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Astral Travel

a Guide to Exploration of the

Subtle Worlds and Awakening of

the Dream State

By Victor DiBono

Instagram: @Blessed_NRG

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Table of Contents
Introduction 5

Blue Time 10

Dream Journal 11

Conscious Awareness 15

Practices for Self Awareness 16

Physical Rooting 16

Breath Consciousness 16

Intense Memory 17

Meditation 19

Daily Meditation 19

Simple Meditation Exercise 20

Reality Checks and Triggers 21

Simple Reality Checks 23

Waking Patterns and Circadian Rhythm 25

The Lucid Dream 27

Diet 28

Silence 29

Prayer 30

Dream Interpretation 30

Initiation 31

Nightmares and Sweet Dreams 32

Conclusion 34

We have all heard stories of great initiates exploring the cosmos out of the body;

returning to share the knowledge of experiences of the celestine mysteries gleaned in

the higher dimensions with their peers and pupils, occasionally even the written counts

of these outer body expeditions live on in writing for millennia. We can use this

completely natural state of being that we enter every evening no matter what we think

we are doing, whether we recall or not, to our advantage. We can ride the rhythmic

waves of our days and nights to reflect upon our dreams and illuminate ourselves.

Within this modest publication, we will strive to make that a reality.

Volumes upon volumes have been written about astral travel. Chiefly oriented

toward the “new age” attitude. Each entertaining an approach that may contain drops of

useful practical information but by and large convey truths muddled, watered down, and

stretched for the sake of page count. The practices contained therein being a kind of

role-play; fantastical, impractical, over-complicated, convoluted, or in reality just

instructing the reader to mentally project the consciousness via self-hypnosis (which

itself can be a wonderful tool) rather than directing one to the principles and techniques

that would bring one full or partial awareness of the astral body. The end of these “new

age” novels is to get you to believe that your mental fantasy is the true astral world. This

is an illusion, demonstrated by the fact that most writings regarding astral travel will

routinely attempt to rile the imagination with summaries of the sights, sounds, feelings,

and experiences that might be had in the astral plane. If you are acquainted with any

such writings I ask you now to forget all preconceived notions about the higher realm.

Anything that is not born of gnosis, true and unfiltered experience, will only interfere

with the direct and raw expression of these places to you. The disinformation campaign
regarding the essential and natural practice of astral travel is so large and overwhelming

that I expect this writing to be widely rejected by lazy pseudo initiated folks who will not

embrace the dedication it takes to achieve success in this particular facet.

Forget about feeling your body vibrate or trying so hard to consciously exit while falling

asleep. Dismiss from your mind all the horror stories about soul fragmentation and

demonic possession. Disremember the rumors of malicious entities wanting to sever the

silver cord connecting you to your physical body; forget about the cord too. Consign to

oblivion the term out-of-body experience we are working to awaken to the OUTER

BODY experience because travel in the astral plane is conscious habitation of an outer

body. We may be outside the physical body, but we are still in a body.

Recognize that astral travel and lucid dreaming are the same things. Every dream you

have is astral traveling in some fashion. Astral travel does not necessitate sitting up out

of your body and bed to fly around the neighborhood. This is interesting to do and with

practice, it will eventually happen but if that is your goal I invite you to shoot a bit

higher. The idea here is to have unbroken consciousness in the transition between

dream and waking state. Later we will discuss self-awareness practices to work at the

keeping of uninterrupted consciousness. This discipline is not only essential to the

nightly conscious astral experience but by proxy will enrich the life of the one who works

at it persistently.
All dreams take place in the astral realm and usually are used automatically by the

thought matrix of man as a tool to clean the liminal barrier between the conscious and

subconscious portions of the mind. Unless this is done deliberately mental clutter of the

day is reconciled in the dream state. One who is accustomed to daily meditation will

notice their dreams are as only clear as their mind. The frequency of seemingly random

thoughts that come into our minds during the day indicates the tidiness of our mental

space. This mental cleanliness and awareness of thought is likely the most powerful tool

we have at our disposal when preparing to work in the astral realm. Those who had

dedicated time to the study of astral travel before reading this book are certainly familiar

with the common practice of laying in bed and waiting for the body to begin to vibrate

before falling asleep. They lay in bed and pay attention to what is happening as they fall

