TCP)

Q: Name of the possible classifications of Machine Learning analysis

A: Supervised, Unsupervised, Semi-supervised and Reinforcement.

Q: What is software development model based on open collaboration that focuses more on practical
benefits that on the ethical or freedom issues that are so prominent in free software?
A: Open source language

Q: Porous media can be described using what is known as the Minkowski Functionals. In a 3D system, what
is the one of the Minkowski functionals that can describe a porous medium?
A: Porosity, saturation, mean curvature, Gaussian curvature

Q: With regards to subsea pipelines, name one function of heat tracers

A: Increase/Maintain temperature, prevent wax, other
Q: What is the effect of dissolved gas on the wax appearance temperature?
A: Presence of gas reduces WAT

A: Meter proving

Q: In the context of gravity drainage models of Steamflood design, name one of the model which address
post-steam breakthrough performance of steamflood and required steam injection rates for the heat
A: Neuman and Vogel Models

Q: A horizontal knockout drum must have a diameter large enough to keep the vapor velocity low enough
to allow entrained liquids to settle or drop out. Most knockout drums are horizontal with a slenderness
ratio between what range?
A: 2 to 4

Q: What is defined as the physical testing of the performance of a liquid meter in a liquid service?
Q: Bubble point pressure can be expressed s a function of four parameter: temperature, oil and gas specific
gravities and which fourth parameter?
A: Solution gas oil ratio

Q: What do we call diagenetic process that converts carbonates (limestone) to dolostones through calcium
carbonate dissolution to cause precipitation of dolomites?
A: Dolomitizazion

Q: Indicate one of the two general reasons of performing Cyclic Steam Stimulation in a steamflood project
A: Stimulating economic oil production immediately, other

Q: In the context of Relief Systems, name one of the three basic types of pressure-relief valves
A: Conventional spring, Balanced spring, The pilot operated

Q: Most flares require that the particle size be reduced to a minimum of less than 300 micrometers. APIRP
14J, Design and Hazard Analysis for Offshore Production Facilities, suggests sizing for liquid droplets…………..
A: 400 to 500 micrometers

Q: In the framework of Cyclic Steam Stimulation, indicate one technical benefit of performing periodic
injection of steam into a producing well, alternating with a production cycle.
A: Near wellbore reduction of flow resistance, other

Q: Name the type of electric submersible pump intake used with fluids with high free gas content
A: Reverse flow intake

Q: In the context of shared-earth model for reservoir characterization, name one of the two main elements
of 3D sedimentary model
A: Definition of bedding geometry, Definition of the facies

Q: A partial differential equation can be solved either by analitycal or by numerical method. What is the
cause of the difference between both results?
A: Numerical dispersion
Q: In the context of production Logs, spinner is typically calibrated downhole by recording the spiner speed
at a series of different logging speeds. Name these three speeds in feet per minute
A: 30,60,90

Q: In the context of production Logs, what is the charge that is based on the surface pressure on the well
and represents a rental fee on the equipment necessary to safely log the well called?
A: Pressure charge

Q: Name two tool of joint codes used in drillstrings in oil and gas drilling
A: IF, EH, XH, SH, OH, SL-H-90. FH, H-90, WO, NC

Q: Several different types of intake can be selected for an ESP, which one is used when the free-gas content
in the fluid is high enough to cause pump-performance problems?
A: Reverse-flow intake

Q:What is the name of the global oil and gas industry association for advancing environmental and social

Q: What is the TAB (time after bit) when bit resistivity is taken during a bit resistivity measurements?
A: Zero

Q: Name the zone of marine environment at which methane clathrates naturally exist in the Earth’s crust
A: (Gas) Hydrate Stability Zone or HSZ

Q: In well construction, what does the nomenclature AS stand for?

A: AS= cross-sectional area if the tubing wall (in.2)

Q: In Matrix acidizing, a chelating (or Subsequestring) agent is added to the acid. Describe the function of
this chelating agent
A: Prevent precipitation of the Fe tons

q) regarding phase diagram, which type of hydrocarbon does not produce any liquids when brought to
the surface?

a) dry gas.

q) how is the Z factor also called phase behavior of petroleum engineering?

a) gas compressibility factor or gas deviation factor.

q) what does FDE stand for in the context of reservoir simulation?

a) finite difference equation

q) which methods are a mathematical entity with components that change in a particular way in a
transformation from one coordinate system to another, and are used in upscaling reservoir
parameters for use in reservoir simulation?

a) tensor methods
q) name the rheological model used to describe how in fluids which have a linear shear-stress behavior
after an initial shear-stress boundary has been crossed.

a) bingham plastic

q) what is the state of a system characterized by coexistence of a vapour phase with an infinitesimal
quantity of liquid phase?

a) dew point

q) when running production logs in a well that has pressure at surface it is normal to use a small logging
cable in order to minimize what?

a) tool weight; grease injection.

q) what is caused by movement, expansion, and/or compression of wellbore fluids in response to a

pressure change?

a) wellbore storage

q) what is the value of universal gas constant in field units?

a) 10.72 ft3-lb/(mol)(in2)(R) or 1,545.35 ft-lbf/(lb-mol°R)

q) name one of the fields high-peformance computing solutions that are running to get more
applications at

a) seimic imaging, digital rock and reservoir modeling

q) what is the name given to a reservoir with no apparent outer boundary limit affecting fluid flow
during a test period?

a) infinite-acting reservoir

q) this categorization refers to directionally dependent properties. For a crystal of a mineral, it refers to
variation of physical properties observed in different directions. What is being described here?

a) anisotropy

q) in the context of a reservoir what term is given to an oil which is less gas than its solubility capacity?

a) undersaturated oil

q) what is the dimensionless group defined as the ratio of viscous forces to capillary or interfacial

a) capillary number

q) the temperature at which wax crystals start to form a crude Oil is called what?

a) cloud point / WAT / WPT

q) for calculation dead oil viscosity glaso correlation, we need the temperature and which oil property?

a) oil density
1. The oil formation volume factor of this type of oil usually ranges from 1.5 to 3.0 name the
type of oil. VOLATILE OIL
2. What is common weighting agent used in completion fluids ? BARITE
3. How is called a man made cut ,cavity trench or depression formed by earth removal ?
4. Name the method of artificial lift that uses an external source of high pressure gas for
supplementing formation gas to lift the well fluids GAS LIFT
5. What is the term describing variability of reservoir rock properties such as texture
permeability or porosity ? RESERVOIR HETEROGENITY
6. What is the measure of the effectiveness of a waterflood process that depends on the volume
of the reservoir contacted by the injected fluid ? VOLUMETRIC SWEEP EFFICIENCY
7. In the context of a reservoir what is the term that is known as the fraction of the effective
porosity filled with a specific fluid ? SATURATION

Mud will invade the formation in the near wellbore region if the mud steam pressure is greater

8. What term refers to one of various mechanisms for controlling formation sand movement
during fluid production from a weakly consolidated sandstone ? SAND CONTROL
9. What is a fraction of pore volume occupied by oil at the end of oil displacement that used a
specific fluid ,which signifies the ultimate recovery under a given displacement process ?
10. In a pressure temperature diagram for a multicomponent system what is the maximum
temperature above which liquid cannot be formed regardless of pressure called ?
11. Which parameters are adjusted in a model of reservoir until closely reproduces the past
behavior of a reservoir ? PRODUCTION AND PRESSURE
12. To calculate dead oil viscosity using glaso correlation we need T and what ? OIL

13. A retrograde condensate fluid has a phase envelope such that reservoir T lies between the
critical point and which other point of the phase envelope ? CRICONDETHERM
14. What is defined as the vertical distance between a liquid level and a datum line when the
supply is above the datum ? STATIC HEAD

15. Regarding the values of the Reynolds number, what are the two possible regimes of fluid
16. What is the pressure at which gas begins to break out of an under saturated oil and form a
free gas phase in the matrix of a gas cap ? BUBBLE POINT
17. What is the term used for oil that is lying between the highest well in a reservoir and the
updip reservoir seal ,and cannot be produced by the existing wells ? ATTIC OIL

18. Bit cutters with long and widely spaced teeth are often used in what type of formation ?


19. The velocity of fluid moving through a pipe ,defined as the volumetric flow rate of that fluid
divided by the cross-sectional area is called ? SUPERFICIALVELOCITY
20. What is the generic name of class of polymer which is commercially known as nylon ?

