Bradshaw Et Al 2009 - Dominance Is Dogs Useful Construct or Bad Habit

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Journal of Veterinary Behavior (2009) 4, 135-144


Dominance in domestic dogsduseful construct or bad

John W. S. Bradshaw, Emily J. Blackwell, Rachel A. Casey

Anthrozoology Institute, Department of Clinical Veterinary Science, University of Bristol, Langford, North Somerset,
United Kingdom.

KEY WORDS: Abstract The term ‘‘dominance’’ is widely used in the academic and popular literature on the behavior
domestic dog; of domestic dogs, especially in the context of aggression. Although dominance is correctly a property
wolf; of relationships, it has been erroneously used to describe a supposed trait of individual dogs, even
dominance; though there is little evidence that such a trait exists. When used correctly to describe a relationship
aggression; between 2 individuals, it tends to be misapplied as a motivation for social interactions, rather than sim-
resource holding potential ply a quality of that relationship. Hence, it is commonly suggested that a desire ‘to be dominant’ ac-
tually drives behavior, especially aggression, in the domestic dog. By contrast, many recent studies of
wolf packs have questioned whether there is any direct correspondence between dominance within a
relationship and agonistic behavior, and in contrast to wolves, hierarchical social structures have little
relationship with reproductive behavior in feral dog packs. Nor do the exchanges of aggressive and sub-
missive behavior in feral dogs, originally published by S. K. Pal and coworkers, fit the pattern predicted
from wolf behavior, especially the submissive behavior observed between members of different packs.
In the present study of a freely interacting group of neutered male domestic dogs, pairwise relation-
ships were evident, but no overall hierarchy could be detected. Since there seems to be little empirical
basis for wolf-type dominance hierarchies in dogs, the authors have examined alternative constructs.
Parker’s Resource Holding Potential (RHP) appears to be less useful when applied to domestic dogs
than to other species, although it has the advantage of incorporating the concept of subjective resource
value (V) as a factor influencing whether or not conflicts are escalated. The authors propose that as-
sociative learning, combined with V, can provide more parsimonious explanations for agonistic behav-
ior in dogs than can the traditional concept of dominance.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction that dogs are strongly motivated to establish hierarchical

relationships with each other, for example in multidog
The term ‘‘dominance’’ is widely used to both categorize households and with their human cohabitants, has been
and explain the behavior of domestic dogs. The assumption widespread in the literature and informs recommended
treatment protocols for unwanted aggression toward both
other dogs and people (Landsberg et al., 2003). However,
Address for reprint requests and correspondence: John Bradshaw, the benefit of using the concept of ‘‘dominance’’ in the di-
Reader in Companion Animal Behaviour, University of Bristol, Department
of Clinical Veterinary Science, Langford, North Somerset, BS40 5DU, UK;
agnosis and treatment of dogs that have displayed aggres-
Phone: 144 117 928 9673: Fax 144 117 928 9582 sion has recently been called into question (Shepherd,
E-mail: 2002, p. 19; van Kerkhove, 2004; Eaton, 2007), and some

1558-7878/$ -see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
136 Journal of Veterinary Behavior, Vol 4, No 3, May/June 2009

