Modulel 1 Exam

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Click this link to access the Periodic Table. This may be helpful throughout the exam.

1. Convert 1005.3 to exponential form and explain your answer.

2. Convert 4.87 x 10-6 to ordinary form and explain your answer.

Your Answer:

10005.3 move the decimal over to the left three spaces than multiply 10 to the 3 power to get:
1.0053 X 103

4.87 x 10-6 move the decimal to the left six spaces 0.00000487

1. Convert 1005.3 = larger than 1 = positive exponent, move decimal 3 places = 1.0053 x 103

2. Convert 4.87 x 10-6 =negative exponent =smaller than 1, move decimal 6 places =

Question 2
10 / 10 pts

Click this link to access the Periodic Table. This may be helpful throughout the exam.

Using the following information, do the conversions shown below, showing all work:

1 ft = 12 inches 1 pound = 16 oz 1 gallon = 4 quarts

1 mile = 5280 feet 1 ton = 2000 pounds 1 quart = 2 pints

kilo (= 1000) milli (= 1/1000) centi (= 1/100) deci (=

1. 350 pounds = ? ton

2. 0.632 m = ? cm

Your Answer:

350lbs/1 X 1ton/2000lbs = 0.175 tons .

0.632m/1 X 100/1 = 63.2cm

1. 350 pounds x 1 ton / 2000 pounds = 0.175 ton

2. 0.632 m x 100 cm / 1 m = 63.2 cm

Question 3
10 / 10 pts

Click this link to access the Periodic Table. This may be helpful throughout the exam.

Do the conversions shown below, showing all work:

1. 28oC = ? oK

2. 158oF = ? oC

3. 343oK = ? oF

Your Answer:

I add 273 to the smaller number which is Celcius to get the larger number

= First I subtracted 32 from 158 than divided by 1.8

Their are two steps to this probem first I have to convert Kelvin to Celcius by subtracting 273
from 343 than covert Celcius to Fahrenheit by multiplying 70 by 1.8 than adding 32.
1. 28oC + 273 = 301 oK o
C → oK (make larger) +273

2. 158oF - 32 ÷ 1.8 = 70 oC o
F → oC (make smaller) -32 ÷1.8

3. 343oK - 273 = 70 oC x 1.8 + 32 = 158 oF o

K → oC → oF

Question 4
8 / 10 pts

Click this link to access the Periodic Table. This may be helpful throughout the exam.

Be sure to show the correct number of significant figures in each calculation.

1. Show the calculation of the mass of a 15.7 ml sample of glycerine with density of 1.26

2. Show the calculation of the density of carbon disulfide if 20.3 g occupies 12.8 ml.

Your Answer:

using the Density Triangle I learned in the lecture . I will first Multiply 1.26g/ml by 15.7ml
to get a mass of 19.782g last i will only use the significant figure using 15.7ml to get a final
answer of 19.8g

Using the Density Triangle . I will divide 20.3g by 12.8 ml to get 1.5859375 g/ml than I
will use the 12.8 to convert to only the significant numbers. 1.6g/ml

1. M = D x V = 1.26 x 15.7 = 19.8

2. D = M / V = 20.3 / 12.8 = 1.59

Show the calculation numerically, not verbally! The second answer should have 3 significant

Question 5
10 / 10 pts

Click this link to access the Periodic Table. This may be helpful throughout the exam.
1. 1.35601 contains ? significant figures.

2. 0.151 contains ? significant figures.

3. 1.35601 + 0.151 = ? (give answer to correct number of significant figures)

Your Answer:

1. contains 6 significant numbers

2. contains 3 significant numbers

3. after doing the equation the total equals to 1.50701 which I focus on only the significant
numbers which is 1.507 which has 4 significant numbers.

1. 1.35601 contains 6 significant figures.

2. 0.151 contains 3 significant figures.

3. 1.35601 + 0.151 = 1.50701 = 1.507 (to the thousands place for 0.151)

Question 6
10 / 10 pts

Click this link to access the Periodic Table. This may be helpful throughout the exam.

Classify each of the following as an element, compound, solution or heterogeneous mixture and
explain your answer.

1. Pepperoni Pizza

2. Potassium oxide

3. Phosphorus

Your Answer:

Heterogeneous because it appears to have more than one substance

compound becuase it has two or more elements

Element . because this is a element on the Periodic table

1. Pepperoni Pizza - is not on periodic table (not element) - no element names (not compound)

appears as more than one substance (dough, cheese, pepperoni) = Hetero Mix

2. Potassium oxide - is not on periodic table (not element) - has two element names =

3. Phosphorus - is on periodic table = Element

Question 7
10 / 10 pts

Click this link to access the Periodic Table. This may be helpful throughout the exam.

Classify each of the following as a chemical change or a physical change

1. Clumping of milk upon adding vinegar

2. Ice melts

3. Moisture condenses on cool glass of beverage

Your Answer:

Chemical Change



1. Vinegar clumps milk - clumping is new substance being formed = chemical change

2. Ice melts - ice (solid water) forms liquid water = physical change

3. Moisture condenses on cool glass of beverage - condenses = physical change

Question 8
10 / 10 pts

Click this link to access the Periodic Table. This may be helpful throughout the exam.
Show the full Nuclear symbol including any + or - charge (n), the atomic number (y), the mass
number (x) and the correct element symbol (Z) for each element for which the protons, neutrons
and electrons are shown - symbol should appear as follows: xZy+/- n

50 protons, 69 neutrons, 46 electrons

Your Answer:

50 protons = Sn50, 69 neutrons = 119Sn50, 46 electrons = (+50 - 46 = +4) = 119Sn50+4

Question 9
10 / 10 pts

Click this link to access the Periodic Table. This may be helpful throughout the exam.

Name each of the following chemical compounds. Be sure to name all acids as acids (NOT for
instance as binary compounds)

1. SF6

2. (NH4)3PO4

3. H2S

Your Answer:

Sulfur Hexafluoride

Ammonium Phosphate


1. SF6 - binary molecular = sulfur hexafluoride

2. (NH4)3PO4 - nonbinary ionic = ammonium phosphate

3. H2S - binary acid = hydrosulfuric acid

Question 10
2 / 10 pts

Click this link to access the Periodic Table. This may be helpful throughout the exam.

Write the formula for each of the following chemical compounds explaining the answer with
appropriate charges and/or prefixes and/or suffixes.

1. Bromic acid

2. Dinitrogen pentoxide

3. Potassium carbonate

Your Answer:

H has a +1 charge and BR has a -1 charge which equal to

N has a -3 charge so I added two, O has a -2 charge so I added 5

1. Bromic acid - nonbinary acid of H + bromate (BrO3-1) = HBrO3

2. Dinitrogen pentoxide - ide = binary, two N, 5 O = N2O5

3. Potassium carbonate - K+1, CO3-2 = K2CO3

#1 is incorrect. No answer for #3. #2 should note the prefixes, not the charges.
Quiz Score: 90 out of 100

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