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Summer Training Project Report




Submitted By

Name : Ankit Mittal

Course : BBA (Gen)
Semester : Vth
Enroll. No. : 0282061708
Batch : 2008-2011
External Guide Internal Guide

Mr. Ritesh Kumar Mr. Anil Kumar

() (Management Faculty)

Trinity Institute of Professional Studies

Affiliated To Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University


It is a matter of great pleasure to thank all esteemed persons who

helped me to complete my major project successfully otherwise it would
have not been possible.
Acknowledgement is not only a ritual, but also an expression of
indebtedness to all those who have helped in the completion process of the
project. One of the most pleasant aspects in collecting the necessary and
vital information and compiling it is the opportunity to thank all those who
actively contributed to it.
I like to express my deepest gratitude and thanks to my Project Guide
Mr. Anil Kumar for the valuable guidance and constant encouragement
which he extended to me throughout my research project.

Ankit Mittal


This is to certify that Ankit Mittal of BBA 5th Semester has worked on a
research project Training & Development of Employees in IFFCO, under
my guidance. This is his own research work to the best of my knowledge
which has not been submitted earlier for any other degree/diploma of his
university or any other university.

Mr. Anil Kumar

(Management Faculty)
Trinity Institute of Professional Studies
(GGSIP University)
Date : _________



• Executive Summary…………………………………………………5
• Company Profile…………………………………………………….6
• SWOT Analysis...................................................................................9


• Training & Development (Introduction)……………….………...11

• Training Process…………………………………………………....13
• Training & Development at IFFCO………………………………17
• Training Programmes-Statistics )2000-09)……………………….18


• Research Methodology…………………………………………….20


• Analysis and Findings……………………………………………...21

• Overall Analysis……………………………………………………21
• Departmental Analysis…………………………………………….23
• Grade-wise Analysis…………………………………………….….33
• Overall (Graphical)…………………………………………….…..39
• Departmental (Graphical)…………………………………………43
• Grade-wise (Graphical)……………………………………………46


• Recommendations and Conclusions……………………………....48


• Bibliography………………………………………………………..50


Indian Farmers Fertiliser Co-operative Limited (IFFCO) was registered on

November 3, 1967 as a Multi-unit Co-operative Society. It was an unique venture
in which the farmers of the country through their own Co-operative Societies
created this new institution to safeguard their interests. The number of co-
operative societies associated with IFFCO has risen from 57 in 1967 to 38, 155 at
On the enactment of the Multistate Cooperative Societies act 1984 & 2002, the
Society is deemed to be registered as a Multistate Cooperative Society. The
Society is primarily engaged in production and distribution of fertilizers. The
byelaws of the Society provide a broad frame work for the activities of IFFCO as a
Cooperative Society.
IFFCO commissioned an ammonia - urea complex at Kalol and the NPK/DAP
plant at Kandla both in the state of Gujarat in 1975. Ammonia - urea complex was
set up at Phulpur in the state of Uttar Pradesh in 1981.



During mid- sixties the Co-operative sector in India was responsible for distribution of 70
per cent of fertilizers consumed in the country. This Sector had adequate infrastructure to
distribute fertilisers but had no production facilities of its own and hence dependent on
public/private Sectors for supplies. To overcome this lacuna and to bridge the demand
supply gap in the country, a new cooperative society was conceived to specifically cater
to the requirements of farmers. It was an unique venture in which the farmers of the
country through their own Co-operative Societies created this new institution to
safeguard their interests.

IFFCO has five plants:-

• Kalol
• Kandla
• Phulpur
• Aonla
• Paradeep

The Representative General Body (RGB) which is the General Body forms the supreme
body that guides the various activities of IFFCO.
One delegate from each of the Member Societies holding shares of the value of Rs.100
thousand and above; such delegate shall be as per the provisions of the Multi-State
Cooperative Societies Act/Rules as amended from time to time;
Delegates to be elected from amongst the representatives of Member-Societies (other
than Members holding shares of the value of Rs.100 thousand and above) in each State/
Union Terriotory at the rate of one delegate for every 200 societies or part thereof.
However, the maximum number of such delegates from any State / Union Territory shall
not exceed 25. Such elected delegates shall be as per the provisions of the Multi-State
Cooperative Societies Act/ Rules amended from time to time.

The Board of Directors of IFFCO carry out all functions as specified under the Multi-
state Cooperative Societies Act/Rules. The Board of Directors frame policies, direct the
various activities of the Society, and undertake any other activities conducive to overall
growth and development of Societies. The Board is headed by the Chairman.
The Managing Director is the Chief Executive of the organisation with responsibilities
for general conduct, supervision and management of day to day business and affairs of
IFFCO. These directors are assisted by Functional Directors & Senior Executives who
are experts in various disciplines.

IFFCO’s Competitors

IFFCO's mission is "to enable Indian farmers to prosper through timely supply of
reliable, high quality agricultural inputs and services in an environmentally sustainable
manner and to undertake other activities to improve their welfare"

• Challenging experience for stake holders.