clinicians have come to avoid referring to it. In this article been replaced by a more stochastic view, in which temper-
the authors extend van Kerkhove’s argument in 3 areas; the ament changes according to physiological state and social
inappropriate use of the term ‘‘dominance’’ as a character- circumstance (Fentress et al., 1987). In addition, puppy
istic of an individual dog, the application of outdated testing of domestic dogs does not indicate which individ-
models of wolf pack organization to explain aspects of uals will become ‘‘dominant’’ as adults (Diederich and
dog behavior, and the use of ‘‘dominance’’ as a characteris- Giffroy, 2006), suggesting that there are multiple factors
tic that determines relationships both between pairs of dogs that contribute to the development of relationships between
and between dogs and their owners. individuals, rather than a simplistic ‘‘dominance trait.’’ As
this paper will discuss, these factors include not only indi-
vidual differences in personality, but also specific learning
Inappropriate use of the word ‘‘dominance’’ opportunities and the influence of factors such as endocrine
as a description of an individual animal fluctuations. The authors would argue, therefore, that the
use of the expression ‘‘dominant dog’’ is meaningless,
Confusion still arises through the use of the term ‘‘dominant’’ since ‘‘dominance’’ can apply only to a relationship be-
as a character trait of an individual dog. Although some tween individuals. Furthermore, the use of such terminol-
authors in the clinical behavior literature have warned against ogy can lead to the application of training practices that
the use of the term ‘‘dominant’’ to describe individual dogs can create anxiety in dogs about interactions with their
(Shepherd, 2002, p. 18), there are also many examples in the owners.
dog training literature and the popular media, where ‘‘domi-
nance’’ is described as a characteristic of an individual dog.
Kovary (1999) writes: ‘‘A dominant dog knows what he Use of ‘‘dominance’’ to describe the quality
wants, and sets out to get it, any way he can. He’s got charm, of a relationship
lots of it. When that doesn’t work, he’s got persistence with a
capital ‘P.’ And when all else fails him, he’s got attitude.’’ Even when used to describe relationships, ‘‘dominance’’
This kind of statement implies that an individual dog has a has still been employed in a variety of senses in the
‘‘dominance trait’’ that drives it to achieve a high rank within ethological literature (Drews, 1993). It has been used to
any intra- or interspecific social group, a perception that may characterize both the outcomes of competitions in which
lead to coercive and punishment-based training or other treat- animals meet for the first time, or otherwise do not recog-
ment. For example, some authors have recommended the use nize their opponents, and those in which the history of en-
of the ‘‘alpha roll,’’ in which a dog is forcibly turned over onto counters between the individuals in the dyad is remembered
its back into a ‘‘submissive posture,’’ with the aim of ‘‘show- and becomes a factor influencing the outcome. Both uses
ing the dog who is boss’’ (Monks of New Skete, 1978). Al- have been applied to dogs, which may be described as be-
though there have been occasional attempts in the ing ‘‘dominant toward’’ other dogs met for the first time on
ethological literature to postulate dominance or submissive- walks, or ‘‘dominant over’’ familiar dogs or people in the
ness as traits (Baenninger, 1981), it is now generally accepted household. Even when acknowledging a role for history,
that the term ‘‘dominance’’ should be restricted to describing ethologists have used ‘‘dominance’’ in at least 4 ways: in
relationships, not individuals (Langbein and Puppe, 2004). the functional sense that individuals are ‘‘dominant’’ if
Among ethologists, dominance is normally defined as they have prior access to key resources; as describing the
‘‘an attribute of the pattern of repeated, agonistic interac- outcome of repeated aggressive encounters between indi-
tions between two individuals, characterized by a consis- viduals, such as red deer stags during rut (Clutton-Brock,
tent outcome in favor of the same dyad member and a 1979); as a ‘‘pecking order,’’ in which subordinate individ-
default yielding response of its opponent rather than uals inhibit their agonistic behavior because of their fear of
escalation. The status of the consistent winner is dominant despotic (dominant) individuals; and in terms of the ab-
and that of the loser subordinate’’ (Drews, 1993). Domi- sence of aggression, as when the large majority of disputes
nance is therefore primarily a descriptive term for relation- are resolved by displays of signals rather than overt aggres-
ships between pairs of individuals. If those individuals live sion, but in which one individual still consistently gives
within a group of more than 2, it may (but also may not, as way to another (Drews, 1993).
discussed later) be possible to combine dominance rela- A further distinction can be made depending on how
tionships to produce a ‘‘hierarchy.’’ Although an individual general and/or lasting the relationship is. Sometimes dom-
animal can be assigned a dominance rank within such a inance relationships are only temporary, arising over a
group (Langbein and Puppe, 2004), there is no reason to particular resource and then disappearing, but in permanent
assume that a high-ranking individual in one group would social groups, dominance relationships may either vary
also become high ranking if moved to another. Nor is there between contexts or remain the same across all contexts. In
any good evidence that ‘‘dominance’’ is a lifelong character the latter, the assumption is often made that the individuals
trait. The hypothesis of the ‘‘born alpha’’ has been tested concerned are competing for ‘‘status’’ that, once achieved,
and rejected for wolves (Packard, 2003, p. 55) and has gives them right of access to all resources.
Bradshaw, Blackwell, and Casey Dominance in domestic dogs 137

a c
Breeding male

Breeding female
Subordinate male

Beta Subordinate female

Subadult male(s)

Gamma Subadult female(s)

Male pup(s)

Omega Female pup(s)

b d
Father Mother

Son(s) Daughter(s)

B Male cub(s) Female cub(s)

Figure 1 Diagrammatic representations of distributions of dominance relationships within social groupings, where arrows indicate the
direction of dominance: (a) linear transitive hierarchy; (b) intransitive (circular) structure; (c) classic captive wolf-pack sex/age graded hi-
erarchy; (d) family-based wolf pack. Figures (c) and (d) are redrawn from Packard (2003).