asleep, keeping them awake. This can work for astral travel opportunistically but the

holistic practice and dedication it takes to achieve success in this regard is far beyond

laying in bed with mindfulness. It is difficult to avoid a lapse in awareness between

waking and dreaming because the subconscious clutter that we accumulate through the

simple act of living creates a barrier between the conscious and subconscious mind that

takes mental energy to sustain. the subconscious mind sees, hears, and most

importantly remembers everything. everything that is taken in by the subconscious

mind is associated with it as well. if the liminal barrier did not exist we would be

overwhelmed by the torrent of information pouring forth from the subconscious,

rendering us unable to function. Now we see how the automatic mundane dream serves

to clean up the subconscious mind so to speak. when there is too much powerful mental

and emotional memory unreconciled and stowed away in the subconscious this creates
something I call mental density. as all layers of a person reflect all other layers of a

person this sometimes causes muscular tension and knotting as well as problems with

the internal organs. traditional Chinese medicine is a wealth of knowledge on this

subject. When the consciousness reaches this liminal in its delve into the subconscious,

cognizance is lost and for the night the awareness is subject to the tides of the deep

waters of the mind. At this point, the consciousness has placed itself into the astral

plane and instantly manifests(the astral is the plane of instantaneous manifestation, the

physical is the world of slow manifestation) a reality in which the accumulation of

sensory input we receive is leveraged to express things emotional and mental reaching

their maturity or being digested in the subconscious and needing to be acknowledged or

resolved. The formula for understanding how we successfully traverse this spot in the

mind space is simple; the lighter the load of subconscious reconciliation, the more

power of the subconscious mind we have available to us. Becoming acquainted with that

dark spot is how we release energy from it, for once we understand the darkness of

ourselves it is no longer darkness. These mentally and emotionally dense pieces of

ourselves release energy that is then free to be utilized by the consciousness. When we

have less mental clutter we possess a greater ability to experience lucidity in the astral.

we have essentially freed up space to move the liminal barrier to free more conscious

mind space as the necessity for that space in the subconscious no longer exists. This

automatic process of subconscious cleaning can be done intentionally and to great effect

with a simple meditation/reflection practice that we like to call Blue Time.

Blue Time

Sit or lay in a relaxed position and recall as much about your day in the world as you

can. From beginning to end. If anything sticks out, reflect upon it but do not dwell on it.

Do your best to remember every detail of the senses, emotions, impressions, thoughts

you were having at the moment, etc.

Practicing Blue Time is like cleaning and organizing things before they are logged into

the subconscious. It takes the conscious mind only a few minutes to reconcile the day

when the existing workload of the subconscious mind might make the process of

reconciling a single day last a few days, and intense experiences even longer. Up to

decades for some people. This will keep your subconscious clutter to a minimum and

allow you to penetrate deeper into your psyche during the automatic dream. Part of

doing this yogic work in the dream is to reconcile and clean the barrier between the

conscious and subconscious mind consciously while in the dream space but that place

between will never be clean if we do not stop making a mess of it. This is how we stop

making a mess of it. Blue Time will keep the mind more clear during the day, allow us to

have deeper, more profound meditations, relieve stress in the body and train the

internal memory for accuracy when it is time to recall a dream.

Blue Time should be added to the beginning of the nightly meditation practice for the

greatest effect. For example, if you plan to meditate for 20 minutes every evening you

will practice Blue Time before that meditation and still do your 20 minutes of sitting.

The idea is that these methods coexist and boon one another rather than cut into the
time we have set aside for them. Many things have been and will be detailed in these

pages that should be added to the practice. If you feel that you can only set aside a

predetermined amount of time to work on your internal growth you do not want it bad

enough to get the results. This is not a game or a role-play. This is how we become

spiritual warriors. This is no path for the lazy or the weak of will.

Dream Journal

Foundational to the discipline of dream yoga is the keeping of a dream journal.

