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GETTING THE WORK DONE Gre acer ei AA Discuss these questions. 1 What is productivity? 2. How can you measure productivity? 3 Give an example of a measurement of labour productivity. automation capability challenge colleague culture efficiency 11 What does each picture show? Talk about each picture using a B Study the pictures on the opposite page. 8 word from box a. (You will not need all the words) | 2. Which of the aspects of work shown in the pictures could help increase productivity? Which could decrease productivity? | environment overtime | repetitive reward C Look at the words in box a. | socialize supervi 1 Underline the stressed syllable in each word. ste oa oa 2. Which word has the same stress pattern as productivity? 3 Sort the other words into groups according to their stress patterns. D Complete each sentence with a word from box a. 1 Packing eggsisa_______job. 2. New machinery can mean greater in the production process. 3 with robots is now universal in car production. 4 People often like to_______ with their work colleagues. 5 Anuncomfortable working _____ makes it difficult to work. 6 People may become teachers because they want a 7 You can earn extra money if you work 8 If acompany has a poor » people may try to avoid working. E study the words in box b. Find the prefix and try to work out the meaning in each case. Pe eranetesgcceesecer eee ee ces pinay deviate intrinsic unique disadvantage enrich __ self-employed multimillionaire _ devalue interior uniform disappear encourage self-service multinational F Complete each sentence with a word from box b. Change the form if necessary. Many organizations use e-mail as a convenient form of - communication, Employees who are badly paid may become ___. If a team consists of people from several different departments itis said to be Ateam needs to be _______ in order to work well. It is important to that people have good working conditions. People who think they are no good at anything have low oauawne 22 ee en a EPS Uiliste) | preparing for a lecture + predicting lecture content + making notes A Study the handout from a lecture. 1. What do you expect to learn in this lecture? Make a list of points. 2. Check the pronunciation of the words in the diagrams, with other students or with a dictionary. 3 Write down other key words you expect to hear. 4 How are you going to prepare for this lecture? G? Listen to Part 1 of the lecture. 1. What exactly is the lecturer going to talk about today? Tick the topic(s) you heard. © efficiency improving productivity with new equipment ‘* motivation theories 2 What reason does the lecturer give for talking about this topic? 3 What is the best way to organize notes for this lecture? G Listen to Part 2 of the lecture. 1. What is the main idea of this section? 2. What is Maslow’s theory? 3. What is the meaning of self-actualization? 4 What examples from the workplace does the lecturer give for types of needs? 5 What do you expect to hear in the next part of, the lecture? @ Listen to Part 3 of the lecture. 1 How could you write notes for this part? 2 What are the two factors and their definitions? @ Listen to Part 4 of the lecture. 1 Check your definitions of the two factors. 2 What research must you do now? @ Listen and say whether the sentences are true or false. 1 5 5 a 4 6 G What does Figure 2 show? Discuss: 24 1 the chart itself 2 the causes of di atisfaction 3. the causes of satisfaction Bo Faculty: Business Studies ‘Motivation in the workplace seltactalzation sell-esteem needs Fig. 1: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs ‘What makes you dissatisfied at work?! I eations wit bosses 15% TD vet contin: 11% nu» w o What makes you satisfied at work?* : responsibilty 3% eaenmasncs TROT mare cia oor Sal Sparen f 20 nganeTand veins i FDS OO ae ie nae oo Be eo Fig. 2: Results of a survey of job satisfaction ~ " factors mentioned by dissatisfied people ? factors mentioned by satisfied people Becutlities Is “stress within words * using information sources * reporting research findings AL G Listen to some stressed syllables. Identify the word below in each case. Number each word. Example: You hear: 1 mu /mju:/ You write: achievement esteem automation factor behaviour hygiene communicate _[ interpersonal demotivated issue employee multidisciplinary negative objective physical responsibility secure status B Where is the main stress in each multi-syllable word in Exercise A? 1 Mark the main stress. 2 Practise saying each word. (© Work in pairs or groups. Define one of the words in Exercise A. The other student(s) must find and say the correct word. D Look at the spidergram on the right. 1 For each method of communication, state the medium used. 2. Say why each method might be used. 3 What other methods of communication are there? peaking | quick responce; internat cnet Sace| Cho other employees in the buildings external lag, to suppers) E Before you attend a lecture you should do some research. 1 Faculty: Business Studies Increasing productivity: motivating staff 1 How could you research the lecture topics on the right? 2. What information should you record? 3. How could you record the information? F You are going to do some research on a particular lecture topic. You must fi 1 a dictionary definition 2 an encyclopedia explanation 3 a useful Internet site 2 What is the future for IT in business ‘communication? 3 Appraisal and reward systems: «a brief history 4 Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation Student A # Do some research on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Tell your partner about your findings. Student B Do some research on appraisal and reward systems. ‘Tell your partner about your findings. 