ASSIGNMENT 1: Thermo Dunamics - 1: NAME:Osama Ahmed REG NO:me-191086

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ASSIGNMENT 1 : Thermo Dunamics -1:

NAME:Osama Ahmed
REG NO:me-191086
Question No.1 As illustrated in Fig. 1, steam flows through a valve and
turbine in series. The turbine drives an electric generator. Considering the
valve and turbine as a system, identify locations on the system boundary
where the system interacts with its surroundings and describe events
occurring within the system. Repeat for an enlarged system that includes
the generator.

• Tempreture of steam rises when traveling from valve to turbine with in the
• Steam intrect with surrounding when entering in turbine .
• Steam enters through the valve rotates the turbine and then produces
electrical energy through generator.
• Tempreture of steam remain constant at all the time during process.
Question No.2 The water in a tank is pressurized by air, and the
pressure is measured by a multi-fluid manometer as shown in the figure
given below. Determine the gage pressure of air in the tank if h 1=0.2 m,
h2=0.3 m, and h3=0.4 m. Take the densities of water, oil, and mercury to be
1000 kg/m3, 850 kg/m3, and 13600 kg/m3, respectively.
Ans:2  P1+densityofwater*g*h1 + densityofoil*g*h2 - densityofmercury*g*h3
= Patm
P1-Patm=P1gauge= - densityofwater*g*h1 - densityofoil*g*h2 +
P1gauge = g[  densityofmercury*h3 -  densityofwater*h1 - densityofoil*h2 ]
P1gauge = (9.8)[ 13600*0.4 – 1000*0.2 – 850*0.3]
P1gauge = 48.9KPa
Question No.3 Calculate in kPa. The the local absolute atmospheric
pressure, pressure P1, of the is manometer 758 mm Hg. 
shown in the Fig. 3 given below ?

ANS 3: The specific weights of fluid A and B are given to be 10kN/m^3 and
8kN/m^3 espectivelhy.
We know that P1 = Patm + (density*g*h)A + (density*g*h)B
= 758(0.1333/1mmHg)+(10*0.05)+(8*0.15)
P1= 102.7kPa

Question No.4 Water flows through a Venturi-meter, as shown in Fig 4.

The pressure of the water in the pipe supports columns of water that differ
in height by 30 cm. Determine the difference in pressure between points a
and b, in kPa. Does the pressure increase or decrease in the direction of
flow? The atmospheric pressure is 1 bar, the density of water is 1000 kg/m 3,
and the acceleration of gravity is g = 9.81m/s2.
Patm = 1 bar
density of water is =1000
Diff in pressure = ?
Pa = density*g*h
Pa = 1000*9.8*h
Pa = 9800h
Pb = density * g *(h+30/100)
Pb = 1000*9.8*(h+30/100)
Pb = 9800h + 2940
Diff in pressure = Pb – Pa
= 9800h + 2940 – 9800h
Diff in pressure = 2940/1000
Diff in pressure = 2.94kPa

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