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Don’t be a chicken, be brave!

(someone who is afraid)

The basement is refrigerator in winter. (food stock)

The test was a piece of cake. (easy test)

The mean man has a hard of stone. (mad man)

Her voice was music to my years. (someone who has good sound when speaks)

Roy has a heart of a lion. (someone who is brave)

She is a scared cat.

The couch potato watches TV all day. (lazy person)

Animal Metaphors

 The classroom was a zoo.

 The alligator's teeth are white daggers.

 She is a peacock.

 My teacher is a dragon.

 Mary's eyes were fireflies.

 The computers at school are old dinosaurs.

 He is a night owl.

 Maria is a chicken.

 The wind was a howling wolf.

 The ballerina was a swan, gliding across the stage.

 Jamal was a pig at dinner.

 The kids were monkeys on the jungle gym.

 My dad is a road hog.

 The stormy ocean was a raging bull.

 The thunder was a mighty lion.

Nature Metaphors

 The snow is a white blanket.

 He is a shining star.

 Her long hair was a flowing golden river.

 Tom's eyes were ice as he stared at her.

 The children were flowers grown in concrete gardens.

 Kisses are the flowers of affection.

 The falling snowflakes are dancers.

 The calm lake was a mirror.

 You are my sunshine.

 The moon is a white balloon.

 Her tears were a river flowing down her cheeks.

 The road ahead was a ribbon stretching across the desert.

 Donations to the charity were a tsunami.

 The park was a lake after the rain.

 The sun is a golden ball.

 The clouds are balls of cotton.

 The lightning was fireworks in the sky.

 That lawn is a green carpet.

 The stars are sparkling diamonds.

 Ben's temper was a volcano, ready to explode.

 Those best friends are two peas in a pod.

Everyday Life Metaphors

 John's suggestion was just a Band-Aid for the problem.

 The cast on his broken leg was a plaster shackle.

 Laughter is the music of the soul.

 America is a melting pot.

 Her lovely voice was music to his ears.

 The world is a stage.

 My kid's room is a disaster area.

 Life is a rollercoaster.

 Their home was a prison.

 His heart is a cold iron.

 At five o'clock, the interstate is always a parking lot.

 Books are the keys to your imagination.

 Her angry words were bullets to him.

 Your brain is a computer.

 The car was a furnace in the sun.

 Thank you so much, you are an angel.

 My baseball coach is an ogre.

 He is a walking dictionary.

 My big brother is a couch potato.

 The teenager's stomach was a bottomless pit.

 I am so excited. My pulse is a race car.

 Toddlers are rug rats.

1. Max is a pig when he eats.

2. You are my sunshine.
3. It’s raining cats and dogs.
4. Even a child could carry my dog around for hours. He is a feather.
5. He is the Tiger Woods of his golf team.
6. Mary’s hair was a fierce lion’s main; always sticking out in wild directions.
7. He tried to help but his legs were rubber.
8. Her eyes were fireflies.
9. I was lost in a sea of nameless faces.
10. My teacher is a dragon.
11. Their home was a prison.
12. Life is a rollercoaster.
13. America is a melting pot.
14. His eyes were ice.
15. The world is a stage.
16. Life is a fashion show.
17. My kid’s room is a disaster.
18. The alligator’s teeth are white daggers.
19. Time is money.
20. The wheels of justice turn slowly.
21. She cut him down with her words.
22. The teacher planted the seed of wisdom.
23. The clouds sailed across the sky.
24. Laughter is the music of the soul.
25. He is a chicken.
26. The peaceful lake was a mirror.
27. Your brain is a computer.
28. He is a night owl.
29. The car was a furnace in the son.
30. A blanket of snow covered the ground.
31. The park was a lake after the rain.
32. The lawn is a green carpet.
33. The kids were monkeys on the jungle gym.
34. The stars are sparkling diamonds.
35. My brother is a couch potato.
36. The clouds are balls of cotton.
37. His stomach is a black hole.
38. His heart is a rock.
39. She is fishing for more.
40. He was feeling blue.
41. She is on a rollercoaster of emotions.
42. He has a broken heart.
43. She has a bubbly personality.
44. She is a shining star.
45. The interstate was a parking lot at rush hour.
46. Books are the keys to your imagination.
47. The ballerina was a swan, gliding across the stage.
48. Her angry words were bullets to him.
49. The thunder was a lion.
50. The road was a ribbon stretching across the desert.
51. These are the kinds of metaphors we might hear in everyday use:
The foot of the A hill does not really have a foot, but we use
hill this word to describe the area at the bottom of
the hill.

Table leg Tables do not really have legs, but we use the
word leg because this part of the table looks
and acts like a leg.

You had him in This expression means that you someone

the palm of your under your total control.

My knight in This phrase is meant to express the fact that

shining armour someone is as brave as a knight.

My memory is a This expression conveys that someone has a

little foggy poor memory, and uses fog to convey the fact
that things cannot be remembered clearly

Education is a This means that education ensures success.

gateway to The idea of a gateway makes the concept
success clearer and perhaps more vivid to the listener.

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