All of these definitions refer to pairs of animals. When a rather than the more intrinsically asymmetric relationships
social group consists of more than 2 individuals, it may (or between dogs and humans. Analogies are often drawn with
may not) be possible to organize all the pairwise relation- social groupings in the wolf, the ancestral species, and with
ships into a transitive hierarchy in which all relationships groups of feral dogs.
can be reduced to a single rank, in which the ‘‘alpha’’
individual is dominant over all others, the ‘‘beta’’ is
dominant over all except the alpha, and so on, down to The wolf
the ‘‘omega,’’ which is subordinate to all others (Figure 1a).
However, there is no a priori reason why this should be the Because the domestic dog Canis lupus familiaris is de-
case, particularly if differences in strength between animals scended from the wolf Canis lupus, it is often assumed
are small and memories of past encounters play an impor- that its capacity to form social relationships is similar to
tant role in establishing relationships (van Doorn et al., that of the wolf (Sherman et al., 1996; Lindsay, 2000; Fed-
2003). Under these conditions especially, nontransitive or dersen-Petersen, 2007), including a predilection to establish
circular hierarchies can emerge (e.g., A . B, B . C, C dominance relationships with all individuals, whatever their
. A: Figure 1b). Wolf packs are traditionally thought of species, within the social unit. This ‘‘wolf pack’’ theory of
as containing separate male and female age-graded domi- companion dog sociality appears to be pervasive within the
nance hierarchies (Packard, 2003, p. 53) (Figure 1c). clinical literature but has been challenged (van Kerkhove,
Some authors have questioned whether hierarchies are 2004), partly on the grounds that the literature on wolf be-
simply a construct useful to the observer, or whether the havior on which it is based may be misleading. Many of the
animals themselves are aware of them (Bernstein, 1981, p. early studies were of captive packs, often artificially assem-
429). However, recent research indicates that most social bled from unrelated individuals, and aggression was some-
vertebrates, not just primates (Sapolsky, 2005), may be ca- times observed more frequently than might be expected if a
pable of inferring third-party relationships; dogs appear to strict dominance hierarchy was in existence (Zimen, 1975),
have the cognitive abilities to comprehend and interpret suggesting that these ‘‘packs’’ would have split into smaller
them (Rooney and Bradshaw, 2006), as do some fish (Gro- units if they had been able to disperse. The typical social
senick et al., 2007). structure was thought to comprise separate male and female
When evaluating the usefulness of ‘‘dominance’’ and hierarchies, each headed by 1 member of the breeding pair
‘‘hierarchy’’ to conceptualize the behavior of the domestic (Figure 1c), which suppressed reproduction by other pack
dog, it is logical to start with intraspecies social structures, members, often by direct aggression. In a large pack both
138 Journal of Veterinary Behavior, Vol 4, No 3, May/June 2009

