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The influence of water quality parameters (dissolved organic matter and alkalinity) on the

efficiency of the ozone/hydrogen peroxide (O3/H2O2) advanced oxidation process (AOP)

relative to the corresponding conventional ozonation process was investigated. In natural
waters with a high natural organic matter content (ⱖ3 mg/L), O3 decomposition is controlled
BY JUAN L. ACERO by radical-type chain reactions. Thus, the overall OH radical oxidation capacity is nearly
AND URS VON GUNTEN independent if conventional ozonation is replaced by O3/H2O2 AOP. In contrast, when the

organic matter content in the natural water is low (ⱕ1 mg/L), the addition of H2O2 considerably

enhances the oxidation capacity by OH radicals. A constant ratio between the OH radical
and O3 concentration (Rct) was found during both treatments, making it possible to predict
the oxidation of micropollutants with O3 and OH radicals if the rate constants of both oxidants
are known. The oxidation of atrazine during ozonation and the combined process O3/H2O2
could be accurately predicted in natural waters.


ozonation and the AOP O3/H2O2
hen drinking water is ozonated, it is often difficult to maintain a suf-

ficient level of disinfection and pollutant removal while limiting the
formation of disinfection by-products (DBPs), in particular bromate.
Ozone (O3) is an efficient disinfectant (J.M. Montgomery Engi-
neers, 1985) and a very selective oxidant (Hoigné & Bader, 1983a;
Hoigné & Bader, 1983b; Hoigné et al, 1985), being relatively unreactive toward
many inorganic and organic compounds. When O3 decomposes in aqueous
solution, it forms, among other secondary oxidants, hydroxyl radicals (·OH). ·OH
is an extremely powerful and nonspecific oxidant that reacts with both organic
and inorganic species, with rate constants ranging from 108 to 1010 M–1 s–1
(Haag & Yao, 1992). With respect to disinfection, ·OH plays a minor role rel-
ative to O3 because of its low, transient, steady-state concentration, which
results from high reactivity with water matrix components. To reinforce oxidation
by ·OH with the purpose of micropollutant control, advanced oxidation processes
(AOPs) are applied. The ozone/hydrogen peroxide (O3/H2O2) combination is the

©2001 American Water Works Association

FIGURE 1 Depletion of O3 for conventional ozonation (O3) FIGURE 2 O3 exposure for conventional ozonation (O3)
and the O3/H2O2 process in a groundwater and the O3/H2O2 process in a groundwater
and a surface water and a surface water



O3, GW
15 80

O3, GW

O3 Exposure—(mg/L) .min

AOP, GW 10

O3 Exposure—(mg/L) .min

40 6
O3, SW
O3, SW
20 2

0 20 40
Reaction Time—min
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Reaction Time—min Reaction Time—min

Experimental conditions—pH = 7, temperature = 11 C, [O3 ]0 = The inset is a magnification of the initial phase. Experimental
–5 –5 o
2.1 ✕ 10 M, [H2O2 ]0 = 1.0 ✕ 10 M, [pCBA]0 = 0.25 µM conditions—pH = 7, temperature = 11 C, [O3 ]0 =
–5 –5
AOP—advanced oxidation process, GW—groundwater, 2.1 ✕ 10 M, [H2O2 ]0 = 1.0 ✕ 10 M, [pCBA]0 = 0.25 µM
H2O2—hydrogen peroxide, O3—ozone, pCBA—p-chlorobenzoic AOP—advanced oxidation process, GW—groundwater,
acid, SW—surface water H2O2—hydrogen peroxide, O3—ozone, pCBA—p-chlorobenzoic
acid, SW—surface water

most widely applied AOP in drinking water treatment Hoigné, 1994; von Gunten et al, 1996; von Gunten &
(Duguet et al, 1985) because conventional ozonation Oliveras, 1998; Lefevre & Deguin, 1997). Consequently,
processes adapt relatively easily to an AOP by addition application of the O3/H2O2 process must be carefully
of H2O2. optimized with respect to oxidation capacity (high oxi-
The addition of H2O2 to accelerate the decomposi- dant exposure) and DBP formation (low oxidant expo-
tion of O3 into ·OH is recommended for waters in which sure) in order to fulfill all water quality requirements
O3 is relatively stable (i.e., low organic matter content (WHO, 1993). In addition, if disinfection is an issue, a
and high alkalinity) (Griffini & Iozzelli, 1996). There- high O3 exposure is required. To optimize these treat-
fore, the application of O3/H2O2 leads to an increased ment goals, knowledge of the oxidant concentrations
transformation of O3 into ·OH for a given hydraulic res- throughout the process is required.
idence time (HRT), even if high O3 dosages are applied.
Any excess H2O2 is eliminated by biological processes MEASURING ·OH CONCENTRATION
during postfiltration using anthracite or granular acti- O3 concentration can be measured directly by elec-
vated carbon (Urfer & Huck, 1997). trochemical or colorimetric methods (Langlais et al,
An undesirable consequence of increasing O3 dosages 1991). However, there is no fast and easy method for
to optimize an AOP with respect to micropollutant oxi- directly measuring ·OH concentration in situ. Attempts
dation is increased DBP formation from the natural at predicting ·OH concentrations from O3 decomposition
organic matter (NOM) present in the water (Glaze & have been made using computer models (Tomiyasu et
Weinberg, 1993) and the formation of bromate and al, 1985; Westerhoff et al, 1997). A kinetic model for
brominated organic compounds if bromide-containing the O3/H2O2 process has been applied in a defined lab-
waters are being treated (von Gunten & Hoigné, 1994). oratory system using distilled water (Acero & von Gun-
The difficulty of minimizing bromate formation (O3 ten, 2000). The influence of carbonate, promoters and
and ·OH) while removing O3-resistant micropollutants inhibitors, in simulating the natural matrix of drinking
(oxidation by ·OH) has been shown (von Gunten & water on O3 decomposition, ·OH oxidation capacity,

