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1 /Ill/ol'alil'/' U8r~ of Steel

Acilirl'c Ecol/omy 9
2 Methods in SI(,(,/ That
Sperd COlIstruction 9
9 Prize Brilig/'8 of 197" 111

American Institute
of Steel Construction
1221 A\lenue of the Americas
New York, N.Y. 10020 Innovative of Steel Achieve Economy 3
Methods in Steel That Speed Construction 9
Prize Bridges of 1974 13
O .. .. . C I! R S
1974 Special Award of Recognition 16
Van W. Coddington, President
William R. Jackson,
First Vice President
D. B. Hughes,
Robert P. Stupp, Treasurer
John K. Edmonds,
TIl/' T. R. Hig,Qin" Lectllreship All'ard Program will select
Executive Vice President the principal allfhor of the technical paper judged to have
Leslie H. Gillette, made the 1II0sf significant contribution to enginccrin,Q litera·
Assistant Executive Vice President flll'e )'rlated to fabl'icated stl'llctllral .• tee! within a five year
William W. Lanigan, tii,qibility pel'iod ending Jamla)'y 1, 1974. The award winner
Secretary and General Counsel lI'iIl I'aeit'e a $2,000 prize dUl'iu,Q a ceremony at tlte 1975
AISC National Ellgineering ConflTl'nce in St. Louis, Mo.,
where he ldll present his pape!'.
A jury o[ sir eminent engineer.• [1'0111 the field .• o[ educa •
Daniel Farb, Director of Publications tion, design, and indllstl'Y will .• elect tlte award wimw·. They
Mary Anne Stockwell, Editor ar(':
(;/1''' , '. Berf( Univcl'sity of Michigan

R _ O I ONA L O .. .. . C ES
Tlromn. C. "nmnaf(I, Pral',QI'I'.Kal'anagh-lVatel'bury &
Madigan-Hyland, Jnc.
Atlanta, Georgia
Birmingham, Alabama l olt,. F. If. ,," oel, Illternatiollal Stal Company
Boston, Massachusetts 1\. I llY I,nw Debl'on COl'poratioll, Mississippi Valley
Chicago, Illinois Sh'uclw'al SIeel Division
Cleveland, Ohio
Columbus, Ohio Ro l,eI'I D. " nnrlerlYII BaklT-lVibbel'ley & Associales
Dallas, Texas
Denver. Colorado The wi/lIle!' 10m be annollnced 0/1 Febrllary 5, 1975.
Detroit, Michigan
Charlotte, North Carolina
Hartford, Connecticut
Houston, Texas
Los Angeles, California
Memphis, Tennessee FOllr $3,500 awal'ds Idll be grantl'd to loflUlter's degl'ee can-
MII .....aukee, Wisconsin didatfs pllrsuing a coul'se of .• tl/dy I'elated to [abl'icaled stmc-
Minneapolis, Minnesota tl/I'a/ .• tff/. $3,000 is for the stilt/cut's 1I •• e, and $500 is fol' the
New York, New York dl'/lal'tml'nt chairman's use in administl'riug Ihl' granl.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Omaha, Nebraska SIudenls illiel'l'sled should contact tlteil' depal'Imenl chair-
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania mell or fhe Committee 011 Education, AISC, 1221 Avenue of
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania the Amcricas, Nl'w York, Ncll' YO/'k 10020.
st. louis, Missouri

San Francisco, California
Seattle. Washington
Syracuse, New York
Washington, District of Columbia

In building, the opportunity for inno-
INNOVATIVE vation with economy resides in struc-
turally interpreting both the desired
planning goals and aesthetic expres-
USES OF sion of the client, combined with knowl-
edge of the design possibilities avail-
able in the correct use of a material's
STEEL ACHIEVE properties. Lev Zetlin Associates, Inc.,
Consulting Engineers, have been re-

ECONOMY sponsible for numerous projects tha t

exemplify infelligent use of structural
steel in imaginative and economical ap-
plications. Following are brief descrip-
tions of five projects designad by this
firm. Although steel was chosen for dif-

ferent reasons in each case, economy
of construction and aesthetic appear-
ance were important factors in the final
by Charles H. Thornton selection of each framing system.