of the hierarchies were pyramidal, with distinct rank orders correspondence between dominance and aggression even
apparent only at the top of each, and much more fluid rela- in his captive packs, it may still not be straightforward to
tionships between juveniles. use dominance as an explanatory concept for dog–dog ag-
In the paper the title of which we have adapted for this gression within a household.
review, Lockwood (1979), also working with captive packs, It is also unclear how much the social behavior of the
tested the validity of applying a hierarchical structure by re- wolf has been affected by domestication. Some authors
turning to first principles, recording the behavior of individ- claim profound changes, particularly in social cognition
uals and examining the occurrence of various types of (Hare and Tomasello, 2005; Miklósi, 2007), that effectively
interactions statistically. He found some support for domi- raise a further set of objections to any useful comparability
nance hierarchies, based on proportional exchange of ago- between the wolf pack and a social unit comprising domes-
nistic and submissive signaling, weight, and priority of tic dogs managed by human owners.
access to food. However, he found that the rates of ex-
change of both agonistic behavior and appeasement were
uncorrelated with dominance, calling into question whether Feral dogs
aggression is usefully explained by invoking the dominance
concept, even in wolves. Some individuals appeared to wish Some of these objections could be addressed if the social
to disperse, for example, they regularly paced at the edge of behavior and structures of freely associating dogs could be
the enclosure. The composition of the groups may therefore observed. Van Kerkhove (2004), reviewing 5 studies of
not have been that which the wolves would have chosen for feral dogs published between 1975 and 1995, concluded
themselves, possibly causing agonistic behavior motivated that their pack structure is very loose and rarely involves
more by territoriality (intergroup) than by challenges to any cooperative behavior, either in raising young or in
dominance rank (intragroup). obtaining food. It is possible that the absence of wolf-type
Improved techniques for observing the behavior of wild cooperation in these feral dogs, and their overall social
wolf packs have lead to a reappraisal of the basis of their instability, may have been a result of repeated interference
sociality. Mech and Boitani (2003, p. 1) state that ‘‘the ba- and displacement by man, rather than an intrinsic incapac-
sic social unit of a wolf population is the mated pair,’’ ity. However, van Kerkhove did not discuss a series of
which are accompanied by their offspring from previous studies of feral dog packs in West Bengal by S. K. Pal and
years. Dominance contests in such packs are rare; for exam- colleagues (Pal et al., 1998, 1999; Pal, 2003, 2005). Within
ple, Mech (1999) observed none in one free-living pack a large population of several hundred individuals at any one
over a 13-year period. The breeding pair appears to be time, they were able to identify coherent social groups that
able to maintain its status without aggression. ‘‘Submis- consisted largely of close kin, shared communal territories,
sive’’ behavior, which Packard (2003) redefines as ‘‘appeas- and were aggressive toward members of neighboring
ing’’ because it is often spontaneous, rather than being a groups (Pal et al., 1998), analogous in this respect to wolf
response to aggression, is commonly performed by the packs. However, the typical sexual and parental behavior
younger pack members toward the breeding pair, and occa- that they observed differed substantially from the wolf
sionally by the breeding female to the breeding male. In the pack pattern. Females were typically courted by multiple
wild, only larger packs including non-kin, or ‘‘disrupted’’ males (up to 8 in Pal et al., 1999), which competed for cop-
packs where, for example, one or both of the breeding ulation attempts; although females rejected some of these
pair has died, show assertive behavior. Agonistic behavior, attempts, copulatory ties with several males on the same
when it occurs, appears to be much more labile than would day were commonplace (Pal et al., 1999), which would
be predicted from a stable hierarchy, changing with factors be highly unusual in a wolf pack (Schotté and Ginsburg,
such as age, reproductive state, nutritional condition, aver- 1987; Packard, 2003, pp. 56–59). Aggressive interactions
sive experiences, and the resource under dispute (Packard, between females, which would be expected if ‘‘dominant’’
2003). females were attempting to monopolize males, as reported
Thus, recent interpretations of wolf behavior have in wolf packs (Schotté and Ginsburg, 1987), were ex-
tended to emphasize cohesive, rather than aggressive, tremely rare (Pal et al., 1999), and there was apparently lit-
behavior as essential to the stability of naturally occurring tle reproductive suppression of females within social
packs. Agonistic behavior may be induced by the artificial groups; for example, one group contained 2 breeding pairs
circumstances experienced by captive packs, in which (Figure 2a) and no nonbreeding adult females (Pal et al.,
individuals are often unrelated and cannot voluntarily 1998). In wolf packs where more than 2 females produce
disperse (Zimen, 1975). The question remains as to which pups in a season, infanticide by females usually results in
of these circumstances is the better analogy for the situation the survival of only 1 litter (Packard, 2003, p. 59), whereas
experienced by the owned domestic dog. King (2004) has infanticide, although not completely unknown among the
logically argued that the captive-wolf analogy may be West Bengal ferals, was rare (Pal et al., 1999) and appears
more appropriate for a multidog household comprising un- not to have been reported from other feral populations (Boi-
related individuals, but since Lockwood (1979) found no tani et al., 2007).
Bradshaw, Blackwell, and Casey Dominance in domestic dogs 139

a 20 ‘‘[R]itualized displays of dominance or submission were

observed on few occasions, and this supports the view
that most communication among group members is of a
very subtle nature and is based on mutual recognition.’
Pal et al. (1998, p. 336) were able to derive hierarchies
10 for 2 of their feral groups based on exchange of ‘‘rare ag-
DS Submission

gressive incidents.’’ Since the groups consisted of 5 and 8

dogs, respectively, there is a possibility that the apparently
hierarchical structures could have arisen by chance (Ap-
pleby, 1983), and the authors have therefore reanalyzed
-10 -5 0 5 10 15
the data in Pal et al. (1998, pp. 336–337) by deriving Da-
vid’s scores (Gammell et al., 2003) for both aggressive
-5 and submissive encounters within the groups (Figure 2).
As predicted from the wolf pack model, in both groups
1 breeding pair had the highest David’s scores for both ag-
DS Aggression
gression performed and submission received. In the LIG
group, the second breeding pair occupied an intermediate
b 8 position in the hierarchy; the rate of exchange of aggression
between the same-sex members of these pairs, though
6 asymmetric, was not especially high. The 3 nonbreeding
males occupied higher positions than the juveniles based
4 on submission received, but lower positions based on ag-
DS submission