©2001 American Water Works Association

FIGURE 3 First-order kinetic representation for O3 depletion FIGURE 4 Relative decrease in pCBA as a function
in a groundwater and a surface water for conventional of the reaction time during conventional
ozonation (O3) and the O3/H2O2 process ozonation (O3) and the O3/H2O2 process

0 1.0

O3, GW
0.9 HRT in ozonation
–4 –1
k = 1.5 ✕ 10 s reactor = 15 min


Relative Decrease of pCBA

O3, GW

–2.0 AOP, GW 0.7 O3, SW

–3 –1
k = 1.4 ✕ 10 s


O3, SW
–3 –1
k = 2.5 ✕ 10 s 0.4
–4.0 AOP, SW AOP, GW
–3 –1
k = 5.8 ✕ 10 s

–4.5 0.3
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60

Reaction Time—min Reaction Time—min

Experimental conditions—pH = 7, temperature = 11 C, [O3 ]0 = Data for a groundwater and a surface water are shown.
–5 –5 o
2.1 ✕ 10 M, [H2O2 ]0 = 1.0 ✕ 10 M, [pCBA]0 = 0.25 µM. Experimental conditions—pH = 7, temperature = 11 C, [O3]0 =
–5 –5
AOP—advanced oxidation process, GW—groundwater, 2.1 ✕ 10 M, [H2O2]0 = 1.0 ✕ 10 M, [pCBA]0 = 0.25 µM.
H2O2—hydrogen peroxide, O3—ozone, pCBA—p-chlorobenzoic AOP—advanced oxidation process, GW—groundwater,
acid, SW—surface water HRT—hydraulic residence time, H2O2—hydrogen peroxide,
O3—ozone, pCBA—p-chlorobenzoic acid, SW—surface water

and H2O2 consumption has been successfully modeled. in bench-scale experiments if the corresponding rate con-
However, because of the complexity of the inorganic and stants for oxidation with O3 and ·OH are known. The
organic matrixes of natural waters, even well-established authors’ main objective was to describe the O3/H2O2
models fail to adequately predict O3 decomposition with- process with respect to the oxidation by O3 and ·OH by
out fitting parameters into these systems. Even more dif- applying the Rct concept.
ficult is the prediction of ·OH concentration. In the lit- The transformation of O3 into ·OH is a complicated
erature, no attempts have been made to experimentally reaction sequence, which can be roughly divided into ini-
calibrate the model calculations (Tomiyasu et al, 1985; tiation, promotion, and inhibition reactions. O3 decom-
Westerhoff et al, 1997). position is initiated by hydroxide (OH–), the deproto-
An experimental approach to measuring the transient nated form of hydrogen peroxide (HO2–), and some
concentrations of both ·OH and O3 during an ozonation organic compounds of the NOM water matrix (initia-
process has been developed by Elovitz and von Gunten tion reactions) (Staehelin & Hoigné, 1982). The initiation
(1999). A new parameter, Rct, has been defined as the leads to the formation of ·OH, which then undergoes fur-
ratio between the ·OH exposure and O3 exposure (i.e., the ther reactions (promotion and inhibition). Promotion of
concentration of oxidant integrated over the reaction O3 decomposition can be observed if ·OH is scavenged by
time). The method is based on measurement of the the NOM and thereby produces superoxide radicals
decrease of an O3-resistant probe compound, which pro- (HO2·/O2·–). These superoxide radicals react quickly with
vides a measurement of the ·OH exposure. The Rct makes O3 to ·OH. This chain reaction continues until ·OH scav-
it possible to determine the ratio of ·OH and O3 concen- enging by an inhibitor, which is a compound that does not
trations for the entire ozonation process. As a result, the release superoxide and therefore does not lead to further
oxidation of micropollutants can be completely described acceleration of O3 decomposition.

©2001 American Water Works Association

FIGURE 5 Rct-value calculations for conventional FIGURE 6 First-order kinetic representation for O3 depletion
ozonation (O3) and the O3/H2O2 process for two waters in a groundwater with varying concentrations
of DOC (1 and 2.2 mg/L)


O3, GW
–0.2 –10
Rct = 7.9 ✕ 10 –1.0 O3, DOC 1 mg/L
–4 –1
k = 1.7 ✕ 10 s
–0.4 O3, SW
Rct = 8.1 ✕ 10

In([O3]/[O3] 0)
In([pCBA]/[pCBA] 0)

–2.0 O3, DOC 2.2 mg/L

–3 –1
k = 1.0 ✕ 10 s

–0.6 –2.5
–8 –3.0
Rct = 1.4 ✕ 10
AOP, DOC 2.2 mg/L
–0.8 –3 –1
k = 4.4 ✕ 10 s

–1.0 AOP, DOC 1 mg/L
–3 –1
k = 2.2 ✕ 10 s
Rct = 2.2 ✕ 10 –4.5
0 20 40 60
–1.2 Reaction Time—min
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Data for conventional ozonation (O3) and the O3/H2O2 process are
O3 Exposure—M.s o
shown. Experimental conditions—pH = 7.2, temperature = 11 C,
–5 –6
o [O3 ]0 = 1.5 ✕ 10 M, [H2O2]0 = 7.0 ✕ 10 M, [pCBA]0 = 0.25 µM.
Experimental conditions—pH = 7, temperature = 11 C, [O3 ]0 =
–5 –5 AOP—advanced oxidation process, DOC—dissolved organic
2.1 ✕ 10 M, [H2O2]0 = 1.0 ✕ 10 M, [pCBA]0 = 0.25 µM.
carbon, H2O2—hydrogen peroxide, O3—ozone, pCBA—
AOP—advanced oxidation process, GW—groundwater,
p-chlorobenzoic acid
H2O2—hydrogen peroxide, O3—ozone, pCBA—p-chlorobenzoic
acid, SW—surface water

