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{\f1\cf0 By the CRAAP test I understand that it is an important way to search and
evaluate websites, books, articles and a number of resources. Using the CRAAP test
in studies we can see the correct assessment of how accurate and reliable a
resource is - whether it is a scientific article or an article distributed on
Facebook. CRAAP is an acronym for each stage of the process of evaluating a source.
C: Currency. }{\f1\cf0 R}{\f1\cf0 : Relevance. A: Authority. A: Accuracy. P:
Purpose. Each component provides information on how to evaluate: currency refers to
the timeliness of resources, may be more important in some fields, such as science
and medicine, than in other fields, such as the humanities, but it is usually
recommended for current information. However, consideration of the currency is
important, so information that has been replaced with new ideas and research is not
used. Relevance refers to the importance of the information or all the sources we
use in a project should be relevant to the topic. Although the perfect source that
captures exactly all the ideas may not be found, the sources I use should be linked
in some way. The authority refers to the source of the information and the
authority informs us that, having experience or expertise in this subject shares
its knowledge, the authority is contextual. Experience or expertise must be
relevant to the topic. Accuracy refers to the reliability of the resource and
determining the accuracy of a source ensures that the use of information is
accepted and error-free. Purpose refers to the reasons why there is information and
the sources of the purpose can be written to entertain, inform, persuade or
otherwise. Understanding the purpose helps to see if there are biases or reasons
that may affect the way the information is presented.}\f1\par}

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