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There is a requirement a student must understand before working as a casino dealer. The student

must do the research to see if this is the right career for them. The student must understand the

job duties, the market, the salary, and the job requirements to work at a casino. Working as a

dealer is fast based and can be an entertaining and rewarding job. If you have good customer

service skills, have good communications skills and are good in basic math gaming may be the

field you are interested in doing.

Some industries and occupations require a college degree to get a job. Becoming a casino dealer

does not require a college degree. Getting a casino job requires specialized training to become a

casino dealer. Once a student has taken a college course at CSN in casino dealer, they have the

training to deal. To become a casino dealer the student needs to acquire the training and

certification to deal.

Generation Z is a population that is forgoing traditional education and diving directly into the

workforce. Dealer training schools like at CSN are quickly becoming more affordable and used

as a transition into the workforce. At CSN the student can enroll in a casino dealer course and

learn the skills they need to deal a casino game. The best part of casino training at CSN is that it

is quick, easy, and affordable. The student may focus on the knowledge and skills he/she needs

to have to deal.

Once the student is hired as a dealer, he/she can return to CSN to take additional dealing courses.

Knowledge of more than one game will make the student more employable. It takes 6 years'

experience as a dealer to be promoted to a higher casino. The student who is working as a dealer

can continue their college education to get an associate degree. With an associate degree in
casino management, the student can get a promotion. With a bachelor or master's degree in

business the dealer can apply for upper management or supervisor.

The benefits of going to college allows opportunity to the student to acquire personal growth.

Casino dealer is a service-based job. Specialized training in casino dealing will prepare the

student for an interview and train the student with the skills and knowledge needed to pass an

audition at a casino.

The purpose of the casino management program is to give the student the competency and

knowledge to become a casino professional to be employed at a casino. The casino industry was

shut down due to Covid-19, but once casinos are open in October there is a greater demand for

casino dealers and those dealers will need to be trained or retrained to fill those positions. The

demand for skilled dealers shall continue to grow. CSN has a state-of-the-art facility. Trained

professionals will instruct on the latest procedures in customer service in the hospitality industry.

The student become familiar with real life application, organization structure and competencies

expected in the hospitality industry.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics you can usually get a job without a specific

level of education, but a high school diploma or equivalent is preferred. Many dealers are trained

at dealer schools where they learn the various games as well as legal aspects of working in the

gaming industry.

Many casinos proved their own training and prefer to hire dealers from within or re-train

experienced dealer to their requirements. To become a dealer, the student must demonstrate

his/her level of expertise during an audition before hire. Once hired he/she must obtain a gaming

license from a regulatory agency, such as a state board or commission before he/she is able to

work as a casino dealer.

A casino dealer requires several skills. A dealer must have customer service skills along with a

strong attention to detail. A dealer must be personable and patient to handle a variety of games.

A dealer will find various advancement opportunities in the growing gaming industry. With

experience, some of the jobs you can advance to include floor manager, box person, gaming

manager and gaming supervisor. Also, you may develop an interest to enter hotel management


According to the Beeru of statistics, jobs for gaming dealers may grow by 4% between 2018 and

2028. Your salary depending on where you are employed, reported the median annual wage for

gaming dealers was $20, 120 in 2018.

A casino dealer is typically an occupation of someone who administers games such as craps,

blackjack, and roulette, operates a table or game station by him/herself or other dealers, to

distribute materials of the game, collect losing bets, determine the winning payouts, and answer

question on how the game is played A casino dealer works in a variety of setting to provide

information to customers, deal with complaints and process transactions. The main job function

is to deal the game procedures according to the casino you work at.

At CSN casino dealer program, the student can be trained to deal in a brief time. The dealing

courses are self-paced. The student can learn the skills they need in four days or more depending

on what the student needs to focus on. The four-day course is $100. Courses meet throughout the

month. A new course is offered every week. The student can take as many courses as possible

they need to be successful. The gaming lab has an open-door policy where the student who is

enrolled in a course can practice the games, they paid for in an unlaminated time until they are

proficient at dealing the game and pass an audition. College tuition may be reimbursed by an

employer at a casino. Training involves instruction based on competencies and assessments.

