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Fuel 189 (2017) 186–194

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Adsorptive desulfurization of diesel oil using nickel nanoparticle-doped

activated carbon beads with/without carbon nanofibers: Effects of
adsorbate size and adsorbent texture
Yogendra Nath Prajapati a, Nishith Verma a,b,⇑
Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208016, India
Center for Environmental Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208016, India

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 Efficient Ni-doped CNF-containing

adsorbents were prepared for ADS of
diesel oil.
 The adsorbate size and adsorbent
textures influenced the adsorption
 Ni-CNF/ACBs showed higher Thiophene
adsorption capacity than Ni/ACBs in a
commercial oil.

Ni-doped CNFs-containing porous carbon bead V<1 nm (cc/g)

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Nickel (Ni)-doped activated carbon beads (ACBs) with/without carbon nanofibers (CNFs) were synthe-
Received 10 April 2016 sized for the efficient desulfurization of diesel oil by adsorption. The materials were characterized for
Accepted 6 October 2016 their physico-chemical properties, using the BET, SEM, XRD, and TPD analysis. The in-situ dispersed Ni
Available online 26 October 2016
nanoparticles in the ACBs served the dual role of catalyzing the growth of the CNFs (average thickness
c.a. 70 nm) across the ACB surface and the removal of S-containing compounds from the liquids. The
Keywords: adsorption capacity of Ni/ACBs (without CNF-containing adsorbents) was approximately 3.5 times higher
Adsorptive desulfurization
than that of Ni-CNF/ACBs for the large sized dibenzothiophene molecules, because of the higher BET sur-
Activated carbon bead
Carbon nanofiber
face area and pore volume of the former adsorbent. On the contrary, the adsorption capacity of Ni-CNF/
Nickel nanoparticle ACBs was higher than that of Ni/ACBs for the small sized thiophene molecules, despite the BET surface
Diesel oil area and pore volume being smaller in the CNF-containing adsorbent, indicating that the p-
complexion interactions were dominant over physisorption in the graphitic CNFs. The comparative
adsorption data indicate that the adsorption capacities of the prepared Ni-containing adsorbents with/
without CNFs in this study were greater than most of the adsorbents discussed in the literature. This
study assumes significance from the perspective of selecting suitable adsorbents for the different
sized-S-compounds in diesel oil.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Diesel is one of the high energy density (42.5 MJ/kg) fuels

commonly used in transportation vehicles, power generators, and
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute industrial furnaces. During combustion of diesel, several air
of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208016, India. pollutants such as H2S and SO2 are emitted because of the
E-mail address: (N. Verma).
0016-2361/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y.N. Prajapati, N. Verma / Fuel 189 (2017) 186–194 187

