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(Check Point-2)

CIVICS Test no-1

Paper-1 (Objective Type) 1-03-2011

Total Marks 100 (2 Marks Each)

(Please Tick mark the Right Answer)

1. -------------------- is the study of rights and duties of citizenship

(a) History (b) Biology (c) Geography (d) Civics

2. In India as per the constitution head of the Country(Chief Executive) Is -----

(a) Chief Minister (b) President (c) Prime minister (d) Governor

3. ------------------- is Not Directly Elected By the General Public

(a) Member Of Parliament (b) Member of Legislative Assembly (c) Municipal

Counselor (d) Chief Minister

4. ------------- is the supreme authority of the Government

(a) President (b) Chief Minister (c) Prime minister (d) Parliament

5. Chair Person of the Lokh Saba is -----------------

(a) President (b) Cabinet Minister (c) Vice President (d) Speaker

6. Chair Person of the Rajya Sabha is -----------------------------

(a) President (b) Cabinet Minister (c) Vice President (d) Speaker

7. In the state Government the council of Ministers are headed by

(a) Governor (b) Speaker (c) Chief Minister (d) MLA

8. State Legislative Assembly Members are elected by ----------------

(a) General Public (b) Rich and well known People (c) President (d) Governor

9. According to the Indian constitution the functions of the government are

divided in to -------------------

(a) One (b) Five (c) two (d) three

10. ------------------- make the law for the country

(a) Supreme court (b) President (c) Prime Minister (d) The Legislature

11. --------------------put the law in to effect

(a) Supreme court (b) Executive (c) Prime Minister (d) The Legislature

12. For Justice in India people should go to ------------------

(a) Prime Minister (2) MLA (3) Police (4) Courts

13. Strength of the Lower House of Parliament is -------------------

(a) 576 (b) 455 (c) 552 (d) 530

14. Out of the total strength of the Lok Sabah, how many members can be

directly elected by the General Public?

(a) 455 (b) 552 (c) 550 (d) 545

15. Rajesh is 19 years old , and he can be ----------------

(a) The President of India (b) The Chief Minister of a State (c) Member of

Parliament (d) A Voter in General Election

16. Shreyash is 29 years old and he cannot be --------------

(a) A Registered Voter (b) Member Of Parliament (c) MLA (d) Member of Rajya


17. Sandeep is 24 years old and the Son of Maharashtra Chief minister and he

decided to file his nomination to contest in the General Election for State
Legislative Assembly, but the election commissioner rejected his

nomination. According to you what may be the reason for rejection of his

nomination paper?

(a) He is the son of the Chief Minister (b) He is not highly Qualified (c) He is

dating with the Daughter of the election commissioner and he does not like it

(d) He is too small in age to be a member of State Legislative Assembly

18. The total strength of the council of states (Rajya Sabha ) is -------------

(a) 320 (b) 250 (c) 545 (d) 542

19. According to you the president can directly nominate how many numbers

of people to the rajya sabha?

(a) 22 (b) 12 (c) 8 (d) 238

20. ---------------- can not be dissolved by the President?

(a) Lok Sabha (b) Rajya Sabha (c) Cabinet (d) Vidhan Sabha

21. Who can initiate a Bill to amend the constitution of India?

(a) General Public (b) Prime Minister (c) President (d) Parliament

22. Every year, in the last of week of February the finance minister presents a

document in the parliament. What is it?

(a) Application to increase his salary (b) Railway Budget (c) Annual Budget (D)

His leave letter

23. ---------------- got the authority to Remove the President

(a) Prime Minister (b) Supreme Court (c) Parliament (d) Rajya Sabha

24. What is the minimum Quorum required to take place a parliament session?

(a) 51 % (b) two third (c) 10 % (d) 75%

25. ---------------- can dissolve the state Government before its terms if it looses

confidence in the State legislative assembly

(a) Chief minister (b) President (c) Governor (d) Chief Justice of High court


2 Marks Each (strike the wrong one)

26. A money Bill has to be introduced in the Rajya Sabha


27. State list includes subject of national importance

28. Reserve Bank of India is the Sole Custodian of National Treasury
29. Maharashtra is a Unicameral State
30. Uttar Pradesh is a Bicameral State
31. Vidhan Sabha is Partially Elected and Partially nominated

PLEASE answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences (5 Marks

32. According to the constitution of India, the functions of the government are
divided in to three branches, please name each branch and explain its
33. What is the Concurrent list?

34. State the Basic Qualification of the Member of Parliament?

35. Explain “ Vote of non- confidence”

36. Write an Essay on LOK SABHA ( 20-25 sentences ) ---- 10 Marks
37. Explain the Legislative structure of a Bicameral State, and how it is formed, its
duties, functions, structure etc. (8 Marks) (15-20 sentences)

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