• Building a value driven organization with an improved and responsive customer
focus. A true commitment to transparency, accountability and integrity in principle and
• To acquire, assimilate and adopt reliable, efficient and cost effective technologies.
• Sourcing raw materials for production of phosphatic fertilisers at economical cost
by entering into Joint Ventures outside India.
• To ensure growth in core and non-core sectors.

• A true Cooperative Society committed for fostering cooperative movement in the

IFFCO commissioned its Kalol and Kandla plants in Gujarat in early 1975 and
subsequently spread its wings by erecting two more plants in Phulpur and Anola in Uttar
Pradesh in the year 1981 and 1988 respectively. In order to enhance its complex fertilizer
manufacturing capacity, IFFCO acquired DAP/NPK plant in Paradeep in 2005-06.
During the first half of this financial year 2009-10, IFFCO’s plants rolled out over 40
lakh tonne of fertilisers, the highest ever production in Kharif season.

The marketing of IFFCO’s products- NPK/NP/DAP/Urea is channelized through 39,806
co-operative outlets and 158 Farmers Service Centers spread over 29 States/ Union
Territories across the country. Between April and September, i.e. the first half of
financial year 2009-10, the society has notched up the highest sale of more than 55 lakh
tonnes of fertilisers during kharif season.

The Society recorded an all time high turnover of Rs.32, 933 crore during 2008-09 while
its pre-tax profit stood at Rs.441.95 crore and profit-after tax at 360.01 crore. The Society
declared a dividend of 20 per cent for its shareholders for eighth year in a row.

Strengths :

• Largest producer of fertilizers in the Country.

• Five strategically located plants with cutting edge production technologies.
• Most plants achieve capacity utilization in excess of 100% .
• A large number of co-operative societies are associated with IFFCO (38,155 at
• Vast Marketing and distribution network due to the high number of co-operatives
associated with IFFCO.
• Their service providing network and feedback network is also pervasive in Indian
rural areas
• Highly diverse and strategic portfolio of external investments.
• No external trade unions exercise any power within IFFCO.

Weaknesses :

• IFFCO has a bureaucratic organisational structure and therefore is obsessed with

working within set frameworks defined by rigid rules and regulations. This often
discourages innovation and may also cause sub unit conflicts. In some cases blind
adherence to rules andregulations may limit the perspective of a manager and
result in Functional unit goals overriding organisational goals.

• The organisational setup is very rigid and is not very efficient in handling sudden
changes in business environment.

• There is excessive sub-divisions in some departments and this results in


Opportunities :

IFFCO has embarked upon a growth plan titled “VISION 2010” to achieve annual
turnover of Rs. 15,000 Crore (USD 3400 Million) by the year 2010.

Broadly identified business activities under the “VISION 2010” are:

• Installation of Ammonia/Urea plants and also acquisition of fertilizer units.

• Generation of Power.
• Production and Marketing of micro-nutrients, seeds, bio- fertilizers, pesticides etc.
• Value addition to agri-products and marketing.
• Banking and Financial Services.
• Information Technology and IT enabled services.
• Establishments of Retail Chain in urban and semi-urban locations.

Threats :

• Competition from KRIBHCO i.e. Krishak Bharati Co-operative another

government under taking which also produces fertilizers and is very similar to
IFFCO in nature.

• Aggressive competition from private companies which are now entering the
fertilizer sector.

• The Government of India has a major influence on the functioning of IFFCO. It is

theGovernment which decides “What to produce?”, “How much to produce?”and
“Where tosell?”.This factor often becomes IFFCO’s major weakness as it
sometimes has to functionunder undue political pressure and take steps which are

• Government policies on Import of fertilizers from foreign nations and decrease in





In the field of human resource management, training and development is the field
concerned with organizational activity aimed at bettering the performance of individuals
and groups in organizational settings. It has been known by several names, including
employee development, human resource development, and learning and development.

It helps employees in achieving their personal goals, which in turn, enhances the
individual contribution to an organization.It assists the organization with its primary
objective by bringing individual effectiveness.It maintains the department’s contribution
at a level suitable to the organization’s needs.It ensures that an organization is ethically
and socially responsible to the needs and challenges of the society.


A competent workforce underpins the success of any organisation. It is crucial that staff
possess the knowledge, skills and competencies required for optimum performance.
Recognizing the training, development and learning needs necessary to equip staff with
the capabilities required to contribute to business success and progress their careers is
therefore key. Most organisations acknowledge the importance of developing their staff,
but many will admit that their provision for staff development through training and
learning could be improved.

Just-in time philosophy is one of the leading ideas in Japan.JIT emphasize on reduction in
waste and waiting time in production process. Better training will reduce waste and
machine down time. A major portion of quality costs consists of supervision; by
providing proper training this is reduced. Training increases productivity of employees
and processes.

Importance Of Training and Development
• Optimum Utilization of Human Resources – Training and Development helps
in optimizing the utilization of human resource that further helps the employee
to achieve the organizational goals as well as their individual goals.

• Development of Human Resources – Training and Development helps to

provide an opportunity and broad structure for the development of human
resources’ technical and behavioral skills in an organization. It also helps the
employees in attaining personal growth.