Meticulous we must be in the documentation of our astral ventures. The dream journal

should be a spiral notebook or notepad with a sharp pencil kept within the spine. The

pencil will not fail to write like a pen might. During the night the spiral notebook should

be left open to the page we intend to write on upon waking. The dream journal

empowers the reflection and cross-referencing of our dreams. After some weeks of

dreaming once we review the dream journal patterns inevitably emerge. These patterns

can be realized in the moment when we are dreaming to awaken us within the dream

and bring about lucidity. Every individual's patterns are unique. For this reason,

searching online for dream meanings and buying dream symbolism encyclopedias is a

fruitless effort. For our self-study as well as the practice of astral travel, the practice of

dream journaling cannot be disregarded and its importance cannot be overstated. The

writings in the dream journal should not be elaborately detailed adjective heavy

anecdotes. Write down only what sticks out to you the strongest and try to stick to a
coherent chronological timeline. People, places, colors, events, feelings, sounds, etc.

bullet point style.

For example:

● Mom

● Blue suit

● Restaurant

● City of brick

● Boats

● Feeling angry

● Sword fight

● Dancing mice

Using bullet points does two things, it allows the keeper of the journal to jog the internal

memory as they go through the journal and saves time in creating the journal entry so

that while we are writing we have more time with the memory of the night's travels as

they flutter away in the twilight of the day. You will be amazed at the things you are able

to pull from your subconscious mind in using this technique.

Upon waking do not move the body. Moving the physical body causes it to flush

melatonin and lose memory of the dream. It brings the astral body back into

electromagnetic alignment with the physical body as both require the personal etheric

signature to project the consciousness through each instrument of awareness. In

addition to this, though it may be difficult, do not turn on a light before writing in the

dream journal as this will also disturb the internal memory that we use when we recall a

dream to write it down.

It doesn't matter if your writings make sense to anyone else or on the lines of the page. It

doesn't matter if you write it upside down, sideways, overlapping words, or in any kind

of irregular format. What matters is getting the dream on paper as quickly and

efficiently as possible because when referring back to the journal there is an internal

remembrance taking place that is beyond intellectual recall. The journal is for the
dreamer and the dreamer alone and as long as the dreamer can understand what they

wrote the style matters little.

Best practices for dream journaling

1. Spiral notebook and pencil

2. Keep the book on the bed

3. Make the last thing you do before falling asleep writing the date of the next day in

the book and leaving it open to that page (add the moon phase if you like as


4. Upon waking, recall the dream in your mind BEFORE MOVING THE BODY

5. The very first movement of the day should be writing the dream down

6. Periodically review

7. Refrain from using the dream journal for anything else but writing dreams

Now, journaling should not be reserved only for dreams but the dream journal itself

should contain only dreams, and a separate notebook should be used for other matters.

By dating, documenting, musing, or philosophizing and reflecting upon the things that

take place in our inner spiritual practices we gain greater insight into ourselves. This

creates a magic book that leads us to our self-understanding and could very well unravel

the hidden meanings of many things in our lives.

Conscious Awareness

Conscious awareness is probably the most important part of all of this practice. Without

being consciously aware of every moment we are capable of being aware of, we will have

no increase in our dream memory. Before we are conscious of our dreams we must be

conscious and aware of ourselves as dream behavior consists of 100% waking habit.

Sadly, the majority of us are on autopilot most of the time. The conscious mind is

preoccupied with entertaining thoughts while the subconscious mind carries out the

programs that allow us to function in the day-to-day dealings of our lives. We should be

consciously acting in every moment of our lives. This is HARD. We need to honestly

observe and assess ourselves if we are to have a true understanding of what it means to

be conscious and self-aware. Self-awareness must be the habitual modus-operandi if we

are to achieve this in the dream state. There is no recourse. Here I will outline some

basic practices of self-awareness. These will route the person into the present moment,

creating the positive habit of self-awareness that carries over into the dream state and

naturally brings a person into consciousness during the dream. This is something that

can and should be done at all times. It is imperative to the awakening of consciousness

to perform work of this sort.

Practices for Self Awareness

Physical Rooting

Some call this mindfulness, but rooting the consciousness in the physical body is a tool

that is integral for the awakening of the consciousness. To anchor the consciousness in

the senses of the physical body is to align the body, mind, and consciousness. This

becoming habit in waking life will carry over to the astral world. Daily meditation

increases awareness and as such is a supplementary practice. It is beneficial for us to

have some kind of reminder to root physically. Perhaps a bracelet or a ring. A reminder

on the cell phone that will ring with the same tone when we are asleep so that we will

hear it and remember to do our chosen reality check. Whenever we see this lucky

charm/reminder we will remember to root and be aware of the present moment. When

we see this affect in the dream we will come to consciousness and realize that we are

dreaming at which point we are free to explore ourselves and the cosmos unfettered.