decomposition of sulfur-containing aromatic compounds such as be higher than that of the metal-dispersed SiO2/AA/zeolite/molec-
thiophene (TH), benzothiophene (BT), dibenzothiophene (DBT) ular sieves.
and its alkyl-substituted derivatives. These compounds are inher- From the overview of the aforesaid studies, it is evident that Ni
ently present in the fuel. The sulfur-containing compounds can dispersed-carbons are potentially efficient materials for the ADS of
also poison the catalyst of the catalytic converter in automobiles. diesel. Extending along the theme of those studies, this paper
Many countries have set strict regulations for the maximum describes the development of the Ni-containing spherical activated
amounts of sulfur in diesel. European standards organization has carbon beads (0.8 mm) having different textural properties for
restricted the sulfur concentration below 10 ppm by weight the ADS of diesel. The transition metal-dispersed porous carbon
(ppmw) in all fuels since 2009 [1]. In India, regulations have been beads have been found to exhibit significantly large adsorption
set at 10 ppmw-sulfur in diesel oil from 2017 onwards [2]. capacity for a number of pollutants in water, such as arsenic, fluo-
Hydrodesulfurization (HDS) is commonly used for removing ride, vitamin B-12, and Cr(VI) [17,18], and are the focus of the pre-
sulfur or sulfur-containing compounds from diesel by the catalytic sent study on desulfurization. Such materials (beads) can also be
hydrogenation. The method using Ni/Co/Mo-based catalysts packed in a tubular adsorber and efficiently used under flow con-
requires relatively severe operating conditions (350–400 °C and ditions without maldistribution or channeling of the liquid to be
3–10 MPa hydrogen-pressure), and is considered to be effective treated.
for treating diesel containing sulfur over the 500–2000 ppmw- The present study investigates the ADS performance of the Ni/
concentration range [1,3]. However, further reduction of sulfur in NiO-doped porous carbon beads decorated with/without carbon
diesel by HDS may be ineffective, because the hydrogenation of nanofibers (CNFs). The effects of textural properties (BET area, pore
aromatic hydrocarbons in the fuel is more reactive than that of volume, pore size distribution (PSD), metal and graphitic contents)
the aromatic sulfur compounds [4]. In this context, adsorptive of the prepared materials on desulfurization are investigated using
desulfurization (ADS) has gained much attention because of the two different organosulfur compounds, namely, TH and DBT,
required less severe operating conditions (<200 °C and 0.1– which are different in molecular size. Several salient studies have
0.8 MPa) compared to conventional HDS processes. Furthermore, been recently geared in this direction and are revisited in details
such processes do not alter the sulfur-free composition and phys- later in the context of discussing the adsorption mechanism for
ical properties of the fuel. desulfurization [19–24]. This study shows that suitable textural
The ADS processes use different transition metals such as Cu, Ni, modifications to the adsorbent materials are required for the effi-
Ag, and Zn, which are dispersed in various inorganic supports, viz., cient desulfurization of diesel oil, depending upon the type of tar-
molecular sieves, silica and activated alumina (AA). Transition get compound to be removed.
metals have the capability to enhance the adsorption of sulfur
compounds through p-complexation and/or metal-sulfur interac-
2. Materials and methods
tion [5]. Among the transition metals, Ni has attracted much atten-
tion for the ADS of diesel oils, with the adsorption capacity of the
2.1. Chemicals
Ni-based adsorbents determined to be 0.2–16 mg-S/g over the sul-
fur concentration range of 14–700 ppmw and temperature range of
Phenol (>99.5%), formaldehyde (37–38%), hexamethylenete-