• Development of skills of employees – Training and Development helps in

increasing the job knowledge and skills of employees at each level. It helps to
expand the horizons of human intellect and personality of employees.

• Productivity – Training and Development helps in increasing the productivity

of the employees that helps the organization further to achieve its long-term

• Team spirit – Training and Development helps in inculcating the sense of team
work, team spirit, and inter-team collaborations. It helps in inculcating the zeal
to learn within the employees.

• Organization Culture – Training and Development helps to develop and

improve the organizational health culture and effectiveness. It helps in creating
the learning culture within the organization.

• Organization Climate – Training and Development helps building the positive

perception and feeling about the organization. The employees get these feelings
from leaders, subordinates, and peers.

• Quality – Training and Development helps in improving upon the quality of

work and work-life.

• Healthy work environment – Training and Development helps in creating

the healthy working environment. It helps to build good employee, relationship
so that individual goals aligns with organizational goal.

• Health and Safety – Training and Development helps in improving the health
and safety of the organization thus preventing obsolescence.

• Morale – Training and Development helps in improving the morale of the work

• Image – Training and Development helps in creating a better corporate image.

• Profitability – Training and Development leads to improved profitability and

more positive attitudes towards profit orientation

Training and Development aids in organizational development i.e. Organization gets

more effective decision making and problem solving. It helps in understanding and
carrying out organisational policies.


• Identifying Training Needs

Training needs can be assessed by analyzing three major human resource areas: the
organization as a whole, the job characteristics and the needs of the individuals. This
analysis will provide answers to the following questions:

• Where is training needed?

• What specifically must an employee learn in order to be more productive?

• Who needs to be trained? .

Second, consider whether the organization is financially committed to supporting the

training efforts. If not, any attempt to develop a solid training program will fail.

Next, determine exactly where training is needed. An internal audit will help point out
areas that may benefit from training. Also, a skills inventory can help determine the skills
possessed by the employees in general. This inventory will help the organization
determine what skills are available now and what skills are needed for future

• Selection of Trainees

Training programs should be designed to consider the ability of the employee to learn the
material and to use it effectively, and to make the most efficient use of resources
possible. It is also important that employees be motivated by the training experience.
Employee failure in the program is not only damaging to the employee but a waste of
money as well. Selecting the right trainees is important to the success of the program.

• Training Methods

There are two broad types of training available to small businesses: on-the-job and off-
the-job techniques. Individual circumstances and the "who," "what" and "why" of your
training program determine which method to use.

• Trainers

Who actually conducts the training depends on the type of training needed and who will
be receiving it. On-the-job training is conducted mostly by supervisors; off-the-job
training, by either in-house personnel or outside instructors.

In-house training is the daily responsibility of supervisors and employees. Supervisors are
ultimately responsible for the productivity and, therefore, the training of their
subordinates. These supervisors should be taught the techniques of good training. They
must be aware of the knowledge and skills necessary to make a productive employee.
Trainers should be taught to establish goals and objectives for their training and to
determine how these objectives can be used to influence the productivity of their
departments. They also must be aware of how adults learn and how best to communicate
with adults. Small businesses need to develop their supervisors' training capabilities by
sending them to courses on training methods. The investment will pay off in increased

• Training Administration

Having planned the training program properly, you must now administer the training to
the selected employees. It is important to follow through to make sure the goals are being
met. Questions to consider before training begins include:

1. Location.

2. Facilities.

3. Accessibility.

4. Comfort.

5. Equipment.

6. Timing.

Careful attention to these operational details will contribute to the success of the training

An effective training program administrator should follow these steps:

1. Define the organizational objectives.

2. Determine the needs of the training program.

3. Define training goals.

4. Develop training methods.

5. Decide whom to train.

6. Decide who should do the training.

7. Administer the training.

8. Evaluate the training program.

Following these steps will help an administrator develop an effective training program to
ensure that the firm keeps qualified employees who are productive, happy workers. This
will contribute positively to the bottom line.

• Evaluation of Training

Training should be evaluated several times during the process. Determine these
milestones when you develop the training. Employees should be evaluated by comparing
their newly acquired skills with the skills defined by the goals of the training program.
Any discrepancies should be noted and adjustments made to the training program to
enable it to meet specified goals. Many training programs fall short of their expectations
simply because the administrator failed to evaluate its progress until it was too late.
Timely evaluation will prevent the training from straying from its goals.

Hence Training is an important aspect because Training and Development helps in

developing leadership skills, motivation, loyalty, better attitudes, and other aspects that
successful workers and managers usually display.


Fertiliser Marketing Development Institute (FMDI) came into existence on 9th of July,
1983 as an in-house training institute, one of its own kind in the fertiliser industry. Since
then the training institute located at Gurgaon has been providing training to its staff and
cooperative personnel from all over country. It also hosts training programmes for
International delegations representing cooperatives of Nepal, Mauritius and International
Cooperative Alliance. (ICA).


• To raise the professional competence of employees

• To promote harmonious work culture in the organization

• To develop a long term perspective in human resource to keep pace with the
changing business environment.

• To promote holistic development of employees, their spouses and children.