Innovative Uses of Steel Achieve Economy (cont'd)

"'30 OR

"" : ROOF
The Fashion Institute of Technology
New York, N.Y.
Located on a two block site, run·
ning wesl from 7th to 8th Avenue and
north from West 26th to West 28th

I Street, amid existing FIT buildings, is
a new complex containing a student
5A6 center, academic building, library,
classroom laboratories, and an arts
• 611\ Fl building, that vary in height from 7 to
• ~ 11 stories.

W30.132 The complex has a number of eco-
nom ical structural features. The design
f2 program provides for more flexible plan-
~ .;
ning than was allowed in the existing
PLAN SEC TION 511'1 FL complex, through use of longer spans.

~ However, the program also required that
the new buildings, despite the increase
in spans, duplicate the floor to floor
heights on all levels throughout to per-
mit a close interrelationship with the
.. ttl FL
existing facilities .
Considering the shallow depth re-
"'30 ••• 1r I quirement, a high strength steel fram-
ing system was selected and estimated

to be the most economical means of
construction. At most floors, horizontal
mechanical piping and ductwork are
accommodated through reinforced
openings in the beam webs.
Interior column sizes were minimized
through the design of specially fabri-
cated steel box columns with maxi-
mum dimensions of II-in. sq . The 4th
through 6th floors of three of the bu ild-
ings will contain 12-ft cantilevers over-
hanging the perimeter along West 28th
Street. These cantilevers, achieved
through the design of "structural
welded trees," were fabricated two and
three stories high.
To locate the athletic facilities ad-
Architect: jacent to convenient areas, long span, 1
DeYoung & Moscowitz
New Yorl< , N. Y. high-strength steel box girders were
Structural Engineer: used . A572 Gr. 50 steel was used
Lev Zetl in Associa tes, Inc. in fully welded box girders spanning
New York, N. Y. 100 It over the gym to carry the 10-
General Contractor: story classroom building above. An-
P. J. Ca rlin
New York, N. Y. ticipated deflections were compen sated
Steel Fabricator: for by cambering the girders.
Leh igh Structural Steel Company A unique aspect of the project is the
Lehigh, Pa .
air rights bridge over West 27th Street
that permits access between buildings

located north and south of the street.

Or. Charles H. Thornton i s Senior Vice Presi -

dent- Enlil:lneerina. lev Zetli n Assoc iates, New
York , N .Y.


Niagara Falls Public Library with receding horizontal planes of glass The entire structural steel frame is
Niagara Falls, N.Y. between the frames, stepping up to the comprised of A36 steel. The only non-
When first commissioned to under- sloping upper roof, which is penetrated rolled sections were the several box
take this library, the architect felt that by large vertical skylights to afford nat- members used for the large cantilevers
reinforced concrete construction might ural light to the building's interior. on the perimeter of the building.
be the best method of expressing the Thus, the geometry dictated the use Since large portions of the building
design concept. However, manpower of inclined, rafter-type, structural steel were cantilevered, deflection control of
shortages and lack of quality contract framing. Through the use of standard the frame was extremely critical. Spe-

concrete work in the area made it more rolled shapes and simple bolted con- cial care was taken during construction
economical to go to structural steel. nections, combined with a tension tie to measure the elevation to assure that
The library's dramatic geometry rod across the open space, an economi- the horizontal alignment of the steel
stems from the A-frame type structure cal framing solution was developed. had been achieved.

Paul Rudolph
New York. N. Y.
Structural Enain.."
lev Zetl in Associates. Inc.
New York, N. Y.
General Contractor:
Albert Eli.
Niagara Falls, N. Y.


