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Purpose of Lab

The purpose of this lab was to determine which quantity of sodium bicarbonate (1.5g, 3.5g, 5.5g)

would produce the most CO​2​ in a reaction with 50 g of vinegar.

My hypothesis is that the largest quantity of sodium bicarbonate would create the most CO​2​ with

50 g of vinegar as it has the largest quantity of reactants which would equate to a longer and

more violent reaction. The law of conservation of mass states that the mass of the reactants

should be equal to the mass of the products, therefore if one were to add more sodium

bicarbonate, then one could safely assume that there would be more products created.

- Sodium bicarbonate

-In quantities of 1.5 grams, 3.5 grams, and 5.5 grams, total of 11 grams

- Vinegar (150 grams, 50 grams for each flask)

3 Erlenmeyer Flasks

- 3 balloons

- Label 3 erlenmeyer flasks #1, #2 and #3

- Measure 50 grams of vinegar for each flask and pour it into each flask

- Measure 1.50 grams of sodium bicarbonate for flask #1 and place it into a balloon

- Measure 3.50 grams of sodium bicarbonate for flask #2 and place it into a separate

- Measure 5.50 grams of sodium bicarbonate for flask #3 and place it into another separate


- Ensure that the quantities of sodium bicarbonate go from least to greatest from flasks 1

through 3

- Carefully slide the balloons over the lips of the flasks so that any gas produced cannot


- One by one, hold the balloons over their respective flasks so that all the sodium

bicarbonate falls into the flask and reacts with the vinegar

#1 #2 #3

Mass of Sodium 1.50 g 3.50 g 5.50 g

= NaHCO​3 (s)

Mass of Vinegar 50.0 g 50.0 g 50.0 g

= HC​2​H​3​O​2 (aq)

This reaction had the This reaction had a This reaction

least CO​2​ created. little less CO​2​ than produced the most
What happened? There wasn’t any the third reaction. CO​2​. There was a
solid sodium Although, the chemist little solid sodium
bicarbonate left at the explained that ideally bicarbonate left at the
bottom of the flask. the second and third bottom of the flask.
should have the same
amount. There wasn’t
any solid sodium
bicarbonate at the
bottom of the flask.
Balloon #1:

G​: m​HC2H302​ = 50.0 g (Vinegar)

m​NaHCO3 ​= 1.50 g (Sodium bicarbonate)

mm​HC2H3O2​ = 60.052 g/mol of vinegar

mm​NaHCO3​ = 84.007 g/mol of sodium bicarbonate

R​: number of moles, n, of sodium bicarbonate and vinegar

m of CO​2​ , carbon dioxide gas

E: ​n= m/mm and m= n x mm


Sodium bicarbonate:

n​NaHCO3​ = ​m​NaHCO3​ / mm​NaHCO3

n​NaHCO3​ = 1.50 g / 84.006 g/mol

n​NaHCO3​ = ​0.0179 mol


n​HC2H3O2​ = m​HC2H3O2 /​ mm​HC2H3O2

n​HC2H3O2​ = 50 g / 60.052 g/mol

n​HC2H3O2​ = ​0.8326 mol

NaHCO​3​: HC​2​H​3​O​2​ = 1:1

n​HC2H3O2​ = 0.179 mol ​NaHCO3​ x 1 mol ​HC2H3O2​ / 1 mol ​NaHCO3

n​HC2H3O2​ = 0.179 mol , there is no L.R. (Limiting Reactant)

n​CO2​ = 0.0179 x 1 mol CO​2​ / 1 mol ​NaHCO3

n​CO2 ​= 0.0179 mol

m​CO2​ = (n​CO2​)(mm​CO2​)

= (0.0179 mol)(44.01 g/mol)

= 7.88 x 10​-1​ g

S: ​Therefore, the mass of the gas produced by reacting vinegar with 1.50 g of sodium

bicarbonate is 7.88 x 10​-1​ g.