If you are ready to start a career in dealing, continuing education may be the right choice. Dealer

training includes customer service skills, game protection training, game management training.

The courses offer training in following game procedures, cheque handling skills and quick

mental math keys. The course teaches the student on how to catch cheaters. The training will

help you become a better dealer. The training will teach you the basic techniques needed to deal.

A casino dealer job involves diversity since most casino dealers are multi-tasked in games like

blackjack, craps, roulette, and baccarat during a single shift. The dealer who has knowledge of

more than one casino game is more employable. The dealer can deal multiple games when

required. The more games you know the higher your prospect is likely to become.

A casino dealer requires above average customer service skills. Math tests are given to

individuals applying for jobs as casino dealers to ensure they can handle this aspect of the job

efficiently and arcuately. Dealers must also receive a licensure in the state they will be working

which requires proof of identity and residency.

A casino dealer job is fast paced with a lot of action. A student is required to have passed

certification upon hiring at a casino. Certification is awarded through training at a dealer school

or casino. Casino dealers work at an action-packed environment with a wide range of customers.

The job can be physic call demanding at times since most dealers stand a great deal of the time.

The dealer may make $200 to $300 a day in tips alone.

CSN offers everything you need to know to become a professional casino dealer. Our classes

will instruct on the proper dealer techniques, the fundamental of dealing. We train the student

how to use gaming equipment with real-life hands-on instruction. Finding a job as a casino

dealer is highly competitive. Our dealing program offers job placement to our students creating a

better transition to becoming a casino dealer.

Generation Z students engage and recruit qualified aspiring students using a branded peer to peer

platform. Generation Z students biggest challenge is to be trained to get a job with less time and

less money. The international student budgeting is a big concern. Social media is a digital

strategy to get prospective students to enroll in our courses. The key is implementing a

communication tool to reach prospective students. Over the past 20 years digital marketing has

played an ever-increasing role in international education recruitment. Connecting our program

through research the student can choose the college program they want to enroll in. There are a

variety of colleges for the student to choose from. Marketing a program can be extremely

competitive in developing a marketing plan that attracts students. The visibility of the program is

important when competing with other dealing programs. Students who finish high school want to

work while continuing their college education because they want the work experience while

getting the degree to advance in their careers. It is important for our dealing program to employ

effective digital marketing strategy to stay ahead of our competition.

Marking our dealing program can be personable marketing tool to attract qualified aspiring

students, international education needs to keep up with the face paced world of mobile devices

and social media in current age if they want to win over the dep pool of student interest. The fast-

paced media ads on tic toc are what young students are in to. They are quick fun videos

entertaining to watch. Colorful digital displays and e-conference training or admission programs

offered online is what attracts a younger audience to keep them motivated to see what the

program is about. Digital marketing builds up broad awareness. Digital blogs, websites, podcast

of our casino program will help you build awareness to the z generation. Social media is where

generation z audience is to get potential students. Colleges must adapt their audience to mobile

experience. The means of creating a web page is easily read on a smartphone that is mobile

Creating a mobile friendly experience, means to change the content you are marketing. Market

information using different devices and many sizes so the student can give text messaging to ask

questions on aps like WeChat or Facebook messenger. Creating visibility is important to getting

the student engaged. Reaching out to bloggers to write blog posts and press releases on your sites

and other cites to report the news of launching a new course or a new program releases will build

an audience. Use social media ads to target an audience to promote visits, webinars, content

about the dealing program. Facebook can help you target an audience with distinct reasons to

take our dealing courses. To market accurately target an audience on Facebook with similar

interest, behaviors, and demographics by implementing ads such as on reduced prices or

emphasizing promotional items that can attract interest of prospective students will get their

attention. Competition through social media is relative to the digital age of marketing. In a peer-

to-peer virtual program you can reach out to your audience by discussing how to get a job as a

casino dealer and use a chat session to answer questions on the advantages of taking our casino

dealing courses.

The internet is the way of current communication to reach current and future students through

videos, ads, virtual meetings, or by posting news articles about our dealing program through

online magazines. Most internet access is free. People communicate online. It’s no longer done

through just in person or handouts but online.