Natural Sciences Buildini

State University of N.Y. at Purchase
At first glance, structural steel fram-
ing for this building appears to be fairly
conventional, a rectangular frame with
steel columns, girders, and filler beams.

However, in order to meet the architec-
tural requirements and the mechanical-
electrical systems in the building, it was
necessary to eliminate all steel framing
in one direction of the building. Through
the use of long span metal deck with
concrete topping, it was possible to al-
low the mechanical systems to run
transversely across the building with-
out being impeded.
With this concept in the design, close
cooperation with the steel erector was
necessary to insure that erection of
.--, the frame could be accomplished within
_ _~ _ _---Cw
' - - - ' -, - - - - , : - - -
AISC tolerances for plumbness, even
without the transverse framing normally
used to stabilize the members dur-
• ing construction. Special erection se-
quences required that the metal deck be
... placed immediately and be tack welded
to the steel frame in order to assure this

lateral stability.

Paul Rudolph
... -

New York, N. Y.
t- Structural E",ineer:

I· M(TAl D[(II Lev Zetlin Associates, Inc.
New York, N. Y.
General Contractor:
Joseph L. Muscarelle
Maywood, N. J .


• South Terminal
Logan International Airport
Boston , Mass.
The Massachusetts Port Authority and
Terminal A and Terminal B flank a
I -million sq·ft, 3,000·car garage. Due
to its size, fire protection was required
by the Boston Building Code. In addi-
South Terminal Corporation, an affil ia· tion, the Massachusetts Port Authority
tion of five domestic carriers, as joint wanted the garage compatible with
owners of the South Terminal required the existing central garage; thus, pre-
the designers to come up with a ter· stressed concrete members were used
minal which would be one of the most for the floor. However, a combination of
economical major airline facilities un· structural steel and precast was chosen
dertaken to date. for the girders and columns.
To achieve this, the designers used To achieve minimum column sizes
25·ft x 25·ft typical bays of A572 Gr. 50 and not lose parking spaces, A572 Gr.
steel with composite con struction. Be· 50 steel columns were used throughout.
cause of the Seismic Zone 2 designa' These columns incorporated and uti- Arch itect, (A Joint Venture)
tion in the Boston Building Code, ductile lized the ductility inherent in structural John Carl Warnecke
steel in resisting lateral forces on the New York, N. Y.
moment connections were provided
heavy mass of the concrete garage. Desmond & Lord
throughout the structural steel frame. Bos ton, Ma ss.
The terminal (split into two buildings The girder·to·column connection s Structural Engineer:
designated A and B) containing 25 gates were simplified by having structural Lev Zetlin Associates, Inc.
and 400,000 sq ft of space on two levels, steel attachments ca st into the end s of New York. N. Y.
General Contractor:
is an example of the economical , re· the precast girders. The whole garage Vappi & Co.
petitive simple framing possible with is then tied together for lateral loads Boston, Mass.
structural steel. via a composite slab.
Because of extremely poor soil condi· The project, now underway, was orig.

tions, 110·ft piles were driven to rock inally estimated at $46·million . Through
through soft, compressible "Boston·blue the concerted efforts of the design
clay," resulting in an additional savings team, it was finally brought in at $39.6·
in overall steel weight. million with competitive bidding.


Lecture Hall
Undergraduate Science Center
Harvard University. Cambridge, Mass.
The Lecture Hall contains a unique,
exposed weathering steel frame which

extends above a simple hanging roof in
a bold architectural expression. Semi-
circular in plan. the hall has a radius of
approximately 150 ft containing three
lecture halls. Structural rigid frames use
A588 steel. The typical frame has a gal-
vanized tie rod at the base of the frame
which contributed to reduction of steel
Frames were assembled on the

ground and then lifted into place. which
minimized the amount of field labor and
shoring required for erection. Gal-
vanized high strength rods hang from
the frames. carrying the rolled sections
Architect: and open-web joists that comprise the
Sert , Jackson & Associates suspended roof system for the entire
Cambridge. Mass.
lecture hall area.
Structural Engineer:
Lev Zetli n Associa tes, Inc. In order to stabilize the rigid frames.
New York. N. Y. which extend above the roof laterally.
General Contractor: structural strand cables were utilized
Turner Construction Company

Boston, Mass. as X-bracing.
Steel Fabricator:
l. Antonelli Iron Works
Qu incy, Mass.


