Online Casinos

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Online Casinos

Online casinos are big business around the world with many websites bringing in millions of
dollars every month! At any given moment anywhere from hundreds to thousands of players will
be rolling the dice and turning the slots with a click of their mouse all over the world. Note: This
form of gambling is illegal in the U.S.
If you are currently looking for work and have considered casino employment it might not be a
bad idea to try to cash in on the new spin of the gambling craze: online casinos.
There are many different avenues that one may try to find work in this type of business.
Reputable online gambling sites will sink a lot of money into their website to make sure their
players have the best time possible while gambling for them.
It seems every new online casino that pops up has strived to be “more lifelike” than the others.
Graphic Artists work with Computer Programmers to make games as appealing to the player as
possible. This avenue of work can be quite exciting to be a part of as well as rewarded
Websites do not magically run without support of Internet Technicians. Games will have bugs
and data collections servers will go awry. These things are bad for business. The website’s
owners will strive to resolve these problems immediately. Therefore, IT staff can be in a good
position to negotiate a great deal of money if they decide to work on an online gambling site.
Customer support can and should be a major decisive factor in choosing to gamble with an
online casino. Many of the casino websites have 24-hour customer service support that can assist
customers by phone, fax, or e-mail. Customer Support staff assist players with questions
regarding problems that are occurring with games, registration, and payouts.
Many online casinos also have a customer retention department. Customer service reps
communicate with their casino players with the goal of making sure these players are happy
playing at the casino – win or lose! The job is like a Casino Host at a land-based casino, except
that your communication is usually via phone. If you have good people skills, this is often a great
area to work in.
There are so many online casinos to choose from today the competition can be fierce.
Advertising and Marketing are an online casino’s way of shouting to the world who they are and
entice potential players to gamble at their Internet casino. Advertising and Marketing are vital to
the success of the online gambling site and can be very lucrative for the individuals working in
these positions.
Conglomerations or corporations own big name online casino websites. Like any big company
these corporations need experienced Executives to help direct and run their operation. This type
of position would be good for someone who would like to make the move from land-based
casino operation to online casinos or Executives from other internet companies that would like to
make a switch into the online casino business.
Every online gambler wants to know how they will be paid their winnings. Online payment
services are also riding the wave of the Internet casino craze making it profitable to work for
these companies as well. Look into job opportunities with the companies that are used for secure
banking methods for Internet casinos and gamblers.
Each online casino you visit has used a type of software that will either allow the player to
download for free or play live on the Internet. The downloadable software is more advanced. It
might be a clever idea if you are considering working in the IT, Graphic Artist or Computer
Programming department to check with the actual casino software companies that are
predominant in the online casino business.
Now that you know what type of positions are available:
• IT
• Graphic Artist
• Computer Programmers
• Customer Support
• Advertising & Marketing
• Executives
• Payment or Data Collections Services
You may want to check out the vendors who supply these services to the online casinos
independently. A very good website to start with is. at the bottom of the
homepage, they offer a resource for people who already work in the online casino industry.
Various websites of vendors who supply the above positions to internet casinos can be found and
researched as well as a “Who’s Who” section with key names and contact info for various
vendor companies.

