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Name: Motiejus Čepas IIIb

1 Rewrite each pair of sentences using one of the adjectives below. There are two adjectives that you
do not need. Add commas where necessary.
imaginable proper vast
1 a She managed to communicate her ideas in a understandable way.

b He had an unusual accent, but the words were understandable.

2 a The police were responsible for the failure to reduce crime in the area.

b The tour guides left the children on their own in London. We expected more responsibility
from them.

3 a Parents are concerned action after the school was vandalized.

b All parties found the investigation very concerning.

4 a Some of the worst proper have taken place during the recent conflict.

b The medical cabinet contained proper for every illness.

5 a Something happened to Tom during the journey. remarkable to change him forever.

b One of the most examples of camouflage in nature is the ability of the chameleon to change colour
on its surroundings.
_Mark: ___ / 10

TASK 2 Choose the correct answers.

1 She needs proper medical care / medical care proper.

2 Her speech wasn’t special anything / anything special.
3 None of the present people / people present at the conference knew that the main speaker was ill.
4 There were no visible signs / signs visible of a break-in. The burglars must have had a key.
5 Filled with a(n) overwhelming sense / sense overwhelming of indignation, Henderson demanded a
Mark: ___ / 5

TASK 3 People were asked what they would do if they saw someone stealing a purse from a handbag on
a crowded train. Read their responses and complete each response with a phrase containing one of
the words below.
1 ‘Witnessing a crime like that would spur me in the action. I’d want to do something to defend the victim. I’d
probably shout “Thief!” or something like that.’
Gemma, Brighton
2 ‘I think we should all act together to stop a crime. Too many people bury they’re head into the sand and do
nothing when faced with a moral dilemma like that.’
Stephen, Cambridge
3. ‘I’d want to bow down in this situation. I’d wait for someone else to react, then join in.’
Aeron, Llandudno
4 ‘Most people would do nothing. That’s what usually happens in these situations. But I’d buck the trend. I’d
be different – I’d definitely act.’
Virendar, Hull
5 ‘We shouldn’t follow the lead pressure from our peers to be ‘macho’ in such a situation. I wouldn’t approach
the thief. I’d call the police.’
Luis, Harrogate

Mark: ___ / 5
TASK 4 What would you do in the following situation and why? Give at least two
arguments to support your opinion.
You have just won 10 000 euros. But you hear that your cousin has just lost his job and may lose his house if
he can’t pay his mortgage.
As a brother I would help him out and give him some money to pay his mortgage just to
get him in going. 2nd I would help him find new job just so he gets payed and gets back on
his feet. And after few years he can give me back my lend money.

Mark: ___ / 5
TOTAL _____ / 25

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