25–220 °C [6–8]. In particular, Liao et al. [5] evaluated the desulfu-
tramine (HMTA, 99%), triethylamine (TEA, 99%), polyvinyl alcohol
rization performance of different transition metals supported in AA
(PVA) (MW = 95,000), nickel nitrate hexahydrate (>98%), and n-
at room temperature (30 °C) and found the adsorption capacities
octane (>99%) were purchased from Merck Germany. The TH
for TH in the following order: Ag > Ni > Cu > Zn. Similar compara-
(99%) and DBT (98%) sulfur-containing compounds were purchased
tive studies also showed the relatively superior performance of
from Alfa Aesar and Spectrochem Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai, respectively.
Ni-based adsorbents [7,9].
Commercial diesel (115 ppmw-S) was purchased from a local
Activated carbon (AC) is widely recognized as a versatile mate-
market. All gases used in this study were zero grade and purchased
rial having potential to act as an adsorbent, catalyst, and support to
from Sigma Gases India.
metal catalysts, attributed to its relatively large BET area,
amenability for surface functionalization, and stability in acidic
medium [10]. In the present context of desulfurization also, ACs 2.2. Synthesis and heat treatment of Ni-doped polymeric beads
have recently gained considerable attention [11–16]. Among the
salient studies performed in this area, Xiao et al. [11] investigated The Ni-doped phenolic precursor-based polymeric beads were
the comparative effects of AC and Na+/Y zeolite (without metal) for synthesized according to the procedure described in the previous
the removal of BT and DBT from n-octane at 30 °C. The ACs showed study [17]. The in-situ Ni-doped polymeric beads were pre-
relatively higher adsorption capacity for both sulfur compounds, oxidized by air (100 standard cubic centimeter per min (sccm)-
attributed to the relatively larger pore size of the adsorbent vis a flow rate) at 350 °C for 1 h in the horizontal stainless steel (SS)
vis the molecular size of the solutes, and a strong interaction tubular reactor mounted in a tubular furnace. The temperature of
between carbon and the BT and DBT molecules. Muzic et al. [12] the reactor was increased at a rate of 5 °C/min to 950 °C. The oxi-
investigated the performance of AC and zeolite for the ADS of com- dized beads were carbonized under N2 flow (100 sccm) for 1 h
mercial diesel at different temperatures ranging from 30 to 70 °C. and then activated at the same temperature for another 1 h, using
The adsorption capacity of AC was determined to be approximately a mixture of N2 (100 sccm) and steam (0.3–0.5 g per min). After
three times higher than that of zeolite. Hernandez and co-worker activation, the furnace was allowed to cool to room temperature
[13] compared the performances of the Ni-dispersed AA-SiO2 com- under N2 flow. Next, the Ni-containing porous carbon beads were
posite with that of AC with and without Ni for the ADS of different calcined at 450 °C for 4 h under 100 cc/min of N2 flow to convert
model oils containing BT, DBT and 4,6-DMDBT. Interestingly, the Ni-nitrate into NiO. Such samples were termed as NiO/ACB for
data showed that the adsorption capacity of AC without Ni was the reference purposes in this study. The reduction of NiO into
higher than that of all AA-SiO2-supported Ni materials synthesized Ni0 was carried out at 600 °C for 2 h, using H2 as a reducing agent
in the study. The inclusion of Ni into AC showed even higher at 100 sccm-flowrate. These samples were termed as Ni/ACB. Next,
adsorption capacity. Similar results have been reported for the CNFs were grown over Ni/ACBs, using CVD with acetylene gas
ADS of commercial as well as synthetic diesel containing DBT (30 sccm) as the carbon source. The dispersed Ni0 in the beads cat-
and DMDBT [14–16]. The adsorption capacity of AC was found to alyzed the growth of the CNFs. The CVD was carried out at 600 °C
188 Y.N. Prajapati, N. Verma / Fuel 189 (2017) 186–194