In natural water, the primary inhibitors are NOM KINETIC FORMULATION

and carbonate/bicarbonate. In the O3/H2O2 process, To calibrate AOPs with respect to O3 and ·OH con-
the O3 chain decomposition cycle is initiated predom- centrations, an indirect method, based on measure-
inantly by HO2–. This is in contrast to the conventional ment of a decrease of an O3-resistant probe compound
ozonation process in which OH – and organic com- that reacts quickly with ·OH, was applied (Elovitz &
pounds of the natural water matrix initiate O3 decom- von Gunten, 1999; Haag & Yao, 1993). This mea-
position. The change in the initiating reaction for O3 surement allows transient, steady-state ·OH concen-
decomposition (from OH– to HO2–) may lead to dif- trations in aqueous solutions to be calculated. The
ferences in the yield of ·OH from O3. However, if rad- probe compound selected was p-chlorobenzoic acid
ical-type chain reactions that promote O3 decomposi- (pCBA), with a rate constant of kOH,pCBA = 5.2 3 109
tion are the major pathway for the decomposition of O3 M–1 s–1 for its reaction with ·OH and a rate constant
to ·OH, the addition of H2O2 may lead to an accelera- of kO 3,pCBA = 0.15 M–1 s–1 for its reaction with O3
tion of the O3-to-·OH process but only a small change (Yao & Haag, 1991). pCBA has a pKa of 4 (Yao &
in the overall ·OH yield. Haag, 1991); therefore, the rate constants are given
In order to calibrate different natural waters with for the deprotonated form. pCBA is used in very low
respect to their transient steady-state ·OH and O3 con- concentrations to prevent a significant contribution to
centrations and respective oxidation capacities, the influ- the overall scavenging of ·OH. The term “·OH oxida-
ence of carbonate content and NOM source on the ·OH tion capacity” is defined by the relative elimination of
and O3 concentrations was tested. The effects of the ratio the ·OH probe compound.
[H2O2]/[O3] on ozone decomposition and micropollu- The rate of pCBA oxidation, which reacts only with
tant elimination are also discussed. ·OH, is given by:

©2001 American Water Works Association

water. Concentrated O3 stock solu-
TABLE 1 Water quality parameters and their influence on O3 decomposition kinetics,
relative elimination of pCBA, and Rct*† tions were produced by continuously
bubbling O 3 -containing oxygen
[H2O2]0 ⌬H2O2‡ k(k sec)§ % Elimination
through double-distilled water that
M µM s –1 pCBA Rct (Rct sec)** was cooled in an ice bath (Hoigné &
Groundwater (DOC = 1.0 mg/L, alkalinity = 5.2 mM)
Bader, 1979). The concentration of
the resulting stock solution was
0 3.9 X 10–4 (1.5 X 10–4) 44 4.1 X 10–9 (7.9 X 10–10)
approximately 1.2 mM (60 mg/L).
1.0 X 10 –5 6.5 1.4 X 10 –3 66 1.4 X 10–8
Experimental methods. Samples of
Surface Water (DOC = 3.2 mg/L, alkalinity = 3.8 mM) natural water (groundwater and sur-
0 2.5 X 10 –3 28 8.1 X 10 –9 face water) were collected from two
1.0 X 10 –5 1.2 5.8 X 10 –3 29 2.2 X 10 –8 locations, filtered through a 0.45-µm
filter made of cellulose nitrate,* and
*O3—ozone, pCBA—p-chlorobenzoic acid, DOC—dissolved organic carbon, H2O2—hydrogen peroxide
†Experimental conditions were as follows: pH = 7, temperature = 11oC, [O3]0 = 2.1 X 10–5 M, [pCBA]0 = stored at 4oC until use. The ground-
0.25 µM.
‡⌬H2O2—consumed H2O2
water (from Porrentruy, Switzerland)
§k sec—first-order rate constant for O3 decay during the secondary phase of the reaction was characterized by low dissolved
**Rct sec—Rct-value during the secondary phase of the reaction
organic carbon (DOC) (1 mg/L) and
high alkalinity (5.2 mM HCO3–).
–d[pCBA] The surface water (from River Seine,
ᎏᎏ = k·OH,pCBA [pCBA] [·OH] (1) Paris, France) had high DOC (3.2 mg/L) and low alka-
dt linity (3.8 mM HCO3–). Reaction solutions were pre-
Rearranging and integrating Eq 1 results in: pared by adding H2O2 and buffer (10 mM borate) to the
filtered natural water and adjusting to the desired pH
with sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid. pCBA was
冢 冣 冕
[pCBA]t t
ln ᎏ ᎏ = –k·OH,pCBA [·OH]dt (2) added to the solution (0.25 µM) as the probe compound.
[pCBA]0 0
In addition, atrazine was added (0.25 µM) in some exper-
iments to represent a typical micropollutant. After adding
There is a correlation between the exposure of OH and · a concentrated O3 solution to achieve the desired O3
O3 (i.e., the concentration of oxidant integrated over the dose, samples were withdrawn using a dispenser system
reaction time), which is defined as Rct (ratio of C 3 T val- (Hoigné & Bader, 1994), quenched with indigo (Bader &
ues) (Elovitz & von Gunten, 1999): Hoigné, 1981), and analyzed as described later. The tem-
perature was kept constant at 11 ± 0.2oC to simulate
·OH – exposure 冕 [·OH]dt drinking water treatment conditions.
Rct = ᎏᎏ = ᎏᎏ (3) Analytical methods. Dissolved O3 was analyzed using
O3 – exposure
冕 [O3]dt the indigo method (Bader & Hoigné, 1981). H2O2 was
determined using the peroxidase-DPD method (Bader et
Substituting OH exposure from Eq 3 in Eq 2 gives: al, 1988). Solution pH was measured using a combination
pH electrode,† which was calibrated with standard
buffers.‡ pCBA was determined using reverse-phase high-
冢 冣 冕 t
ln ᎏᎏ = –k·OH,pCBA Rct [O3]dt (4) pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC)§ with an elu-
[pCBA]0 0
ent containing 45% 10-mM H3PO4 and 55% methanol
at 1 mL/min and detected at 234 nm. Atrazine was mea-
This allows the calculation of the Rct from the exper- sured using HPLC** with a mixture of 50% methanol
imentally measured decrease in concentration of pCBA and 50% 5-mM tetrabutyl ammonium hydrogen sulfate
and O3 (by plotting the ln([pCBA] t /[pCBA] 0 ) versus O 3 (TBAHS) in 10-mM phosphate buffer as eluent and
exposure). detected by its ultraviolet absorbance at 221 nm. The
If Rct remains constant during ozonation, it represents quantification limit was 0.025 µM for both compounds
the ratio between the concentrations of ·OH and O3 dur- with a 250-µL injection loop.
ing the ozonation process. Therefore, the concentration
of ·OH can be easily calculated from the measured O3
*Sartorius AG, Goettingen, Germany
†Metrohm LTD, Herisau, Switzerland
EXPERIMENTAL METHOD ‡Titrisol, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany
Materials. All chemicals were reagent grade or analytical §Column: Merck Lichrospher 100, RP 18-5 µm, Merck KGaA, Darm-
stadt, Germany
grade, when available, and were used without further purifi- **Hypersil octadecylsylane (ODS), 5-µm column, Florio AG, Therwil,
cation. Stock solutions were prepared in double-distilled Switzerland

