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Name: Tamarine Gendhis Dewi Kinari

NRP: 5010201119

Study Guide PTSI Week 2

History, Concept, Scope, Profession dan IE Ethics

1. You are asked to answer the following terms:

a. System and system approach
System is a set of things working together to do something and system
approach is an old concept and it means making complex things to simpler to
b. Workstation
Workstation is a place that can be accessed by workers to perform their job.
c. Production process
Production process is manufacturing activities begin with raw materials to the
finished products.
d. Management process
Management process is planning, organizing, and controlling to reach a goal.
e. Finished Good Product
Finished good product is a result from a good production process.
f. Function and economical added value
Economic added value is an economic profit and it measures the company’s
financial performance.
g. Physical & non-physical transformation
Physical transformation is a change of something that you can see with your
eyes or changing physique, meanwhile non-physical transformation is a change from
inside or you wouldn’t be able to see it.

2. Production systems are often illustrated by input - production process – output

chart. Provide an explanation of materials/activity that exist in each section

a. Input
Input required raw materials and sources of energy and it contains labour, natural
resources such as land, and capital equipment such as machines.
b. Production Process
Production process contains controlling so it’s gonna produce an environmental
pollution, services, and a good product

c. Output
Output is a finished product from the process.

3. The following picture is design and production analysis from micro to macro
level. Learn about the activities and stakeholder that involved in each stage.

At the micro level we got the workers and their system and on macro level is
related to the whole enterprises' function as all the micro parts interact with each
other. For example, Ford motors with their production lines. Men working in the
production line and as an enterprise the marketing engineering colab to give a product
and manage the supply chain. Industrial Engineering tools are man-machine with cost
analysis doing ergonomic industry, division of work with facilities planning doing
assembly line balancing, organization-technology with workload analysis doing
performance management, and network of organization-technology with supply chain
management doing plant or factory location.

4. Visit Institute of Industrial Engineers through the website to get the information about the definition of
Industrial engineering.
Because there’s a problem with the link, I used another website to find the answer.
Industrial engineering is an engineer that learn about design, repairing, and
adding integral system and learning about science and social studies with principles of
analysis and design to predicting and evaluating a result to reach a system.
5. Phase of development of production activities in industry are Job Order, Mass
Production, Mass Marketing dan Mass Customization. Learn the characteristics
of each phase based on kinds and volume of product, marketing area, the nature
of change and its period, and give the examples of product that is produced in
each phase.
a. Job order
The volume in this phase is customized and limited, the marketing area is at local,
the nature of change in this phase is obstructed with trial and error and it happened
before the industry revolution.
b. Mass Production
The volume in this phase is standard, batch, and series, the marketing area is at
regional, the nature of change in this phase is slow with scientific method, and it
happened from the industry revolution until 1930.
c. Mass Marketing
The volume in this phase is verified and have a lot of models, the marketing area
is at national, the nature of change in this phase is fast and it happened on 1930
until 1950.
d. Mass Customization
The volume in this phase is verified and in bulk, the marketing area is at
international, the nature of change in this phase is turbulent, and it happened from
1950 until now.

6. Industrial revolution 4.0 has become a hot topic in the past 5 years. Learn the
history of Industrial Revolution:
a. Industrial Revolution 1.0 in 18th Century
In 18th century was the first time the world got introduced by mechanical
production facilities. Steam powered machine were helping the workers in

b. Industrial Revolution 2.0 at around of 1870

In this revolution electrical energy was being used for running machines as a
primary energy so it’s more efficient. Mass production was also getting easier to
do because the assembly line was introduced in this revolution.

c. Industrial Revolution 3.0 in the 1960s

In this revolution appeared an era about technology, they were introduced with
computers. Manufacturing and automation were moving forward easily because it
involved information technology from the use of electronics.

d. Industrial Revolution 4.0 in the 2000s

The progress that we found in industrial revolution 4.0 or smart machines era is
the internet. products get networked and can communicate and its possible
because of internet of thing (IoT)
7. The following picture is Industrial Engineering perspective from Ruey Huei
Yeh, 2017. Give analysis related to difference of the three periods that exists:

a. Traditional IE (1900-1941)
In this period, it only includes man, material, and machine because it’s a
science/management period, and they were focusing on manufacturing.
b. System Engineering/Contemporary IE (1941-2000)
In this period, it includes man, material, machine, energy, and information
because it’s a management science period, and they were focusing on
manufacturing and service.
c. Future IE (2000-now)
In this period, it includes man, material, machine, energy, information, and
knowledge because It’s on technology management, and they were focusing on
high technology and knowledge.

8. In the roadmap of production system, since the Mass Production to Lean

Manufacturing, there are some influential figures:
a. Frederick W Taylor
Frederick was born on March 20 1856. Even though he got a lot of hate from
people by monitoring the workers in a factory and avoidance of waste time and
motion in his process, Frederick made an amazing impact in mass production.

b. Henry Ford
Henry Ford is one of the founder of the ford motor company in 1903. Henry Ford
created an automotive called the model T and it made a huge success because of
how affordable it is. He used his mass production technique to make it popular.

c. Frank Gilbert
Frank Bunker Gilbreth was born on July 7th 1868. He was a construction worker
and his wife, Lilian Gilberth was a doctorate in psychology. Their influence in
aspect of the work method is that they gave an awareness of how important it is to
make design and procedure way more simple to be efficient.

d. Taichi Ohno
Taichi Ohno was born on February 12th, 1912. When he joined the Toyota
company, he did a study in America about manufacturing from the Ford company
because Japanase industry is left behind. And he created the Ten Precepts of lean
e. Sigeo Shingo
Shigeo Shingo was a consultant who helped Ohno introduce Toyota's Toyota
Development System, and then helped businesses around the world understand the
system and introduce it.
Learn about their role in the road map of mass production to lean

9. Bachelor of Industrial Engineers have an important role in industry:

a. Engineering role
Bachelor of industrial engineers role in engineering is to planning, improving, and
installing a company to reach their goal.

b. Business role (development)

Bachelor of industrial engineers role in business is to do production analytic,
HRD, and quality control.

c. Financial role
Bachelor of industrial engineers role in financial is to manage the finance of a

d. Strategic role
Bachelor of industrial engineers role in strategic is to do an internal and external
environmental identification, strategy formulation, strategy implementation,
strategy monitoring and evaluation.

10. The following picture is the Industrial Engineering body of knowledge. You are
asked to give explanation about each part.

a. Operation Research
This part is about problem solving and making decision about something and it
usually involves mathematics.
b. Human Factors Engineering
Human Factors is an area of study and practice related to equipment design and
analysis and its sufficient to accommodate the human skills.

c. Management System
This part is about engineer that deals with the design and analysis of production of a
process. By using the resources effectively the business operations gonna be efficient.

d. Manufacturing Systems Engineering

Manufacturing Engineering is a skilled engineering division that shares with other
fields of engineering. The ability to schedule manufacturing practices such as analyze,
procedures, and to combine facilities and systems with optimal for producing quality

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