gression performed (2 in Figure 2a, 1 in Figure 2b), largely

2 because they received relatively high rates of aggression
from the ‘‘alpha’’ breeding pair, but they responded with
0 relatively little submission. The juveniles received little ag-
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
gression but often interacted submissively.
-2 Much of the aggression within groups occurred during the
breeding season; males were most aggressive when females
-4 were in estrus, and females were most aggressive when they
were raising pups (Figure 3) (Pal et al. 1998, pp. 340–342),
-6 suggesting that most conflicts arose to protect or enhance re-
DS Aggression productive success, as also occurs in wolves when food is not
Figure 2 Hierarchies for 2 groups of feral dogs, based on Da- limited (Packard, 2003, p. 58). However, the rates of both ag-
vid’s scores (DS: Gammell et al., 2003) for aggressive and sub- gression and submission altered seasonally, in both sexes, in
missive pairwise encounters (data from Pal et al., 1998, pp. parallel both between- and within-group, which would not be
336–337). Solid squares, breeding males; solid diamonds, breed- predicted from the wolf pack model.
ing females; solid circles, nonbreeding adult males; open squares,
It is not clear from this or other studies how members of
juvenile males; open diamonds, juvenile females. Dotted lines link
breeding pairs. 2(a), LIG-group; 2(b), HIG-group.
feral groups maintain group cohesion, but the mechanisms
appear to be different from those observed in wolves and
again, do not support the ‘‘wolf pack’’ model for dog
Multiple breeding among feral groups may therefore be behavior. Rates of aggression and submission per dyad
possible where ecological conditions allow, possibly be- observed by Pal et al. (1998) were approximately twice as
cause feral dogs lack the behavioral mechanisms whereby high between groups as within groups, even though within-
breeding pairs of wolves suppress reproduction by other group encounters were stated to be much more frequent,
adults within their packs (Harrington et al., 1982). Pair which is compatible with a group identity based within a
bonding and paternal care were, however, observed in the shared territory. However, the high rate of submissive be-
West Bengal dogs, including feeding of pups by regurgita- havior between groups (Figure 4) is not predicted from
tion by at least 1 male (Pal et al., 1999); previous studies of wolf behavior; although few conflicts between wolf packs
feral packs had failed to find any paternal care (Boitani have been witnessed, it is generally agreed that they are
et al., 2007). usually highly aggressive and can result in deaths (Packard,
Therefore, reproduction in feral dog groups, even when 2003, p. 62). By the same argument, it is difficult to reclas-
their membership is stable, appears not to be controlled by sify the ‘‘submissive’’ behavior as recorded by Pal from
a wolf pack type of ‘‘dominance hierarchy.’’ Moreover, Pal these dogs as ‘‘cohesive’’ pack-bonding behavior, as has
et al. (1998, p. 343) did not observe the ritualized ex- been suggested for wolves (Packard, 2003, pp. 56–57),
changes of behavior that characterize wolf hierarchies: since it is common both between and within groups.
140 Journal of Veterinary Behavior, Vol 4, No 3, May/June 2009

140 group cohesion. Pair bonding is retained from the basic ca-
Male aggressive nid pattern, as is the capacity to share territories with family
Female aggressive
Male submissive
members and the occasional outsider (Moehlman, 1989).
Female submissive

100 Social behavior of neutered dogs

Mean frequency

Much of the aggressive behavior observed by Pal and

colleagues in feral packs appeared to arise from disputes
over territory and access to sexual partners. Since aggres-
60 sion between companion dogs is not restricted to sexually
entire individuals, the wolf pack dominance structure would
also have to apply to neutered dogs to explain all dog–dog
aggression within households. Accordingly, the authors
have studied a semipermanent group of 19 neutered male
20 domestic dogs, maintained by a rehoming charity in a 0.28
ha enclosure, to examine whether their agonistic behavior
can be interpreted in terms of a hierarchical (‘‘dominance’’-
Summer Monsoon Late Monsoon Winter
based) social structure (Bradshaw, Cooke, Robertson, and
Browne, unpublished data). Competitive behavior was
Figure 3 Seasonal changes in frequencies of aggressive and
characterized by recording the total number of ‘‘confident’’
submissive behavior performed by males and females (all age
classes) within 2 groups of feral dogs (data from Pal et al.,
(e.g., growl, inhibited bite, stand over, mount, stare at,
1998, p. 338). Estrus occurred in late monsoon, pups were nursed chase, bark at) and ‘‘submissive’’ (e.g., crouch, avoid,
by females in winter. displacement lick/yawn, run away) patterns exchanged
within each dyad. David’s score for within-group domi-
nance was calculated for each individual separately for
Overall, it appears that domestication has radically confident and submissive behavior; the 2 rankings produced
altered the social behavior of dogs, so that when they were positively correlated, and therefore the 2 matrices
have the opportunity to interact and breed freely, although could be combined into 1. The overall David’s score for
they do form exclusive kin-based groups, they do not re- within-group dominance calculated from this matrix was
adopt a wolf-pack social system within these groups. uncorrelated to the age of the dog, how long it had been in
Mating is competitive, as in many carnivora with less the group, or its weight, although all of the 4 dogs weighing
sophisticated sociality than the wolf (Moehlman, 1989), over 30 kg had positive scores.
and submissive behavior is used to defuse conflicts, both Even among the 8 dogs which interacted the most, no
within and between groups, rather than being reserved for clear-cut dominance hierarchy could be distinguished
(Figure 5). Of the 3 highest ranking individuals, GS rarely
300 interacted with either Ed or Ja, and although these 2 inter-
Intra Aggressive acted frequently, their ‘‘status’’ relative to one another was
Intra Submissive
260 Inter Aggressive
unresolved. Among the other members of this group, there
Inter Submissive were several relationships that do not indicate an overall
220 ‘‘hierarchy’’ (upward arrows, Figure 5). Overall, the pattern
of relationships does not fit the predictions of the ‘‘wolf
Total frequency

