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ACTION LIST I want ___________________________ my scene partner.

To challenge To flatter To encourage
To interrogate To gain forgiveness from To inspire
To provoke To assist To welcome
To ridicule To tease To entertain
To chastise To motivate To guilt
To elicit sympathy from To energize To activate
To comfort To strengthen To seduce
To interest To demean To amuse
To persuade To support To plead with
To excite To frighten To bully
To deflate To intimidate To warn
To recruit To teach To bargain with
To placate To test To mock
To elicit comfort from To reward To shame
To tempt To manipulate
To appease To threaten

BASIC ACTION LIST I want ___________________________ my scene partner.

To challenge To flatter To encourage
To interrogate To gain forgiveness from To inspire
To provoke To assist To welcome
To ridicule To tease To entertain
To chastise To motivate To guilt
To elicit sympathy from To energize To activate
To comfort To strengthen To seduce
To interest To demean To amuse
To persuade To support To plead with
To excite To frighten To bully
To deflate To intimidate To warn
To recruit To teach To bargain with
To placate To test To mock
To elicit comfort from To reward To shame
To tempt To manipulate
To appease To threaten

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