©2001 American Water Works Association

TABLE 2 Effect of [H2O2]0 and the ratio [H2O2]/[O3] on O3 decomposition kinetics, O3 exposure, relative elimination of pCBA, and Rct*†

[H2O2]/[O3] [H2O2]0 [H2O2]F k (k sec)‡ 冕 [O3]dt % Elimination

w/w (mol/mol) M M s–1 M·s pCBA Rct (Rct sec)§

0 (0) 0 0 1.7 X 10–4 0.31 49 3.3 X 10–9

(8.0 X 10–5) (4.2 X 10–10)
0.19 (0.27) 6.1 X 10–6 0.2 X 10–6 6.7 X 10–4 4.6 X 10–2 72 1.3 X 10–8
(3.0 X 10–4) (5.0 X 10–9)
0.34 (0.48) 1.1 X 10–5 3.7 X 10–6 1.2 X 10–3 1.7 X 10–2 76 1.5 X 10–8
0.7 (0.99) 2.2 X 10–5 1.4 X 10–5 2.8 X 10–3 8.2 X 10–3 78 3.5 X 10–8

*H2O2—hydrogen peroxide, O3—ozone, pCBA—p-chlorobenzoic acid

†Experimental conditions were as follows: groundwater (dissolved organic carbon 0.9 mg/L, alkalinity 5.2 mM), pH = 7.2, temperature =
11oC, [O3]0 = 2.3 X 10–5M, [pCBA]0 = 0.25 µM.
‡k sec—first-order rate constant for O3 decay during the secondary phase of the reaction
§ Rct sec—Rct-value during the secondary phase of the reaction

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION For disinfection as well as for many oxidation

Water quality parameters. The AOP O3/H2O2 was com- processes, molecular O3 is the primary reactant. Figure 2
pared with the corresponding conventional ozonation shows the O3 exposure in the experiments that used both
process to assess its efficiency. To characterize both oxida- waters. The addition of H2O2 led to significantly lower
tive systems, two water types that represent the range of O3 exposures, especially in the groundwater (O3 exposure
O 3 stability (groundwater and surface water) were was tenfold lower during the AOP). The O3 exposure
selected. This allowed the authors to assess the role of for the surface water varied only by a factor of about 2
NOM and alkalinity with regard to O3 stability, ·OH when conventional ozonation and the AOP were com-
oxidation capacity, and Rct. pared. This must be considered if reactions of molecular
Ozone stability. Figure 1 shows the evolution of the O3 as well as ·OH oxidation are required.
O 3 concentration in experiments carried out in the Figure 3 shows the first-order kinetic representation of
absence of H2O2 and in the presence of H2O2 with both O3 decay in both waters. During conventional ozonation
waters (1 mg/L O3, pH 7, 11oC). In the groundwater, of the groundwater, an initial rapid consumption of O3
which had low DOC and high alkalinity, O3 was very sta- occurred, followed by slower kinetics that can be fitted
ble during the conventional ozonation process. Bicar- with first-order kinetics. This behavior is well-known for
bonate/carbonate is known to inhibit O3 decomposition conventional ozonation of natural waters (Elovitz & von
(Staehelin & Hoigné, 1985), which leads to consider- Gunten, 1999; Hoigné & Bader, 1979; Hoigné & Bader
able stabilization of O3 in combination with the low 1994). In the experiment with surface water, in which very
DOC concentration. The addition of H 2 O 2 (0.34 g fast decay of O3 was observed, these two phases could not
H2O2/g O3) accelerates O3 decomposition significantly. be distinguished, because of the insufficient time resolution
The deprotonated form of H2O2 (HO–2) initiates the of the initial phase. In contrast, during the O3/H2O2
degradation of O3, leading to the formation of ·OH (Stae- process, only one stage could be observed in both waters.
helin & Hoigné, 1982). In this water, the initiation This is because of the control of O3 decomposition by
became the dominant mechanism for O3 decomposition HO2– initiation (especially in the groundwater). The cal-
(Staehelin & Hoigné, 1985). culated values for the first-order rate constants (k) are
Different behavior was observed in the surface water. given in Table 1. Compared with conventional ozonation,
During conventional ozonation, O3 was much less stable the groundwater k increases by a factor of 10 (from 1.5
in this water, primarily because of promotion by NOM, 3 10–4 s–1 to 1.4 3 10–3 s–1), whereas the surface water k
which results in an acceleration of the chain cycle for O3 increases only by a factor of approximately 2 (from 2.5
decomposition. Therefore, the addition of H2O2 only 3 10–3 s–1 to 5.8 3 10–3 s–1). This shows the relative impor-
leads to a small difference if conventional ozonation and tance of initiation versus promotion.
AOP are compared. The effect of H2O2 addition on O3 Oxidation capacity. The addition of H2O2 to an ozona-
stability was much less pronounced in the surface water tion process leads to a shift in the mechanism that initiates
than in the groundwater. Even though H2O2 increased O3 decomposition (see the introductory material). In addi-
the rate of O3 transformation during the initiation step, tion, the ·OH oxidation capacity (measured by the relative
the promotion by NOM was still the primary process for elimination of a probe compound, which only reacts with
O3 decomposition. Therefore, it can be qualitatively con- ·OH) during the oxidation process may change. Figure 4