21. Iron is inherently (thermodynamically ) sufficiently active to react spontaneously with water
,generating soluble iron ions and hydrogen gas .how is called this process ? CORROSION
22. What is the name given to the physical conditions under which sediments are deposited by
23. Name the phenomenon that defines the changes in saturation with dependence on relative
permeability and capillary pressure curves among drainage and imbibition condition
24. In the context of oil production what does EOR stand for ? ENANCHED OIL RECOVERY
25. What is the ratio of the volume actually occupied by a gas at a given pressure and
temperature to the volume it would occupy if it behaved ideally ? Z-FACTOR
26. What is the name of the physical property of a material s ability to conduct electric
27. the inverse of formation volume factor of oil is called ? SHRINKAGE ( FACTOR )

28. For gag hydrates ,what is the main hydrocarbon molecule trapped inside ice molecules ?
7) What is the relationship between Electric Submersible pump head and fluid specific
gravity? Answer: Independent or no relationship

14) This is an immense deposit of natural gas tide up in clathrate rate structures with water.
named it. Answer: Gas Hydrate

16) The context of geophysics this term is known as a type of distortion of a wave train in
which the velocity of the wave varies with it. Answer: Dispersion

19) In sea water flooding operations which onion is kept low usually below 40 ppm to prevent
reservoir souring ? Answer: Sulfate [ SO4-]

23) Which north reference does a gyroscope use ? Answer: True North

26) What term refers to a total gas (solution plus free) production divided by the oil production
volume excluding gas lift gas ? Answer: Gas oil ratio

27) What is the amount of energy required to fracture a given volume of material ? Answer:
Impact strength/toughness

30) In a gas reservoir what is the phenomenon of the formation of liquid hydrocarbons as the
pressure in the reservoir decrease below dew point pressure during production called? Answer:
Retrograde condensation

31) In the PVT analysis what does SARA stand for ? Answer: Saturates, Aromatic, Resines
and asphaltanes

34) What kind of log can estimate the cement bond between the casing and the formation?
Answer: Cement bond log

35) The pressure composition diagram determination in a black oil reservoir is also usually
called as what? Answer: swelling experiment

36) Name the correlation function used in ‘reservoir characterization’ to quantify the spatial
relationship of variables Answer: Variogram

37) In vertical well, wellbore breakouts occur in which stretch direction. Answer: Minimum
horizontal stress direction

38) For an over pressured shale how would the sonic slowness be compared to the normally
compacted shale? Answer: Fist has higher sonic slowness

39) For a multicomponent mixture the state of pressure and temperature at which all intensive
properties of the gas and liquid phases are equal is referred to what ? Answer: Critical point

41) What is the best fluid that is typically used in fracturing operations ? Answer: Water

42) tubing elongation most likely occurs with what cause in the wellbore? Answer:
Temperature Effect or reverse Bolloning
47) What is one of the four types of valve isolation used in petroleum production facilities ?
Answer: Single Block, Single block and bleed, double block, other

52) In diffusivity equation how is cold the constant term containing porosity, permeability
viscosity and total compressibility? Answer: Hydraulic diffusivity

54) What type of fluid has a linear shear stress shear rate behaviour after an initial share stress
threshold has been reached ? answer: Bingham Plastic

55) This is the fractional change of volume as pressure is changed at constant temperature for a
gas. name it. Answer: Coefficient of isothermal compressibility

56) Name the element that is used in conjunction with a lift or crane to facilitate lifting and
balance the load . This must be inspected before every use and should be rejected if found wear of
1/3 the original, severe corrosion, distortion etc. Answer: Slings

62) Name at least two well logs used to determine a reservoir porosity Answer: Density Log-
Neutron Log Acoustic Log, NMR

63) What is a combination of one or more metals with a non-metallic element ? Answer: Metal

64) Water saturation determinations from resistivity logs in clean non Shale formations with
homogeneous integral porosity are based upon which equation ? Answer: Archie equation

70) In power Law Model, what is the value of the ‘n’ for Newtonian Fluids? Answer: one

78) Which equipment may contain hungers , master valves, annular valves, wing valves, and
gauges or pressure Answer: Christmas tree

90) Define the formula of kinematic viscosity mathematically. Answer: Apparent viscosity
over density

92) What is the artificial lift device that requires no downhole moving parts? Answer: Jet

93) What is the chemical formula of quartz ? Answer: SiO2

94) A device that is used to attract casing joints from the previous casing string Wall ?
Answer: Linear Hangar

99) Name two fracture diagnostic techniques. Answer: Microseismic, Temperature Logs, …

101) In relation to a fluid flow behaviour and reservoir pressure distribution as a function of
time name one of the three flow … Answer: Steady state, Unsteady state, Pseudo- steady state

102) How is cold the equipment that keeps the pipe string from rotating while a joint is made
up? Answer: Back -up wrench or back-up tong
107) The pressure relief valve is used in non corrosive services and where back pressure is less
than 10% of the setpoint . Name this pressure relief valve . Answer: Conventional spring-loaded

111) Indicate one of the main reasons why drilling mud is used for . answer: no Lubricate and
cool the drilling, remove the cuttings, others

115) What is the unit for measuring radiation ? Answer: Micro silver or Milli-rem

116) the amount of phase (fraction pore space) that is trapped or is irreducible is known as
what? Answer: Residual saturation

119) what device helps the casing post rough spots and edges in the wellbore ? Answer: Shoe or
Guide shoe

126) Name two components for the basic system of the progressing cavity pump ? answer:
rotor, stator, sucker rod, production tubing, others

129) What is the temperature below which oil ceases flow due to wax gelation? Answer: pour

134) The petroleum industry has employed the principle of a 2 barrier philosophy scenes 1920s
name two barriers during well intervention. Answer: Tubing, packer, casing, BOP, and the wellhead
and x-mas tree.

141) Indicate three major categories of Enhanced Oil recovery operations? Answer: Thermal,
Chemical, Miscible

149) In the context of acoustic logging, how is called the property of matter that causes it to
resist deformation in volume or shape. Answer: Elasticity

150) in the context of acoustic logging the presence of the borehole exotes two additional
acoustic energy modes called guide waves. named this energy modes . Answer: Normal (pseudo-
rayleigh)/tube (stoneley) waves.

152) What is the maximum gas oil ratio defined for black oil designation ? Answer: 2000-3500

155) The quantity that relates a reservoir volume of oil to a surface volume is known as what ?
answer: Volume formation factor.

160) What is the name for the point above which there is no tendency to buckle ? answer:
Neutral point.

167) This equipment is deployed downhole through the casing string and generates high
velocity fluid. it is used to lower down hole pressure and increase production rates. It Include power
fluid, nozzle coma production inlet camber, throat and diffuser, name it. Answer: Jet pump.

168) How is called as own just above the water table ( zero gauge pressure) that remains almost
saturated ? Answer: Capillary fringe.
171) Considering the setting of the casing string in place, what is the name of the device that
keeps casing from contacting the wellbore bore? Answer: Centralizer

172) Below the bubble point pressure, how does the oil formation volume factor behave.
Answer: It decrease

176) Regarding fluid viscosity classification, what type of fluid is a drilling mud ? answer: Non
Newtonian fluid.