In Steel
That Speed
• Construction Tht Skipcon 'lIliem incorporatt. ,taql/trtd .tttl tnt"t,
and iatt rall1tpport bram •.

With speed more than ever at a pre- and sponsored by the United States
mium, steel construction is making Steel Corporation .
constant progress in reducing building The design or architectural signifi-
by leslie A.. Banon time. Some late developments are steel cance of this system, incidentally, is
American Iron and Steel Institute frames for residential and hotel use; that the one-story-high trusses running
steel decking; insulated interior steel from front to back in the building re-
panels; and prefabricated plumbing sult in interior freedom from columns.
"trees" serving up to 10 bathrooms each. The clear spaces on each floor are lim-
Since its first application in 1967, ited only by these trusses which alter-
staggered truss design has now been nate from floor to floor, so that all
used for some 20 apartment houses, odd floors are identical, as are all even
hotels, motels, dormitories and other floors. These trusses have openings for
types of building. In its most recent corridors, doors and utilities. Each floor
use, this framing system has resulted slab rests on top of one truss on one
in new reductions in construction time end and hangs from the bottom of the
and costs. The system was initially con- adjacent truss one stOry above. The
ceived and developed by a research system requires about 20 percent less
team from the Departments of Archi - steel than more conventional framing.
tecture and Civil Engineering at the A system that incorporates the stag-
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, gered truss technology and precast lat-
headed by Professor Robert Hansen, eral support beams is Skipcon, which

• Reprinted WIth permission f,om the January

1974 Issue of AlA. Joumal-cHicial month'r.
mlaazine of The American Institute of Arch·
was developed by Skipcon Building Sys-
tems, Inc., a subsidiary of Shrenko
Steel Corporation. It has the capacity


cluding appliances and carpeting
throughout, but not including the land.
After completion of this building in
early 1973, the system was used fo r a
much larger project, the 29-story Briar-
cliff Manor apartment house in Cliff-
side Park, New Jersey, also by DeMar-
tin. Each floor has nine 28-ft bays for a
total area of 17,700 sq ft; each floor
was erected in only four days. A total
of 100 working days will be required to

top out the building.
Now in the design stage by the same
design firm are two additional apart-
ment houses in New Jersey, one in Pas-
saic and one in Newark. Construction
time of these will be cut about 20 per-
cent by eliminating end trusses and
making compensating adjustments.
In brief, the Skipcon assembly tech-
nique starts with the tower crane plac-
ing exterior columns on the founda-
tion. This is a relatively light founda-
The staggered truss/raming 0/ the If-story Ramada Inn, Los Angeles, tion, easier and faster to lay since the
was completed in six wetkB. entire structure is lighter in weight.
Then come two floors of steel trusses in
the staggered pattern . The outermost
cast floor planks are then installed for
lateral strength, and a few are arranged
•• in the inner area as well. High strength
steels are used since the truss system

re sists major gravity and lateral loads
!' directly; no add itional support material
! ,oa, '" is needed for drift control.