180 pack’’ model, which should produce a pyramidal hierarchy

with clear alpha and beta individuals, or indeed any other
140 conventional hierarchical model. Role theory, as applied
to wolves by Lockwood (1979), was at least more descrip-
100 tive of the observed pattern of interactions, though it did not
generate any potential explanation of how the pattern had
Based on their David’s scores, 3 groups of dogs could be
distinguished based on their behavioral ‘‘roles’’ within the
Summer Monsoon Late Monsoon Winter group. Three dogs (‘‘Hermits’’) interacted so infrequently
Figure 4 Seasonal changes in frequencies of aggressive and (total competitive patterns performed ranged between 2 and
submissive behavior performed between and within 2 groups of 5) that David’s scores could not be calculated. Seven dogs
feral dogs (data from Pal et al., 1998, p. 338). Estrus occurred with negative scores (‘‘Outsiders’’) had no dominant rela-
in late monsoon, pups were nursed by females in winter. tionships (defined as proportion of confident behavior
Bradshaw, Blackwell, and Casey Dominance in domestic dogs 141

4.00 relationships appeared to operate at the dyad level, without

GS any overriding structure.
Ed Alternative approaches to interpreting
1.00 social interactions between dogs
David's score

0.00 The Resource Holding Potential (RHP) model, invented by

Parker (1974) to separate physical fighting ability (RHP)
B2 Br
-1.00 from likelihood of competing in a given set of circum-
stances, has been proposed by several authors as an alterna-
tive framework for explaining relationships between dogs
(Wickens, 1993; Shepherd, 2002; Lindsay, 2005). The
BB RHP model is more generally applicable than dominance
-4.00 to disputes between individuals, since it does not require
any kind of prior relationship between the competitors; in-
-5.00 deed, it has been widely applied to territorial disputes, in-
Figure 5 Competitive relationships between the eight Insider cluding first encounters (Barlow et al., 1986). It also has
dogs (see text for definition) in a semipermanent group of 19 neu- the advantage that it predicts that the outcome of disputes
tered male domestic dogs. Vertical axis: David’s dominance score will depend on the subjective value of the resource (V) to
from interactions within this group only. Horizontal spacing is ar- each of the individuals, allowing for a ‘‘dominance’’ rela-
bitrary. Solid arrows point to the net subordinate within a pair tionship to be reversed depending on its context. It there-
(proportion of confident behavior performed and submissive be- fore explains why an otherwise ‘‘submissive’’ member of
havior received , 0.4). Dashed, double-headed arrows indicate a group may be permitted access to a resource that it values
an unresolved relationship (proportion of confident behavior per-
highly, because it does not pay the usually more ‘‘domi-
formed and submissive behavior received 0.4-0.6). Pairs not
joined by arrows exchanged fewer than 5 (weighted) competitive
nant’’ member to escalate the dispute. In domestic dogs,
behavior patterns (,5 confident, ,10 submissive, or any interme- males especially seem to show context dependence in their
diate combination of those proportions). relationships with other members of their group (Wickens
1993). Shepherd (2002, p. 19) has proposed a model for
aggression in dogs based on resource value.
performed and submissive behavior received . 0.6), except However, although subjective resource value (V) appears
one, which had a single asymmetric relationship based to be useful in explaining the outcome of disputes between
entirely on the exchange of submissive behavior. An eighth dogs, RHP itself may be less valuable. In many disputes
was ‘‘dominant’’ over only 1 of these 7, with which it between animals of the same species, relative size is a strong
interacted repeatedly, and rarely interacted with any other predictor of outcome; for example, 2% weight differences are
dog. Each of the remaining 8 dogs (‘‘Insiders’’), all with detectable by cichlid fish (Barlow et al., 1986). Domestic
positive David’s scores, had ‘‘dominant relationships’’ with dogs appear to pay little attention to relative size, despite
between 2 and 5 of the Outsiders, and no subordinate the large weight differences between the largest and smallest
relationships. Each interacted with most of the other 7 individuals; for example, size was not a predictor of the out-
Insiders (Figure 5); ratios of exchange could be calculated come of encounters between dogs meeting while being exer-
for approximately two thirds of the dyadic relationships cised by their owners (Bradshaw and Lea, 1992), nor was size
within this group. By contrast, ratios between the Insiders correlated with David’s score in the study of neutered male
and the Outsiders could be calculated for only about one dogs described previously. Therefore, many dogs do not ap-
third of dyads, and within the Outsiders, for only about pear to pay much attention to the actual fighting ability of
1 in 10, since almost all of the apparently competitive inter- their opponent, presumably allowing differences in motiva-
actions occurred within the Insider group. tion (how much the dog values the resource) and perceived
Overall, the pattern of individual relationships can motivation (what the behavior of the other dog signifies about
possibly be interpreted in terms of the behavior of the the likelihood that it will escalate) to play a much greater role.
Insider dogs. These were competitive between themselves, In any case, the relationship between dominance and
but although they may have had consistently ‘‘dominant’’ or RHP is now thought to be complex and even unpredictable
‘‘subordinate’’ relationships with other individual Insiders, (van Doorn et al., 2003). Modeling indicates that where dif-
no overall structure had emerged. The remaining dogs were ferences in RHP are small or even trivial, stable dominance
less competitive; a minority (Hermits) employed the strat- hierarchies can emerge based on the history of encounters
egy of avoiding all contact with others, the majority between animals, if individuals that win one encounter
(Outsiders) interacted mainly with the Insiders but never tend to escalate faster in their next disputes, and losers
became ‘‘dominant’’ over any of them. In essence, tend not to escalate subsequently, that is, the hierarchy
142 Journal of Veterinary Behavior, Vol 4, No 3, May/June 2009