FMDI conducts an array of training programmes, workshops & seminars for updating
knowledge, developing skills and modifying attitude of the employees. The activities
encompass programs on different aspects of agricultural technology, information
technology, marketing management, general management, cooperative development etc.
With the objective of self and organizational development, the modes of training at the
institute help promote a sense of analyzing, innovating and incorporating the required
skills among the participants.


The institute building contains the state of the art class room facilities, a library, a
computer lab, a dining hall, a multipurpose hall, recreation rooms and a residential block,
essential services like Bank, Post Office, Dispensary, Shopping Centre and STD booths


Keeping in view the core competency of the organization as well as the requisite skills
for the future, the institute conducts a wide variety of programmes in the areas of
behavioural skill, HR and Communication skills, work ethics and culture, Management
Developments so as to align the productivity of employees with the goal of the

Training Programmes conducted during 2000-01 to 2008-09

YEAR No. Of No. of No. of Training Training man

Programmes Participants Days days
2000-01 20 343 186 5107
01-02 57 1705 317 8365
02-03 41 937 277 5707
03-04 78 1465 453 9100
04-05 64 1515 398 8780
05-06 86 1025 291 8105
06-07 66 1743 355 8114
07-08 60 1467 446 11436
08-09 (up to Nov) 35 1008 203 5789

Some of the training programmes conducted by Head Office are :

• Work Culture and work ethics

• Finance for non-finance.

• Handling Of Customers

• Personal Effectiveness and Team-work

• Communication skills

• Presentation skills

• Legal Aspects in Marketing

• Art of healthy living

• Overall feedback.

Experience Sharing:

We attended two training programmes at FMDI organized by the Head Office (Saket).
The first training that we attended program was conducted by Colonel Bhanu B Sood.
The training session was attended by Paradeep workmen (Paradeep is one of the five
plants of IFFCO). The topic of the session was Work Culture and Work ethics. The
second training program that we attended was conducted by Dr. S.P Chauhan – a
Management Consultant, the topic of the session was Personal Effectiveness and Team
The first session was a formal lecture /presentation, Colonel Sood gave tips on
personality enhancement and way of living. He told the workmen that how healthy living
with enhanced personality can add to a better lifestyle.
The second session conducted by Dr. S.P Chauhan was rather informal where he played
management games and with the help of these management games he explained the
importance of team-work and leadership to the field staff.



Research methodology is simple framework or plan for the study that is as
guide in collection and analyzing the data. It is the blue print that is followed in
completes the study. Thus, good research methodology ensures the completion of
project efficiency and affectivity. Since there are many aspect of research
methodology, the line of action has to be chosen from the variety of alternatives,
to choose the suitable method through the assessment from various alternatives.


The objective of the project is to ascertain the effectiveness of Training and

Development programmes conducted by IFFCO for its employees. To judge the
effectiveness a questionnaire was distributed amongst the employees of different
departments at IFFCO, Saket (Head Office). The main objective is to find out
whether the employees at IFFCO are satisfied with the training practices followed;
the findings in this project are based on the effectiveness amongst different
departments. After ascertaining effectiveness amongst different departments these
responses were combined to know whether the employees are satisfied with the
training programmes offered at IFFCO.

Sample Size : 40

Primary Data : Questionnaire distributed among 40 employees.

Secondary Data : Internet, Magazines and Newspapers.




This analysis is done on the basis of questionnaire distributed amongst 40 employees at

IFFCO, it is irrespective of the department and grades.
The Key findings are based on the survey conducted and all the employees in the
organization were not surveyed, the sample size is 40:-

• According to 61% of the employees, IFFCO provided sufficient orientation


• At IFFCO, 62% of employees attend training programs yearly, 22% bi-annually,

11% half-yearly and 5 % quarterly.

• 41% of employees attend technical Training programs, 35% personality-

development programs, 12% spiritual programs and 12% attend training about
IFFCO’S policies and practices in a financial year.

• According to 70% of employees the most important aspect of a training program

for them is its content and delivery, for 21% it’s the trainer and for 9% location.
While some felt that all these three aspects are equally important.

• 35% of the employees felt that training programs are of supreme importance
because it gives enhanced technical knowledge, 30 % felt that it is an opportunity
for practical learning and for 28% an increase in future perspective. While for 7%
of the employees training programs were a change from the daily work routine.

• 33% of the surveyed employees stated that IFFCO offers a training program for
their family members, which is beneficial for them because it creates awareness,
helps in personality development and is a platform for self-expression.

• With the help of the training programs provided by IFFCO 41% of the employees
said that it has helped them achieve efficiency and effectiveness on the current
job, for 20% helped them to prepare themselves for challenging jobs, for 5%
better time management and for 34% all of these.

• 50% of the employees said that most of the training programs that they attended
were in the form of formal lectures or presentations, 8% attended programs where
role play exercises were given, 3% special project and 39% have been a part of
all of these.

• 39% employees were of the opinion that the training programs should be
conducted half-yearly, 24% yearly, 16% bi-annually, 13% quarterly and 8%

• 50% of the employees apply the learnings from a training program in the long run
most of the times, while 41% apply it sometimes and 6% apply it always and 3%
apply it never.