for 0.5 h. The heating was stopped and the reactor was cooled to performing ADS tests (Fig. 1). The temperature of the vessel was
room temperature. The produced CNFs-decorated beads were sub- controlled using a PID controller. A stirrer cum sample holder, fab-
jected to ultrasonication using 0.05 M HNO3 for 2 min to open up ricated from SS was connected to an electric motor for stirring the
the tips of the CNFs by dislodging the Ni nanoparticles which were test solution at a constant speed in the vessel. The sample holder
located at the tips. After ultrasonication, the beads were dried at contained perforations of 1 mm-diameter at side and bottom walls.
room temperature and used for adsorption study. These samples A SS mesh was fixed inside the sample holder to prevent beads
were termed as Ni-CNF/ACB. Some samples were not subjected from escaping the sample holder, while allowing free flow of the
to ultrasonication, for the comparison purposes. The carbonized solution into and out from the holder during stirring.
and activated samples prepared without Ni were termed as ACB. Adsorption tests were performed over different temperatures
(30, 100 and 150 °C). Approximately 0.1 g of the prepared beads
2.3. Adsorbent characterization (ACB, NiO/ACB, Ni/ACB, and Ni-CNF/ACB) were mixed into
20 mL of test oil (n-octane containing TH/DBT or a commercial
The N2 adsorption-desorption isotherm, BET surface area, pore diesel blended with TH/DBT) contained in the reactor. The reactor
volume and pore size distribution (PSD) of the prepared materials was heated 5 °C/min to the required temperature. After the tem-
were determined at 77 K, using the Autosorb-1C instrument perature of the test mixture reached the set temperature, the pres-
(Quantachrome, USA). Prior to the analysis, the samples were sure in the vessel was increased to 0.7 MPa, using N2 gas. The
degassed at 150 °C for 12 h. Total pore volume was calculated at mixture was stirred for 4 h. The solid beads were separated from
a relative pressure near unity (P/Po = 0.9994). Micropore volume the liquid, using a filter paper (Whatman ashless, grade no. 42).
was calculated from t-plot. Meso-macropore volume was calcu- Total concentration of sulfur in diesel was determined using the
lated by subtracting the micropore volume from total pore volume. X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF-Rigaku) with an X-ray gen-
Temperature programmed desorption (TPD) was performed for the erator (4 kW, 60 kV, 150 mA). The concentration of DBT or TH in
qualitative analysis of oxygen-containing functional groups in the n-octane was determined using a gas chromatography equipped
samples, using the Autosorb-1C instrument. Approximately with the flame ionization detector (Nucon-5700, India). The
100 mg of the sample, contained in the U-shaped quartz reactor, adsorption capacity, qe (mg-S/g) of the prepared adsorbents was
was first outgassed at 100 °C for 20 min under helium stream determined using the S-balance equation:
(10 sccm) to remove moisture. The temperature was then ðCo  C e ÞW oil
increased 10 °C/min from 100 to 800 °C. The surface morphology qe ¼ ð1Þ
1000  W ads
of the samples was observed using a high resolution field emission
scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM - MIRA3 series, Tescan). where Co and Ce are the initial and final (equilibrium) sulfur concen-
X-rays diffraction (XRD) patterns of the samples were recorded trations (mg/kg or ppmw) in oil, respectively, and Woil and Wads are
using the powder XRD instrument (X0 Pert3, PANalytical, USA) and the weight (g) of oil and adsorbent, respectively.
Cu Ka radiation (k = 1.5418 Å). The analysis was performed over
the 2h-range of 20–80° at the scanning rate of 3° per min. The aver-
3. Results and discussion
age crystalline size was calculated using Scherrer’s formula.
3.1. SEM analysis
2.4. ADS experiments
Fig. 2 shows the SEM images of the synthesized materials. The
A high pressure SS vessel (I.D. = 45 mm, O.D. = 80 mm, ACBs contained hierarchal pores including micropores (pore
height = 60 mm), equipped with an electric heater was used for size < 2 nm), mesopores (2 nm < pore size < 50 nm) and macrop-
ores (pore size > 50 nm), and these were visible in the image
(Fig. 2a). The NiO/ACB and Ni/ACB samples exhibited similar sur-
face morphologies, with the shiny Ni particles clearly visible on
the external surface and within pores of the materials (Fig. 2b
and c). The average particle size was found to be between 30 and
50 nm. A few relatively larger-sized NiO and Ni particles were also
formed because of the agglomeration of small particles during the
heat treatment. The growth of CNFs was dense and uniform across
the entire surface of the Ni-CNF/ACBs (Fig. 2d). The large
magnification-images showed that the CNFs were hollow, with
the average diameter of the CNFs estimated to be approximately
70 nm (Fig. 2e and f). The ultrasonication caused the removal of
the Ni nanoparticles from the tips of the CNFs, whereas the
nanoparticles dispersed on the surface remained largely intact
(Fig. 2g). The EDX analysis showed a relatively less amount of Ni
nanoparticles in the sonicated sample (Fig. 2h and i). The EDX spec-
tra confirmed the presence of Ni elements (Fig. 2j). The amount (w/
w %) of Ni decreased from 2% in the pre-sonicated samples to
0.45% in the sonicated samples. The Raman spectroscopy analysis
of the CNF-containing materials revealed the high graphitic con-
tent (indicated via low ID/IG ratio) [25].