Breath Consciousness
Being conscious of the breath in every moment will not only change the dream

experience but the life experience. Simply put, to consciously breathe this to breathe

consciously. Breath is the golden thread that ties us to life. Life is the breath and breath

is life. We can sit down before or after meditation and simply breathe consciously.

Inhale and exhale purposefully, gently, and with good thoughts. Here is a simple

affirmation for breath consciousness for awakening the dream state and expanding
consciousness: Inhale — In this moment I am conscious and awareExhale — I release

that which has kept me from existing in the nowThis affirmation can be done all day.

Any time anywhere. Any time you are breathing you can do it with no exception of

reservations. Feel free to create your own or modify this one.

Intense Memory

What is the point of doing anything if it is not remembered? If something

happened to only you but you do not remember it, did it even happen? Astral

experiences and dreams are something in the way of this as they easily slip away when

morning comes and it is time to tend to our daily commitments and obligations. This is

the opposite of what anyone reading these words likely wishes to achieve. Cultivating

an acute memory of events and details concerning the goings-on of our daily lives is the

habit that will improve dream recall and ultimately contribute to awakening the

consciousness whether waking or asleep. As we attempt to take in the minute details of

our experiences we are creating a conscious dialogue between how we receive

information and how it is rendered in our minds. Making a habit of paying close

attention to the details of things naturally increases our awareness and by extension

allows us to realize when we are in a dream which will trigger a lucid experience. This is

because with this practice we are training ourselves to be more cognizant of our

surroundings which inevitably bleeds through into our nightly travels once the
necessary discipline has been developed. This is different from the rooting practice

described above and should be done in tandem with it. Not only should we be practicing

memory in this way, but when we are trying to recall a piece of information we should be

giving it our absolute best and most honest effort before giving up and asking someone

else or looking to reference materials immediately. Search engines like Google

degenerate the memory and make a person dependent on technology. A person who

depends on a computer to think for them will not be able to penetrate into the higher

worlds. The person who is autonomous in all of their dealing will find themselves having

more and more conscious dreams until the unconscious dreams are few and far


This discipline and training of attention upon detail will improve the accuracy

and efficacy of our dream journaling. Once conscious self-aware memorization is part of

our intentionally adopted mental program we will find that there is more to write in the

dream journal. In addition to this when we reflect upon our dream journal over time

this new habit will transform that reflection into effortless recognition of patterns in our

dreams. Both the dream journal and conscious awareness must be used together as this

combination has a synergistic relationship making the mixture more powerful than

either practice alone.


Daily Meditation

It has been said that "meditation is the daily bread of the wise". From Buddhist

monks to Wall Street bankers, everyone on earth can benefit from daily meditation.

With that said sitting in meditation every day without fail is of foundational importance

to practicing astral travel. It turns down the volume of life. It slows things down. It stops

us from being so engrossed in things of the world that we lose ourselves. The ability to

keep from being absorbed in things is indispensable when we are talking about traveling

in the astral.

Certainly, the practice of meditation is misunderstood and I attribute this to the

way it is conveyed in the media. The main question people ask me about it is this; “How

am I supposed to stop my thoughts? I can’t just sit there and not think!"

Stopping thoughts is not the purpose of meditation. When we meditate we allow

our mind to just run on and clear itself. The thoughts come and go. It is the

responsibility of the meditator to be objective in their observation of thought. They flow.

Allow them to flow. Becoming an objective observer of thought is the goal. Once we

reach the status of an objective observer, naturally that habit will transition into the

dream space and disallow us to become reactive and absorbed by what is happening

there. By being more objective regarding the events we are experiencing we end up

being subject less to the tides of things. We learn to ride the waves of life, awake or

asleep, rather than be swept by their current.

Simple Meditation Exercise

First we sit in a position that will be somewhat corrective to our posture as we use

meditation to develop habits that carry over into daily life. So if you wish to sit or stand

straighter you would do well to adopt a pertinent and poised posture in your

meditations. I do not recommend sitting cross-legged or laying down for beginners.