• Most of the times training programs at IFFCO are identified according to the job
performed by the employees and are relevant to their current job.

• 60% employees are of the opinion that IFFCO is paying ample attention towards
Training and Development of employees, while 6% felt that it isn’t and 34% were

• 70% of the employees at IFFCO rated the training program at IFFCO as Good,
25% as average and 5% as outstanding. None of the employees were of the
opinion that training programs at IFFCO are poor.



The findings are based on the survey conducted within the PR Department and
not all the employees in the department were surveyed:-

• 40% of the employees of PR Department were provided sufficient
Orientation training.

• 80% of the employees attend training programs yearly and 20% bi-

• The training programs based on personality-development were attended by

60% of employees and 40% have been a part of spiritual programs.

• 67% of the surveyed employees in the PR Department give importance to

the content and delivery, while 33% give importance to the Trainer for a
training program to be effective.

• 67% of the surveyed employees are of the opinion that training programs
are helpful for increased future perspective, 17% feel it gives enhanced
technical knowledge and 16% find it a change from the daily work

• 40% of the employees surveyed in the PR Department said that IFFCO

organizes training programs for their family members which in turn helps
their family members to express themselves better and is a useful for
personality development.

• 80% of the employees surveyed said that they attend programs usually in
the form of formal lectures and 20% role-play exercises, for 60% it has
increased their efficiency and effectiveness on the current job, for 20%
better time-management and for the remaining 20% both these aspects in
addition to preparation for challenging jobs.

• 75% of the employees feel that the training programs should be conducted
quarterly and 25% yearly, 80% people apply the learning’s from a training
program in the long run sometimes and 20% most of the times.

• 80% of the employees feel that the training programs are identified with
and relevant to their current jobs but only sometimes.

• 40% of the employees surveyed were of the opinion that IFFCO is paying
ample attention towards the Training and Development of employees
while rest of the 60% was unsure.

• 80% of the surveyed employees in the PR Department rated the Training

programs as Good, while 20% as average.


The findings are based on the survey conducted within the P&A Department and
not all the employees in the department were surveyed:-

• 67% of the employees of P&A Department were provided sufficient

Orientation training.

• 80% of the employees attend training programs yearly and 20% bi-

• The technical-based training programs were attended by 17% of

employees and 67% has been a part of spiritual programs, while 16% on
topics such as IFFCO’s policies and practices and Co-operation and Co-
operative management.

• 67% of the surveyed employees in the P&A Department give importance

to the content and delivery, while 17% give importance to the Trainer and
16% to the location for a training program to be effective.

• 50% of the surveyed employees are of the opinion that training programs
are helpful for increased future perspective, 33% feel it gives enhanced
technical knowledge and 17% feel it is an opportunity for practical

• 67%% of the employees surveyed in the P&A Department said that

IFFCO organizes training programs for their family members which in
turn helps their family members to express themselves better and is a
useful for personality development.

• 50% of the employees surveyed said that they attend programs usually in
the form of formal lectures and 25% special projects and for rest 25%
both the methods in addition to role-play exercises

• For 67% training has increased their efficiency and effectiveness on the
current job, for 33% better time-management and preparation for
challenging jobs.

• 50% of the employees feel that the training programs should be conducted
yearly, 33% monthly and 17% half-yearly.

• 50% people apply the learning’s from a training program in the long run
sometimes, 33% most of the times and 17% never.

• 67% of the employees feel that the training programs are identified with
and relevant to their current jobs most of the times.

• 67% of the employees surveyed were of the opinion that IFFCO is paying
ample attention towards the Training and Development of employees and
33% felt it isn’t.

• 50% of the surveyed employees in the P&A Department rated the Training
programs as Good and 50% as average.


The findings are based on the survey conducted within the Hindi Department and
not all the employees in the department were surveyed:-

• 100% of the employees of Hindi Department were provided sufficient

Orientation training.

• 67% of the employees attend training programs annually and 33% bi-

• 100% of the employees surveyed attended personality development

program in the previous financial year.

• 67% of the surveyed employees in the Hindi Department give importance
to the content and delivery, while 33% give importance to the Trainer for a
training program to be effective.

• 67% of the surveyed employees are of the opinion that training programs
provide an opportunity for practical learning and 33% feel it helps in
enhanced technical knowledge.

• 67% of the employees surveyed in the Hindi Department said that IFFCO
organizes training programs for their family members which in turn helps
their family members to develop their personality and creates awareness.

• 67% of the employees surveyed said that they attend programs usually in
the form of formal lectures and 33% attend programs where they go
through role-play exercises, special projects in addition to formal

• For 33% of employees it has increased their efficiency and effectiveness

on the current job, for another 33% it helps in preparation for challenging
jobs and for the remaining 34% both these aspects in addition to better-
time management.

• 67% of the employees feel that the training programs should be conducted
yearly and 33% half-yearly, 100% people apply the learning’s from a
training program in the long run most of the times.

• 67% of the employees surveyed were of the opinion that IFFCO is paying
ample attention towards the Training and Development of employees
while rest of the 33% was unsure.

• 67% of the surveyed employees in the Hindi Department rated the

Training programs as average, while 33% as good.