3.2. BET surface area and PSD

Fig. 3a shows the adsorption-desorption isotherms of the syn-

Fig. 1. Experimental setup for the adsorptive desulfurization study. thesized adsorbents. The N2 uptake in ACBs rapidly increased up
Y.N. Prajapati, N. Verma / Fuel 189 (2017) 186–194 189

Fig. 2. SEM and EDX images of the prepared adsorbents: (a) ACBs, (b) NiO/ACBs, (c) Ni/ACBs, (d–f) Ni-CNF/ACBs before sonication, (g) Ni-CNF/ACBs after sonication, EDX
mapping of (h) sonicated Ni-CNF/ACBs, (i) pre-sonicated Ni-CNF/ACBs, and (j) EDX spectra and elemental compositions.

to the relative pressure of approximately 0.1. Beyond this pressure Fig. 3b shows the t-plots of the different materials prepared in
the uptake was almost constant, indicating that the adsorption iso- this study. The dashed black lines provide the micropore volume
therm was type-I. Microporous samples predominantly exhibited in the samples. Fig. 3c shows the textural data of the samples.
type-I isotherm. The NiO/ACB, Ni/ACB and Ni-CNF/ACB samples The ACBs showed the largest BET surface area (1159 m2/g) and
exhibited a mixed type of isotherm, i.e., type–I at low relative pres- micropore volume (0.48 cc/g), attributed to the large micropore
sures and type–IV at medium and high relative pressures [26]. At content. The inclusion of NiO in the ACBs caused decrease in the
low relative pressures, N2 uptake was rapid and there was no pla- BET surface area. However, mesopore content increased, attributed
teau at medium relative pressures. An increased N2 volume uptake to the enlargement of the pores during the heat treatment. The
was observed at P/Po > 0.85. These materials also exhibited a hys- reduction of NiO into Ni0 resulted in slight increase in the BET sur-
teresis loop. The hysteresis was observed to be significant in the face area and micropore volume. These quantities, however,
Ni-CNF/ACB samples. Such hysteresis were of type H4, which are decreased in Ni-CNF/ACBs, because micropores were blocked by
the characteristics of the slit-shaped pores, and indicated that the CNFs which covered the pores of the material. The hierarchical
these materials contained significant amount of mesopores [26]. material contained approximately the same amounts of micro- and
190 Y.N. Prajapati, N. Verma / Fuel 189 (2017) 186–194

Fig. 3. Textural data of the adsorbents: (a) N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms, (b) t-plot of the adsorbents. Dashed black line yields actual micropore volume; approximately
40% underestimates for micropore volume yield by using conventional approach shown by red and blue lines [28], (c) Variation of the textural properties in the adsorbents
and (d) BJH-PSD of the adsorbents (inset shows DFT-PSD). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this

meso-macropores (Fig. 3c). It is mentioned that the measurement Ni and NiO in the sample. The presence of Ni is attributed to the
of ultramicropores (pore size 6 0.7 nm), which are available in decomposition of a few NiO crystals into Ni during calcination at
the CNFs, can underestimate the BET surface area measurements 450 °C. The XRD pattern of Ni/ACBs shows the presence of Ni peaks
by 40%, if using N2 as the probe molecules, because of the diffusion only, corroborating that all NiO molecules were converted into Ni
limitation of the large sized N2 molecules. An improved measure- during the H2-reduction at 600 °C. The XRD pattern of Ni-CNF/
ment of ultramicropores has been suggested by using CO2 as probe ACBs confirms the presence of Ni in the material. Small intensity-
molecule [27]. Fig. 3d shows the BJH-PSD of the materials. All sam- peaks for NiO also appear in the Ni-CNF/ACB samples, indicating
ples showed peak at 39 Å. The peak height was larger for Ni-CNF/ that a few Ni NPs were converted into NiO during the CVD at
ACBs than for the other materials, indicating that Ni-CNF/ACBs 600 °C. The average crystalline sizes of Ni and NiO were calculated
contained relatively larger numbers of 39 Å-average sized pores. to be 18.2 and 27.1 nm, respectively.
All adsorbents except ACBs showed a relatively broader PSD in The TPD analysis of the samples are shown in Fig. 4b. The peaks
the range of 100–1000 Å with maxima centered at approximately at 245 °C observed in all samples are attributed to the decompo-
500 Å. sition of the oxygen containing strong acidic function groups such
The inset of Fig. 3d shows the DFT-PSD. The ACBs showed bimo- as carboxyl and lactone groups in the form of CO2 [29]. Relatively
dal pores in micropore range with maxima centered at 14.5 and higher peak appears in the ACB samples at 245 °C, which indicates
18.5 Å. The other materials showed a narrow PSD in micropore that the material contained relatively larger amounts of the strong
range with maxima centered at 14.5 Å. The relevance of the acidic oxygen containing functional groups than the other samples.
described textures (BET and PSD) herein is discussed later. The peaks at higher temperatures in the samples are related to the
decomposition of the weak oxygen containing functional groups
3.3. X-ray diffraction and TPD analysis such as phenol, carbonyl, and quinone, in the form of CO. The area
under the TPD patterns from their baseline represents the total
The X-ray diffraction patterns of the synthesized adsorbents are amount of oxygen containing functional sites. The areas under
shown in Fig. 4a. All adsorbents show the existence of parallel gra- the TPD patterns are calculated to be 7203, 3438, 2076, and 746
phene layers, indicated by C(0 0 2) peak (2h  23.9°). The peak at (a.u.) for ACBs, NiO/ACBs, Ni/ACBs, and Ni-CNF/ACBs, respectively.
2h  43 ° in ACB samples is attributed to the diffraction of (1 0 0) Based on the area under the patterns, the amount of oxygen
plane. The XRD pattern of NiO/ACBs shows the presence of both containing functional groups in the samples was found in the
Y.N. Prajapati, N. Verma / Fuel 189 (2017) 186–194 191

