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Resenhas 237

field, as well as what must be historical figures and suggestions for

included for the sake of tradition. further reading. The Encyclopedia
This provides an academic point of also features an impressive fifty-
entry for areas outside of the five-page bibliography and a
Western confines of inquiry, and detailed index, along with a list of
also supplies more material for figures and tables used, as well as
fruitful investigation than lists of consultant editors and
specialized books of a more narrow contributors.
vision. In conclusion, as Baker asserts,
As a work of reference, the “A pioneering work of reference sets
Encyclopedia is organized in an out to chart a territory that has
easy-to-use, accessible way. The hitherto not been charted, to captu-
articles in Part One are arranged in re the core concerns of a discipline
alphabetical order and include cross- in a state of flux.” The Routledge
referencing as extra assistance. In Encyclopedia of Translation Studies
Part Two, the overviews are also offers at the very least both an anchor
arranged alphabetically and include point and a safe port for future
thumbnail biographies of pertinent navigation.
Amanda E. Morrison
St. Lawrence University

different approach to translation

through the use of various
Leo, Hickey (ed.) The Pragmatics translation theories and practices.
of Translation. Clevedon/ The intention of these articles,
Philadelphia:Multilingual according to Hickey, is to present
Matters, 1998, 242 pp. the ways in which pragmatics rela-
tes to translation and how one may
achieve what he calls “pragmatic
equivalence”. The authors attempt
The Pragmatics of Translation to answer various questions
is a collection of thirteen articles concerning the relationship between
compiled by author and editor Leo original texts and their translations,
Hickey. Each individual author and what exactly these translations
represents in his or her article a intend to achieve. Hickey claims in
238 Resenhas

his introduction that translators are when they try to distinguish between
not merely translators, but mediators the literal and non-literal meaning
as well. The job of the translator- of a text.
mediator is far more complex than Like Malmkjær, Basil Hatim
the simple task of substituting words uses Grice’s Cooperative Principle
for those of an original text. to discuss and explain the meanings
In the first article in this of different translations. One of
compilation, the late Sándor Hervey Hatim’s main points is derived from
introduces the term illocutionary Grice’s principle, which says that
function. According to Hervey, an meaning is determined at the exact
illocutionary function is defined as point that an utterance is made;
what people “do” when making meanings are not predetermined.
utterances, the actions that aid in the The author discusses the importance
reader’s comprehension of the intent of contextual effects in creating a
of the utterance. In addition, translation. He points out the three
Hervey also addresses the “cross- ways in which a contextual effect
cultural puzzle” of cross-linguistic may either strengthen or weaken a
translation, or translation proper. translation: new information may
He explains the difficulty of lead to a new assumption; it can
translating illocutionary functions strengthen an existing assumption;
across certain cultural boundaries or, finally, it might facilitate the
due to cultural relativity. abandoning of an existing
In another chapter, Kirsten assumption.
Malmkjær explains the notion of Juliane House’s article is simi-
cooperation and literary translation lar to Hatim’s in that both authors
by means of Grice’s Theory of address the concept of politeness in
Meaning. Using examples from the writing. They discuss how a good
Danish language, Malmkjær example of polite writing would not
demonstrates how Grice’s violate any of the maxims of the
Cooperative Principle is limited Gricean Cooperative Principle,
because it is difficult for a reader to which include: quantity, quality,
understand a translation that is manner, and relevance. Juliane
attempting to convey a certain House chooses to discuss politeness
meaning between languages. The as both a pragmatic and
author attempts to find a solution to sociocultural phenomena, saying
the problems that readers encounter that this sort of courtesy is one of
Resenhas 239

the basic social guidelines for human abilities, which is a positive factor
interaction (in a pragmatic sense) in his writing.
and it deals with the way Authors Frank Knowles and
consideration is shown to others Palma Zlateva are similar in their
throughout a specific society. House respective articles in that they use
also refers to translation as a “cross- the Russian language as an example
linguistic sociocultural practice”. to illustrate their translation theories.
In his article, Ernst-August Gutt Knowles discusses the manner in
distinguishes between the which language mechanisms such
Interpretive and Descriptive use of as inflection and word order are
language in relation to relevance used to convey different meanings.
theory. Gutt explains that an He explains how the language in
interpretive use of language is an which the translation is being written
utterance that describes what needs to agree with the language of
someone says or thinks. Descriptive the original text to facilitate the
use of language, on the other hand, replication of a work’s themes,
refers to a description made structure, etc. Similarly, Zlateva
regarding some state of affairs uses the combination of examples
somewhere in the world. In from Russian, Bulgarian and
addition, Gutt discusses the English to argue that there is
relationship between what the difficulty in substituting certain
audience expects from a work, and words in different languages that are
what the author intends it to be. Gutt meant to convey explicitness in a
believes that there are various range of utterances.
distinguishing words that categorize The translation of illocutionary
different literary works that are force, which was previously
intended to coordinate the intention mentioned in the article written by
of the author with the expectation Sándor Hervey, is the focus of Ian
of the reader. It is interesting to note Higgins’ piece in which he uses
that every time Gutt mentions the examples from Racine’s work
translator, he describes that person Andromaque. He emphasizes the
as a woman, consistently referring importance of ensuring that the
to the translator as she and her in illocutionary force of an original text
his article. Gutt, a male author, is is transferred to the translation. This
overtly recognizing females as is done, he claims, by making sure
having exceptional translating that the linguistic features, such as
240 Resenhas

word order and rhyme, which contextual effects. Although at ti-

contribute to the illocutionary for- mes the articles are difficult to
ce of a text, are present in the comprehend because of the use of
translation as well. different languages that the reader
This compilation of articles has may not understand, the examples
the ability to open the reader to new used do illustrate the theories,
processes and practices dealing with practices, and points that the authors
translation. The various authors are trying to convey and aid the
illustrate different pragmatic reader in understanding these
approaches by discussing ideas such approaches.
as the significance of politeness in Nicole M. McManus
writing, illocutionary functions, St. Lawrence University
Grice’s theory, and different

approach to the study of translation;

Theo Hermans. Translation in to engage critically with some of
Systems: Descriptive and Systemic the key ideas; and to suggest possible
Approaches Explained. Translation directions for further theoretical and
Theories Explained Ser. 7. United methodological reflection.”
Kingdom: St. Jerome, 1999, 195 pp. Hermans’ research for this book was
conducted during a sabbatical term
with support from the Humanities
Research Board of the British
Translation in Systems, by Theo Academy.
Hermans, the seventh book in the The book consists of a preface
series Translation Theories by the author, a preamble, twelve
Explained, edited by Anthony different chapters divided into
Pym, tackles the task of explaining different sections, a glossary
the different translation theories by defining key terms with page
looking at both the descriptive and references, a bibliography and an
systematic approach to translating. index. The table of contents, with
Hermans explains that the purpose not only the main chapter headings
of his book is three fold: “to explain but also the smaller sub-headings,
the descriptive and systematic

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