178) The lowest temperature at which an oil still flows is called what ? Answer: pour point.
Well Placing and Completion
Name the term for a well where fracturing (or refracturing) operations are currently taking place

Active well

What is the completion where technology helps operatpr to optimize production without costly well
intervention and enables operators to collect, transmit and analyse downloaded data: remotely control
zones and maximize reservoir efficiency called ?

Intelligent well Completion

For a well to be classified as high temperature, what is the minimum Bottomhole Temperature it must
exhibit, in degrees Fahrenheits?

300 deg F

A term used to express the results of the test that determines the amount of day-like materials in a water-
based drilling fluid based on the amount of methylene blue dye absorbed by the sample. Name it.

CAtion Exchenge capacity // MBT, bentonite equivalent, lm/bbl

How is called the equivalent responsible for Col tubing movement inside the well?

Injectory head

In the contest of Progressive Cavity Pumps, what does D F L stand for?

Dynamic Fluid Level

Name one condition in which a scaffold cannot be erected

Exreme weather, Ground not stable, Permit not available, weak ground

According to I O G P, name one human factors engineering activity to be included in the define phase of a
project life cycle.

Review standards, Develop HFE design specifications, others

Name 2 components of an annular BOP?

Donut, Packer, Operating piston, Opening Point, Closing Port

What is a magnet which is usually run on wireline, used to recover lighter metal components from the well?

Fishing Magnet

What is the first step performed by the driller when he observes a drilling break?

Flow check

When is an excavation considered as a confined space?

If depth is more than 1.2 meters

Regarding drilling fluids, what is the key function when drilling a well through a hydrocarbon bearing

Prevent well control issues

When hydrostatic pressure provided by drilling fluid is less than reservoir pressure, the reservoir fluid may
influx into the wellbore. What is this called?

Loss of primary well control // kick

Which type of pump (test equioment) is usually used in determining bulk volume of shale cuttings?


Which BOP stack component does the letter S refer to when describing the stack arrangement?

Drilling spool

Name 2 of the 3 basic steps of the process to fracture a well?

Drilling, Water disposal, production

Scale in oil and gas wells is a major problem leading to significant losses in production and there from
potential revenue. Name one well intervention operation methods to remove scale chemically,
hydraulically, ..

Surface bull heading, coiled tubing, Downhole scale miling

When design a fulcrum principle bottom hole assembly, which component creates a pivot point to help in
building the angle?

Near-nit stabilizer

When obtaining formation rock samples, why are conventional (whole) cores preferred over sidewall cores
(rotary and percussion)?

Continuous section of rock are extracted

What is the system called for servicing or the maintenance of live equipment or pipe lines, where the
unexpected energizing or release of energy could cause injury, lock and tag are placed on the isolating
device to avoid uncontrolled operation

Lock out/Tag out system

Production-logging tools find many applications from the time a well is drilled until abandonment and,
occasionally, beyond. Name one of these application

reduce production problems and allocate production, others

While drilling the reservoir section, what is the name of the special fluid that is designed exclusively for the
drilling of the reservoir pay zone?

Drilli in Fluid

For the concept of hole cleaning while drilling, what is the accepted minimum annular velocity of the
drilling fluid required to lift the cuttings in feet per minute?

This is the first well drilled for production in a given area that is not whitin the depletion zone of another
well. This well is sometimes referred to as the “parent well”. Name it

Primary well

Which perforating angle is normally used in the smaller outside diameter gns or guns in very large vasing?

0° (zero degrees)

In completion, what does P B R stand for?

Polished bore receptacle

A Multiple completion I which the upper zone flows to the surface through the annulus formed by the
casing and the deeper zone tubing. Usually in sweet, dry gas Upper Competion. Name it

Concentric Completion

Which aare the two steering concepts In the Rotary Steerable System?

Point the bit and push the bit

An understanding of the price structure to perform production logging can help optimize data-acquisition
costs. The total cost of a job is the sum of four separate charges. Name one of these charges.

Set-up charge, pressure charge, depth charge, logging charge

Which method is made for vertical permeability to account for variations in vertical displacement between

Harmonic Average mean

Q: In the context of production logs, what is the charge based on the maximum depth reached in the well
A: Depth Charge

Q: Name two measurements that are typically made as part of the routine code analysis (R C A L) process of
evaluating physical geological core samples
A: Porosity, Permeability, Grain density, fluid saturation
Q: In the context of well testing analysis, what is the term used for the downhole completion interface?
A: Sandface

Q: What is the term that refers to a completion that consists of more than one size of tubling, more than
one size of casing, two or more fluids in the tubling and/or annulus?
A: A combination completion

Q: Name the piece of equipment, that contains and diverts hydrocarbons or other wellbore fluids by sealing
the annulus around the drillstring while actively drilling?
A: Rotating head, Rotating Control Device

Q: In certain cases, multiple completions may provide the best control of reservoir operations. Which
completion type consists of three tubing strings?
A: A conventional triple completion

Q: In the context of well testing, what state of flow is the difference between the flowing wellbore pressure
and the average reservoir pressure n the drainage volume?
A: Pseudosteady state

Q: In contract terminology for Projects and Operations, like Drilling and Completions, what do the acronym
PO stand for?
A: Purchase Order

q) what is the minimum overlapping of two adjacent planks in a scaffold platform?

a) not less than 12 inches

q) wells offset to the active well. These wells may be shut in and their pressure monitored for
diagnostic purposes. In practice, these wells are often already fractured. Name it.

a) passive wells / observation wells

q) what’s the energy efficiency range for a progressive cavity pump?

a) 55/75 %

q) what is the classification of a progressive cavity pump (PCP)?

a) a positive displacement pump

q) what does the acronym LMRP mean?

a) lower marine riser package

q) what is one of the major differences between land and platform well completions?

a) reduced equipment weight and minimize space requirements

q) what is the term used for a thinning agent used to reduce viscosity or prevent flocculation?

a) deflocculant
q) what is the primary well control barrier?

a) hydrostatic pressure provided by drilling fluid

q) what is the part of the well completion which interacts with the formation that will be produced?

a) lower/downhole completion

q) during primary cement job after running production casing, the lead slurry is followed by the tail or
completion slurry. Name one primary purpose of the tail or completion slurry

a) seal off the zones of interest

q) a system for converting the measurements recorded by a wireline or MWD (measurements while
drilling) tool into a suitable form for transmission to the surface is called what?

a) telemetry

q) what is the base fluid typically used in fracturing operations?

a) water

q) what is the component of a tree that is extracted in the paper manufacturing process and used as an
additive for drilling fluids?

a) lignin

q) name two measurements obtained from an MWD survey

a) inclination / azimuth

q) what’s the name of the saline liquid used in completion operations?

a) brine

q) name the uppermost joint in the string of sucker rods used in a rod pump artificial-lift system which
enables an efficient hydraulic seal to be made around the reciprocating rod string

a) polished rod

1. For vertical pumps which parameters relates the liquid level to the setting of the pump ?
2. What can occur in the pumps when the NET positive suction head required is less to net
positive suction available ? CAVITATION OR FLASHING
3. One of the most commonly used methods for determining rock minerology is XRD what
does XRD stand for ? X RAY DIFRACTION
4. Mention one correlation for predicting the oil formation volume factor STANDING
5. How is called the sucker rod pump moving valve ? TRAVELLING VALVE
6. The greatest stress which a material is capable of withstanding without a deviation from
acceptable of stress to strain is called what ? PROPORTIONAL LIMIT
7. What does the acronym PFD stand for in facilities engineering ? PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAMS
8. Name one environment where the knowledge of liquid point is a important consideration
9. Indicate the molecular formula of silica . SiO2

10. Which perforating angle/phasing is normally used only in smaller outside diameter guns of
guns in very large casing ? 0 ZERO DEGREES
11. In other to select the appropriate relief devices to handle the imposed load there are two
considerations that must be taken name one of these two consideration . 1) SET PRESSURE