The findings are based on the survey conducted within the F&A Department and
not all the employees in the department were surveyed:-

• 71% of the employees of F&A Department were provided sufficient

Orientation training.

• 57% of the employees attend training programs annually, 29% bi-annually

and 14% half-yearly.

• 43% of the employees surveyed attended personality development

program in the previous financial year, 29% attended technical programs
and 28% attended programs on IFFCO’s policies and practices.

• 50% of the surveyed employees in the F&A Department give importance

to the content and delivery, while 50% give importance to the Trainer for a
training program to be effective.

• 50% of the surveyed employees are of the opinion that training programs
provide enhanced technical knowledge, 25% feel it is an opportunity for
practical learning and the rest 25% feel that with the help of training and
development programs there is an increased future perspective.

• 17% of the employees surveyed in the F&A Department said that IFFCO
organizes training programs for their family members which in turn helps
their family members to express themselves and creates awareness.

• 43% of the employees surveyed said that they attend programs usually in
the form of formal lectures and presentations and 57% attend programs
where they go through role-play exercises and special projects in addition
to formal lectures/presentations.

• For 43% of employees it has increased their efficiency and effectiveness

on the current job, for another 14% it helps in preparation for challenging
jobs and for the remaining 43% both these aspects in addition to better-
time management.

• 71% of the employees feel that the training programs should be conducted
half-yearly and 29% feel it should be conducted yearly, 43% people apply
the learning’s from a training program in the long run most of the times.

• 43% of the employees feel that the training programs are identified with
and relevant to their current jobs most of the times.

• 57% of the employees surveyed were of the opinion that IFFCO is paying
ample attention towards the Training and Development of employees
while rest of the 43% was unsure.

• 72% of the surveyed employees in the F&A Department rated the Training
programs as good and 28% as average.


The findings are based on the survey conducted within the Internal Audit
Department and not all the employees in the department were surveyed:-

• 67% of the employees of Internal Audit Department were provided

sufficient Orientation training.

• 67% of the employees attend training programs bi-annually and 33%


• 67% of the employees surveyed attended technical programs and 33%

attended programs on IFFCO’s policies and practices.

• 100% of the surveyed employees in the Internal Audit Department give

importance to the content and delivery. for a training program to be

• 33% of the surveyed employees are of the opinion that training programs
provide enhanced technical knowledge and 67% feel it is an opportunity
for practical learning.

• 33% of the employees surveyed in the Internal Audit Department said that
IFFCO organizes training programs for their family members.

• 33% of the employees surveyed said that they attend programs usually in
the form of formal lectures and presentations and 67% attend programs
where they go through role-play exercises and special projects in addition
to formal lectures/presentations.

• For 33% of employees it has increased their efficiency and effectiveness

on the current job, for another 33% it helps in preparation for challenging
jobs and for the remaining 34% both these aspects in addition to better-
time management.

• 34% of the employees feel that the training programs should be conducted
half-yearly, 33% feel it should be conducted yearly and 33% feel it should
be conducted monthly, 33% people apply the learning’s from a training
program in the long run most of the times.

• 67% of the employees feel that the training programs are identified with
and relevant to their current jobs most of the times.

• 33% of the employees surveyed were of the opinion that IFFCO is paying
ample attention towards the Training and Development of employees
while rest of the 67% was unsure.

• 67% of the surveyed employees in the Internal Audit Department rated the
Training programs as good and 33% as average.


The findings are based on the survey conducted within the HR Department and
not all the employees in the department were surveyed:-

• 100% of the employees of HR Department were not provided sufficient

Orientation training. It was found that most of the employees in the HR
Department were a part of the organization since 15-20 years (and more)
and the concept of orientation was not a common practice then.

• 75% of the employees attend training programs annually and 25%

• 50% of the employees surveyed attended technical programs, 17%

attended spiritual programs and the rest 17% attended programs on
personality development in the previous financial year.

• 67% of the surveyed employees in the HR Department give importance to

the content and delivery, 17% to location and 16% to the trainer for a
training program to be effective.

• 20% of the surveyed employees are of the opinion that training programs
provide enhanced technical knowledge, 40% feel it is an opportunity for
practical learning and the rest 40% feel it helps for an increased future

• 40% of the employees surveyed in the HR Department said that IFFCO

organizes training programs for their family members.

• 75% of the employees surveyed said that they attend programs usually in
the form of formal lectures and presentations and 25% attend programs
where they go through role-play exercises and special projects in addition
to formal lectures/presentations.

• For 40% of employees it has increased their efficiency and effectiveness

on the current job, for 60% it helps in preparation for challenging jobs as
well as efficiency and effectiveness on the current job in addition to better-
time management.

• 40% of the employees feel that the training programs should be conducted
half-yearly, 20% feel it should be conducted yearly another 20% feel it
should be conducted quarterly and the rest 20% feel bi-annually.

• 60% people apply the learning’s from a training program in the long run
most of the times.