While it is true that slight discomfort allows us to enter more deeply into meditation, for

the beginner it is necessary to be comfortable without being in a position that the body

is accustomed to sleeping in. The posture I recommend is that of sitting on the edge of a

chair, with the knees at 90 degrees, back straight but comfortable, a soft smile, and for

the extreme beginner knees apart and hands on the knees or lap. As the practitioner

advances holding the knees together with ever so slight pressure will add the

aforementioned slight discomfort and take the practice deeper.

Once in that posture simply count back from ten and direct your awareness to the

body. Counting down from 10 starting at the toes leading through the body ending with

1 at the top of the head with all of the body space in between as all of the numbers in

between. As you go, relax and be sure to periodically take inventory of your body to keep

the relaxation. Releasing tension is key.

Once the 10 count is complete just let the thoughts flow. This is relaxation of the

mind. Do not scrutinize or deny anything that comes up. Like a car passing on the street

allow it to come, observe it, and let it go. Starting 5 minutes every day after waking and
before sleep and increasing 1 minute each day to at least 20 minutes per session. My

YouTube channel, Blessed NRG, contains a guided meditation explaining this exactly.

Reality Checks and Triggers

As we travel through the night untethered by the laws of physical existence, our

consciousness expects us to be bound by certain laws and automatically projects them

onto us. We can test this if we know how, this is called a reality check. A reality check

enables us to weigh our actions against natural law to determine which reality we are

currently abiding in. This is done when we recognize an inconsistency in what we expect

from waking life or when a pattern from our dream journal is manifesting itself. Waking

or sleeping, the reality check is another habit that we need to develop discipline around.

Even if we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are not dreaming we should still

earnestly, never begrudgingly or without true inquiry, perform a reality check when the

need for one arises. If you practice this diligently one day you will be in a dream but sure

that you are not and on that day the reality check will prove you wrong and open the

astral world to you.

There are many tests we can perform to find out if we are dreaming. This is where

the aforementioned techniques ultimately lead us to truly yield results from the work we

put in. Reality checks are to be done with certain triggers that the individual determines
for themselves. For example, any time we walk into a room we should recall the chain of

events that brought us there. In a dream, we simply appear in different places. If we do

not have any recollection of arriving at a given place we should ask ourselves, “am I

dreaming?” and perform a reality check. Not only do we perform a reality check, but we

apply our full mental powers to discerning our surroundings. We recount how we got

into that room, we truly consider that we may be dreaming. Performing reality checks

without actually questioning if we are in a dream or not will generate no results.

Another example of a trigger is when something extraordinary or just out of the

ordinary happens. As dreams are full of unreal events, characters, and places, we will

have success in habituating the practice of considering that we may be dreaming when

encountering something strange. Making a habit of checking the time twice every time

you look at the clock in your waking life will trigger the realization of a dream as well.

Technology and dreams simply do not work together. The time will be different the

second time you look at the clock. Other technologies such as vehicle controls,

computers, cell phones, and anything else you can think of will also act completely

strange and out of sorts in the astral realms. Many people have dreams where typing on

a cell phone brings gibberish to the screen or steering a car simply does not work. Being

aware of this can be a trigger for a reality check as well. In the context of awakening and

spirituality we often come across the phrase "question everything" this passage, I hope,

has given it new meaning.

Here I will list a few simple reality checks. This list is more of a starting point

than anything else.

Simple Reality Checks

The Jump - One of the most famous and well-known reality checks is to jump in the air

and see if the body comes back down or not. This does not work for everyone. If you do

not honestly inquire about your reality, if you believe on a subconscious level that you

are not or cannot be conscious in a dream you will always come back down to the

ground. In this case, you are applying gravity to yourself with your expectation meaning

that you do not believe that you may be dreaming. Even in a fully lucid experience, some

have trouble learning to fly and float around. It takes some practice. Flight in a

conscious dream indicates how free your mind is.

The Finger Pull - Watching yourself pull one of your fingers is an excellent, and my

personal favorite, reality check. If you are in astral, the finger will stretch because all

things, even the body is symbolic of some energy, expectation, or mental construct.

Mindfulness/Physical Root Awareness - Rooting in the physical body as mentioned

earlier in this chapter is an excellent practice. In astral, the body has no weight or

temperature because it is a mental projection based on what you expect to see and

experience of yourself.
Conscious Breathing - Also expressed earlier in this work but still worth the mention

here; a person who breathes consciously and is always aware of the entry and exit of the

breath will easily realize they are dreaming as the sensation is completely different.