Fig. 4. (a) XRD and (b) TPD patterns of the synthesized adsorbents.

following order: ACBs > NiO/ACBs > Ni/ACBs > Ni-CNF/ACBs. We BET area and pore volume of Ni-CNF/ACBs (Fig. 3c) were responsi-
revisit this aspect of the finding later in the text. ble for the small adsorption capacity of the CNF-containing mate-
rial. The adsorption capacities of NiO/ACBs and Ni/ACBs were
3.4. Adsorption tests higher than that of ACBs (i.e., the adsorbent without Ni), signifying
the positive role of the metal towards desulfurization via the direct
3.4.1. DBT/TH in model oil (n-octane) Ni-S interaction [5]. The adsorption capacity of Ni/ACBs was higher
Fig. 5a and b shows the adsorption capacity of the adsorbents at than that of NiO/ACBs, attributed to the stronger interaction of the
different temperatures for DBT and TH (350 ppmw-S), respectively. soft base-DBT with the soft acid-Ni0 than the borderline acid-Ni2+
The adsorption capacity for DBT slightly decreased in ACBs with [32].
increase in the temperature (Fig. 5a). On the contrary, the adsorp- The studies have shown that the adsorption capacity of the
tion capacity of the metal-containing materials, namely, NiO/ACBs, carbon-based adsorbents for S-compounds increase with increas-
Ni/ACBs, and Ni-CNF/ACBs, increased with increasing temperatures ing oxygen containing functional groups, attributed to the p-p
and was the highest at 150 °C, indicating the adsorption of the and/or p-H interactions between p electrons in the thiophenic aro-
solute to be endothermic on such materials. Nejad et al. [30] also matic ring structure and the carbon surface [19,22,23]. However,
reported the endothermic adsorption of DBT over the carbon- these adsorbents did not contain metal(s). The TPD data, earlier
supported Ni. discussed, showed that the ACB substrate (without Ni) contained
The adsorption capacity of Ni-CNF/ACBs was significantly smal- lager amount of oxygen functional groups than in the metal-
ler than the other adsorbents at all temperatures. The relatively included adsorbents. Therefore, it is clear that the direct Ni-S
larger molecular size of DBT (4.93 Å  9.87 Å) [31] and the small interaction, rather than p-complexation or p-H interactions was

Fig. 5. Effects of temperature on the adsorption capacity (a) DBT, (b) TH, and (c) effect of pore volume of the adsorbents on adsorption capacity (initial
concentration = 350 ppmw-S in n-octane).
192 Y.N. Prajapati, N. Verma / Fuel 189 (2017) 186–194