25 Eye ccut aria A You are going to listen to a continuation of the lecture in Lesson 2. 1 Make a list of points from that lecture 2. What is the lecturer going to talk about today? (Clue: You researched it in Lesson 2.) 3. Listen to the end of the last lecture again and check your ideas. _asking for information * reporting information B Look at the slides for today’s lecture on the opposite page. 1 What is shown in Slide 17 2 What is shown in Slide 2? 3. What is the purpose of these documents? C_ @ Listen to Part 1 of today’s lecture. 1 The lecturer will define something. What is it? 2 How does the system work? 3. What is a good way to make notes from this lecture? Prepare a page in your notebook DG Listen to Part 2 of the lecture. Make notes. If necessary, ask other students for information. E How will the lecturer finish the lecture? 1 ® Listen to the beginning of Part 3 and check your ideas. 2 WNow listen to the rest of the lecture. Make notes. If necessary, ask other students for information. F Match the verbs and definitions. 1 | access force people to follow something (e.g., a new rule) 2 | deviate find or see 3° draw up decide what to do first, second, etc. 4 impose get to, reach 5 | integrate act as a result of something 6 | prioritize join parts to make a whole 7 react prepare and write 8 | spot be different from G SD Beds Ltd. is a company that makes luxury beds. In general, the company is doing well, but it could do even better. The managing director has set a company target of a 5% increase in turnover for next year. 1 Write a mission statement for the company. 2 Imagine you are a manager in the human resources, sales or production department. Write some objectives for yourself for next year. 3. Work with a partner. Your partner is your line manager. Your partner will ask you about your ‘objectives. 26 & ANW Bank Our mission to make sure our shareholders receive the best returns on their investment to continue to build our business and create brand value wherever we operate to meet the needs of our customers through excellent service Slide 1 “SD Beds Ltd. aS Please complete this form before your interview. "Name of employee: ‘What are your objectives for next year? Tare Slater Position: marketing manager Line manager: Aocgoret Tackson Plan for next year Appraisal date: Ai, Tanacs an analysis ef ov From now until Tug Competitors’ predets List your achievements in the las 12 months. + tuo very successful Promotions and Publicity comPaigns z my department is new a o\ wanceting "Han far] Serterker- Dest erg ood Seam which wores | {he nett three Years — taed on the oboe 0 review of ou Pricing | Tud-SePtember Peliey have started a project to Find ovt customers” oPinions oF our prodets 27 Rare ean ge 28 Stress within words Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are called content words because they carry the One-syllable meaning. words Some content words have one syllable or sound. This is always stressed. Examples: "key, ‘need, ‘trust, ‘aim Two-syllable words Some content words have two syllables. Two-syllable nouns and adjectives are often stressed on the first syllable. Two-syllable verbs are often stressed ‘on the second syllable. Examples: Nouns “factor, ‘shelter, ‘impact re'ward, e'ffect, ma'chine Adjectives _| ‘basic, ‘crucial, ‘rigid u'nique, se'cure Verbs en'sure, re'act, com'bine ‘challenge Multi-syllable words Some content often stressed Example: O00 0000 This is true for three syllables from the end. 00000 most words ending in: words have three or more syllables. Multi-syllable words are ~ize~ise _ | ‘socialize, ‘advertise sis a'nalysis ~ate co'mmunicate, ‘deviate ~ify “classify, ‘satisfy ~ical ‘physical, geo'graphical ~ity capa'bility, pub'licity ular particular, ‘regular ~al ma'terial, ‘personal ~ology psy'chology ~y ‘policy, e'fficiency Exceptions: Multi-syllable words ending in the following letters are normally stressed two syllables from the end. At realistic, spe'cific, in'trinsic ~ion con'dition, satis'faction, super'vision went co'herent, e'fficient ~tial po'tential, influ'ential By ETL | Getting information from other people From the lecturer We can sometimes ask a lecturer questions at the end of a lecture. Introduce each question in a polite or tentative way. Examples: Could you go over the bit about needs again? I didn’t quite understand what you said about self-actualization. I wonder if you could repeat the name of Maslow’ theory of motivation. Would you mind giving the source of that quotation again? From other students It is a good idea to ask other students after a lecture for information to complete your notes. Examples: What did the lecturer say about hygiene factors? | Why did he talk about the disadvantages of MBO? | When did he say that Herzberg did his research? I didn’t get the bit about motivators. Be polite! In some situations, it can sound impolite to ask people a direct question. We often add a polite introduction. Examples: Does a mission statement give the aims of a company? | > (polite) Do you know if a mission statement gives the aims of a company? What does ‘self-esteem’ mean? > (polite) Can you remember what ‘self-esteem’ means? What are your objectives for next year? > (polite) Could you tell me something about your objectives for next year? Reporting information to other people We often have to report research findings to a tutor or other students in a seminar. Make sure you can give: © sources - books, articles, writers, publication dates © quotes the writer's own words © summary findings - in your own words 29

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