We can use videos to market our casino dealer program. We could do an ad in the form of a

video on Facebook on our dealing program. We can throw in a free lesson as a promotional item

to get students. To post a Facebook video you can establish a channel to upload a video on our

dealing program for free. If we can use a video ad on our website for students to view is good

because it is up to date, clear information to read by making it easy to access.

We can try virtual advertising too. Job monkey is an employment website that can be used as an

online resource to post ads and virtual advertising videos for marketing our program. The above

link is an example of a video online ad. It’s the new way to do advertising online everything

online or in a virtual program. If there were a virtual program ad online, we could come up with

you, David, Phil, Vic or lab and teachers to discuss history of lab, about yourselves telling stories

how you got to deal and your experiences in gaming to where you are today and what out there

and our dealing program and the community. That virtual video can post online on YouTube. On

our CSN website page for casino dealing there should be a link to access our YouTube ad,

Facebook ad, Word press ad or blog. We need a link page to get the ads.

We could consider advertising using a pod cast. Anchor post pod cast on Spotify for free. You

upload audio recordings to podcast on Spotify. It’s a resourceful way to post an ad. You record

each episode talk show pod cast. No need to purchase Spotify to post your podcast.

We could market our dealing program by posting an alumni news page. Alumni news once

posted online, on our casino dealing Facebook page is a resourceful way of connecting with our

students. We can post the alumni news page on Facebook, twitter, or Instagram.

Whichever method we use to advertise, it is important that we get this information out to attract

more students into our dealing program. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram are the

most popular websites to post advertisements. Business uses at least 70% of their marketing

through posting ads online. There is at least 35% positive response to the ads posted online.

Video conferencing is an effective way of communicating with student's information about our

dealing program, what to expect and what to do to get hired as dealers. Videos are entertaining to

watch and highly informative. The students can get more acquainted with our program and
faculty online. Video conferencing students can ask questions and find out what they need to

know to get enrolled in our program.

When marketing our dealing program, you may choose to target casino employees, dealers, or

high school and college students using the media apps. Download the advertisement apps for

free. The advertisement is pop up adds that show while browsing the internet. I watch YouTube

and tic took all the time. I do research on google. I read WordPress blogs too. You can create a

draft send it to print and they will design the ad, poster, video clip for you. On the free app

download the ad or video clip. YouTube ad can post for a price, but it is worthwhile.

We can place an ad on our dealing program to advertise to the community on the popular radio

stations whether it be to reach the black community or the Latino, Asian, or Caucasian or all

ethnicities. Advertising over the radio is a wonderful way to recruit students to our program.

Trio is a wonderful way to advertise our program because when they have prospective students

who are interested in finding a major Trio takes them to our lab and tells them about our dealing

program while giving a tour of our campus. You can contact Trio. Trio gives a tour every

campus tour to new student's semester. It is free.

DWEB had a marketing plan that you can follow. In this attached document gives information of

how they can advertise our program by radio, the media, or other methods of communication.

They do not charge fees to market our dealing program.

While marketing our program through DWEB, as we recruit students, we can have a specialty in

taking our dealing courses that prior dealers can take their first course free and pay only the

application fee of $5. If they like the training all tuition fees apply, therefore.

Tic Toc is a wonderful way to get students. Their ads are short 30 seconds to 3 minutes. You can

create an ad to get the students attention. For example, prove pitching in a hat, or doing card
tricks like false shuffle revealing the original deck order or even throwing a dice doing a false

throw. You can prove players card counting in your ad. Tic is free to advertise. Use these

examples in the tic toc ad and prove we teach how to protect cheaters.

Another effective way to marketing our dealing program is to target our hospitality students by

sending a bulk email to current and prospective students who are interested in gaming. You can

get students emails the first day of classes to inform the students about our dealing program at

CSN. The cost is free.

WordPress is an excellent way to do a blog to our students. We can connect to students by

answering their question about our dealing program. We can advertise with an online blog on

WordPress about our program for prospective athletes coming to CSN. Athletes love sports.

They would love to deal or work in race and sports book. Your target could be high school

athletes. Advertising on WordPress is free.

The internet is the way of current communication to reach current and future students through

videos, ads, virtual meetings, or by posting news articles about our dealing program through

online magazines. Most internet access is free. People communicate online. It’s no longer done

through just in person or handouts but online.