dominant for the adsorption of DBT over the metal-containing tial concentrations (Fig. 6a). However, the average adsorption
materials prepared in this study, viz., NiO/ACBs, Ni/ACBs, and Ni- capacity of Ni/ACBs is approximately 3.5 times greater than that
CNF/ACBs. of Ni-CNF/ACBs, attributed to the greater amounts of the large
All adsorbents exhibited approximately the same adsorption sized DBT molecules adsorbed in the former material, which has
capacity for TH, and the effects of temperature on the adsorption larger BET surface area and pore volume than in the latter material.
capacity were insignificant (Fig. 5b). Interestingly, Ni-CNF/ACBs The adsorption capacities of both adsorbents, Ni/ACBs and Ni-
also exhibited the similar adsorption capacity, despite having small CNF/ACBs, increased with increasing initial TH concentrations
BET surface area and pore volume (Fig. 3c). The molecular size (Fig. 6b). Whereas the adsorption capacity of Ni/ACBs leveled off
(4.7 Å  4.7 Å) of TH is relatively smaller [31]. Therefore, the at or greater than 800 ppmw-S concentration, the adsorption
adsorption of TH was predominantly dependent on the pore filling capacity of Ni-CNF/ACBs increased with increasing concentrations
[20,24]. The relatively higher adsorption capacity of the CNF- over the entire concentration range. The higher adsorption capac-
containing material was attributed to both, the small molecular ity of Ni-CNF/ACBs than Ni/ACBs at large concentration
size of TH as well as strong Ni-S interactions. The p-p and/or (1200 ppmw-S) is attributed to the adsorption of the small sized
hydrophobic interactions between the TH molecule and the gra- TH on the graphitic planes of the Ni-CNF/ACBs via the p-p and/or
phitic planes of CNFs also enhanced the adsorption capacity of p-H interactions. The dominant role of such chemical interactions
the Ni-CNF/ACBs [33]. in the Ni-CNF/ACB adsorbents was also earlier discussed.
The significance of micropore volume of the adsorbents vis a vis The adsorption performance of Ni/ACBs and Ni-CNF/ACBs was
the adsorbate size is further elucidated by analyzing variations in tested on a commercial diesel blended with DBT or TH. The com-
the adsorption capacity with the pore volume (V<1 nm) of all pores mercially available diesel oil contained low S-contents. Therefore,
having less than 1 nm-size in the prepared adsorbents (Fig. 5c). it was blended with DBT or TH in requisite quantities to increase
Whereas the adsorption capacity of the materials for the large the S-concentration in the oil for the adsorption study. Fig. 6c
sized molecule (DBT) increased with increasing pore volumes, and d shows variations in the adsorption capacity of Ni/ACBs and
the same for the small molecule (TH) was approximately constant, Ni-CNF/ACBs with increasing initial sulfur concentrations (300,
indicating the effects of the relative size of pore in the adsorbent 500, 800, and 1200 ppmw-S) in diesel oil. There are two salient
and that of adsorbate molecule on adsorption. observations. (1) The adsorption capacities of both adsorbents
(Ni/ACBs and Ni-CNF/ACBs) decreased in diesel oil in comparison
3.4.2. Effects of initial solute concentrations on adsorption to the model oil. The decrease is attributed to the commercial die-
Fig. 6 shows the effects of initial concentrations sel oil containing several types of non-S compounds including
(350–1200 ppmw-S) of DBT and TH on the adsorption capacity of polycyclic hydrocarbons [23]. In such case, the competitive adsorp-
Ni/ACBs and Ni-CNF/ACBs at 150 °C. The adsorption capacities of tion between S-compounds and hydrocarbons results in the
both adsorbents for DBT are approximately independent of the ini- reduced adsorption capacity of the materials for S-compounds.

Fig. 6. Effects of initial concentrations of (a) DBT and (b) TH in n-octane; diesel blended with (c) DBT and (d) TH on the adsorption capacity of Ni/ACBs and Ni-CNF/ACBs.
Y.N. Prajapati, N. Verma / Fuel 189 (2017) 186–194 193

Table 1
Comparative adsorption capacity of various adsorbents for organosulfur compounds in model and commercial diesel oils.

S. N. Solvent (ppmw-S)a Adsorbent Adsorbent amount (g/L) Adsorption capacity (mg-S/g) Ref.
1 DBT in diesel (800) Ni/ACBs 5 7.1 Present study
DBT in n-octane (800) 27.3
TH in diesel (800) 41.1
TH in n-octane (800) 85
2 DBT in diesel (800) Ni-CNF/ACBs 5 8.1 Present study
DBT in n-octane (800) 8.2
TH in diesel (800) 62.3
TH in n-octane (800) 88.2
3 Commercial diesel (27) Activated carbon 80 0.41 [12]
4 DBT in commercial diesel (870) GAC 40 5.1 [21]
5 DBT in n-octane (17.4) Activated carbon 5 2.5 [34]
6 BT in n-octane (12–239) ACs – 16.7 [35]
7 DBT in n-octane (71–657) PdCl2/poly-methylbenzene 4 26 [36]
8 DBT in n-hexane (100–1000) Activated Al2O3 20 22.6 [37]
9 TH in isooctane (550) AgCl 4 15.7 [38]
10 DBT in n-hexadecane (44–696) Carbon aerogels 16 15.1 [39]
11 Mixture of TH and DBT in n-octane (700) Ag-Y Zeolite 20 23.8 [40]
12 DBT in n-hexadecane (250) Ni–Cu/c-Al2O3 50–125 3.9 [41]
Values given in parentheses are the total amount of sulfur in oil.

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