119 - Tamarine Gendhis Dewi Kinari - SG11 (Production Development)

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Name: Tamarine Gendhis Dewi Kinari

NRP: 5010201119



1. Please give brief explanation about product function, product characteristics, product
meaning, and product value.
 Product function= Relationship between the quantity of output and the quatity of
input in production process and it also can be classified as Fixed Proportion
Production Function, Variable Proportion Production Function, Linear Homogeneous
Production Function, Cobb. Douglas Production Function, and Constant Elasticity of

 Product characteristics= There are 5 of it. First is physical look, what is the physical
product looks like, it has to be able to be described. Then the purpose of the product,
the product have to have the purpose for the consumer, will it make the consumer’s
life easier? Then craftmanship, the product has to be made well so it will last long for
the consumer. Then the price is very important, a business have to determine the fair
price to compete with the market. Then, the comparing criteria, a business have to be
able to know about their competitor and analyze how their product is better than their
competitor’s product.

 Product meaning= Product is an item that offered for sale or an output from a
production process. Product can be a physical form (item) or a service.

 Product value= Costumer’s benefit that they got from using the products that satisfy

2. Please watch the video with this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2m5eU8XDVI

Explain briefly the sequence process of product design development from the video.
Based from the video, we know that the process of product design development is
from a client’s demand and then they make a project brief and send it to the research team
and it contains primary&secondary research, gap analysis, competition&trends, and design
language system and the result is a market research. From that, they will do an ideation that
contains brainstorming, concept generation&evaluation, and mock-ups. Then the result is for
the industrial design that will do product detailing, ergonomics, usability&heuristics,
styling&DLS application. Then it will moved to engineering to do concept engineering,
materials&process research, DFM/DFA, testing, verification, and validation. Then it will be
moved to embedded engineering to do the firmwarm&hardware design, UI programming,
algorithm&logic development, schematic&PCB layout, testing and debugging. Then the
CAD data will be moved to the prototype to do design verification, assembly&fitmen check.
Then the product will be moved to manufacturing support to do vendor & supplier
qualification and vendor coordination. Then it will be shipped with lumium manufacturing
support to China and back again to the country. After that, they do the product testing which
is to test the product in real environment, 3rd party inspection&certification, finite element
analysis (FEA). The test will include drop-test, strip down, development, performance,
cyclic, and evaluation. After that,

3. Please explain and identify each phase from product life cycle and choose one product to
illustrate with product life cycle phase.

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