There is some kind of breathing that can be done in astral but it is not the same thing as

in 3D. The breath is the link between consciousness and form. The breath expresses

what the nervous system and mind are doing. Think of a gasp, yawn, laugh, scoff, or

even speech. These are all breathing patterns. In Latin, spire means both breath and

spirit, it is the root of the word respiration.

The more aware of the breath we are, the more wholly we reside in the now. We

must voluntarily, evenly, gently, and fully inhale and exhale while relaxing the body at

the same time. When we create a habit of doing this we not only have a better chance of

remembering our dreams but we expand our consciousness beyond the liminal barrier

we have created around the automatic function of breathing. As a reality check, you can

hold your nose and attempt to exhale from it. If air escapes, you know you are dreaming.

The Light Switch Trick - If you think you are dreaming you can go to a light switch and

see if it will work. In astral light switches of course do not do anything as the source of

light in astral is the consciousness and not the sun or any external thing.
Reminders - Setting hourly reminders to just do a dream check can yield results as well.

Use your cell phone to set the reminders. The reminders should cause a unique sound to

play. Be sure to set at least two reminders for when you are in bed asleep. You may hear

them in a dream and perform a reality check. Otherwise, having this as a daily

occurrence and checking your reality every time the reminder presents itself creates a

habit that is invaluable to becoming conscious in astral.

Waking Patterns and Circadian Rhythm

The circadian rhythm of the body has much to do with slipping into an astral or

lucid dream experience. The health of the circadian rhythm dictates the depth of sleep.

We can work the timing of our circadian rhythms to our advantage to break into astral.

To be able to do this we need to do a few things. Firstly, experiencing sunlight is

important in doing this, perhaps the most important part. We want our bodies to know

when the sun is rising and setting. The changing array of colors in the sunrise and

sunset signal our endocrine systems when to release certain hormones and chemicals to

help the body do what it is intended to do at certain times of the day, for our purposes

this means the release of melatonin when we are preparing for bed. This process is

handled by the pineal gland working together with the visual input from our two eyes.

Bright lights at night, especially blue light from digital screens and fluorescent lighting,

confuses the endocrine system. Ideally, we will use none of these unnatural sources of

light after sunset. If that is not achievable then turning off all lights and screens a half
hour before bedtime makes a world of difference. Blue light blocking glasses help too.

That 30-minute period is the perfect time to cut the lights and meditate to the light of a

candle just before bed. In itself, retiring to your bedroom to relax and reflect after a long

day will boon astral lucidity as well. I should also add that seeing light in the morning

flushes melatonin from the system and rips the memory of the night’s travels from

which is one of many reasons not to use a cell phone, particularly social media, first

thing in the morning. Secondly, allowing ourselves to have 8 hours in bed is ideal for the

practice that will follow this paragraph. Third, do not eat for at least three hours before

bed and take no caffeine or sugar during the day. Anything that will excite the body-

mind will bar the body from reaching the deep state of relaxation that it takes for the

consciousness to rest from interfacing with the physical should be avoided. I have heard

of some who find eating very spicy food before bed helps their astral practice. Find what

works for you. As a general rule for digestive health and setting the body into a

regenerative state, refraining from eating three hours before bed is beneficial.

Practice 1 - Set an alarm for four hours after you intend to fall asleep. If you plan to go to

sleep at 8 pm, the alarm will be set for midnight. When the alarm sounds get up without

turning on any lights and go to the restroom or just walk to the door in your place of

rest. When you are at the threshold of the door, look back at the bed. Do this every night

and you may find your body still laying there asleep at which point you should perform a

reality check.
Practice 2- When falling asleep, at the point when you feel like you cannot possibly move

and your body is heavy with tiredness use your willpower and just get up. Go to the light

switch in your room and look at your bed. Again you may find your body still laying

there. This is the way a conscious exit is most likely to take place.

