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Name : Ni Putu Diah Setyadewi

Class : 6D
NIM : 1812021017
Prose Fiction

The Analyses of The Story of An Hour by Kate Chopin

1. Plot
The Story of An Hour by Kate Chopin has a dramatic plot because this story
has a chronological structure. It can be seen from the exposition which is the
beginning of the story for upcoming events to unfold or can also called introduction.
The exposition of this story starts when the story tells, Mrs. Mallard is sickly and
suffers from heart trouble and followed by Josephine, her sister, concerned that the
Mr. Mallard’s news she is about to hear will kill her. After the exposition, there is a
rising action which is the point of the problem or main conflict is revealed. Here, the
protagonist will struggle to face the conflict. The protagonist of this story, Mrs.
Mallard has struggles to face her internal conflict which is herself because she knew
from Richard, her husband’s friend, that Mr. Mallard has been killed in a railroad
disaster. The way Richard gently revealed that news is a kind of rising action. By
struggling with herself, Mrs. Mallard felt deeply saddened. However, at the same
time, she also realized that she was free from this marriage with Mr. Mallard because
she always felt she wasn’t truly happy. So, this part of this story shows a climax
which is the turning point of the story. Moreover, the protagonist will face the
challenge or bleakest moment. Then, after Mrs. Mallard convinced herself that she
was free from her marriage, She and Josephine walked down. Unfortunately, Mr
Mallard, who was reported died, suddenly appeared from behind the door and also
without any trace or remains of the train accident. This is because Mr. Mallard was
not at the place of accident. This scene belongs to falling action which is the point
that occurs immediately after the climax and reveals the details of the consequences
good or bad, that the main characters must deal with after the turning point of events.
Also, this part can set the resolution of the story. Resolution is a part where the
outcome of the event and the fate of the protagonist and antagonists are revealed.
Moreover, the protagonist will resolve the conflict. So, the resolution of this short
story can be seen in the part when Mrs. Mallard got collapse and dead. The Doctor
said "that she had died of heart disease - of joy that kills." He thought she was so
overjoyed to see him that she died. In reality, she realized her "freedom" was never to
be, and that killed her.

2. Characters
There are five characters in the Story of An Hour. There are Louise Mallard as the
main character and Josephine, Richards and Brently Mallard as the minor characters.
a. Louise Mallard
She is the main character of this story and also Mr. Mallard’s wife. Based on the
introduction, she is sickly and suffer from a heart trouble, so, she is very sensitive
woman. She is also unpredictable woman. It can be seen from the part when she
heard about her husband died news. First, she went through great sadness about
the news of her husband's death. She suddenly changed when she realized that her
husband's death had freed her from a regressive marriage.
b. Josephine
She is Mrs. Mallard’s sister and very fond of her sister. This can be seen from how
he was worried about his sister's health when she heard the news of her brother-in-
law's death. Therefore, the character of Josephine is the main key for Mrs. Mallard
to get through the challenges of the conflict.
c. Richards
He is Mr. Mallard’s friend who brought a news of Mr. Mallard’s death. He knew
the accident because he read a newspaper about railroad train accidents which
there was Mr. Mallard’s name in it. However, he is very concerned about the
Mallard family as evidenced by providing news to Mrs. Mallard and also at the
same time guarding her from negative thing.
d. Brently Mallard
He is the main character’s wife, Mrs. Mallard. His presence at the end of the story
surprised the readers. This is because the readers believe that Mr. Mallard was
dead as a result of the train accident. To find out the character of Mr. Mallard is
very difficult because there is no definite explanation or explanation for the story.

3. Point of View
This story uses an omniscient point of view which is the narrator knows all the
characters thought. Kate Chopin uses this point of view to give the readers a third
person view into the situation that Mrs. Mallard is going though and how she reacts at
the news of her husband death.

4. Theme
The themes of The Story of An Hour are freedom and marriage. The theme freedom
used in the part of Mrs. Mallard when she said, "free, free, free!". Her thought about
her freedom while his husband death makes this story take freedom as the theme of
the story. Moreover, this story most talks about the marriage between Mrs. Mallard
and Mr. Mallard. It can be seen by the part of Mrs. Mallard that thought about her
unhappy marriage with Mr. Mallard and how she was happy after she knew that Mr.
Mallard death can take her into freedom.

5. Tone
The Story of An Hour by Kate Chopin take an irony as the tone of this story. Louise
Mallard as the main character was sad because losing his husband, Mr. Mallard and
suddenly at the same time, she was felt free. It was because she thought her marriage
made her unhappy so, she was very happy and free. However, the irony came. Mr.
Mallard came without any trace or remains of the train accident. Mrs. Mallard got
collapse and died but the doctor thought that she was died because she was extremely
happy can meet her husband again. In reality, she realized her "freedom" was never to
be, and that killed her.

6. Style
The style of Kate Chopin in writing The Story of An Hour is very interesting. She
used the third point of view to make the readers know how all the characters
thoughts in the story. Besides, she also put some figurative language (like imagery,
symbolism, etc.) in describing the situation in each plot. The Story of An Hour has the
plot twist in it so, it makes the readers very surprised about Mr. Mallard presences in
the end of the story.

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