cluded that an acceleration of O3 decomposition with an shows the influence of water type (alkalinity and NOM)
AOP is best achieved in natural waters with a low DOC on the ·OH oxidation capacity for the two waters exposed
concentration and high alkalinity. to conventional ozonation and the AOP.

©2001 American Water Works Association

Figure 4 also shows that a higher over-
TABLE 3 Effect of variations in DOC on O3 decomposition kinetics, O3 exposure,
relative elimination of pCBA, and Rct all ·OH oxidation capacity was reached
in the groundwater. This is a conse-
quence of the difference in the overall
[H2O2]0 ⌬H2O2 k (k sec)‡ 冕 [O3]dt % Elimination ·OH scavenging rate (scavenging rate:
M µM s–1 M·s pCBA Rct (Rct sec)§
k·OH,DOC[DOC] + k·OH,HCO3– [HCO3–
DOC = 1 mg/L
] + k·OH,CO32– [CO32–]; k·OH,DOC = 2.5
0 6.2 X 10 –4 6.3 X 10 –4 38 7.7 X 10 –9
3 10 4 mg–1 s–1 L (Hoigné, 1998),
(1.7 X 10–4) (1.6 X 10–9)
k·OH,HCO3 – = 8.5 3 106 M–1 s–1,
7.0 X 10–6 3.0 2.2 X 10–3 5.9 X 10–3 46 1.9 X 10–8
k·OH,CO32– = 3.9 3 108 M–1 s–1) (Buxton
DOC = 2.2 mg/L et al, 1988). The overall ·OH scaveng-
0 3.7 X 10–3 8.3 X 10–3 22 1.2 X 10–8 ing rate in the groundwater was 6.9 3
(1.0 X 10–3) (5.5 X 10–9) 104 s–1 and 11.2 3 104 s–1 in the surface
–6 –3 –3 –8
7.0 X 10 1.3 4.4 X 10 2.7 X 10 24 2.1 X 10 water. From these values, the observed
*DOC—dissolved organic carbon, O3—ozone, pCBA—p-chlorobenzoic acid difference (a factor of 2) between the
†Experimental conditions were as follows: groundwater (alkalinity 5.2 mM), pH = 7.2, temperature = ·OH oxidation capacity in groundwa-
o –5
11 C, [O3]0 = 1.5 X 10 M, [pCBA]0 = 0.25 µM.
‡k sec—first-order rate constant for O3 decay during the secondary phase of the reaction ter (AOP) and surface water can be
§ Rct sec—Rct-value during the secondary phase of the reaction
Rct value. Figure 5 shows the rela-
Groundwater. The addition of H2O2 (AOP) consid- tionship between ln([pCBA]/[pCBA]0) and the O3 expo-
erably enhanced the · OH oxidation capacity in the sure. For the surface water, Rct was constant over the
groundwater because O3 was transformed into ·OH pri- entire reaction in experiments for both the O3/H2O2
marily during the initiation reaction with H2O2 (values for process and conventional ozonation. In contrast, in the
the final elimination of pCBA are listed in Table 1). This conventional ozonation experiment with groundwater,
is because of the different yield of ·OH formation from O3 there were two phases in the Rct plot that corresponded
decomposition during the initiation (Staehelin & Hoigné, to two separate kinetic stages for the O3 decay. The ini-
1982). During conventional ozonation in pure water in tial phase shows a higher Rct than the secondary phase.
which OH– initiation is predominant, two ·OH are formed The calculated values of Rct in these experiments are
per three molecules of O3 decomposed. In contrast, in given in Table 1.
the O3/H2O2 process (HO2– initiation), one ·OH is formed The experimental data in Figure 5 lead to a conclusion
per molecule of O3 decomposed. Therefore, the produc- that the ratio between ·OH and O3 exposures is constant
tion of ·OH in conventional ozonation is only two thirds throughout oxidation during conventional ozonation of
of the production in the O3/H2O2 process during the ini- natural water with high DOC concentration and in the
tiation. In a real water, the yield of ·OH from O3 is closer O3/H2O2 process. Therefore, for these conditions, Rct rep-
to 0.5. Regardless, the difference between O 3 and resents the ratio between ·OH and O3 concentrations at any
O3/H2O2 is still significant. The ·OH oxidation capacity time during the reaction (Elovitz & von Gunten, 1999). In
decreases from 66% pCBA elimination during the AOP the groundwater, even in the absence of H2O2, a linear
to 44% during conventional ozonation. Using a typical interpretation of Rct for both stages provides an extremely
HRT of 15 min in a full-scale O3 reactor, the ·OH oxi- useful tool for calculating ·OH concentrations from known
dation capacity increases from 23 to 54% if conventional O3 measurements (see “Significance for water treatment”).
ozonation is changed to the O3/H2O2 process (Figure 4). During drinking water treatment, a higher ratio of ·OH
This significantly higher OH oxidation capacity con- and O3 concentrations means a higher oxidation level of
firms the efficiency of the O3/H2O2 process in eliminat- O3-resistant compounds. However, the resulting smaller O3
ing micropollutants from low-DOC waters. exposure means a decrease in the O3 oxidation capacity
Surface water. In the surface water with the higher and less disinfection.
NOM content, the ·OH oxidation capacity was compa- Influence of H2O2 concentration on the ratio H2O2/O3.
rable for both conventional ozonation and the O3/H2O2 Because the addition of H2O2 ozonation had a greater
process (Figure 4, Table 1). In this water, the ozonation effect in groundwater than in surface water, experiments
process was dominated by the promoting effect of the were performed using varying H2O2/O3 ratios in the
organic matter, where one ·OH is formed per molecule of groundwater. The initial and final H2O2 concentrations
O3 decomposed. This theoretical ·OH/O3 yield is the ([H2O2]0 and [H2O2]F) for these experiments are given in
same as that for the O3/H2O2 process. Therefore, the Table 2 together with the calculated values for the first-
·OH oxidation capacity does not change significantly order rate constant (k), the O3 exposure (冕[O3]dt), percent
with the addition of H2O2. After an HRT of 15 min, the elimination of pCBA, and the Rct. O3 decomposition fol-
oxidation of an O 3 -resistant micropollutant can be lowed first-order kinetics during the entire reaction when
expected to be similar for both processes (Figure 4). there was a residual H2O2 concentration at the end of
In comparing the groundwater and the surface water, the experiment. In an experiment with 0.19 g H2O2/g