·1• Precast spandrel walls are inserted

; .. h

~. , between columns for lateral support. In

• • the early assembly phase of each level ,
the spandrel wall and plank serve as a
perimeter platform. The wall forms an
immediate balcony rail that provides a
safe working area and eliminates ex-

; pensive temporary rail required by law.
Pratt trusses with Vierendeel panels
are placed in the central corridor; the
• remaining planks are installed to com -

... .
plete the floor. They are grounded top
.... K .. _ • _.J!! .... and bottom (since no concrete topping
is necessary) and smoothed for later
carpeting on the upper surface and
to function immediately upon installa- An Australian development sometimes painting on the under surface (or ceil-
tion as both spandrel and exterior wall. referred to as the kangaroo, this tower ing) below.
Four apartment houses recently com- grows with the construction and takes At this point, the level below is ready
pleted or now in the design stages in up less space on the ground than reg- for the interior trades to begin work.
New Jersey have made use of this sys- ular cranes, helping to ease traffic con- Thi s occurs when the structural frame is
tem, and each successive building has gestion at the jobsite. in place three levels above. Finally, pre-
improved upon it. The Skipcon techn ique was first cast column covers and any precast
Further, Skipcon uses advanced used in a 24-story apartment building exterior wall panels, other than the
erection techniques which include a in Hackensack, New Jersey, where the spandrel walls, are applied to complete
single, specia I tower crane erected just design resulted in substantial direct the ba sic frame. This assembly pro-

outside the center front of the building. savings and also signi ficant time sav- cedure is repeated floor by floor until
This has a boom operator, a te lephone ings. The 207,000-sq ft building, by the bu ilding is topped out.
man in a control room at the top level Eugene A. DeMartin , AlA, has 197 The top surface does not require a
of construction and one at ground lev/!L apartments and cost $3.5 million, in- concrete topping and is acceptable for


- - -- - ------

installation of carpet and/or an under- The architectural manager of the The plumbing trees are cut, threaded,
layment for tile or wood parquet floor- building products firm , H. H. Robertson assembled and strapped, and tested in
, I
ing. The bottom surface is smooth and Company, James W. Boyd, recently a shop. They are stored until needed,
acceptable for sprayed acoustical paint. said: "Today, about 30 percent of the then trucked to the jobsite and low-

Arthur Hassler, president of Skipcon, metal walls put up in this cou ntry are ered into place by a crane. Size of the
believes that his system has taken ap- made of these prefabricated, three-pa rt tree is restricted only by transportation
proximately one-third less time than structures. Seventy percent are assem- limitations.
former construction methods_ In the bled at the jobsite from sepa rate walls In the first year after development,
future, he expects that time will be cut and inSUlation. Within a three-year pe- which was in 1970, more than 3,000
to one half. riod, we anticipate a reverse situation installations were made in townhouses,
Framing was completed in six weeks with up to 70 percent of all metal walls condominiums, lowrise and apartment
in the 12-story, 266-unit Ramada Inn constructed from the steel prefabs." houses. The crowning achievement for
in Beverly Hills, California. The archi- Many types of structures are excel- this system was its use in a Milwau-
tect, J. Stewart Stein, AlA, enjoyed al- lent prospects for these panels: light kee Ramada Inn by Sheppard, Legen,
most complete design and layout flex- industry plants, warehousing and dis- Aldrine, Ltd., a 200-room motor lodge
ibility. There are no interior columns on tribution centers, schools and colleges, completed in late 1973, six months
the truss-supported floors. hospitals and suburban office buildings, ahead of schedule. Total construction
Columns were erected on opposite airport terminals and hangars. time is reduced since no other work
sides of the structure and connected The panel components vary greatly. waits for the plumbing; the trees are
across the building by one-story-high The outer ply, or exterior surface, is prefabricated and possible on-site de-
(8 ft-6V. in.) shop-fabricated trusses, 60 usually galvanized steel in thicknesses lays due to weather are eliminated.
ft-10 in. long. Steel decking was then from 0.0276 to 0.0516 in . Mainte-
installed to span and brace the trusses nance-free weathering steel and a por-
and to provide an immediate working celain-enameled fini sh on galvanized or
The Dietz prefabricated plumbi?tq '1/'-
telll l11cludca water, waate, and 'Veltt line •.
platform for other trades. The deck aluminized steel are also available.
served as a form and reinforcement for Surface profiles can either be flat or
the concrete floor when it was poured. ribbed . Architects seem to prefer the
The 6V.-in. deep floor/ceiling sandwich flat surface where they have cubes to
helped minimize floor-to-floor height. work with and can incorporate such de-
As usual in staggered truss design, the sign effects as bevels and chamfers.
floor system is supported alternately by Conversely, deep-ribbed exteriors can