• 100% of the employees surveyed in the HR Department were of the
opinion that IFFCO is paying ample attention towards the Training and
Development of employees

• 50% of the surveyed employees in the HR Department rated the Training

programs as Outstanding and 50% as average


• Grade-E

The findings are based on the survey conducted with E-Grade employees and not
all the employees of this grade were surveyed:-

• 67% of the employees of Grad-E were provided sufficient Orientation

• 67% of the employees attend training programs yearly and 33% half-

• 50% of the employees surveyed attended personality-development, 25%

attended spiritual programs and the rest 25% attended programs on topics
like Business Intelligence, forecasts and planning for the fertilizer sector
in the previous financial year.

• 60% of the surveyed employees in the Grade-E give importance to the

content and delivery, 20% to location and 20% to the trainer for a training
program to be effective.

• 20% of the surveyed employees are of the opinion that training programs
provide enhanced technical knowledge, 40% feel it is an opportunity for
practical learning and the rest 40% feel it helps for an increased future

• 100% of the employees surveyed in Grade-E said that IFFCO does not
organize training programs for their family members.

• 100% of the employees surveyed said that they attend programs usually in
the form of formal lectures and presentations.

• For 33% of employees it has increased their efficiency and effectiveness

on the current job, for rest 67% it helps in preparation for challenging

• 67% of the employees feel that the training programs should be conducted
yearly and 33% feel it should be conducted quarterly.

• 67% of the employees surveyed in the Grade-E were of the opinion that
IFFCO is paying ample attention towards the Training and Development
of employees and the rest 33% were unsure.

• 67% of the surveyed employees in the Grade-E rated the Training
programs as Good and 33% as Outstanding.


The findings are based on the survey conducted with F-Grade employees and not
all the employees of this grade were surveyed:-

• 29% of the employees of Grad-F were provided sufficient Orientation


• 60% of the employees attend training programs annually and 40% bi-

• 29% of the employees surveyed attended personality-development

programs and 71% attended technical programs in the previous financial

• 100% of the surveyed employees in the Grade-F give importance to

content and delivery for a training program to be effective.

• 6% of the surveyed employees are of the opinion that training programs

provide enhanced technical knowledge, 56% feel it is an opportunity for
practical learning, 22% feel it helps for an increased future perspective and
the rest 6% feel it is a change from daily work-routine.

• 57% of the employees surveyed in Grade-F said that IFFCO organizes

training programs for their family members.

• 37% of the employees surveyed said that they attend programs usually in
the form of formal lectures and presentations, 13% have gone through
role-play exercises and the rest 50% said that they have attended both of
these in addition to special projects

• For 50% of employees it has increased their efficiency and effectiveness

on the current job, for 13% it helps in preparation for challenging jobs and
for the rest 50% both these aspects with better time-management.

• 67% of the employees feel that the training programs should be conducted
yearly and 33% feel it should be conducted half-yearly.

• 85% of the employees surveyed said that they apply the learning’s from a
training program most of the times.

• 57% of the employees stated that the training programs are identified with
and relevant to their current job.

• 57% of the employees surveyed in the Grade-F were of the opinion that
IFFCO is paying ample attention towards the Training and Development
of employees and the rest 29% were not sure.

• 57% of the surveyed employees in the Grade-F rated the Training

programs as Good, 29% as average and 14% as Outstanding.


The findings are based on the survey conducted with F1-Grade employees and not
all the employees of this grade were surveyed:-

• 50% of the employees of Grad-F1 were provided sufficient Orientation


• 80% of the employees attend training programs annually and 20% bi-

• 50% of the employees surveyed attended personality-development

programs and the rest 50% attended technical programs in the previous
financial year.

• 67% of the surveyed employees in the Grade-F give importance to content

and delivery and 33% to the trainer for a training program to be effective.

• 50% of the surveyed employees are of the opinion that training programs
provide enhanced technical knowledge, 17% feel it is an opportunity for
practical learning, 17% feel it helps for an increased future perspective and
the rest 16% feel it is a change from daily work-routine.

• 50% of the employees surveyed in Grade-F1 said that IFFCO organizes
training programs for their family members.

• 20% of the employees surveyed said that they attend programs usually in
the form of formal lectures and presentations, 20% have worked on special
projects and the rest 60% said that they have attended both of these in
addition to role-play exercises.

• For 14% of employees it has increased their efficiency and effectiveness

on the current job, for 29% it helps in preparation for challenging jobs and
for the rest 57% both these aspects with better time-management.

• 80% of the employees feel that the training programs should be conducted
half-yearly and 20% feel it should be conducted quarterly.

• 50% of the employees surveyed in the Grade-F1 were of the opinion that
IFFCO is paying ample attention towards the Training and Development
of employees and the rest 50% were not sure.

• 67% of the surveyed employees in the Grade-F1 rated the Training

programs as Good and 33% as average.


The findings are based on the survey conducted with G-Grade employees and not
all the employees of this grade were surveyed:-

• 78% of the employees of Grad-G were provided sufficient Orientation


• 63% of the employees attend training programs annually, 12% bi-

annually, 12% half-yearly and 13% quarterly.

• 43% of the employees surveyed attended personality-development

programs, 43% attended technical programs and the rest 14% attended
spiritual programs and in the previous financial year.

