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Module 1 Exam

1. Click this link to access the Periodic Table. This may be helpful throughout the exam.
Convert 0.000924 to exponential form and explain your answer.
Convert 8.32 x 102 to ordinary form and explain your answer.
1.  Convert 0.000924 = smaller than 1 = negative exponent, move decimal 4 places = 9.24 x 10-4
2.  Convert 8.32 x 102 = positive exponent = larger than 1, move decimal 2 places = 832

2. Click this link to access the Periodic Table. This may be helpful throughout the exam.
Using the following information, do the conversions shown below, showing all work:
1 ft = 12 inches                    1 pound = 16 oz                   1 gallon = 4 quarts
1 mile = 5280 feet                1 ton = 2000 pounds           1 quart = 2 pints
kilo (= 1000)                          milli (= 1/1000)                      centi (= 1/100)                       deci (=
1.    350 pounds = ? ton
2.    0.632 m = ? cm

350 pounds x 1 ton / 2000 pounds = 0.175 ton
0.632 m x 100 cm / 1 m = 63.2 cm

3. Do the conversions shown below, showing all work:

1.    246oK = ? oC

2.    45oC = ? oF
3.    18oF = ? oK
1.    246oK - 273 = -27 oC                                              oK → oC (make smaller) -273
2.    45oC x 1.8 + 32 = 113 oF                                        oC → oF (make larger) x 1.8 + 32
3.    18oF - 32 ÷ 1.8 = -7.8 + 273  = 265.2 oK                oF → oC → oK

4. Be sure to show the correct number of significant figures in each calculation.

1.    Show the calculation of the mass of a 10.5 ml sample of mercury with density of 13.5 g/ml

2.    Show the calculation of the volume of 21.3 grams of dioxane with density of 1.03 g/ml

  1. M = D x V = 13.5 x 10.5 = 142 g
2.    V = M / D = 21.3 / 1.03 = 20.7 ml

5. 1. 0.0756 contains ? significant figures.

2.    1.235 contains ? significant figures.
3.    0.0756 + 1.235 = ? (give answer to correct number of significant figures)
Answer; 1.    0.0756 contains 3 significant figures
2.    1.235 contains 4 significant figures
3.    0.0756 + 1.235 = 1.3106 = 1.311 (to the thousands place for 1.235)

6. Classify each of the following as an element, compound, solution or heterogeneous

mixture and explain your answer.
1.     Barium chloride
2.     Blood
3.     Boron

Answer: 1. Barium chloride - is not on periodic table (not element) - has two element names =

2. Blood - is not on periodic table (not element) - no element names (not compound)
     appears to be one substance = Solution

3. Boron - is on periodic table = Element

7. Classify each of the following as a chemical change or a physical change

1.     Fireworks exploding

2.     Sweat evaporates from your skin
3.     Fruit spoils

Answer: 1.     Fireworks exploding - explosion always = chemical change

2.     Sweat evaporates from your skin - evaporate = physical change
3.     Fruit spoils - formation of another substance, a change in odor, smell, etc = chemical change

8. Show the full Nuclear symbol including any + or - charge (n), the atomic number (y), the mass
number (x) and the correct element symbol (Z) for each element for which the protons, neutrons
and electrons are shown - symbol should appear as follows: xZy+/- n
35 protons, 44 neutrons, 36 electrons
35 rotons = Br35, 44 neutrons = 79Br35, 36 electrons = (+35 - 36 = -1) = 79Br35-1
9.Name each of the following chemical compounds.  Be sure to name all acids as
acids (NOT for instance as binary compounds)
1.     N2O4
2.     SnO2
3.     HClO4


1.     N2O4 - binary molecular = dinitrogen tetroxide

2.     SnO2 - binary ionic = tin (IV) oxide
3.     HClO4 - nonbinary acid = perchloric acid

10. Write the formula for each of the following chemical compounds explaining the answer with
appropriate charges and/or prefixes and/or suffixes.
1.  Iron (III) cyanide
2.  Diiodine pentoxide
3.  Potassium phosphide
1.  Iron (III) cyanide - Fe+3, CN-1 = Fe(CN)3
2.  Diiodine pentoxide - ide = binary, two I, 5 O = I2O5
3.  Potassium phosphide - ide = binary K+1, P-3= K3P

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