the top chord of one truss and the bot- produce an interesting variety of shad-
tom chord of the adjacent truss one ow highlights .
level higher. Three coating systems are possible
A central corridor was provided in to top the galvanized surface: fluor-car-
the story-deep trusses by omitting a di- bon paint fin ish, a silicone-modified
agonal member from the central panel polyester paint, or a multilayered pro-
and reinforcing its horizontal chord tected metal sys tem (asbestos felt im-
members. pregnated with a waterproof sealant
Net benefits to Ramada I nn Develop- and a modified polyester coating on the
ment Corporation because of this de- surface).
sign: greater architectural flexibility, All of these prefabricated panels
faster erection on a cramped jobsite, help speed construction because of
lower field labor costs, tighter budget their structural strength (two thick-
controls and efficient fulfillment of nesses of steel), which may eliminate
Zone 3 seismic design requirements. or reduce the need for horizontal sup-
Structural engineers were Kelly, Pittel- port. And the cost is less. These build-
ko, Fritz & Forssen; the fabr icator, ing units offer a per-sq-ft construction
Techni-Builders, Inc. price of $3 to $6 completely installed.
At Treasure Island, Florida, an eight- Fastening is done with self-tapping
story staggered truss frame was put up stainless steel screws to structural sup-
in 12 days. The architect was Edward ports, with fasteners completely con-
W. Hanson , AlA. And the 14-story, 230- cealed within the tongue-and-groove
room Howard Johnson Motor Lodge in side joints.
Clearwater, Florida, with parking decks A prefabricated steel pipe plumbing
on the second, third and fourth levels, system, including water, waste and vent
was started last June and topped out in lines, has been developed and patented
early October. The structure, by Gordon by the Zien Plumbing & Heating Com-
Johnson, AlA, will be ready this spring. pany. It is a single plumbing tree that
Prefabricated insulated steel panels can serve as many as 10 bathrooms

• are essentially three-in-one combina-

tions of exterior wall, insulation and in-
terior wall.
at a time, two each on five floors. So
far this system is available only in the
Midwest and West.


The addition incorporates more than
500,000 sq It of usable space on the
four above-ground levels. The same

area is provided in the service level
plus three levels below ground for ve-
hicular traffic and parking.
The advantage of interstitial hospital
construction, as far as speed is con-
cerned, is that all mechanical and util-
ity work can be done on sepa rate floors
at a separate time concurrent wi th
work on the patient floors.
Another hospital poi nts up these
time savings in broader perspective,
Greenpoint Medical and Mental Hea lth
Cen ter in Brooklyn, New York, by Ka ll-
man & McKinnel1. Here, interstitial de-
sign was employed partly because this
enabled the architect to use phase bid-
ding. Working drawings for each trade
were completed in the same order as
the construction sequence.
Mechanical and electrical bids did
not go out until many months alter the
Shop fabrication of the staggered trusses for the f"-storJl apartment building structural steel bids. Half of the me-
1n Hackensack, N . J. chanical and electrical work went out
in a lump sum contract, and this was
for the fixed major pieces of equipment
and the primary distribution systems
such as cooling towers, boilers, air han-
dling units, primary piping ru ns, etc.

