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1 CAE WRITING TASK 01: Band Descriptors (public version)

Candidate name: ______________________________________ Candidate code: ______________________ Date: ________________________


• Uses a range of vocabulary,
including less common lexis,
effectively and precisely.
• All content is relevant to • Uses the conventions of the communicative task with • Text is a well- organised, coherent • Uses a wide range of simple and
the task. sufficient flexibility to communicate complex ideas in an whole, using a variety of cohesive complex grammatical forms with
5 5 5 5
• Target reader is fully effective way, holding the target reader’s attention with devices and organisational patterns full control, flexibility and
informed. ease, fulfilling all communicative purposes. with flexibility. sophistication.
• Errors, if present, are related to
less common words and structures,
or occur as slips.
Performance shares Performance shares features of Bands Performance shares features of
4 4 Performance shares features of Bands 3 and 5. 4 4
features of Bands 3 and 5. 3 and 5. Bands 3 and 5.
• Uses a range of vocabulary,
including less common lexis,
• Minor irrelevances
• Uses the conventions of the communicative task • Text is well organised and coherent, appropriately.
and/or omissions may be
effectively to hold the target reader’s attention and using a variety of cohesive devices and • Uses a range of simple and
3 present. 3 3 3
communicate straightforward and complex ideas, as organisational patterns to generally complex grammatical forms with
• Target reader is on the
appropriate. good effect. control and flexibility.
whole informed.
• Occasional errors may be present
but do not impede communication.
Performance shares Performance shares features of Bands Performance shares features of
2 2 Performance shares features of Bands 1 and 3. 2 2
features of Bands 1 and 3. 1 and 3. Bands 1 and 3.
• Uses a range of everyday
vocabulary appropriately, with
• Irrelevances and occasional inappropriate use of less
• Text is generally well organised and
misinterpretation of task • Uses the conventions of the communicative task to hold common lexis.
coherent, using a variety of linking
1 may be present. 1 the target reader’s attention and communicate 1 1 • Uses a range of simple and some
words and cohesive devices.
• Target reader is straightforward ideas. complex grammatical forms with a
minimally informed. good degree of control.
• Errors do not impede
• Content is totally
0 0 Performance below Band 1. 0 Performance below Band 1. 0 Performance below Band 1.
• Target reader is not


minimum score to pass the test: 12

2 CAE WRITING TASK 01 Feedback Sheet
Candidate name: ______________________________________ Candidate code: ______________________ Date: ________________________
DOES THE CANDIDATE… 50 % 75 % 100 %
0% 25 %
(satisfactory) (very good) (Excellent)
Is all content relevant to the task?

Is the target reader fully informed?

CONTENT Use a variety of grammatical forms? (Range of structures – What kinds of sentence forms are used? Is there a variety used?)

use the right punctuation

Are there errors in grammar?

Does the writer use the conventions of the task effectively to hold the reader’s attention?
Does the writer communicate straightforward and complex ideas?

Development of position – Is the writer’s position developed and is it clear? Are the main ideas included, and are the ideas
developed? Is the most relevant information included?

COMMUNICATIVE Key features/bullet points – Are the key features and bullet points from the question included in the response?

ACHIEVEMENT Tone – Is the tone of the letter appropriate and consistent throughout? Keep in mind that the tone of our writing may vary
depending on the audience.

avoid putting in information which is wrong

Use a wide range of ideas?

Word count: 140 - 190 words

Is the text well organised and coherent?

Does the writer use a variety of cohesive devices and organisational patterns to generally good effect?

Organization – Is there an introduction, a body (including reasons and support), and a conclusion (if requested)? Are these sections
ORGANISATION clear and organized?
Referencing (replacing a noun/noun phrase with a pronoun) and substitution (not repeating the same thing, but rather substituting
forms for words and phrases) – Is referencing and substitution used correctly?

Use of paragraphs – Are paragraphs used effectively? Are the paragraphs well-organized?
Does the writer use a range of vocabulary, including less common lexis, appropriately?

Does the writer use a range of simple and complex grammatical forms with control and flexibility?

Are there only occasional errors which do not impede communication?

LANGUAGE Use idioms and collocation?


don’t use the wrong words or informal language.