12. In progressive cavity pumps ,how is the rotor usually run in the well ? ONE THE BOTTOM
13. How is called any space having a limited means of access or egress which subject to the
hazards like deficiency of oxygen toxic or flammable gasses or substances dust etc. ?
14. Name one chemical-related health hazard CARCINOGENICITY,CORROSIVITY TOXICITY
15. The total pressure imposed at a given equivalent depth and needed to the mud weight
needed to balance formation -fluid pressure is denoted in p p g equivalent and is called

16. The type of logging tool that measures hydrogen concentration in the formation by
emitting high energy neutrons into the rock formations and having the neutrons collide
with the nuclei of the formations atoms is called? NEUTRON LOG
17. In the context of geo-spatial statistics name one primary parameters of a variogram
18. Losses in piping systems due to pipe inlets and outlets fittings bends valves expansions
contractions ,filters and creens is called ? LOST CIRCULATON OR MINOR LOSSES
19. Name two of the three basic scenarios of Anderson 1905 to describe movement of a fault
at different stress states NORMAL STRIKE-SLIP AND REVERSE/THRUST
20. From an operational point of view …the desired soaking time for an optimized cyclic steam
stimulation process should be … AS SHORT AS POSSIBLE
21. What is the distance between the external surface of the gun assembly and the internal
surface of the casing or liner called ? GUN DEARANCE

22. What is a small rope attached to a load being lifted by a crane that allows a person on the
ground to help guide or place a load ? TAG LINE

What is most commonly used deviation tool ? BENT-HOUSING MUD MOTOR

23. Name the process of substituting a heterogeneous property region consisting of fine grid
cells with an equivalent homogeneous region made up of single coarse-grid cell with an
effective property value UPSCALING
10) Besides C O2 what other gas can cause changes in a mud pH ? Answer: H2S

13) In the context of reservoir engineering what does M E O R stands for ? Answer: Microbial
Enhanced Oil Recovery

17) In the context of drilling fluids this term applies to any two or more phase systems in
which one phase exists as small particles of droplets dispersed in the second phase name it.
Answer: Dispersion

22) What is the minimum horizontal displacement at total depth to true vertical depth ratio to
consider a well as extended reach ? Answer: 2:1

24) What does WOC stands for in the drilling/ completion context ? Answer: Wait on cement

27) What is the amount of energy required to fracture a given volume of material ? Answer:
Impact strength/toughness

28) What is a specially formulated material ,such as chrome, used for completion components
in wells likely to present corrosion problems? Answer: Corrosion resistant alloy (CRA)

32) Name at least one of the two drilling mechanisms for a roller cone bit. Answer: crushing-
skidding and gauging

41) What is the best fluid that is typically used in fracturing operations ? Answer: Water

45) In the context of formation testing while drilling, name one of the two traditional
approaches used to acquire data ? Answer: Drillstem test, wireline approach

69) Considering the determination of water saturation indicate one of the two empirical
equation for the evaluation of the formation factors as a function of the porosity. Answer:
Pressure depletion

73) In the context of relief systems ,name one of the most common causes of overpressure in
upstream operations . Answer: Blocked discharge, Fire, blowby

76) Petroleum applications of acoustic waves propagation theory and physics include two
methods . Acoustic loggings is a subset of one of these techniques, name it Answer: Borehole-
geophysical acoustic techniques.

77) Name the law that explains hoe the acoustic signal behaves at the velocity boundary
separating the … Answer: Snell’s law.

80) What is the configuration of the rocks suitable for containing hydrocarbons and sealed by
a relatively impermeable formation through which hydrocarbons will not migrate ? Answer: trops

83) This is the term for a well that is drilled in an area where no current oil or gas production
exists . Name it. Answer: Wildcat, or rank Wildcat

93) What is the chemical formula of quartz ? Answer: SiO2

95) If the API gravity of oil is 10 what is the value of specific gravity ? answer: 1, = ( 141.5/s.g)-

96) In estimating the water flood recovery, what are two components of sweep efficiency to
come up with a volumetric sweep efficient (Ev)? Answer: Areal and Vertical sweep efficiency

100) Which type of test is conducted for a new well or well shut-in for a longer period of time?
Answer: Drawdown test

108) Concerning remote well monitoring, what is called the technology with glass/ plastic
material that serves as a medium for transmission of information ? Answer: Fiber Optic

112) Name the main factor in the volumetric equation for calculating the hydrocarbon in
place . Answer: Area or Bulk volume or net volume

116) the amount of phase (fraction pore space) that is trapped or is irreducible is known as
what? Answer: Residual saturation

117) A quantity ( fraction ) that describe the amount of impairment to flow on a phase on
another is known as what ? Answer: Relative permeability

123) In the context of HSE during lifting operations. How is called the maximum distance where
the crane bloom has to reach for lifting or lowering the load? Answer: Working radius

130) How is called the process when drilling fluid is injected into the annulus, down to the
bottom of the borehole, and then the flow of the drilling fluid with the entrained cuttings up the
inside of the drill string ? Answer: Reverse circulation model in air and Gas drilling

132) Tension is the primary design consideration for landing/ drill string that warrant
qualification use to run long and heavy casing strings in deep water operations. Name two of the
three main section of the landing string that must be evaluated . answer: Tubes, connections and
slip & upset areas.

136) what do you call metals reinforced by ceramics or other materials, usually in fiber form?
Answer: Metal matrix composites.

138) What is the effect of resins of crude oil on the precipitation of asphaltene? Answer: More
resins, precipitate less asphaltene.

139) In special core analysis, name the process of saturating and desaturating the core with
non-wetting phase Answer: Hysteresis

143) What is defined as the vertical distance between a liquid level and a datum line, when the
datum is above the liquid? Answer: static lift

149) In the context of acoustic logging, how is called the property of matter that causes it to
resist deformation in volume or shape. Answer: Elasticity
150) in the context of acoustic logging the presence of the borehole exotes two additional
acoustic energy modes called guide waves. named this energy modes . Answer: Normal (pseudo-
rayleigh)/tube (stoneley) waves.

155) The quantity that relates a reservoir volume of oil to a surface volume is known as what ?
answer: Volume formation factor.

163) what is the general term used for change of sea level throughout the world, closed
typically by movements of parts of the earth’s crust or melting of glaciers? Answer: Eustasy

164) Well completion is a series of approaches performed on a drilled and cased well, in order
to prepare it for production or injection. What is the driver behind the well completion strategy ?
Answer: to recover, a reasonable cost, as long a percentage of OOIP.

174) What is the common reason for the tip of a hydraulic fracture stop growing ? answer:
bridging of the proppant/dehydration.

177) What refers to the well productivity and to the maximum rate at which are well could flow
against a theoretical atmospheric backpressure at the reservoir ? answer: Absolute open flow.
Production and Optimization
The aim of a gas cycling is to increase the recovery of what?


Name one key assumption that traditional Decline Cuva Analysis (DCA) holds good.

Boundary dominated flow and constant operating condition //accepted also: homogeneous formation

Mention 2 Deployment-Conveyance (distribuzione) System

Wireline/Slickline/Tractor/Shuttule/coiled tubing /DST

What production ratio should be maintained throughout the wellhead during a build-up test on an oil
producing well?

0 (zero flow rate)

In the context of hydrodynamics, when cavitation occurs, what effect does this have on the efficiency of the

Decreased efficiency

What is the material transported and deposited by wind and consisting of predominantly silt-sized particles

Loess ( loesse)

If her are two stage separators, where we can find the lowest pressure?

Second stage

What is the C O 2 sequestration technique of establishing removal and storage of C O 2 from the
atmosphere by vegetation on the earth’s surface through tree-planting, no-till farming, wetland
restoration, and forestation […]

Terrestrial CO2 sequestration

This type of packer requires to milled away the internal sleevs to retrieve it

Permanent packer

What is a polmer without additives and without blending with another polymer called?


