Essay of The Lack of Students' Motivation During English Online Classes in The Middle of Pandemic Situation

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Name : Ni Putu Diah Setyadewi

Class : 5D
NIM : 1812021017
Middle Test of TEFL

ESSAY Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Lack of Students' Motivation during English Online Classes

In the Middle of Pandemic Situation

The pandemic has made all educational institutions implemented online. It is to prevent
and reduce the spread of COVID-19. Therefore, all learning activities are carried out online
without having to have face-to-face meetings. With online learning activities, most students are
affected by the system that changes suddenly. One of the effects felt by students, in general, is
experiencing a reduction in learning motivation, especially in learning English. During online
learning at home, students learn independently without having to meet face to face with their
friends. It is difficult for students who learn English through online learning. So, it makes
students have low motivation for studying during English online classes. Through this essay, we
will discuss two main factors that cause the reduction of learning motivation in students in
learning English and how to overcome this.
The first factor is an internal factor which is caused by students. This factor is a feeling of
laziness or a lack of interest in student learning during a pandemic situation. During online
learning at home, the environment around the house makes students feel uncomfortable or does
not focus on studying independently at home so that it can lead to laziness for students studying
at home. Then, during the process of learning English online, students who feel lazy will make
them less focused and do not understand the material taught by their teacher. So, when they don't
understand the material taught by the teacher, they will lose their motivation to learn during a
pandemic situation.
Therefore, students need to pay attention to their learning environment to stay focused
and not be lazy when they take English classes online at home. In creating a conducive learning
environment at home, students must keep away from objects that make them lazy or do not focus
on studying, such as handphone and television. If students can create a conducive learning
environment during online learning, students will not get bored quickly and understand the
material provided by the teacher.
The second factor is an external factor that is caused by an unexpected condition outside
the students themselves. This factor is an unstable signal condition and insufficient internet
quota. It happens when most students undergo online English class learning and are the reason
for students not to take online classes. Students who have unstable signals will find it difficult to
follow and access the material provided by the teacher during online learning. Therefore, they do
not understand the material well and are left behind with other students. It makes students worry
and reduces their motivation to learn. It is hard to overcome unstable signals to students when
carrying out online learning because it depends on the provider in each area where the student
lives. However, for students whose internet quota is insufficient, students must be good at
regulating internet usage for online learning. Besides, the existence of internet quota assistance
from the government or schools and universities is not an obstacle to student motivation during
online learning at home.
From these factors, it concludes that the lack of students' motivation to learn in online
English classes can be overcome if students have the desire to overcome it. When students can
adjust the atmosphere of the learning environment and regulate the use of internet quotas for
learning, students will be motivated to learn and take English online classes without feeling
bored or tired. Online English classes will feel fun and comfortable if all students can overcome
the two factors that make them less motivated during online learning.

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