S7 String Compare Functions

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27.7 Comparing STRING Variables

Description FC10 EQ_STRNG

The function FC10 compares the contents of two variables in the data type format STRING to find out
if they are equal and outputs the result of the comparison as a return value. The return value has the
signal state ”1" if the string at parameter S1 is the same as the string at parameter S2.
The function does not report any errors.

Parameter Declaration Data Type Memory Area Description

S1 INPUT STRING D, L Input variable in format STRING
S2 INPUT STRING D, L Input variable in format STRING
RET_VAL OUTPUT BOOL I, Q, M, D, L Result of comparison

You can assign only a symbolically defined variable for the input parameters.

Description FC13 GE_STRNG

The function FC13 compares the contents of two variables in the data type format STRING to find out
if the first is greater than or equal to the other and outputs the result of the comparison as a return
value. The return value has the signal state ”1" if the string at parameter S1 is greater than or equal to
the string at parameter S2.
The characters are compared by their ASCII code (for example, 'a' is greater than 'A'), starting from
the left. The first character to be different decides the result of the comparison. If the first characters
are the same, the longer string is greater.
The function does not report any errors.

Parameter Declaration Data Type Memory Area Description

S1 INPUT STRING D, L Input variable in format STRING
S2 INPUT STRING D, L Input variable in format STRING
RET_VAL OUTPUT BOOL I, Q, M, D, L Result of comparison

You can assign only a symbolically defined variable for the input parameters.

System Software for S7-300/400 System and Standard Functions Volume 2/2
572 Reference Manual, 05/2010, A5E02790053-01

Description FC15 GT_STRNG

The function FC15 compares the contents of two variables in the data type format STRING to find out
if the first is greater than the other and outputs the result of the comparison as a return value. The
return value has the signal state ”1" if the string at parameter S1 is greater than the string at parameter
The characters are compared by their ASCII code (for example, 'a' is greater than 'A'), starting from
the left. The first character to be different decides the result of the comparison. If the first characters
are the same, the longer string is greater.
The function does not report any errors.

Parameter Declaration Data Type Memory Area Description

S1 INPUT STRING D, L Input variable in format STRING
S2 INPUT STRING D, L Input variable in format STRING
RET_VAL OUTPUT BOOL I, Q, M, D, L Result of comparison

You can assign only a symbolically defined variable for the input parameters.

The function FC19 compares the contents of two variables in the data type format STRING to find out
if the first is smaller than or equal to the other and outputs the result of the comparison as a return
value. The return value has the signal state ”1" if the string at parameter S1 is smaller than or equal to
the string at parameter S2.
The characters are compared by their ASCII code (for example, 'a' is smaller than 'A'), starting from
the left. The first character to be different decides the result of the comparison. If the first characters
are the same, the shorter string is smaller.
The function does not report any errors.

Parameter Declaration Data Type Memory Area Description

S1 INPUT STRING D, L Input variable in format STRING
S2 INPUT STRING D, L Input variable in format STRING
RET_VAL OUTPUT BOOL I, Q, M, D, L Result of comparison

You can assign only a symbolically defined variable for the input parameters.

System Software for S7-300/400 System and Standard Functions Volume 2/2
A5E02790053-01 573

Description FC24 LT_STRNG

The function FC24 compares the contents of two variables in the data type format STRING to find out
if the first is smaller than the other and outputs the result of the comparison as a return value. The
return value has the signal state ”1" if the string at parameter S1 is smaller than the string at
parameter S2.
The characters are compared by their ASCII code (for example, 'a' is smaller than 'A'), starting from
the left. The first character to be different decides the result of the comparison. If the left part of the
longer character string and the shorter character string are the same, the shorter string is smaller.
The function does not report any errors.

Parameter Declaration Data Type Memory Area Description

S1 INPUT STRING D, L Input variable in format STRING
S2 INPUT STRING D, L Input variable in format STRING
RET_VAL OUTPUT BOOL I, Q, M, D, L Result of comparison

You can assign only a symbolically defined variable for the input parameters.

Description FC29 NE_STRNG

The function FC29 compares the contents of two variables in the data type format STRING and
checks to see that they are not the same and outputs the result of the comparison as a return value.
The return value has the signal state ”1" if the string at arameter S1 is not the same as the string at
parameter S2.
The function does not report any errors.

Parameter Declaration Data Type Memory Area Description

S1 INPUT STRING D, L Input variable in format STRING
S2 INPUT STRING D, L Input variable in format STRING
RET_VAL OUTPUT BOOL I, Q, M, D, L Result of comparison

You can assign only a symbolically defined variable for the input parameters.

System Software for S7-300/400 System and Standard Functions Volume 2/2
574 Reference Manual, 05/2010, A5E02790053-01

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