Name one of the possible best application or conditions for continuous gas lift

Strong waterdrive or waterflood reservoir-good PI&High GOR

Name one of the two most common EOS that have benn used for oil-recovery solvent injection processes.

Peng-Robinson and Soave-Redlick-Kwong

What is the primary function of rod rotator which is used in sucker rod pumping operations?

Spreads the wear around the entire surface

For heavy oil production method, what does S A G D stand for?

Steam- assisted gravity drainage

It is the drawdown of the highly mobile gas into the perforations causing high GOR production at a level
well above the solution gas value. Name it.

Gas Coning

In theory, for the constant terminal rate solution in well testing, what is equal to cumulative production
divided by the final flow rate?

Effective flowing time

What is a polymer production process that involves forming a polymer chain containing two different

Removing impurities and contaminants from gas, removing liquids and solids, and preparing the gas to
meet the sales requirements of the purchaser is the purpose of which set of department?

Gas facility

This system collects and discharge gas from atmospheric or pressurized process components to the
atmosphere to safe locations for final release during normal operations and abnormal conditions. Name it

Flare or Vent disposal system

Q: Name one of the three types of CO2 sequestration

A: Terrestrial, geologic, and mineralization

Q: As a part of the Human Factor Screening Process, which technique describe the process of undertaking a
review of the tasks to be performed, in order to identify any key human factors engineering requirements
to be taken forward for the design phase?
A: Task Requirement Analysis (TRA)

Q: In the context of formation testing while drilling, name one method that has been used for pore
pressure prediction
A: “D” exponent, connection gas, cutting analysis

Q: Which type of non-cartesian grids are best suited for accurately model fault geometry?
A: Perpendicular Bisector

Q: Name one of the topics in which “resource” and “reserve estimates” are inputs and drivers
A: Capital-Expenditure (CAPEX) Production, Cash-flow models

Q: What is the name of the system to depressurizing pressure vessels in the event of an emergency
A: Depressuring-system control valves

Q: What is the CO2 sequestration technique of permanently storing CO” in subsurface structures such as oil
reservoirs, natural gas deposits, unmineable coal seams, deep saline formations, shale rich in oil or gas, and
basalt formation called?
A: Geologic CO2 sequestration

Q: What are two examples of pneumatic drilling fluids/ types of mud that are pneumatic?
A: Air or gas based drilling muds, foam, aerated fluid

Q: Which algorithm uses recovery data directly from the constant volume depletion measurement and
computes the corresponding PVT properties?
A: Waish-Towler algorithm

Q: Name one of the two main concepts of describing the process of reservoir heating by steam injection
A: Viscous Displacement or Bypass.
Q: In developer operations with multiphase flow, which technique could be used to detect a leak in a
A: Energy balance / Frictional Loss

Q: What is the first separator in a stage separation called?

A: First-stage

Q: Pertaining to the ability of a fluid, such as cement or drilling mud, to develop gel strength over time
when not subjected to shearing, and then to for viscosity to decrease when shear is again applied. Name it.
A: Thixotropic

Q: Name the type of logs that provide information during production operation and beyond
A: Production Logs

Q: Conventional seismic-processing techniques, including filtering and migration, are used to extract
compressional and shear reflections from the acoustic data. The reflections are used to image geological
features near the borehole. Name one feature
A: Bed boundaries, Thin beds (stringers), Fractures, others

Q: EDA ( E D A ) is one of the basic elements for reservoir characterization. In this step, quality control of
the data is critical and the relationship between key variables and general data characteristics are
A: Exploratory Data Analysis

Q: What fluid property provides a higher initial oil in place volume for black oil compared to volatile oils?
A: Oil formation volume factor (which il lower)

Q: Name the technology of CO2 capturing and separating that is performed after the fuel is burnt in
industrial and power plant, by separating CO2 from the nitrogen using chemical sorbents such as
A: Post-combustion

Q: Name the technology of CO2 capturing and separating from industrial and power plant, in which the fuel
is burnt in pure oxygen, so no nitrogen is present in the captured gases
A: Oxyfuel combustion

Q: Which type of gas fields produces liquid at reservoir conditions when the pressure drops?
A: Gas condensate

Q: What is a secondary purpose behind Steam Injection in heavy oil reservoirs, besides viscosity reduction?
A: Interfacial Tension Reduction

q) Name one of the circumstances under which polymer waterflooding is normally applied.

a) High waterflood mobility ratio / high reservoir heterogeneity.

q) What is a non-re-closing pressure relied device used in petroleum production and process facilities?

a) Rupture disk.

q) what’s the constant for the volumetric formula to calculate the gas in place in oilfield units?
a) 43560

q) reduce the salt content of the treated oil to acceptable levels is the purpose of which system?

a) desalting system.

q) what is the conversion factor in darcy’s equation when using oilfield units?

a) 0.00708

q) name one of the main methods to break up emulsions

a) adding chemical demulsifiers

q) what term refers to cycloalkanes, which are hydrocarbons similar to paraffins but contain one or
more cyclic structures and the elements of cyclic structures are joined by single bonds?

a) naphthenes

q) how is called a mixture of two or more polymers which polymerize at the same time and with some
degree to linking to yield results unlike either polymer used alone?

a) copolymer or interpolymer.

q) in the event that sand is produced above acceptable limits, what is at least one selection criteria for
downhole sand control?

a) sand failure, particle size distribution

q) when conducting a polymer waterflood, a high-molecular-weight and viscosity enhancing polymer is

added to water of the waterflood in order to improve what?

a) improve the sweep efficiency of the waterflood

q) after natural depletion, the first step to improving oil recovery is pressure maintenance by injecting
fluids into the reservoir. What is the most common secondary oil recovery method?

a) waterflooding

q) with respect to polymer waterflooding, what does HPAM stand for?

a) hydrolied polyacrylamice

q) what term refers to the production of gas from liquid or solid fuels?

a) gasification

q) what is both the most common and less expensive solvent used to remove paraffin from both
tubulars and the near-wellbore region?

a) crude oil – hot oil – heated oil

q) what are the two main areas the upstream of the petroleum industry involves?

a) exploration and production

1. Apart from perforating or recompleting ,what is the operational technique which is typically
performed to increase the post-treatement production rate without changing the driving force in the
reservoir ? STIMULATION
2. When planning a hydraulic fracturing operation ,what perforation design parameter should be
considered the most important ? ENTRANCE HOLE SIZE/DIAMETER
3. In hydraulic fracturing design and execution name 2 parameters of the fracturing fluid that can be
varied to optimize the hydraulic fracture. PUMP PRESSURE ,FLUID VISCOSITY, FLUID RATE
4. What type of drilling fluid is used to drill reactive shale formation? POLYMER DRILLING
5. Cement consist of how many major components ? 5
6. In a water flood operated field what is the objective of running a step rate test on an injector well ?
7. Prior to running a step rate test on an injectior well what step is recommended in order to properly
adequate the injector well for the test ? SHUT-IN THE WELL
9. What is the point at which a rapid change of deviation is made in a vertical well ? KICK-OFF
10. What is the main reason for test an exploration well ? TO TAKE A FLUID SAMPLE
11. What production rate should be maintained throughout the wellhead during a build up test on an oil
production well ? 0 ZERO FLOW RATE

12. What is the name given to the test where a production well is switvhed to shut in condition aiming to
analyze the changes of bottomhole pressure ? BUILD UP TEST
13. How is called the document prepared for planning a critical lift by calculating and considering all
factors which is going to effect the lift and there by selecting the correct tools and cranes ,and a load
chart is attached with it ? LIFTING PLAN
14. How is called the operation of drilling with a mud motor rotating the bit downhole without rotating
the drillstring from the surface SLIDE DRILLING

15. Based on IADC definition how is called an adaptive drilling process used to precisely control the
annular pressure profile throughout the wellbore? MANAGED PRESSURE DRILLING MDP