©2001 American Water Works Association

O3, the final concentration of H2O2 was very small, and
the O3 decomposition mechanism changed during the FIGURE 7 Relative decrease in pCBA as a function of the
reaction time during conventional ozonation (O3) and
reaction (second stage after 25 min). the O3/H2O2 process for a groundwater with varying
The data in Table 2 show that an increase in H2O2 concentrations of DOC (1 and 2.2 mg/L)
concentration above a certain value does not improve the
·OH oxidation capacity, represented by the relative elim-
ination of pCBA. Similar results were found by Karimi et
al (1997) during trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetra-
chloroethylene (PCE) elimination in full-scale reactors, in
which the optimal ratio appeared to lie between 0.5 and 0.9
0.6 (w/w). The H2O2/O3 ratio corresponding to a stoi-
chiometric HO2–-initiated O3 decomposition is 0.35 (w/w)

Relative Decrease of pCBA

or 0.5 (mol/mol). In the examples shown in Table 2, the O3, DOC 2.2 mg/L
best improvement in micropollutant elimination was 0.8
achieved for the smallest addition of H2O2. Only a small
additional improvement could be achieved by further AOP, DOC 2.2 mg/L
increasing the H2O2 concentration. This again shows that
O3, DOC 1 mg/L
the O3 decomposition in this groundwater (low DOC and 0.7

high alkalinity) was initiation-controlled and could be

altered significantly by adding H2O2. The optimal value
depends on the relative contribution of initiation and pro-
motion steps to the overall process and should be deter- 4h
AOP, DOC 1 mg/L
mined experimentally for each raw water (Acero & von
Gunten, 2000). The O3 decomposition rate (Table 2)
depends on the absolute H2O2 concentration rather than
on the H2O2/O3 ratio because of the reaction between 0 20 40 60
O3 and HO2–. The absolute H2O2 concentration is impor- Reaction Time—min
tant to guarantee a complete O3 decomposition (see k o
Experimental conditions—pH = 7.2, temperature = 11 C, [O3 ]0 =
values in Table 2) and therefore maximum probe-com- –5 –6
1.5 ✕ 10 M, [H2O2 ]0 = 7.0 ✕ 10 M, [pCBA]0 = 0.25 µM
pound degradation within a certain HRT. According to the AOP—advanced oxidation process, DOC—dissolved organic
authors’ results and considering a reactor with an HRT of carbon, H2O2—hydrogen peroxide, O3—ozone, pCBA—
p-chlorobenzoic acid
15 min, the residual O3 concentration varied from 2.1 3
10–5 M (1.0 mg/L) for conventional ozonation to 1.8 3
10–6 M (0.09 mg/L) with an [H2O2]0 = 2.2 3 10–5 M. The
冢 冣 冢冕 [O ]dt冣 (k
corresponding degradation of pCBA was 15% and 75% ln ᎏᎏt = – 3 ·OH Rct + kO3) (7)
[P]0 o
for conventional ozonation and the AOP, respectively.
The increase in Rct with increasing H2O2 concentration in which k·OH and kO3 are the second-order rate con-
(Table 2) illustrates the acceleration of O3 transformation stants for the reactions of micropollutant P with ·OH
into ·OH. For small residual concentrations of H2O2, two and O3, respectively.
Rct values were observed. Similar results were obtained in The elimination of TCE for varying H2O2/O3 ratios has
experiments with synthetic waters (Acero & von Gunten, been calculated from Eq 7, with the values of O3 exposure
1998). In those experiments, the Rct was constant over and Rct given in Table 2. TCE reacts moderately with O3
the entire reaction as long as there was a significant resid- (kO3 = 17 M–1 s–1) (Hoigné & Bader, 1983a) and quickly
ual concentration of H2O2 at the end of the experiment. with ·OH (k·OH = 4.2 3 109 M–1 s–1) (Buxton et al, 1988).
Micropollutant elimination. For a batch or plug-flow For complete O3 decomposition in the absence of H2O2,
reactor, the elimination of a micropollutant (P) that reacts complete elimination of TCE is reached as a result of its
with both O3 and ·OH can be predicted by second-order reactivity with O3 and the high O3 exposure. When the
kinetics. The elimination of P is given by: H2O2/O3 ratio (w/w) is increased from 0.19 to 0.34, the
elimination of TCE decreases from 86 to 75%. With a
– ᎏᎏ = k·OH [·OH] [P] +kO3 [O3][P] (5) higher H2O2/O3 ratio (0.7), the oxidation of TCE does not
change (74%) because the process is controlled by ·OH
reactions (small O3 exposure). From these calculations, the
= k·OH Rct [O3][P] + kO3[O3][P] (6) authors concluded that the optimal H2O2/O3 ratio for
the oxidation of a moderately or highly O3-reactive
Integrating Eq 6 results in: micropollutant is given by a combination of a high O3
exposure and a minimum Rct value.