We can use videos to market our casino dealer program. We could do an ad in the form of a

video on Facebook on our dealing program. We can throw in a free lesson as a promotional item

to get students. To post a Facebook video you can establish a channel to upload a video on our

dealing program for free. If we can use a video ad on our website for students to view is good

because it is up to date, clear information to read by making it easy to access.

We can try virtual advertising too. Job monkey is an employment website that can be used as an

online resource to post ads and virtual advertising videos for marketing our program. The above
link is an example of a video online ad. It’s the new way to do advertising online everything

online or in a virtual program. If there were a virtual program ad online, we could come up with

you, David, Phil, Vic or lab and teachers to discuss history of lab, about yourselves telling stories

how you got to deal and your experiences in gaming to where you are today and what out there

and our dealing program and the community. That virtual video can post online on YouTube. On

our CSN website page for casino dealing there should be a link to access our YouTube ad,

Facebook ad, Word press ad or blog. We need a link page to get the ads.

We could consider advertising using a pod cast. Anchor post pod cast on Spotify for free. You

upload audio recordings to podcast on Spotify. It’s a resourceful way to post an ad. You record

each episode talk show pod cast. No need to purchase Spotify to post your podcast.

We could market our dealing program by posting an alumni news page. Alumni news once

posted online, on our casino dealing Facebook page is a resourceful way of connecting with our

students. We can post the alumni news page on Facebook, twitter, or Instagram.

Whichever method we use to advertise, it is important that we get this information out to attract

more students into our dealing program. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram are the

most popular websites to post advertisements. Business uses at least 70% of their marketing

through posting ads online. There is at least 35% positive response to the ads posted online.

Video conferencing is an effective way of communicating with student's information about our

dealing program, what to expect and what to do to get hired as dealers. Videos are entertaining to

watch and highly informative. The students can get more acquainted with our program and

faculty online. Video conferencing students can ask questions and find out what they need to

know to get enrolled in our program.

For decades, schools have made college recruiting an art. From slick marketing packages to the

ultimate campus visit, there are seemingly endless ways to entice new students to enroll. But

these days, admissions staff are armed with a whole new set of tricks, thanks to technology

developments, social media, and good old-fashioned ingenuity. Marketing strategies can be in

the form of digital strategies on social media. The list below illustrates some effective up-to-date

marketing strategies that attract college students:

Digital Marketing Strategies

1. Video Marketing on Facebook, You Tube or Lkidn

a. 500 million viewers a day

b. Age 18 – 34

c. Links on Google web page to lead to ads on You Tube, Twitter, Facebook

d. 75% accessed through Facebook, You Tube and Twitter activity

2. Live Streaming on Spotify or Pod Bean

a. Make program announcements and give information on our dealing program.

b. Send a link from our website to listen to the announcement.

3. Email or Text Strategy

a. Link to Content Searches, email, or text response about program

b. Use of interaction with information keeping the students informed.

4. Snapchat and Instagram Campaign

a. Popular among generation Z

5. Audio Go Advertising Campaign

a. Digital Audio monthly reach of Americans 18 – 24 91%

b. Average hours American spend on streaming audio everyday 4.5.

c. Monthly unique listeners in Audio Go's Publisher network 110M+

d. Cost within school's budget $250 minimum to start campaign.

6. Adero Campaign

a. Enrollment Increased 60% performance

b. Connect to over 750 platforms.

i. Slate, HubSpot, Salesforce, MS Dynamics, Ellucian Power Campus, etc.

Blogs and other written content are still relevant and especially important for digital marketing.

Schools should use as many ways as possible to interact and connect with millennials. Live

videos are a wonderful way to do so. It allows viewers immediately engage with current events.

A lot of higher education institutions already publish various content to YouTube, but live

streaming that functions similar as Snapchat could support the interaction with potential students

and alumni right here and right now by showing schools’ events, lectures, and other creative


The statistics about blogging that have been taken from various trusted sources online such as

HubSpot, Statista, WordPress etc.

• WordPress is the #1 CMS in the world and 36% of the web is built on WordPress.

• Websites that also have a blog are shown to have 434% more indexed pages mostly due

to the blog posts.

• Companies who blog get 97% more links to their websites.