As a drilling engineer it is often your job to design the casing string for wells.if you went with P-110 casing,
what does the 110 indicate ? MINIMUM YIELD DTRENGHT ,IN THIS CASE 110000

16. Name one technique or method for measurement of capillary pressure in a lab setting POROUS-
17. An oil with 10 degrees API gravity has which value of density in ppg ? 8.33 PPG MARGIN 0.1
18. As much as 80% of the total pressure loss in a flowing well may occur in which part of the system ?
19. What is the equipment that transfers heat to the produced gas steam ? HEATER / HEAT
20. What is one of the major considerations for cutting transport in highly deviated or horizontal wells?
21. What can occur when water base filtrates from drilling ,completion, workover or stimulation fluids
enter the formation containing clay ? CLAY SWELLING
Name the modelling technique of reservoir heating by steam injection which addresses severity of override
due to buoyancy forces when gaseous steam hase is injected into liquid filled reservoir

22. What is the communication tunnel created from the casing or linner into the reservoir formation
,through which oil or gas is produced ? PERFORATION

23. How is called a narrow excavation ,where the depth is greater than the width ? TRENCH
24. How is called a valve that allows flow in one direction only ? CHECK VALVE

25. Name the main components of downhole progressive cavity pump ROTOR AND STATOR

26. What tool was designed to drill directionally with continuous rotation from surface , eliminating the
need to slide a steerable motor ? ROTARY STEERABLE SYSTEM
27. Which valves can be used in corrosive or dirty service and with variable backpressure? BELANCE
28. In well testing , a pressure build up curve (diagnostic plot ) can be divided into 3 regions. Name one
29. What is a compound ,typically a metallic salt ,mixed with a based-gel fluid ,such as guar-gel system
to create a viscous gel used in some stimulation or pipeline cleaning treatments ? CROSS LINKING

30. These can coat perforations ,casing ,production tubulars ,valves , pumps and downhole completion
equipment ,such as safety equipment and gas lift mandrels , name this or these common flow
3) After this simulation grid has been made fine and the idea is to increase the accuracy of the
simulation in subregions of a reservoir simulation study, rather than everywhere, which technique should be
applied ? Answer: Local grid refinement

4) This volume of gas has been separated from produced water, how is it called? Answer: Blue Gas

5) In the context of production logs how is called a per foot charge for each tool run that reflects the
length of the interval actually logged by the tool ? Answer: Loggin charge

25) What does the acronym PLT stand for? Answer: Production logging tool

30) In a gas reservoir what is the phenomenon of the formation of liquid hydrocarbons as the pressure in
the reservoir decrease below dew point pressure during production called? Answer: Retrograde condensation

33) IN the context of production, what does A O F stand for ? answer: Absolute Open Flow

40) An act of well intervention performed on an oil or gas well to increase production by improving the
flow of hydrocarbons from the drainage area into the wellbore is called ? Answer: Stimulation

43) When the zone is partially penetrated what flow regime do you see on the Delta P Delta T log log
curve ? Answer: Spherical flow

49) Saturated hydrocarbons, with a general formula CnH2n plus 2 are known as what ? Answer:
Paraffines or Alkanes

50) Separation of gas and oil are critical in oil fields. What is one of the two primary process is to
release gas from the liquid ? Answer: Flash separation and differential separation (vaporization)

58) Primary and water flood recovery is affected by the wettability of the system. which wettability
yields the greats primary recovery ? Answer: Water wet

61) How is called a well outside the normal drilling /production pattern ? Answer: off pattern well

63) What is a combination of one or more metals with a non-metallic element ? Answer: Metal alloy

65) For the common case of carbonate reservoirs and moderate temperatures, produced water will have
ph values greater than which value? Answer: greater than 6

67) At what pressure the asphaltene precipitation will have the highest possibility to… Answer: At
bubble point

75) In the context of production logs , how is called the amount the service company charges to bring
their equipment to your well and ‘’rig up’’ on it ? Answer: Set up charge

84) In the field of production, what does the acronym UGS stand for? answer: Underground gas storage

93) What is the chemical formula of quartz ? Answer: SiO2

98) Finality of a surfactant in the oil and gas industry is to reduce a property between two fluids or
between a fluid and a solid. Name it. Answer: Interfacial tension

101) In relation to a fluid flow behaviour and reservoir pressure distribution as a function of time name
one of the three flow … Answer: Steady state, Unsteady state, Pseudo- steady state
104) What do we call the undesired phenomenon under which a low viscous mobility fluid displaces high
viscous mobility fluid in a porous media? Answer: Viscous Fingering.

108) Concerning remote well monitoring, what is called the technology with glass/ plastic material that
serves as a medium for transmission of information ? Answer: Fiber Optic

111) Indicate one of the main reasons why drilling mud is used for . answer: no Lubricate and cool the
drilling, remove the cuttings, others

122) The leakage of the liquid phase of drilling fluid, slurry or treatment fluid containing solid particles
into the formation matrix is commonly known as what? Answer: Fluid Losso

131) In reservoir engineering, what is the ratio of oil flow rate to the pressure draw called? Answer:
Productivity Index

135) What is a large molecule made up of repeating units ? Answer: polymers

137) why is used pseudo pressures for gas wells ? answer: to linearize the flowing equations

139) In special core analysis, name the process of saturating and desaturating the core with non-wetting
phase Answer: Hysteresis

140) For calculating the absolute open flow, it is necessary to consider the well flowing pressure equal to
what ? Answer: Zero

146) What is one of the two main purposes of performing waterflooding as secondary recovery
technique? Answer: maintain pressure, displace oil

151) how is cold one or more species of atoms having the same atomic number but different must
number? Answer: Isotopes.

152) What is the maximum gas oil ratio defined for black oil designation ? Answer: 2000-3500 scf/stb

159) In the context of reservoir simulation, this approach is often used as an alternative for complex full
field studies, it can better adapt the grid to reservoir boundaries, faults horizontal wells and flow patterns,
name this approach. Answer: Corner point geometry ( distorted grids

169) Name the term that describes the uncontrolled flow of fluids from a well. Answer: blowout

172) Below the bubble point pressure, how does the oil formation volume factor behave. Answer: It

175) One of the most famous waterflooding equations that correlates water saturation with space and
time. this equation is also named after the two scientists that generated it. name this equation . Answer:
buckley- Leverette equation.
HSE – Data science
What is the process of discovering hidden information in large amounts of structured and unstructured
data, using methods such as statistics, machine learning, data mining, and predictive analytics?

Advanced analytics

What is a measurement that identifies to what extent the proportion of variance in the dependent variable
is explained by the variance in the independent variables?

Adjustued R-squared

WWhat is the main application of high performance computing solutions?

Seismic imaging

According to U K H S E, what is one type of error in Predictive human error analysis?

Action errors, Checking Errors, others

IN the context of data science, what does D O F stand for?

Digital Oil Field

What is a subfield of machine learning concerned with algorithms, inspired by the structure and function of
the brain called artificial neural network, which are designed to imitate how humans think and […]

Deep Learning

In the context of a rig, what is the safety slide or a line from the derrickman’s platform to the ground, used
in an emergency called?

Geronimo Line

Name one benefits of digital transformation

Enhanced data collection, greater resource management, other

Split the dataset into training and test sets, use cross-validation techniques to further segment the dataset
into composite sets and implement performance metrics as accuracy are approaches to evaluate what?

Effectiveness of a machine learning model

Ther are four major areas where the blockchain technology can help the oil and gas industry overcome
various day to dday challenges. Name one of them

Supply chain and trading, regulatory, other

In the context of H S E S, what does the acronym O S H A represent?