Errors – Are there errors in spelling, word form and word choice?
3 CAE WRITING TASK 02: Band Descriptors (public version)

Candidate name: ______________________________________ Candidate code: ______________________ Date: ________________________


• Uses a range of vocabulary,
including less common lexis,
effectively and precisely.
• All content is relevant to • Uses the conventions of the communicative task with • Text is a well- organised, coherent • Uses a wide range of simple and
the task. sufficient flexibility to communicate complex ideas in an whole, using a variety of cohesive complex grammatical forms with
5 5 5 5
• Target reader is fully effective way, holding the target reader’s attention with devices and organisational patterns full control, flexibility and
informed. ease, fulfilling all communicative purposes. with flexibility. sophistication.
• Errors, if present, are related to
less common words and structures,
or occur as slips.
Performance shares Performance shares features of Bands Performance shares features of
4 4 Performance shares features of Bands 3 and 5. 4 4
features of Bands 3 and 5. 3 and 5. Bands 3 and 5.
• Uses a range of vocabulary,
including less common lexis,
• Minor irrelevances
• Uses the conventions of the communicative task • Text is well organised and coherent, appropriately.
and/or omissions may be
effectively to hold the target reader’s attention and using a variety of cohesive devices and • Uses a range of simple and
3 present. 3 3 3
communicate straightforward and complex ideas, as organisational patterns to generally complex grammatical forms with
• Target reader is on the
appropriate. good effect. control and flexibility.
whole informed.
• Occasional errors may be present
but do not impede communication.
Performance shares Performance shares features of Bands Performance shares features of
2 2 Performance shares features of Bands 1 and 3. 2 2
features of Bands 1 and 3. 1 and 3. Bands 1 and 3.
• Uses a range of everyday
vocabulary appropriately, with
• Irrelevances and occasional inappropriate use of less
• Text is generally well organised and
misinterpretation of task • Uses the conventions of the communicative task to hold common lexis.
coherent, using a variety of linking
1 may be present. 1 the target reader’s attention and communicate 1 1 • Uses a range of simple and some
words and cohesive devices.
• Target reader is straightforward ideas. complex grammatical forms with a
minimally informed. good degree of control.
• Errors do not impede
• Content is totally
0 0 Performance below Band 1. 0 Performance below Band 1. 0 Performance below Band 1.
• Target reader is not


minimum score to pass the test: 12

4 CAE WRITING TASK 02 Feedback Sheet
Candidate name: ______________________________________ Candidate code: ______________________ Date: ________________________
DOES THE CANDIDATE… 50 % 75 % 100 %
0% 25 %
(satisfactory) (very good) (Excellent)
Is all content relevant to the task?

Is the target reader fully informed?

CONTENT Use a variety of grammatical forms? (Range of structures – What kinds of sentence forms are used? Is there a variety used?)

use the right punctuation

Are there errors in grammar?

Does the writer use the conventions of the task effectively to hold the reader’s attention?
Does the writer communicate straightforward and complex ideas?

Development of position – Is the writer’s position developed and is it clear? Are the main ideas included, and are the ideas
developed? Is the most relevant information included?

COMMUNICATIVE Key features/bullet points – Are the key features and bullet points from the question included in the response?

ACHIEVEMENT Tone – Is the tone of the letter appropriate and consistent throughout? Keep in mind that the tone of our writing may vary
depending on the audience.

avoid putting in information which is wrong

Use a wide range of ideas?

Word count: 140 - 190 words

Is the text well organised and coherent?

Does the writer use a variety of cohesive devices and organisational patterns to generally good effect?

Organization – Is there an introduction, a body (including reasons and support), and a conclusion (if requested)? Are these sections
ORGANISATION clear and organized?
Referencing (replacing a noun/noun phrase with a pronoun) and substitution (not repeating the same thing, but rather substituting
forms for words and phrases) – Is referencing and substitution used correctly?

Use of paragraphs – Are paragraphs used effectively? Are the paragraphs well-organized?
Does the writer use a range of vocabulary, including less common lexis, appropriately?

Does the writer use a range of simple and complex grammatical forms with control and flexibility?

Are there only occasional errors which do not impede communication?

LANGUAGE Use idioms and collocation?


don’t use the wrong words or informal language.

Errors – Are there errors in spelling, word form and word choice?




Time 1 hour 30 minutes

Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so.
Write your name, centre number and candidate number on your answer sheet if they are
not already there.
Read the instructions for each part of the paper carefully.
Answer the Part 1 question and one question from Part 2.
Write your answers on the answer sheet.
Write clearly in pen, not pencil. You may make alterations, but make sure your work is easy
to read.
You must complete the answer sheet within the time limit.
At the end of the test, hand in both this question paper and your answer sheet.


Each question in this paper carries equal marks.

* 500/2598/3
© UCLES 2020 Cambridge English Level 2 Certificate in ESOL International


Test 5

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