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Name: Tamarine Gendhis D.

NRPl: 5010201119

Introduction to Industrial & System Engineering

Study Guide 12a Week

1. Explain the different concepts of manufacturing from a technological and economic

perspective, using the example of a wood processing industry.

 Technological
In this perspective it consists of starting material, then to the manufacturing process
which conclude machine, tooling, power, and labor. Then the result is processed part
and scrap and waste
 Economic

2. Why is the manufacturing process become an important part of a company?

Because manufacturing is a process that use raw materials and turned them into a
product or an output. Without this process, a company wouldn’t be able to sell something and
make profit from it.

3. Give your description of the manufacturing system as part of a company system. Use the
example of a fertilizer company in Indonesia.

4. If you observe a company that produces sports shoes, explain the manufacturing cycle of
the company to accommodate the needs of its consumers.

5. Explain the components of support system in manufacturing!

The components are product design, manufacturing planning, manufacturing control,
business functions, and product design.
6. The design of a manufacturing system is influenced by 4 aspects (volume, variety,
variation, and visibility). Give your explanation of the 4 aspects, using the example of a food
and beverage company.
 Volume= volume is an amount of how many the product is. For example, Lays snack,
the amount of how much the factory produce.
 Variety= Variety is how many different kinds the product is available. For example,
Kopi Janji Jiwa, they have a lot of variety like es kopi susu, es kopi pokat, es kopi
hitam, and others.
 Variation= Variation is about the amount of variance from an expected outcome
generated by a process. For example, starbucks have a secret menu and seasonal menu
like pumpkin latte and it’s only available during fall time, so people will be interested
in that.
 Visibility=

7. The time study technique is divided into four classifications. State and explain the
techniques that is used in work measurement and give examples of their application in the
manufacturing industry.

8. Motion & time study techniques are applied in several industries. Explain what are the
benefits of applying the motion & time study technique.

9. Facility design is a system design activity, layout, and material transfer system that
requires integration of several disciplines such as civil engineering, electrical engineering,
engineering, mechanical engineering, and others. Explain what aspects are required to be
considered in the design of the facility.

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