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Name the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Number 12

Response Consumption & Production

As per the drilling system automation roadmap, chapter on human systems integration, give one exampòe
of function in the control loop in an ionterface between a human and an automated system

Information acquisition or info analysis, others

What is a column chart based on classes or bins of equal width, in which the height of the bars indicates the
frequency, or relative frequency, or number of occurences of data (y-axis) in size classes of equal width (x-


What is a concept that refers to a digital interconnection of everyday objects with the internet, in short, the
internet connection more with objects than with people, with the aim of bringing the ohysical world

Internet of things

What is a statistical method into Machine Learning to model the relationship between a dependent (target)
and independent (predictor) variables with one or more independent variables?

Regression analysis
What is the general permissible hydroge sulphide concentration at the workplace according to OSHA (O S H
A) ?


Name the united nation sustainable development goal number 2

Zero hunger

Packers should be built out of materials that will last the life of the well. What is the name of the
association that establishes guidelines and acceptance criteria for material selection for sour service in H 2
S environment?

Natl. Assn. of corrosion Engineer (NACE)

According to U K H S E, give one example of “action error” guise words used in the predictive human error

Action too late/early, action too fast/slow, others

According to I O G P, it is popular practice to assign a root cause of accidents to human error. However,
when the eighty percent human error is brocken down further, it reveals that the majority of errors come..

Organizational weakness/factor

In the context of unstructured gidding (2D triangular or a 3D tetrahedral) of a model geometry for
numerical reservoir simulations puroposes, what does P E B I stand for?


What is the name given to an oil field that relies on a control system to operate?

Digital oil field or smart field

What term is used to define a large set of data or a combination of these: the storage, observation and
processing of data to obtain relevant information is widespread today?

Big Data
P D F files, imgae files, video files, location data, telephone recordings audio files such as m p 3, emails and
word files are example of what type of data?

Unstructured data

In the context of H S E S, what does the acronym N F P A reoresent?

National Fire Protection Association

What is an artificial intelligence (A I ) function that limitates the workings of the human brain in processing
data and creating patterns for use I decision making?

Deep Learning

Collecting data, repat the data group sampling operation to verify and correct the imbalance and testing a
different algorithm entirely on the data set are the best way to handle what?

Handle an imbalanced dataset

S V M is a supervised machine learning model mainly used for classification and regression, and that learns
how to separate different groups by forming decision boundaries. What does S V M mean?

Support vector machines

Name the basic element of the shared-earth model for reservoir characterization that shows the larger
framework of the reservoir, and consists of two primary elements, the bounding surfaces and the faults.

3D structural mofeling

Q: In the context of relief systems, which A P I recommended practice covers the design of elevated flares?
A: API RP 521

Q: According to I O G P, list two leadership characteristics that can influence safety culture
A: Credibility, Vision, Accountability, Communications, Others

Q: List two human factors that contributed to the Macondo disaster, as per Volume 3 of the Chemical
Safety Board Investigation Report
A: Organizational policy, Fatigue, Distraction, others

Q: What is the term for evaluating probability of loss or failure?

A: Risk
Q: For being consistent with the Paris climate goals, which company revised its investment appraisal long
term price assumption in June 2020 to 55 dollars per barrel for Brent, and 2.90 dollars per millions of BTU
for Henry Hub gas from 2021 onwards?

Q: This term is known as the possibility that the flame will travel upstream into the system and should be
considered for all disposal systems. What is this term?
A: Flashback protection

Q: Which API Recommended Practice provides guidance on the selection and design of disposal system?
A: API RP 521

Q: Name the United Nation Sustainable Development Goal Number 16

A: Peace, Justice and strong institutions

Q: According to IOGP, list two phases of engineering project life-cycle that typically require integration of
Human Factors Engineering
A: Select, Define, Execute, and Operate

Q: According to IOGP, what’s the name of a cognitive bias that describes thinking tendency to assume that
behaviors of other people result from personality or character, rather than the system or conditions they
work in?
A: Fundamental Attribution Error/Bias

Q: Which API recommended Practice provides an overview of the types of relief devices, causes of
overpressure, relief load determination, and procedures for selecting and sizing relief devices?
A: API RP 520, part 1

Q: For waste management, mention one of the measures oil companies must take into account
A: Volumes reduction at source, choice of drilling fluids, others

Q: List two Human Factor topics discussed in the Ocean Energy Safety Institute ( O E S I) report on “human
factors and ergonomics in offshore drilling and production”
A: Procedures, Risk Perception, Stress, Fatigue, others

Q: What is the minimum number of crew required for work to take place in a confined space?
A: 2

Q: According to the Petroleum Engineering Handbook, Project Management is quite a different form of
Engineering. What is generally cited as the key to success as a Project Manager by the Petroleum…………
A: Ensure good communication within the project team

Q: According to IOGP, what’s the name of the idea that during the events leading up to accidents, people
are acting in a way that makes sense to them at the time?
A: Local Rationality (or as Bounded Rationality)

Q: With regards to offshore petroleum production facilities, what does the term HIPPS refer to?
A: High Integrity Pressure Protection System
Q: As a part of the Humans Factor Screening Process, which technique provides a structured decision
process for determining the optimal location of all valves on a facility to ensure good accessibility for
A: Valve Criticality Analysis (VCA)

Q: In the context of HSE, what does PHL stand for?

A: Potential Hurt Level

Q: As per the International Association of Oil and Gas Producer (IOGP), what is the definition of human
A: Simply does things than can influence what people do

Q: What is the common standard for well integrity in the Oil & Gas Industry?
A: Norsok-D-010

Q: What does the acronym MSDS stand for?

A: Material Safety Data Sheet

Q: In Hazardous area classifications, Zone classifications systems are based on NEC, API standards and IEC
standards. What does IEC stand for?
A: International Electrotechnical Commission

Q: When designing for gas transmission and distribution piping systems onshore, what ASME code is most
often used for design specifications?
A: ASME B31.8

Q: In the context of HSE, what does the acronym OGCI stand for?
A: Oil and Gas Climate Initiative

Q: What is the regularization technique that combines Ridge and Lasso?

A: Elastic Net

Q: In the context of HSES, what does the acronym ASTM represent?

A: American Society for Testing of Materials

Q: Name an ASTM standard that is used to quantify oil acidity

A: Total Acid Number (ASTM D664)

Q: According to the IOGP. List two organizations that published a guidance on the implementation of
human factor techniques and requirements applicable to the Oil & Gas industry

Q: According to the IOGP, name one human factors engineering activity to be conducted in the Select phase
of a project life cycle
A: HFE screening, Produce HFIP (HF integration plan)

Q: In Hazardous area classifications, which API recommended practice show typical examples of
classifications of equipment in oil and gas production facilities, including the extent of the classified area
around such equipment
A: API RP 500
Q: In the context of Hazardous area classification for electrical systems, almost all classifications in oil and
gas facilities rare Class J, Group D. Which locations are Class I?
A: Locations with flammable gases or vapors

Q: Name United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Number 4?

A: Quality of education

Q: Tank vent piping should include a device which protects the tank against the ignition of the vent gases
owing to lightning strike of a discharge of static electricity at the vent location. What is the name of this
A: Flame arrestor

q) How is called the document submitted by contractor to client, covering the general work procedure
of a particular job in a safe manner as per required standard?

a) W.M.S. (work method statement).

q) how is called the written document authorizing a person or a group to perform maintenance,
inspection or construction work?

a) work permit.

q) name two primary components in a blow-out preventer (B O P) stack.

a) wellhead connector / variable pipe rams / others.

q) what is an easy to implement supervised machine learning algorithm that can be used to solve both
classification and regression problems and is abbreviated KNN?

a) k-nearest neighbors

q) which simulation grid presents a hexahedral shape with eight corners and bilinear planes as surfaces
that describes the cell geometry?

a) corner point geometry.

q) in data science, identify one of the more commonly cited reasons for migrating functions and
capabilities to the cloud.

a) cost reduction / deployment flexibility

q) give one example of ordinary combustible material that is classified as a class A fire.

a) paper, wood, cloth, plastic, rubber

q) what are considered as the building blocks for any engineering material?

a) atoms

q) in the context of relief systems name one of two primary types of relief devices.

a) relief valve / rupture disk

q) in the context of relief systems, there must be a vessel that removes any liquid droplets that carry
over with the gas relief sent to the flare. What’s this vessel called?

a) knockout drum

q) how is called the step-by-step analysis of a job to determine the safe working procedure?

a) job safety analysis (JSA)

q) how is called the spontaneous disintegration of atomic nucleus, in which the nucleus emits alpha
particles, beta particles, gamma particles, electromagnetic rays during this process?

a) radioactivity

q) what is the process that “big data” and “the internet of things” are driving rapid digital adoption in
multiple industries, the highly cyclical oil and gas industry begins its transformation by increasingly
looking towards data-driven solutions?

a) digitalization

q) what is the only independent body focused on oil and gas control training and certification?