arises from a few random initial encounters between indi- confidently pull a toy out of the other dog’s mouth. This
viduals that cause them to adopt different strategies thereaf- context-specific learning explains why so-called ‘‘domi-
ter. This can be an explanation of why reconstituting the nance hierarchies’’ between dyads of dogs appear to change
same individuals into groups over and over again can result from one set of circumstances to another (Mertens, 2002;
in completely different dominance hierarchies (Chase et al., Shepherd, 2002). Because the outcome of the first encoun-
2002), which is counter to the predictions of RHP. More- ters between dogs will influence subsequent responses, the
over, when RHP effects are small, as they appear to be in circumstances under which these initial interactions occur
dogs, these winner–loser effects can, at least theoretically, will have a profound influence on the subsequent develop-
give rise to stable nonhierarchical structures, which may ei- ment of the relationship. As an example, taking 2 dogs that
ther be egalitarian or consist of clear dominance relation- are contesting possession of a highly valued resource for
ships between pairs of individuals but with no overall the first time, if one is in a state of emotional arousal, or
hierarchy (van Doorn et al., 2003). if one is in pain, or if reactivity is influenced by recent en-
docrine changes or motivational states such as hunger, then
the outcome of the interaction may be different than if none
Is ‘‘dominance’’ a useful construct in the of these factors were present. Equally, the threshold at
interpretation of interactions between which aggression is shown may be influenced by a range
domestic dogs? of medical factors, or, in some cases, precipitated entirely
by pathological disorders. Hence, the contextual and phys-
In the clinical literature, aggression between dogs within a iological factors present when 2 dogs first encounter each
social unit has been widely ascribed to competition for other may profoundly influence the long-term nature of
social status when signaling has failed to resolve conflicts the relationship between those dogs. The complexity of
over resources (Landsberg et al., 2003). Thus, aggression the factors involved in this type of learning means that
between dogs is often interpreted in terms of dominance dogs may develop different ‘‘expectations’’ about the likely
rank and the existence of a hierarchy within the members response of another individual for each resource in a range
of a multidog household (van Kerkhove, 2004), although of different situations. For example, within a pair of dogs,
some authors acknowledge that the capacity to form hierar- one may learn that it is likely to be successful in chasing
chies is likely to vary from breed to breed (Mertens, 2004; and bringing back a ball that is thrown in the house, but
Feddersen-Petersen, 2007). However, since the traditional it might expect the other dog to be successful when out
wolf pack competitive dominance structure has been re- for a walk, and not even compete for the ball.
placed by a more cohesive framework for wolves them- Interpreting the development of social interactions in
selves and very little support has been found for dogs these terms helps to explain the apparent presence of a
adopting wolflike social structures between members of hierarchy in stable breeding groups, but the lack of any
their own species, it now seems unlikely that interactions hierarchy in groups that are more subject to change, or
between domestic dogs are always, or indeed ever, driven where individuals are introduced in adulthood. Where
by the aim to ‘‘achieve status’’ within a social group. puppies develop in social contact with the mature members
However, the concept of RHP, suggested as an alterna- of their ‘‘pack,’’ they are likely to learn consistently that
tive model to explain social interactions between dogs competition with adults is unsuccessful, and that avoidance
(Shepherd, 2002), also appears to oversimplify the factors or appeasement successfully avoids conflict and means that
influencing the development of stable relationships between they are tolerated and more likely to access resources.
individuals. Recent models (van Doorn et al., 2003) predict These behaviors are, therefore, likely to persist in the
that for social mammals, context and prior experience alone younger animals as they develop into adulthood, maintain-
may explain the outcome of encounters, and this type of ing the ‘‘dominance relationship’’ between the older and
model appears to fit better with the available data on inter- younger animals, unless environmental circumstances lead
actions between domestic dogs. In other words, the devel- to one or another member of the dyad learning an alterna-
opment of stable relationships between individuals can be tive outcome for their interactions. However, where adult
entirely explained using the principles of associative learn- animals meet for the first time, they have no expectations of
ing theory. When 2 dogs first meet, they will have no prior the behavior of the other: they will both, therefore, be
experience of the likely response of the other in any con- initially anxious and vigilant in this encounter (character-
text. Over repeated encounters, they will learn to recognize ized by the tense body posture and sudden movements
the specific cues that might predict a positive or negative typically seen when 2 dogs first meet), until they start to be
response in the other individual, alter their behavior accord- able to predict the responses of the other individual. The
ingly, and gradually learn how the other dog is likely to re- outcome of these early adult–adult interactions will be
spond in a range of different contexts. For example, a influenced by the specific factors present at the time of the
puppy coming into a household where an existing dog initial encounters. As well as contextual and physiological
highly values food, but not toys, would rapidly learn not factors, the previous experiences of each member of the
to approach the adult in the context of food, but may dyad of other dogs will also influence their behavior. Let us
Bradshaw, Blackwell, and Casey Dominance in domestic dogs 143