The other half of the mechanical and
electrical bids went out on the basis
of estimated quantities with the con-
tractors supplying unit prices.
At one point two years ago, the struc-
tural steel would have been approxi-
mately 50 percent erected, but no final
architectural plans or mechanical lay-
outs would yet have been issued to the
Such a scheduling method as used
for Greenpoint is particularly useful for
hospitals, which are notorious for the
length of the planning-to-construction
phase. By allowing construction to be-
gin before the final layout, the architect
estimates that he gained more than a
year during which plan ning of Green-
point continued as the structure was
being erected.
Other developmenls underway Ihal
CO'J1struction time can be significantly reduced in hospitals
de.igned with intcT.titial'pace. will help speed sleel conslruclion range
from research work to oplimize fillel
The use of interstitial space for hos- scheduled to be in operation in mid- weld s all Ihe way to major compuler
pital construction can mean significant 1974. It incorporates the following, an programs for planning and designing
time savings_ One of the nation's most all-structural steel frame; true intersti- skyscrapers _
modern children's hospita ls and one tial construction, where hospital care The steel industry, steel fabricators,
that has incorporated all major con- levels are alternated with mechanical / contractors, construction companies

struction innovations in its field is the utility level s; galvanized steel decking and the architectural profession are all
$50-million addition to the National on all floors, with a cellu lar system on moving forward to reduce construction
Medical Center in Washington, D.C. the mechanical / utility levels for electri- time and cost even further, while still
Thi s, by the Leo A. Daly Company, is cal supply and air conditioning. achieving aesthetic buildings.


• 1974

Fremont Bridee
Portland, Ore
Desilntr: Parsons, Brinckerhof!., Quade & Deuilas, Inc
Owner: Oregon DeJMrtment of Transport.t,on
Arch, teclural Consult, nt : Hamson & Ab,..movitz
Genera' Contr.c tor: Murphy Pacific;: Corporation
Fa rl: Amerie.n Brldae Division, United St.tes St,.,
Murphy Pacific Corpor.tion
Erector: Murphy Paclfle Corporation

Forbes Avenu e Brida:e Over Fern Hollow
Pittsburgh, PI .
Desil ne r: Richardson, Gordon and Associ.tes
Owner: City of Pittsburllh
Gen era l Cont r.c tor: Conn Construction Co.
Stee l Fabricato r: Conn Fabric.tlnl &. Englneerlnl Co.
St.e' [rector: Conn Construction "Co

Chattahoochee River Bridge
SR 219, Troup County, Ga.
Deslln er: John J. Harte Associates, Inc.
Ow ner Georgia ~partment of Transportation
ArchItectu ra l Consultant: Dept. of the Army ,
Savannah Corps of Enaineers
Gen er. 1 Contr.ct or: Tidwell Construction Company
Si u l F. bric. tor: Bibb Steet & Supply Company, Inc .
St.e l E,eclor: Tidwell Construction Company

Service Road Bridle Over Railroad
Tri ni dad Lake, Colo.
Des' l n er: William H. Benton
Owner: ~pt. of the Army .
Albuquerque Corps of Enlln.. ,s
Gener.1 Contra ctor: Clement Brothers Company
Stu l f . brlca tor: Western Steel Company
St ee l [ re clo r: Clement Brothers Company

Rabbit Valley Interch.nee
Mesa County, Colo.
Oesi,n.,: Dept. of Hiahways
Own.r: Colorado Dept. o,f Hi ahw.),S
Cener.1 Contrlctor: Ena1neered Structures, Inc.
Steel F.bnc.tor: Burkhardt Steel Company
Steel [r.ctor: Enll"Mred Structures. Inc .


Ramp "Q" Structure ,.