• 77% of Internet users regularly read blog posts.

A vlog is a blog that contains video material. A video blog or video log, sometimes shortened to

vlog, is a form of blog for which the medium is video, and is a form of web television. Vlog

entries often combine embedded video (or a video link) with supporting text, images, and other
metadata. A vlog is popular with young students. Creating a blog or vlog is free. Advertising on

Wix video offer creators the opportunity to include ads on their videos.

Vlogging is growing rapidly. The statistics of vlogging that you should know if you want to get

into the vlogging world.

• Video content is 50 times more likely to drive organic search traffic than plain text.

• 63% of people are more likely to buy a product if they have seen it in a video.

• 86% of vlog content comes from YouTube creators (so if you are planning to make a

vlog, get on YouTube).

• According to HubSpot, 54% of consumers want to see more video content from a brand

or business they support.

The best way to make a vlog is to start a YouTube channel. All you need is a Gmail account and

you can visit this link to create your own channel on YouTube for free within a few minutes.

A video blog or video log, sometimes shortened to vlog, is a form of blog for which the medium

is video, and is a form of web television. Vlog entries often combine embedded video with

supporting text, images, and other metadata. Entries can be recorded in one take or cut into

multiple parts. Advertising on YouTube Vlog is popular on the video-sharing platform YouTube.

Blogging or vlogging – both are excellent ways to produce content online. So, should you pick

one of them or both? Well, it completely depends on your needs.

If you are looking for popularity, you should start a vlog. But if you are looking to create a

passive income online, improve your writing skills, generate high-quality traffic, you should start

a blog.
If you already have a blog, consider creating a YouTube channel to expose your brand to a new

audience. Similarly, if you are already running a vlog, you can consider launching your own blog

to diversify both your traffic and income sources.

A lot of people want to become a content creator but are not sure what kind of content they want

to produce. The most popular options are blog vs vlog vs podcast, but which of these choices is

best for you will depend on a handful of factors. Most large and established blogs these days

could just be considered websites because they feature more than just a list of blog posts, they

feature resources pages, educational content and tend to have more structure.

You do not need to build your blog into a large website though, you can stick to what works and

keep creating great content but as long as you focus on creating high-quality content that is

evergreen and stands the test of time you can rank on Google, generate a lot of traffic, and build

an audience that you can monetize. WordPress is less steep than venturing into podcasting or



Podcasting has blown up in popularity over the past decade and does not show any signs of

slowing down. There are podcasts generating 7 figures a year from advertising and other revenue

streams so we know there are commercial opportunities attached and people enjoy this medium.

“Radio On-demand” is always a popular format but was rigid in its programming, with podcasts

if you want to learn something while driving or in the gym, you will usually be able to find a

relevant podcast. It is also a content type that seems to work for all niches and genres, from

comedy to true-crime and of course marketing and education, if you pick any podcast category

you are guaranteed to find some excellent content.

Many podcasts also involve building a WordPress website and blog to compliment and give the

podcast a home beyond iTunes and YouTube. If you plan to do interviews then you may want to

use a professional VOIP solution like Zoom but a lot of people just use Skype, unless of course,

you plan to interview each guest in person, in that case, you might just need a second mic.

Podcasting is a powerful content medium and provides a passive opportunity to be entertained or

educated while you are otherwise occupied and unable to give it your full attention.

Vlogging / Streaming / Video

There are lots of ways you can create video content these days. Vlogging is one option but it

lends itself to more short vlogs and lifestyle content.

If you want to browse the most popular YouTube channels ranked by their number of

subscribers, you can see the top 100 list on SocialBlade. Of course, this list is dominated by a lot

of celebrities and influencers who got their break on other platforms or through traditional


Works Cited Page

3 Creative Ways to Attract Students to Your College - Circa Interactive (

50 Creative Ways Colleges Are Recruiting Students Today (

Blog vs Vlog: What You Should Pick In 2021 [Ultimate Guide] (

Create a Blog or Vlog or Podcast? Blog vs Vlog vs Podcast Compared (

How to Start a Blog in 2021 - Easy Guide to Create a Blog for Beginners ( Casino dealer: salary and career facts Casino dealer dealer growth prompts

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