1. In the contest of HSES what does the acronym SWL represent ? SAFE WORKING LOAD
2. In the contest of HSES what does the acronym RSO represent ? RADIATION SAFETY
3. How is called the meeting where workers can be educated about safe rules and procedures
and also their awareness can be improved on some special task and its importance ? TOOL
4. What is the basis behind a branch of machine learning that most notably includes the
Naïve Bayes classifier ? BAYES’ THEOREM
5. In the context of HSE what does MTI stand for ? MEDICAL TREATMENT INCIDENT
6. Name one method in machine learning to evaluate a logistic regression model AKAIKE
7. In the context of HSES what does the acronym REL represent ? RECOMMENDED EXPOSURE

8. What is an error due to erroneous or overly simplistic assumptions in the learning

algorithm , which can lead to the model underfitting your data making it hard for it to have
high predictive accuracy ? BIAS
9. How is called a potential hazard that did not result in but have the potential to result in
undesirable consequences to personal and or to the assets or to the neighboring
community and environment A NESR MISS
10. How is called the procedure that provides concise guide lines for evacuation in case of
some emergency and to identify the emergencies in advance ? EMERGENCY EVACUATION
11. How is called the test carried for leak test for pipes ,equp…by filling water in this equip and
pipe with some pressure and its joint and connection are checked for any leak or
breakage ? HYDRO TEST

12. What is process of combining the diverse set of learners that are the individual models
with each other which help in improving the stability and predictive power of the model ?
13. This is an industrial cyber security term used in the oi and the framework of
protecting and securing system what is the meaning of ICS INDUSTRIAL CONTROL
14. Name one advantage of using explicit approximation/ formulation ? EACH EQUATION HAS

15. In casing ,what is the design factor of safety factor for tension ? 1.6-1.8
1) with regards to process safety and /or functional safety engineering what does the term
SIS commonly refers to? Answer: SAFETY INSTRUMENT SYSTEM

6) Who makes an accident report? Answer: Concerned area supervisor or site safety

11) What is the field of study that combines domain expertise programming skills and
knowledge of mathematics and statistics to extract meaningful insights from data ? Answer: Data

12) Excel tables, database fields, web forms and spreadsheets are example of what type of
data? Answer: structured data

18) In the context of H S E during lifting operations how is called the maximum load that can
be applied to the lifting tool safely? Answer: SWL or safety Working Load

20) IN the context of HSES, what does the acronym ASR represents? Answer: Air supplying

21) Name one type of extinguisher that is used for class C fires. Answer: DPC,FM-200, Halon,
Carbon dioxide

29) According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, offshore production was

responsible for the release of 6.2 million metric tons of combustion gases in 2013 name the two
major sources that contributed to the C O2 emissions from the oil and gas industry ? Answer:
Turbines and fire heaters, Gas flaring, well testing, etc..

51) Who an make an accident investigation report ? answer: frontline supervisor, HSE
manager, others..

53) What is the basic difference between information structured and unstructured? Answer:
Format/organization of the data

66) What type of fire protection system is commonly used with oil storage tanks fires ?
Answer:Foam fire protection

71) In order to accelerate integration of big data with big oil, name one of the three
companies which have… Answer: Halliburton, Microsoft, Accenture

74) In the context of HSE, what does RWI stand for? Answer: restricted work incident

81) Subset of artificial intelligence that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and
improve from use statistical methods ? Answer: Machine learning

82) Which model of clouds combines a private cloud with the use of public cloud, especially
when internal private cloud … answer: hybrid cloud
85) How is called the process of converting a continuous distribution to a discrete distribution
by subdividing the x-range? Answer: discretization

86) How is called the method of estimating the rate of risk of an activity, by classifying actual
and potential consequences and finding out mitigating actions to limit that risk ? Answer: risk

87) In the context of HSES, what does the acronym LEL represent? Answer: Lower Explosive

88) In the context of HSES, what does the acronym JSA represent? Answer: Job Safety Analysis

91) What are the standard developed by the Norwegian petroleum industry to ensure
adequate safety value adding … Answer: NORSOK Standards

113) In the context of acoustic logging, acoustic log data are commonly calibrated using Check
shot (velocity) or V S P surveys prayer to use in geophysical applications, what does V S P stand
for? Answer: Vertical Seismic Profile

121) What is the process of finding anomalies, patterns, and correlations in large data sets to
predict outcomes ? answer: Data mining

123) In the context of HSE during lifting operations. How is called the maximum distance where
the crane bloom has to reach for lifting or lowering the load? Answer: Working radius

124) How is cold are barrier consisting of top rails, mid rails, toe boards and vertical uprights
erected to prevent men and materials falling from an elevated work area ? answer: Guard rail

125) Who can place a scaffold tag ? answer: Scaffolding supervisor.

148) In the context of acoustic logging acoustic log data are combined with density log data to
generate a log that at it is used to produce a synthetic seismogram named this log . Answer:
Impedance log

153) Name one violation that is most commonly cited by OSHA? Answer: Fall protection,
hazard communication, scaffolding, others.

154) What is the most common numerical technique used by a reservoir simulator to convert
the original differential equation into algebraic form ? Answer: finite difference

156) What is a type of machine learning that looks for previously undetected patterns in a data
set with no pre existing labels and with a minimum of human supervision ? Answer: Unsupervised

173) beneficial use of produced water refers to a reasonable quantity of water applied to non-
wasteful use outside the oilfield . Name one beneficial application. Answer: Fishery, mining,
wildlife maintenance, other
29) According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, offshore production was
responsible for the release of 6.2 million metric tons of combustion gases in 2013 name the two
major sources that contributed to the C O2 emissions from the oil and gas industry ? Answer:
Turbines and fire heaters, Gas flaring, well testing, etc..

34) What kind of log can estimate the cement bond between the casing and the formation?
Answer: Cement bond log

36) Name the correlation function used in ‘reservoir characterization’ to quantify the spatial
relationship of variables Answer: Variogram

62) Name at least two well logs used to determine a reservoir porosity Answer: Density Log-
Neutron Log Acoustic Log, NMR

103) What is called the loss of metal due to chemical or electrochemical chemical reactions,
which could eventually destroy a structure? Answer: corrosion

105) For the modelling of permeability on variograms, what type of transformation (scaling) is
typically performed ? Answer: Log Normal

113) In the context of acoustic logging, acoustic log data are commonly calibrated using Check
shot (velocity) or V S P surveys prayer to use in geophysical applications, what does V S P stand
for? Answer: Vertical Seismic Profile

114) In the context of acoustic logging. This type of wave of all acoustic wave types, are the
most reliable because they are least affected by faults , unconsolidated formations, borehole
fluids. Name this type of wave. Answer: Compressional P waves

148) In the context of acoustic logging acoustic log data are combined with density log data to
generate a log that at it is used to produce a synthetic seismogram named this log . Answer:
Impedance log

157) How is called the chart showing the change in radioactivity of a South, for a period, at
regular interval of time ? Answer: Decay chart

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