Gospel of LukeJohn Discussion Questions - 2021

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Gospel of John/Luke Discussion Questions

1. Read 1:1-3. What previous part of the bible does this remind you of? How does this text refer to Jesus?
Why do you think it calls him that? What are these verses claiming about Jesus? How is this text
traditionally interpreted to support the Trinity?

2. Read John 1:13. How does this verse describe the way of salvation? Read John 1:14. What
does this verse say about Jesus?

3. Read John 1:27. What was the relationship between John the Baptist and Jesus? Read John
1:29. How does John the Baptist describe Jesus? What does this mean?

4. Read John 2:1-11. What is the first miracle ascribed to Jesus? Usually, what kind of wine was
saved for last? Why? What kind of wine did Jesus give them? Why did this surprise them?

5. Read Luke 1:1-4. What does Luke say about about how and why this document was written?

6. What happened to Zechariah the priest in Luke 1:5-25?

7. Look at Luke 1:26-38. Who is Gabriel? What kind of birth did Jesus have according to v. 34?
What do you think about that?

8. What was Mary’s reaction to her pregnancy in Luke 1:46-55? Why do you think she
responded this way?

9. Read Luke 2:1-7. Where was Jesus born? What were the circumstances? What significance
might this have?

10. Look at Luke 2:8-21. Who proclaimed the birth of Jesus? What and how did they say it? Who
did they proclaim it to?

11. Read Luke 2:39-40. What was Jesus’ hometown? How does it describe his growing up?

12. Look at Luke 2:41-52. What does it tell us that happened in Jesus’ boyhood? Why do you
think there are no other stories about Jesus as a youth?

13. Read Luke 3:4-6. What does this say about the role of John the Baptist? What do you think it

14. Read John 3:19-20. What happened to John the Baptist? Why?

15. Look at the genealogy of Jesus in 3:23-38. Do you recognize any notable ancestors?

16. What happened to Jesus in John 4:1-13. Any ideas what the purpose of this was supposed to

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