The Lucid Dream

Lucid dreaming is a form of astral travel meaning it takes place in the astral

realm, as do all other modalities of the dream. When we have done no work on ourselves

or cleared and reconciled our subconscious minds at all our dreams are most often

localized to cloud of mind-space this mental clutter creates for us to exist in, it is like a

filter that we see waking reality through and subsequently the dream. Far less often do

we find ourselves in an objective dream space. Usually there is so much mental chatter

running in our dreaming minds that even if we were to enter the objective astral plane

we would be creating our dreams in those places anyway as the disorder of the mind

surfaces in the world of instantaneous manifestation.

Make no mistake. Lucid dreaming is astral travel. It is the incarnation of our

consciousness into the body we used in our dreams. The reason we do not have lucid

dreams or astral travels every night is that we are hardly conscious of our physical

bodies so of course, we will be hardly conscious (lucid) of what goes on in the dream

state. The amount of memory and consciousness we keep in the dream state is perfectly

reflective of how conscious we are in daily life. The minds of most people are distracted,
captivated, unconscious, and fantasizing. Making effort in earnest to exist in the present

moment rather than floating about life like a ship without sails is the most fundamental

thing we can do in every moment to work toward moving into the dream space



The foods we choose to eat can have a great impact on the content and vividity of

our dreams. Though amending what we consume will add one more layer of immersion

to the practice of awakening the dream state, the diet is not the most important thing so

this will be a short section.

Ideally, we will eat foods that are easy to digest. “Brain foods” like fatty nuts high

in omegas will help to improve the memory of dreams. The last food taken should be

about two hours before bed at the closest, digesting when we fall asleep is not ideal.

Avoid caffeine and artificial sugary foods as they will stimulate the body and not allow

for deep rest. Fruit sugars are excluded from this. It is also worth mentioning that

recreational drugs such as marijuana and alcohol deaden the memory of dreams and the

pronunciation of them. Though they do have their uses, these substances can effectively

lock the practitioner out of the memory of their time in the astral plane.

Observation of the principle of silence is of paramount importance when

traveling in astral. The astral life should be kept to oneself. Only sharing specific

experiences, or parts of experiences is allowed. To speak to a mentor or peers also

studying astral travel is one thing but to go around flaunting the experiences that you

have will have the memory of your astral dealings stripped. I don't know who made this

rule, but I can tell you it is true. This is inner work. It could have something to do with

people generating thoughts about what you do and having that mental energy of

resistance applied to you, but that is only speculation.

I cannot make it clear enough that the content of dreams manifesting from the

subconscious area of mind space is entirely psychological and can be a fulcrum that a

malicious soul could place its lever of manipulation upon. Your astral and dream

experiences contain information of unfathomable potency. Keep these things precious

and to yourself. I know having an astral experience can be exciting and feels like

something to be shared, but refrain. Write about it in your journal. Only share it with

trusted confidants; those on the same initiatory wave as yourself and even then only the

important parts that will help to inspire their practice. They will in turn inspire you and

your collective growth will be bolstered by that relationship.


To truly penetrate the astral world prayer is an invaluable asset. The masters are

listening, your guides are listening. The creator of all things is listening. When you pray

to be brought consciously into the astral you are petitioning the ineffible to initiated you

into working in the higher dimension. Whether this modality of prayer resonates with

you, you like to pray to your own heart, your inner self, or whatever you think will help

you; putting the intention out there and training our mind upon the expansion of the

consciousness in other dimensional densities will be integral to any success had in

regarding the practice of astral travel.

Dream Interpretation

We have said that the interpretation of dreams is something that can be used for

a persons growth or leveraged against them to their detriment. The symbolism in your

dreams is for you and those you trust. These symbols are created by your subconscious

mind to appeal directly to you and you alone. They are the key to your internal world;

messages from disconnected parts of yourself guiding you on the return home.

Reflecting via the dream journal to cross-reference astral events is an excellent way to

become acquainted with your dreams. In most cases, the meaning of a dream is obvious

and needs little interpretation. Seeing our dreams as some kind of enigma that we

cannot understand is a symptom of seeing and misunderstanding ourselves in the same

way. When we understand ourselves better in the now, our dreams will begin to make

more sense to us. When our dream life is not so mysterious we welcome an incredible

boon in the advancement of waking life. We suddenly have 8 more hours of the day to

study and know ourselves. Sure, we want to be released from the tethers of the physical

body and explore the universe for the night. To venture to the stars like Giordano Bruno

and find the truth of the world is surely a common motivator. Once the potential for

self-study is realized, the initiate usually elects to venture into the self for once the

barriers within the self are dissolved and all parts of ourselves are known to us, barriers

in the world seem to dissolve in the same fashion.


