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First of all the authors say gratitude to Allah SWT for being able to complete a
paper entitled “Review Text”. The authors also thank all those who helped write
this paper.

The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill the assignments given by

Mrs.Sulfita as an english teacher.

And in the preparation of this paper, the author has many challenges and
obstacles, but with the help of various parties, the challenges can be overcome.
The author realizes that there are still many shortcomings contained in the
writing of this paper.

Therefore, the authors would like to thank profusely to all those who have
helped in the preparation of this paper, hopefully their help will receive a
reward that is worthy of allah swt and in all of us blessing allah. composition
and material. therefore the authors hope that criticism from all readers can help
the writer in perfecting the next paper. Finally, I hope this paper can be useful to
add to the development of insight.


Februari 2020

Nabila Gebby Cahyani

Definition of Review Text
Review text is an evaluation of a publication, such as a movie, video game,
musical composition, book; a piece of hardware like a car, home appliance, or
computer; or an event or performance, such as a live music concert, a play,
musical theatre show or dance show.

Generic Structure of Review Text

# Orientation : Background information of the text.
# Evaluations : Concluding statement : judgement, opinion, or recommendation.
It can consist ot more than one.
# Interpretative Recount : Summary of an art works including character and
# Evaluative Summation : The last opinion consisting the appraisal or the punch
line of the art works being criticized.

Purpose of Review Text

Review text is used to critic the events or art works for the reader or listener,
such as movies, shows, book, and others.

The Characteristics / Language Feature of Review Text:

– Focus on specific participants
– Using adjectives
– Using long and complex clauses
– Using metaphor style Review Texy Simple
Review text my sister’s keeper

Director : Nick Cassavates

Release date : 26 june 2009
Based on : My sister’s keeper (Novel)
Production company : New line camera
Cast : - Cameron Diaz (Sara Fizzgerald)
- Alec Baldwin (Campbell)
- Abigail Beslin (Anna Fizzgerald)
- Sofia Vasslivea (Kate Fizzgerald)
- Jason Patrick (Brian Fizzgerald)

Synopsis :

The lives of Sara and Brian who have been blessed with two children,
Jesie and Kate, were so happy that one day their happiness vanished
when she contracted an illness. The doctor said that Kate has blood
cancer (leukemia). The only thing can save Kate is just creating a
“twin”. They called engineering baby Anna.
Overtime, Kate felt her condition get worse, coupled with kidney
failure Sara ask Anna to donate his kidney to Kate, but Kate instend
tells Anna to rebel and Sue to court with the demand that Anna be
free to use her body without helping Kate.
Eventually Anna came to lawyer Campbell Alexander to ask for legal
help. Alexander’s lawyer wanted to help Anna with 700 from the sale
of Anna’s pendant and savings necklace. Sara finally have to fight the
lawyer in court.

Summary :
This movie is so great to watch. Because it tells us that the most
important things in this life is a “Family” in that situation, Anna us a
little sister wants to help her sister to extend her life and was resisted
by the mom. But Kate knows that her body just getting worst
everyday. So, she think that she better die and her little sister will a
were freely.
The point is that Kate as a bigger sister, she can understand her sister
feeling. The mother who like an evil mom has a good side too, she
will never let her daughter die. The dad and the brother an stand up
for their family.
So, I think what can we learn is family is the most important things in
the world


This film My Sister’s Keeper is interesting. The problems in the story

are very interesting. Our emotions will be made up and down when
watching this film. The acting played by the players is also good. In
this film, Nick Cassavetes is very good at making the audience
For those who like to watch movies that are emotionally draining ... I
think I have to watch this one movie

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