©2001 American Water Works Association

by only a factor of 2 from the low- to the high-DOC
FIGURE 8 Representation for Rct-value calculation for a
groundwater with varying DOC concentrations water because of the large contribution of the HO2–-ini-
(1 and 2.2 mg/L) tiation step for O3 decomposition. In other words, in the
presence of H2O2, O3 decomposition is largely controlled
00 by HO2–-initiation, the relative importance of the NOM
being not as significant as in conventional ozonation.
A higher DOC content also leads to a higher overall
mg/L ·OH scavenging rate. A factor of 1.5 (from 6.9 3 104 s–1 to

10 9.9 3 104 s–1) can be calculated between the water with 1
mg/L DOC and the water with 2.2 mg/L DOC; therefore,
a lower ·OH oxidation capacity may be expected. When
the DOC of the water increased from 1 to 2.2 mg/L, the
In([pCBA]/[pCBA] 0))
In([pCBA]/[pCBA] 0

–0.3 OO3,3,DOC
mg/L ·OH oxidation capacity decreased from 38 to 22% and
10 from 46 to 24% elimination of pCBA during conventional
ozonation and the AOP, respectively (Table 3 and Figure
–0.4 7). This decrease in the ·OH oxidation capacity by a fac-
mg/L tor of 1.7 and 1.9 for O3 and O3/H2O2, respectively, can
be explained by the increase in the overall ·OH scaveng-
ing rate (a factor of 1.5) together with higher direct O3 con-
sumption in the higher-DOC water, which could have a
–0.6 AOP,
mg/L similar effect. Figure 7 also shows that for the high DOC
–8–8 concentration, the overall oxidation capacity is nearly
independent of the process (ozonation versus O3/H2O2),
–0.7 whereas for the low DOC concentration, the overall oxi-
00 0.01
0.01 0.02
0.02 0.03
dation capacity is somewhat higher for the AOP. This is
OO3 3Exposure—M
again because of the importance of the initiation reaction
Datafor forconventional
ozonation(O (O3)3)and
andthe theOO3 /H 2O
3 /H 2 2process
2O processare
o o
are for O3 decomposition (discussed earlier). The differences
conditions—pH==7.2, 7.2,temperature
temperature==11 11C,
10 MM, ,[H
[H2O 2]20]0==7.0
10 MM, ,[pCBA]
[pCBA]0 0==0.25
0.25µµMM in the ·OH oxidation capacity in these experiments are
AOP—advancedoxidation oxidationprocess,
DOC—dissolvedorganic organic smaller than those in the experiments with the same
carbon,HH2O 2—hydrogen
2O 2—hydrogenperoxide,
3—ozone,pCBA— pCBA—
-chlorobenzoicacid acid groundwater because of the lower O3 dose (Table 1).
The Rct was higher in the water with high DOC because
of the smaller O3 exposure (faster O3 decomposition),
Effect of seasonal variations. The groundwater used in although the ·OH exposure was also smaller (Figure 8
these experiments originates from a karstic system and and Table 3). However, when the O3/H2O2 process was
has a highly variable DOC concentration (0.9–5 mg/L) applied, the Rct values were similar in both experiments.
as a result of sudden influences of surface water infiltra- When compared with the conventional ozonation process,
tion when it rains. However, alkalinity (5.2 mM bicar- the presence of H2O2 (AOP) dominates the process in
bonate) and pH (7.2) are constant even during rain. To terms of initiating O3 decomposition. The DOC of the
study the effect of sudden changes in DOC concentration groundwater does not seem to have a strong promoting
on conventional ozonation and the O3/H2O2 process, character. Therefore, the dominance of the initiation step
experiments were performed for a typical (nonrain-influ- on the overall process can lead to a similar yield of ·OH for-
enced) DOC concentration of 1 mg/L and a higher DOC mation from O3 decomposition (similar Rct) when waters
concentration of 2.2 mg/L, which was observed after rain with different DOC concentrations are treated.
([O3] 1.5 3 10–5 M [0.7 mg/L], 0.34 g H2O2/g O3, pH Significance for water treatment. When the Rct value
7.2). Figure 6 shows the corresponding derived first-order remains constant during the entire reaction (if two linear
rate plots for O3 depletion (Table 3). A significantly higher stages are considered, there are two Rct values), it repre-
O3 decay rate can be observed in the water with the higher sents the ratio of ·OH and O3 concentrations. The exper-
DOC concentration as a consequence of an accelerated O3 imentally determined rate constants for O3 decomposition
decay because of the promoting character of the NOM. (k) and the Rct value make it possible to calculate O3 and
This is also reflected by the lower consumption of H2O2 ·OH concentrations during ozonation. With these oxi-

during the AOP (Table 3). The first-order rate constant dant concentrations, the oxidation of a micropollutant can
increased sixfold during conventional ozonation (sec- be calculated by applying Eq 7 if the rate constant of a
ondary reaction stage), which is where a shift in O3 decom- micropollutant (e.g., pesticides, chlorinated solvents,
position from initiation to promotion can be observed methylated benzenes, and so forth) is known for its reac-
when the DOC increased from 1 to 2.2 mg/L. For the tion with O3 and ·OH. Therefore, the authors’ kinetic
O3/H2O2 process, the first-order rate constant increased approach, which is based on an experimental calibration