Balloon #2:

G: m​HC2H3O2​ = 50.0 grams

m​NaHCO3​ = 3.50 grams

mm​HC2H3O2​ = 60.052 g/mol

mm​NaHCO3​ = 84.007 g/mol

R: ​number of moles , n of sodium bicarbonate and vinegar

m, mass of CO​2​ , carbon dioxide gas

E: ​n= m/mm and m= n x mm

S: n​NaHCO3​ = m​NaHCO3​ / mm​NaHCO3

n​NaHCO3​ = 3.50 g / 84.006 g/mol

n​NaHCO3​ = 0.0417 mol

n​HC2H3O2​ = m​HC2H3O2​ / mm​HC2H3O2

n​HC2H3O2​ = 50 g / 60.052 g/mol

n​HC2H3O2 ​ = 0.8326 mol

NaHCO​3​: HC​2​H​3​O​2​ = 1:1

n​HC2H3O2​ = 0.0417 mol ​NaHCO3​ x 1 mol ​HC2H3O2​ / 1 mol ​NaHCO3

CO​2​ : NaHCO​3​ = 1:1

n​CO2​ = 0.0417 mol ​NaHCO3​ x 1 mol ​CO2​ / 1 mol ​NaHCO3

n​CO2​ = 0.0417 mol

m​CO2​ = (n​CO2​)(mm​CO2​)

m​CO2​ = (0.0417)(44.009 g/mol)

m​CO2​ = 1.84 g

S: ​Therefore, the mass of the gas produced by reacting vinegar with 3.50 g of sodium

bicarbonate will be 1.84 g.

Balloon #3

G: m​HC2H3O2​ = 50.0 g

m​NaHCO3​ = 5.50 g

mm​HC2H3O2​ = 60.052 g/mol

mm​NaHCO3​ = 84.007 g/mol

R: ​number of moles, n, of sodium bicarbonate and vinegar

mass, m, of carbon dioxide gas (CO​2​)

E:​ n = m/mm and m = n x mm

S: n​NaHCO3​ = m​NaHCO3​ / mm​ NaHCO3

n​NaHCO3​ = 5.50 g / 84.006 g/mol

n​NaHCO3​ = 0.0655 mol

n​HC2H3O2​ = m​HC2H3O2​ / mm​HC2H3O2

n​HC2H3O2​ = 50 g / 60.052 g/mol

n​HC2H3O2​ = 0.8326 mol

NaHCO​3​: HC​2​H​3​O​2​ = 1:1

n​HC2H3O2​ = 0.0655 mol ​NaHCO3 x​ 1 mol ​HC2H3O2​ / 1 mol ​NaHCO3

= 0.0655 mol

CO​2​: NaHCO​3​ = 1:1

n​CO2​ = 0.0655 mol ​NaHCO3 x​ 1 mol CO​2​ / 1 mol ​NaHCO3

m​CO2​ = (n​CO2​)(mm​CO2​)

= (0.0655 mol)(44.01 g/mol)

= 2.88 g
S: ​Therefore, the mass of gas produced after reacting vinegar with 5.50 g of sodium bicarbonate

will be 2.88 g.

Analysis #2

Three different real life applications which have been produced or engineered through the use of

chemical reactions are gasoline as fuel for vehicles, chocolate for consumption by humans, and

deodorant for use on humans. These products are related to stoichiometric concepts because they

all require a certain optimal value in order to be as efficient as possible. An example of this

would be the gasoline we put in our cars which has a ​stoichiometric air–fuel mixture of about

14.7:1, this means that in order to have a safe and efficient reaction between air and gasoline in

our engines then we would need 14.7 grams of air for every 1 gram of gasoline. Any

inconsistencies such as a dirty engine or blockages in the pipes or even a mishap at the refinery,

could cause severe potential damage to the car and owner. If the stoichiometric air–fuel mixture

is not exact or correct then the car is at risk of an engine malfunction which could harm the

driver and other drivers on the road or even at risk of an explosion which could be very


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