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Name: Tamarine Gendhis Dewi Kinari

NRP: 5010201119

Introduction to Industrial & System Engineering

Study Guide 5th Week

To increase your readiness of understanding the 5th week topic, answer the questions below:
1. What is business process? Why is it important for an organization to define its
business process?
A business process is a set of steps to accomplish a concrete purpose carried out by a
community of stakeholders. Each phase in a business process denotes a task assigned to a
respondent. It is the fundamental building block for many related concepts, such as
management of business processes, automation of processes, etc.
In large organisations, the value of business processes is to require them and the
benefits of a business process are very evident. For every organization, a process forms the
lifeline and helps it streamline individual activities, ensuring that resources are put to
optimum use.

2. What is CIMOSA? How is CIMOSA’s structured?

CIMOSA is computer integrated manufacturing open system architecture. CIMOSA
aims to support the enterprise integration of machines, computers and people. CIMOSA have
3 structure which is manage process that include set direction, set strategy, direct business,
then core business process which include develop product, get order, fulfill order, product
support, and the last one is support process which include human resources management,
finance&accounting, information technology, and maintenance management.
3. Are there any other business process frameworks besides CIMOSA? What’s the
difference between each of them?
Methodical business process engineering ARIS, Zachman Framework, and
approaches CIMOSA

Business process blueprints or reference SCOR, ITIL, eTOM, APQC PCF

process models

Technical infrastructures for process XPDL, WS-BPEL, ebBP

integration and process model interchange

4. Explain the elements of each CIMOSA’s level and look for the implementation
examples in a company.
Based from the presentation in myITS classroom, we can see that there are 5 levels.
Level 1 is initial to motivate people to solve the problems, level 2 managed to be disciplined,
level 3 standardized to develop, measures, and training, level 4 predictable to manage
process, level 5 optimized to improve process with changing business targets. The
implementation example is do a process definition, dashboards, strategic & costumer focus,
methodology & tools, and change management.

5. What is Business Process Management cycle?

Business process management cycle contain design, model, execute, monitor, and
optimize. In design process it involves identifying the business like steps, actions, and the
people. In modelling process it involves analyzing and improving. In execution process is to
execute the BPM methodology outlined in the design and modelling. In monitoring process it
performed and data is collected also have to monitor the process. In optimization process you
have to make sure that this time mistakes are avoided.

6. What are the characteristics of good business process?

 Scope: starting and end point
 Purpose: reasons why you did the process
 Steps: specific actions
 Sequence: order in which steps
 Team members: the people who perform the process
 Outcome: the result or product
 Customer: requestor

Santos, José & Ferreira, Julcemir & Mendonça, José. (1997). Integrating
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Pawlewski, Pawel & Golinska, Paulina & Dossou, Paul-Eric. (2012). Application
potential of Agent Based Simulation and Discrete Event Simulation in Enterprise integration
modelling concepts. ADCAIJ : Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial
Intelligence Journal. 1. 10.14201/ADCAIJ2012113342.
Houy C., Fettke P., Loos P. (2015) Business Process Frameworks. In: vom Brocke J.,
Rosemann M. (eds) Handbook on Business Process Management 2. International Handbooks
on Information Systems. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
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