• 54% of the surveyed employees in the Grade-G give importance to content
and delivery, 23% to the trainer and the rest 23% to location for a training
program to be effective.

• 44% of the surveyed employees are of the opinion that training programs
provide enhanced technical knowledge, 44% feel it helps for an increased
future perspective and the rest 12% feel it is a change from daily work

• 12% of the employees surveyed in Grade-G said that IFFCO organizes

training programs for their family members.

• 63% of the employees surveyed said that they attend programs usually in
the form of formal lectures and presentations, 13 % have attended role-
play exercises and the rest 24% said that they have worked on special
projects as well as role-play exercises and have also attended formal
lectures or presentations.

• For 63% of employees it has increased their efficiency and effectiveness

on the current job, for 12% it helps in better time-management and for the
rest 25% it helps in preparation for challenging jobs, in addition to
increased efficiency and effectiveness on the current job and better time-

• 50% of the employees feel that the training programs should be conducted
half-yearly, 38% feel it should be conducted yearly, and the rest 12% feel
it should be conducted bi-annually.

• 25% of the employees said that they apply the learning’s from a training
program in the long-run most of the times.

• 56% of the employees surveyed in the Grade-G were of the opinion that
IFFCO is paying ample attention towards the Training and Development
of employees and the rest 44% were not sure

• 56% of the surveyed employees in the Grade-G1 rated the Training

programs as Good and 44% as average.


The findings are based on the survey conducted with G1-Grade employees and
not all the employees of this grade were surveyed:-

• 80% of the employees of Grad-G1 were provided sufficient Orientation


• 60% of the employees attend training programs annually and 40% bi-

• 54% of the employees surveyed attended personality-development

programs, 20% attended technical programs, 20% attended spiritual;
programs and the rest 20% on topics like labour law etc in the previous
financial year.

• 80% of the surveyed employees in the Grade-G1 give importance to

content and delivery and 20% to the trainer for a training program to be

• 20% of the surveyed employees are of the opinion that training programs
provide enhanced technical knowledge, 40% feel it is an opportunity for
practical learning and the rest 40% feel it helps for an increased future

• 75% of the employees surveyed in Grade-G1 said that IFFCO organizes

training programs for their family members.

• 67% of the employees surveyed said that they attend programs usually in
the form of formal lectures and presentations, and the rest 33% said that
they have worked on special projects as well as role-play exercises and
have also attended formal lectures or presentations.

• For 60% of employees it has increased their efficiency and effectiveness

on the current job and for the rest 40% it helps in preparation for

challenging jobs, better time-management in addition to increased
efficiency and effectiveness on the current job.

• 25% of the employees feel that the training programs should be conducted
half-yearly, 25% feel it should be conducted quarterly, 25% annually and
the rest 25% bi-annually.

• 100% of the employees said that they apply the learning’s from a training
program in the long-run most of the times.

• 100% of the employees surveyed in the Grade-G1 were of the opinion that
IFFCO is paying ample attention towards the Training and Development
of employees.

• 75% of the surveyed employees in the Grade-G1 rated the Training

programs as Good and 25% as average.


















On the basis of the survey conducted the following recommendations can be made:-

• 39% of the surveyed employees said that training programs at IFFCO should be
conducted half-yearly instead of yearly or bi-annually. Hence it is recommended
that the training programs should be conducted half yearly.

• According to 70% employees, in a training program, the most important aspect is

the content and delivery.9% of the employees said that they give importance to
location for a training program to be effective. Thus it is suggested that more
attention should be paid on content and delivery in a training program rather than
that on location.

• IFFCO should also organize more training programs for the family members of
the employees because employees are of the opinion that these programs not only
create awareness but are also useful for personality development and provide a
platform for self-expression for the family members of the employees.

• Special projects are encouraging for the employees because the trainee gets an
opportunity to work all by himself and get a feedback on the project. More and
more employees should be assigned special projects so that their efficiency and
capacity may be judged.

• As a part of the training program employees should be told that it is important to

apply the learning’s from a training program in the long run and should not just
restrict it to their work life. The learning’s from spiritual programs and
personality- development programs can be of much use to the employees in their
personal life as well.

• 35% of the surveyed employees are not sure whether IFFCO is paying ample
attention towards training and development of employees and 6% of the
employees feel that IFFCO is not paying ample attention towards training and

development of employees, it is therefore suggested that IFFCO should regularly
update its employees regarding its training and development practices.

• “Only 5% of the employees are of the opinion that training programs at IFFCO
eare outstanding”.

The training programs organized by IFFCO for its employees are a source of increased
future perspective. The employees feel it is an opportunity for practical learning provides
enhanced technical knowledge and find it a change from daily work routine.
Such programs are beneficial not only for the employees but also for the organization as
well because employees are more confident and are aware of the new trends related to
their job. A happy and confident employee works harder. With regular training and
development programs organization can be sure of less wastage.



1. Human Resource Development (10th Edition) – T. N. Chhabra
2. Human Resource Development (2002) – V. S. P. Rao
3. IFFCO at a Glance 2008-2009

4. www.iffco.nic.in
5. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Training_and_development
6. http://traininganddevelopment.naukrihub.com/
7. www.google.com


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