To initiate is to begin. When we are working on gaining consciousness in the

astral plane we are starting along the path of initiation into greater understanding of

ourselves and the universe at large. When we improve the awareness of our astral

presence we begin to walk in the spirit, be the body awake or asleep. Expanding

consciousness has much to do with expanding that which we are conscious of and being

that we sleep for a third of a day, being conscious of our dealings in those hours of rest

can be monumentally beneficial to the end of increasing awareness. A master of working

in the astral form has the ability to be aware of their astral presence at all times and

though it may sound unachievable or even esoteric when described you must realize that

this is untred ground for 95% of the world. As such suspending prejudice or disbelief
will open you to the possibilities of a discipline such as astral travel just as it will with

anything else in life. We as humans of third-dimensional density are scarcely aware of

our bodies and minds at the same time. By meditating daily and training our mind upon

entering consciously into the astral realm we are petitioning the ineffable for a more

holistic experience of creation. We are attempting to initiate ourselves into the subtle

realms and working to know ourselves on levels that have never been explained to us

any other way. We are beginning the alchemical process of distillation of the

quintessence of ourselves. We are acknowledging that we exist on levels tangible,

intangible, imaginable, and unimaginable. We are choosing to consciously connect with

ourselves rather than unconsciously remain disconnected.

In the practice of dream yoga, our dreams will begin to reflect big moments in our

lives and changes that take place in the subconscious. The yoga of dreams will show

when we have more personal work to do on something. The yoga of dreams will show us

when we have completed a layer of self-refinement. Nothing can be hidden in the realm

of the dream for it is the world of instantaneous manifestation. When our mental wires

are crossed or cleaned so to speak, it will be shown to you. It is the subjective inward

world being expressed in an objective outward way.

Nightmares and Sweet Dreams

There is no such thing as a bad dream or a good dream. There are dreams where

we suffer the experience of the pain, fear, sadness, anger, and anxiety that we have been
pushing away for years and there are dreams where we experience things that we

perceive to be favorable. In some darker, more dense dreams that we have we may

experience our anger as something other than ourselves, as a symbol. In the realm of the

dream, everything is made of self and every character reflects some aspect of the self. A

reflection. For example, if we see a large angry man menacingly staring at us but not

coming near, that may be our subconscious expressing to us that we have some fear

about the anger that we hold in ourselves. It’s all allegorical. It takes more courage to

face yourself than it takes to face any external enemy. We as a culture have been

hoodwinked by mainstream religion to believe there is an external enemy and an

external hero or savior. The truth is that we incarnate the enemy, and we incarnate the

hero. We are waiting for ourselves to step up and have the courage to save ourselves.

The exoteric is the path of disconnection and dissociation. The esoteric is the path to

self. At the beginning of this writing, I mentioned exploring the cosmos out of the body...

The true goal of the practice of astral travel and dream yoga is to explore the vast eternal

realms within us all. Everything is contained in you. Everything. The only difference

between a good dream and a bad dream is your opinion. This is the way to illuminate

ourselves internally and figure out who we are. It takes diligence, practice, patience,

courage, and faith. It can be done.


We spend so much time doing things for other people, whether it is to be

perceived in a certain way or to be of service to them. For most people, life consists of

not doing things for themselves and when they believe they are doing something for

themselves this is seldom truly so. Your divine consciousness is eternal and the practices

contained in this work are meant to expand the consciousness into the main deficit that

we hold, which is 8/24 hours of every day being unconscious. Expanding consciousness

and working on self is the only thing we can truly do for ourselves. The only thing that

nobody can take from you is the work that you do on yourself. You are important and

you owe it to yourself to do the internal work. It matters. 20 minutes of morning

meditation, some simple changes in the thought patterns we hold, the conscious

decision to be conscious and really work on it... Is it that difficult? People will make

innumerable excuses to stay in the same place and never grow. Here is your opportunity

to grow. Here is much of what you need to know to build a strong foundation for the

awakening and expansion of your consciousness. Please do with it what you will. I hope

to see you out there traveling the cosmos. As my teacher loves to say, I wish you light

and courage.
Instagram: @Blessed_NRG

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