imagine, for example, a neutered male Afghan hound (AH) behavior, that it is opportune to examine whether there
and a neutered male Jack Russell terrier (JRT). Although are alternative, more parsimonious explanations for why
the 2 dogs have not met before, each will use information dogs sometimes display aggression. The analogies drawn
learned previously in similar encounters in deriving their between the social behavior of dogs and that of their
behavioral response to the situation. The AH, for example, ancestral species, the wolf, appear to refer to a model of
may have previously encountered a small, white male dog wolf sociality that has now been disputed for over 30 years.
that responded to it with aggression. Because of the similar Moreover, when dogs are able express their social and
cues in this encounter, its anxiety would increase, and it sexual behavior with minimal interference from man, there
would try to identify any other cues predictive of potential is no evidence that they adopt a wolf-type social structure
aggression. The JRT may have learned to be anxious about based around a single breeding pair; instead, females mate
all large dogs that show a tense body posture, because it has with multiple males and only subsequently form pair bonds
learned that this posture predicts aggressive behavior. within family groups, similar to the ancestral canid pattern.
Because of previous learning experiences in other situa- Neutering appears to disrupt sociality further still, to the
tions, therefore, the risk of aggression occurring in this point where hierarchies may no longer be discernable. It is
encounter is relatively high, whereas if the same 2 dogs had therefore doubtful whether the concept of ‘‘dominance’’
met without any previous negative experiences, the out- can make any useful contribution to explaining dog–dog
come of the interaction would more likely be a friendly aggression, and it is therefore even less likely to be
one. Using this learning-based model, therefore, explains applicable to aggression directed at humans, given the
the complexities of social interaction with no need to added complexities of interspecies communication.
invoke the concept of ‘‘dominance,’’ either as a goal or as Although RHP has provided an effective alternative to
an element in an overall hierarchical structure. dominance in accounting for the outcome of agonistic
interactions in many species, it relies on competing animals
being able to make accurate estimates of each others’
Interactions between dogs and owners fighting abilities, which many domestic dogs seem unable
to do. Instead of evoking hypothetical constructs such as
Many authors also use the concept of ‘‘dominance’’ to ‘‘dominance’’ to explain canine aggression, it is simpler to
describe aggression toward owners, particularly where this use the well-established principles of associative learning,
behavior occurs over a valued resource (Landsberg et al., and the concept of V borrowed from the RHP model, to
2003, p. 422; Houpt, 2006). However, since other models explain why individual dogs escalate aggression under
appear to provide better explanations for the complexity some circumstances, and back down under others.
of social relationships between dogs, there is no reason to
suppose that ‘‘trying to achieve status’’ is characteristic of
dog–human interactions either. In fact, the patterns of inter- Acknowledgments
actions between dogs and owners appear to fit better into
the model where prior experience and context are the major We thank Claire Cooke and Nicola Robertson for
determinants of subsequent response. Hence, where a dog permission to describe their study of neutered male dogs;
is anxious about the approach of an owner in a particular Stephen Wickens for discussions of RHP; and the clinical
context (perhaps because the owner has previously forced behaviorists, too numerous to mention individually, with
the dog into an ‘‘alpha roll’’), it may show appeasement, whom we have debated the dominance concept. John
avoidance, or aggression to avoid the perceived threat. Bradshaw thanks the Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition
Since the first 2 are unsuccessful when owners persist in ap- for financial support.
proaching and pulling their pet out from its hiding place,
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