Internet Gambling Laws

Sex and greed are certainly the two most reliable money-makers and targeted human needs one
can find on the unpatrolled cosmos of the Internet.
Illicit promises of fulfillment are far from subtle amid the glitzy displays of spam, banners and
pop-up ads found on thousands of websites featuring porn and gambling. In the case on online
gambling, the arguments against it can be compared to the days of prohibition in the late 1920s
and 1930s. Did those laws curtail drinking or did they in fact, just make drinkers more inventive
(and illegal) when it came to finding ways to acquire their desired libations? Like the prohibition
laws banning liquor, first online gambling was legal, then it was illegal and now, just maybe it
will become legal again. The ambivalent authorities cannot seem to make up their minds. But
what are the real issues behind the more obvious ones and what are the consequences?
Professor I. Nelson Rose, a leading authority on gambling law states: “No United States federal
statute or regulation explicitly prohibits Internet gambling, either domestically or abroad.” Still,
the US government insists that certain things are illegal and worthy of prosecution. The most
often cited statute used to defend gambling as a federal offense is the Wire Act, which was
enacted some 40 years ago. The operative sub-section reads: “Whoever being engaged in the
business of betting or wagering knowingly uses a wire communication facility for the
transmission in interstate or foreign commerce of bets or wagers or information assisting in the
placing of bets or wagers on any sporting event or contest, or for the transmission of a wire
communication which entitles the recipient to receive money or credit as a result of bets or
wagers, or for information assisting in the placing of bets or wagers, shall be fined under this title
or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.”
The Wire Act bans Internet sports gambling across state lines (with some exceptions now for off-
track horse race betting). Its applicability, however, to non-sports betting is rife with issues and
the subject of continuing debate and court activity.
All types of Internet gambling sites are flourishing. Most of them keep their businesses and
servers outside the United States to try to avoid risk of prosecution. Still, U.S. firms do not
hesitate to accept online gambling ads.
Part of the problem is that each state is different when it comes to specific laws against online
gambling of any kind. Also, owning an online gaming operation without proper licensing is
considered illegal, and none of the states are currently granting online gaming licenses. In 1999,
a National Gambling Impact Study conducted in the United States concluded that: “The high-
speed instant gratification of Internet games and the high level of privacy they offer may
exacerbate problem and pathological gambling.” In the UK, a similar study revealed that 75% of
people who gamble online are “problem” or “pathological” gamblers, compared to just 20% of
people who visit legitimate land-based casinos.
According to The British Gambling Prevalence Survey of 2007, 0.6% of the adult population had
problem gambling issues, which remains unchanged since figures quoted in1999. The most
significant problem areas were among those who participated in spread betting (14.7%), fixed
odds betting terminals (11.2%) and betting exchanges (9.8%). The report also indicated a 4%
drop in overall gambling, from a rate of 62% in 1999 to 58% in 2007. These two surveys clearly
suggest that despite the rapid growth of Internet gambling, there has been no associated increase
in the number of problem gamblers.
In addition, laws regarding online gambling are not only ambiguous, but also different in the
United States and The European Union. Although the European Union calls for the conformity
of gambling laws, to date, no legislation has been successfully passed to outlaw online gambling
outright. In the U.S., for a long-time attempt were made to legislate against online gambling, but
such attempts were done on a state-by-state basis, and they all focused on different laws and
practices regarding online gambling. Until recently, the activity was considered a legal grey area
(especially in the U.S.).
Attempting to prevent U.S. Internet users from accessing offshore gambling sites is akin to an
old-world proverb that speaks of making “holes in water.” Financial institutions that accept
credit cards, debit cards or bank account transfers make much better targets. Many banks have
already banned these types of transactions, making them illegal as payment systems for Internet
gambling. Should consumer protection be an issue? Some might argue that there is no need for
these laws, and that stupidity is one thing that cannot be legislated against. Nevertheless, there
are concerns here.
Gambling is an addiction for many people and there is more than a little potential for
unscrupulous Internet gambling operators to take advantage of the more vulnerable among us.
The problem is that unlike sports betting or state lotto numbers where the actual results are
available in some verifiable form, there really is no way to know when playing fully
computerized simulated games like blackjack, roulette, or slots that you have won or lost when a
winner is announced.
There is no evidence to back up either claim and one must make an uncomfortable leap of faith.
This is not the case with the machines in Nevada, which are highly regulated by law, more
rigorously in fact than many of the electronic voting machines in most parts of the country. Slots
in Vegas and their source code are pre-approved by a Nevada state agency and number
techniques are carefully analyzed. The machines are required by law to provide detailed records
of all pay-ins and pay-outs. Despite the regulated environment of the casinos, there is still too
much room for dishonesty to rear its ugly head. There is also the fear that the unsupervised
electronic funds transfer so much a part of online gambling are being exploited by criminal
money launderers.

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