©2001 American Water Works Association

of the process, avoids model calculations that are based FIGURE 9 Atrazine degradation as a function of the reaction time
on complicated O3 decomposition mechanisms for a com- for conventional ozonation (O3) and the O3/H2O2
plex natural water matrix with many unknown reactions. process
This kinetic approach was tested by comparing the
Ozonation experiment
measured and calculated elimination of a micropollutant. AOP experiment
Atrazine was added to the groundwater and surface water Model calculations
as a micropollutant, and its elimination was followed
with the reaction time. Figure 9 shows the experimental
results (symbols) and model calculations (lines) for
atrazine oxidation in the groundwater during conven-
tional ozonation and O3/H2O2 treatment. The decrease in 0.20

atrazine was estimated by calculating the O3 concentra-

tion using a first-order approximation (k) and the ·OH

concentration with the Rct and combining it with the
atrazine kinetics using a simple spreadsheet calculation. 0.15
An O3 dose of 2.3 3 10–5 M (1.1 mg/L) and 0.34 gH2O2/g 65% O3 degradation
35% OH degradation
O3 was applied at pH 7.2. The experimental results for
the O3 depletion rate and Rct value are given in Table 2.
The rate constants for the reaction of atrazine with O3 and 0.10
·OH were 4 M–1 s–1 and 3 3 109 M–1 s–1, respectively,
under the experimental conditions applied (11oC) (Acero 7% O3 degradation
93% OH degradation
et al, 2000). The good agreement between model calcu-
lations and experimental results in Figure 9 supports the 0.05
authors’ kinetic formulation to predict micropollutant 0 100 200 300

degradation. During conventional ozonation of ground- Reaction Time—min

water, O3 is relatively stable, and O3 exposure is conse- Data are shown for a groundwater (DOC 0.9 mg/L, alkalinity 5.2
quently high. Therefore, most of the atrazine is degraded m M). Symbols represent experimental data, and lines represent
model calculations. Experimental conditions—pH = 7.2,
by reaction with molecular O3 (65%). In contrast, for o –5 –5
temperature = 11 C, [O3 ]0 = 2.3 ✕ 10 M, [H2O2]0 = 1.1 ✕ 10 M,
the O3/H2O2 process, the O3 pathway is not very signif- [pCBA]0 = 0.25 µM, [Atrazine]0 = 0.25 µM
AOP—advanced oxidation process, DOC—dissolved organic
icant (7% O3 degradation) because of the fast transfor- carbon, H2O2—hydrogen peroxide, O3—ozone, pCBA—
mation of O3 into ·OH, even at pH 7.2. p-chlorobenzoic acid

The kinetic formulation presented here allows the cal-

culation of micropollutant elimination as well as the for-
mation and further degradation of metabolites. By com- alkalinity, i.e., O3 decomposition is controlled by initia-
bining kinetic parameters (rate constant for reaction with tion). This is mainly because of a higher ·OH yield if
O3 and ·OH for each metabolite and the proportion of by- HO2– is the main initiator.
products formed from each metabolite) with the O3 and • Similar to conventional ozonation, the AOP
·OH concentrations, the evolution of metabolite concen- O3/H2O2 can be characterized by a constant ratio (Rct) of
trations can be predicted for ozonation processes (Acero ·OH and O concentrations, which varies for the two
et al, 2000). waters in this study between 5 3 10–9 and 3.5 3 10–8. Cal-
ibration of a water with respect to the Rct makes it pos-
CONCLUSIONS sible to predict the degree of oxidation of any micro-
The efficiency of conventional ozonation and the pollutant during any O 3 /H 2 O 2 process if the
O3/H2O2 process with respect to oxidation of O3-resistant corresponding rate constants for the reactions with O3 and
micropollutants strongly depends on the water matrix. ·OH are known.

• For a given O3 dose, the relative oxidative removal • The optimal H2O2/O3 ratio is given by the mini-
of a micropollutant is controlled by the overall scaveng- mum Rct value that guarantees the maximum degree of
ing of the water matrix, which is dominated by NOM, micropollutant oxidation. A higher H 2 O 2 /O 3 ratio
carbonate, and bicarbonate. increases the Rct and accelerates the process but does not
• For a constant O3 dosage, the application of the lead to enhanced removal of micropollutants. In addi-
O3/H2O2 process accelerates the oxidation of an O3-resis- tion, the O3 exposure decreases, which may be undesir-
tant micropollutant relative to a conventional ozonation able if direct O3 reactions are important.
process. It either does not change the relative oxidative
removal (waters with high DOC concentration, i.e., high ACKNOWLEDGMENT
degree of promotion) or increases the relative oxidative The authors acknowledge M. Elovitz for stimulating dis-
removal (waters with low DOC concentration and high cussions and for reviewing the manuscript. J.L. Acero thanks

©2001 American Water Works Association

the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia of Spain for provid- senior scientist and the head of the Department for Water
ing funds (FPI Grant) necessary to perform this research. Resources and Drinking Water at the Swiss Federal Insti-
tute for Environmental Science and Technology,
ABOUT THE AUTHORS: EAWAG, Ueberland Strasse 133, POB 611, CH-8600,
Juan L. Acero is an assistant professor Duebendorf, Switzerland; e-mail <>.
at the University of Extremadura,
Departemento de Ingenieria Quimica, *To whom correspondence should be addressed
Badajoz, Spain; e-mail
<>. He earned his BS
If you have a comment about this article, please contact
degree and PhD from the University of
us at <>.
Extremadura. Urs von Gunten* is a

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©2001 American Water Works Association


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