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Variety from which you get a very nice wine, strong and soft, intense
color, herbal extract rich in phenols and very reminiscent of Cabernet
Sauvignon. This can be compared to fine Bordeaux
Cabernet Cortis is a dark-skinned grape variety used for wine. It was
bred in 1982 by Norbert Becker at the viticultural institute in
Freiburg, Germany as part of a programme searching for disease-
resistant grape varieties. It received German varietal protection in
From 1999 to 2005, Cabernet Cortis and four other Freiburg-created
varieties were evaluated in experimental plantations at Pully in the
Lake Geneva region of Switzerland. Cabernet Cortis ripens early, is
highly resistant to downy mildew and botrytis, but is sensitive to
powdery mildew.
Cabernet Cortis yields highly coloured, tannic and intense wines with
a herbal-vegetal character that are supposed to be Cabernet-styled.
FR 437-82
Freiburg 437-82 r.

Data sheet
Grape berry color Pink
Maturation period in
2nd decade of September, 2nd decade of August
Northern Italy
Maturation period in
1st decade of August
Southern Italy
Grape with seeds, round, little
Flavor neutral
Bunch thick, little
Use wine
Breeding espalier, pot
Where to plant mountain 500 - 1000 mt, hill 200-500 mt
suitable for professional vineyards, family vineyards
Deseases resistance high
downy mildew bunch high
downy mildew leaves high
powdery mildew leaves medium high
powdery mildew bunch medium
botrytis medium high
From 0 to 2 treatments with sulfur-based products, with the
Phytosanitary treatments
possible addition of copper, before and after flowering.
Other new variety

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