Chic'ao, lH .
Dui.nlr: Cook County, HllhwlY Department
Owner: Cook County HtfhWILY Department
Architectur.1 Consult." : Knoerle, Bender, Stone lind Associates
~.n.r.1 Contr.ctor: J. M. Corbett Company
St." F.brlc.tor: Pittsburah.Des Moines Steel Company
Stul Erlctor: J . M. Corbett Company

Miller-Sweeney Hiihway Bridee
Between Oakland & Counties, Cllif.
Dul,n,r: McCreary. Koret5ky International, Inc.
Own.r: U.S. Army En.ineer District
General Contractor: Hensel Phelps Construction Co.
St.el F.bricator: Kaiser 5tHI Corpor.tion
Stili Er.ctor: Kaiser Steel Corpora lion


Pedestrian Overpass Over Galvin Road
Bellevue, Nebr.
Dlli,ner: Nebraska Department of Roads
Owner: City of Belle.... ue
G.neral Contr.ctor: Peter Kiewit Sons' Co.
Steel F.bncetor: Paxton & VlerHna Steel Co.
St ..1 Erector: Peter Kiewi t Sons' Co.

Interstate 10 Whiskey Bay Pilot Channel
Iberville Parish , La (Joint Venture)
tJarnard and Burk
Howard Needles, Tammen & Ber&endoff
Owner: Louisiana Oepartment of HiJhWlYS
General Contrletor: Dravo Corporltlon
Steel Flbrlcator: Bethl.hem StHI Corporation
St .. 1 Erector: Bethlehem Steel Corporation

Lake Creek Bridie
Park County. Wyo.

Desilner: U.S. Dept. of Transportation,

Federal Highway Administration
Owner: U.S. Dept. of "Transportation,
Federal Highway Administration
General Contractor: Wevher Construction Company
Steel Fabricalor: Western Steel Company
Steel Erector: Weyher Construction Company

Durbin Interchan2e
South of Fargo, N . bak .
Des ilner: North Dakota .Hiehway Department
Owner. North Dakota HIghway Department
General Contractor: James J. Igoe & Sons
Steel Fabricator: Hassenstein Steel Company
Steel Erector: James J . floe & Sons

I 91 Over S.A. # 9 (NB & SB Twin Bridies)
Lyndon, Vt.
Des •• n.,,: Blauvelt EngineerIng Co .
Vermont Hiahway Department
Owner: Vermont Hi&hway Department
Gener.1 Contractor: Caledonia, Inc.
Steel F.bric.tor: Bancroft & Martin, Inc.
Steel Erector: W. W. Wyman, Inc .


Bruckner-Cross Bronx Expressway Interchange
New York, N .Y.
Desi.ner: Howard, Needles, Tammen & Bera:endoff
Owner: New York State Department of Transportation
Architectural Consultant: A. Gordon lorimer
General Conlr.clor: Slattery Associates Inc.
Steel Fabricators: Chica~o Heights Steel,
DiVision of Allied Products Corporation
Pittsburgh· Des Moines Steel Company
Vincennes Steel Division, Novo Corporation
Steel Ereclor: Karl Koch Erecting Co" Inc.

Bankers life Pedestrian Skyway
Des Moines, la .
Desi.ner: Tinsley HiRgins Lighter & lyon
Owner: Bankers Ufe
General Contractor: Wm . Knudson & Son Inc.
Steel Fabricator: Pittsburlh-Des Moines Steel Company
Steel Erector: Plttsburih-Des Moines Steel Company


Spokane, Wash .
Pedestrian Bridges No.1, 2, and 3

Steel Fabricator: The Coeur d'Alene Company
Steel Erector: Crane Service Inc.
1221 Ave . of the Americas • New York, N.Y. 10020
Address Correction Requested

Permit No 6662

1974 Special Award of Recognition

The James B. Eads Bridge, which spans the Mississippi River at St. louis, has been
named by AISC for a Special Award of Recognition . The Bridge was cited for
its "outstanding historical significance." Often called the "grandfather
of modern bridges WIth steel arches," it was the first of its kind in
many ways. It was the world's first alloy steel bridge
' --"'---~

and, in fact, the first important construction in steel.
It was the largest bridge of any type built up
to that time . It was the first to use tubular chord members
and the first to use the principle of the cantilever
with no talsework for the building of the
superstructure. The Eads Bridge is stilt in good
condition and is serving railroads and
vehicular traffic more than 100 years
after its dedication on July 4, 1874

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