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1. What do you call a single point on a computer screen?

(a) Cell
(b) Element
(c) Pixel
(d) None Of these
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 (c) Pixel
2.  First generation computers were developed during
(a) 1940 – 1956
(b) 1956 – 1963
(c) 1964 – 1971
(d) None of these
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(a) 1940 – 1956
3. Second generation computers were developed during
(a) 1940 – 1956
(b) 1956 – 1963
(c) 1964 – 1971
(d) None of these
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(b) 1956 – 1963
4. Third generation computers were developed during
(a) 1940 – 1956
(b) 1956 – 1963
(c) 1964 – 1971
(d) None of these
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(c) 1964 – 1971
5. Fourth generation computers were developed during
(a) 1972 – 2010
(b) 1956 – 1963
(c) 1964 – 1971
(d) None of these
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 (a) 1972 – 2010
6. The first Generation Computer used ______ for circuitry  and ______ for
(a) Transistors, Magnetic Drums
(b) Vacuum Tubes, Magnetic Drums
(c) Circuits, Magnetic Drums
(d) None of these
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(b) Vacuum Tubes, Magnetic Drums
7. The Second Generation Computer used ______ for circuitry:
(a) Transistors
(b) Vacuum Tubes
(c) Integrated Circuits
(d) None of these
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(a) Transistors
8. _____ are used in Third Generation computers instead of transistors:
(a) Microprocessors
(b) Vacuum Tubes
(c) Integrated Circuits
(d) None of these
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 (c) Integrated Circuits
9. ________ are introduced in Fourth Generation Computers:
(a) Microprocessors
(b) Vacuum Tubes
(c) Integrated Circuits
(d) None of these
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 (a) Microprocessors
10. ______ Language were used in First Generation Computers
(a) Assembly Language
(b) Machine Language
(c) High level Language
(d) None of these
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 (b) Machine Language
11. The Vacuum tube used in First Generation Computers developed by:
(a) Clifford Berry
(b) Bill Gates
(c) Lee deforest
(d) None of These
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 (c) Lee deforest  
12.  Language used in Second Generation Computer was:
(a) Machine Language
(b) Assembly Language
(c) C++
(d) None of these
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(b) Assembly Language
13. Who is known as father of computer:
(a) Tim Berners-Lee
(b) Alan Turing
(c) Charles Babbage
(d) (d) None of these
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 (c) Charles Babbage
14. Which language was used in Third Generation Computers?
(a) High Level Programming
(b) Low Level Programming
(c) Assembly Language
(d) None of these
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 (a) High Level Programming
15. Which of the following was a special purpose computer?
(c) ABC
(d) none of these
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 (c) ABC
16. What are the basic operations performed by computers?
(a) Storage and relative
(b) Logical operation
(c) Arithmetic operation
(d) All of these
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(d) All of these
17. The difference between mainframe computers and super computers is:
(a) Supercomputers are focused to execute few programs as fast as possible while
mainframe uses its power to execute as many programs concurrently
(b) Supercomputers are focused to execute as many programs as possible while
mainframe uses its power to execute few programs as fast as possible.
(c) Super computer is much larger than mainframe computers
(d)  None of these
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(a) Supercomputers are focused to execute few programs as fast as possible while mainframe
uses its power to execute as many programs concurrently
18. What is URL?
(a) Website Title
(b) Address of web page
(c) Search engine
(d) None of these
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 (b) Address of web page
19. Which one is called the brain of computer?
(a) RAM
(b) CPU
(c) ALU
(d) None of these
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 (b) CPU
20. What are the two kinds of main memory in computer?
(a) Secondary and primary
(c) Random and sequential
(d) None of these
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21. What is a cookie?
(a) Hacker File
(b) Customary file
(c) Internet Information file
(d) None of these
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  (c) Internet Information file
22. ” BAK ” extension refers to which kind of file?
(a) System file
(b) local storage file
(c) Backup file
(d) None of these
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 (c) Backup file
23. Programs designed to perform specific tasks known as :
(a) System Software
(b) Utility Software
(c) Applications Software
(d) None of these
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 (c) Applications Software  
24. A Cathode Ray tube is found in:
(a) CPU
(b) Monitor
(c) Mouse
(d) None of these
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 (b) Monitor
25. Fastest type of computer memory is: 
(a) Cache
(b) ROM
(c) RAM
(d) none of these
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 (a) Cache
26. What is a compiler?
(a) A compiler is a language providing very efficient execution
(b) A compiler does a conversion line by line as the program is run
(c) A compiler is a special program that processes statements written in a particular
programming language and turns them into machine language
(d) None of these
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(c) A compiler is a special program that processes statements written in a particular
programming language and turns them into machine language
27. Which of the following is not an input device?
(a) Keyboard
(b) Scanner
(c) Plotter
(d) None of these
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(c) Plotter
28. What type of device is a computer mouse is?
(a) Storage
(b) output
(c) Input
(d) None of these
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 (c) Input
29. “BAT” extension refers to ____ file:
(a) System file
(b) Storage file
(c) Backup file
(d) None of these
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 (a) System file
30. WAN stands for:
(a) Wide Area Network
(b) World Area Network
(c) Wireless Area Network
(d) None of these
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 (a) Wide Area Network
31. Which of the following is both input and output device?
(a) Keyboard
(b) Mouse
(c) Modem
(d) Scanner
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(c) Modem
32. An error in computer data is called
(a) Virus
(b) Bug
(c) Noro Virus
(d) None of these
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(b) Bug
33. First machine to successfully perform a long series of arithmetic and
logical operations was
(b) MARK I
(d)None of these
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 (b) MARK I  
34. One MB is equal to?
(a) 1024 kb
(b) 1000 kb
(c) 1024 bytes
(d) None of these
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 (a) 1024 kb
35. BIOS Stands for: 
(a) Big input output system
(b) Binary input output system
(c) Basic input output system
(d) None of these
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(c) Basic input output system
36. Which one is the largest space?
(a) Petabyte
(b) Gigabyte
(c) Terabyte
(d) None of these
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(a) Petabyte
37. FORTRAN is:
(a) Formal Translation
(b) Formula Translation
(c) Formula Transfer
(d) None of these
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(b) Formula Translation
38. FORTRAN computer programming language is more suitable used for
(a) Scientific Research
(b) Business Applications
(c) Word processing
(d) None of these
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 (a) Scientific Research
39. Which of the following is machine independence programming language?
(a) Low level language
(b) Assembly language
(c) High Level Language
(d) None of These
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 (c) High Level Language
40. What is called a graphical representation of a directory or sub directory?
(a) Partition
(b) Storage
(c) Folder
(d) None of these
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 (c) Folder
41. When was the first Electro Mechanical computer developed
(a) 1940
(b) 1944
(c) 1946
(d) None of these
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 (b) 1944
42. IRQ stand for:
(a) Interrupt Revision
(b) Interrupt Request
(c) Internal Request
(d) None of these
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(b) Interrupt Request
43. Which of the following is a read only memory storage device?
(a) Hard disk
(b) Floppy disk
(c) CD-ROM
(d) None of these
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 (c) CD-ROM  
44. Keyboard is a ____ device:
(a) Input
(b) Output
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of these
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 (a) Input
45. Access time is
(a) Seek time – latency time
(b) Seek time + latency time
(c) Seek time / latency time
(d) None of these
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 (b) Seek time + latency time
46. What is latency?
(a) The gap between a processor
(b) the delay before a transfer of data begins following an instruction for its transfer
(c) the time taken for a disk drive to locate the area on the disk where the data to be
read is stored
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(b) the delay before a transfer of data begins following an instruction for its transfer
47. Who invented the first computer?
(a) Lee deforest, John Mauchly
(b) John Mauchly , J. Presper Eckert
(c) Charles babbage
(d) None of these
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(c) Charles Babbage
48. Bit stand for
(a) Binary Digit
(b) Big digit
(c) Binary data
(d) None of these
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 (a) Binary Digit
49. GIGO stands for
(a) Go in Go out
(b) Garbage in Garbage out
(c) Get in get out
(d) None of these
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 (b) Garbage in Garbage out
50. When turning On the computer which kind of computer memory first to
(a) RAM
(b) ROM
(c) BIOS
(d) None of these
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 (c) BIOS
51. Web cam is an ____ device
(a) Output
(b) Input
(c) both a and b
(d) None of these
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(b) Input
52. Computer Monitor is an ____ device
(a) Output
(b) Input
(c) both a and b
(d) None of these
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(a) Output
53. USB is the acronym for:
(a) Universal Storage Bus
(b) Unified Storage Bus
(c) Universal Serial Bus
(d) None of these
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(c) Universal Serial Bus
54. The resolution of a printer is measured in:
(a) Dots per pixel
(b) Dots per inch
(c) inches
(d) None of these
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(b) Dots per inch
55. The term Garbage In Garbage Out is related to:
(a) Versatility
(b) Reliability
(c) Accuracy
(d) None of these
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(c) Accuracy
56. The term Garbage In Garbage Out is related to:
(a) Versatility
(b) Reliability
(c) Accuracy
(d) None of these
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(c) Accuracy
57. Computer Printer is _____ device:
(a) Input
(b) Output
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of these
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(b) Output
58. Hard disk employ what technology as a storage mechanism:
(a) Magnetic
(b) Light
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of these
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(a) Magnetic
59. A 32 bit microprocessor has the word length equal to
(a) 16 byte
(b) 32 byte
(c) 4 byte
(d) None of these
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(c) 4 byte
60. A collection of lines that connects several devices is called
(a) bus
(b) peripheral connection wires
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of these
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(a) bus
61. A complete microcomputer system consist of
(a) microprocessor
(b) memory
(c) peripheral equipment
(d) All of above
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(d) All of above
62. PC Program Counter is also called
(a) instruction pointer
(b) memory pointer
(c) file pointer
(d) None of these
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(a) instruction pointer
63. ______ is used to choose between incrementing the PC or performing ALU
(a) Conditional codes
(b) Multiplexer
(c) Control unit
(d) None of these
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(b) Multiplexer
64. An optimizing Compiler does:
(a) Better compilation of the given piece of code.
(b) Takes advantage of the type of processor and reduces its process time.
(c) Does better memory management.
(d) None of these
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(b) Takes advantage of the type of processor and reduces its process time.
65. The ultimate goal of a compiler is to:
(a) Reduce the clock cycles for a programming task
(b) Reduce the size of the object code.
(c) Be able to detect even the smallest of errors.
(d) None of these
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(a) Reduce the clock cycles for a programming task
66. SPEC stands for:
(a) Standard Performance Evaluation Code
(b) System Performance Evaluation Corporation
(c) System Processing Enhancing Code.
(d) None of these
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(b) System Performance Evaluation Corporation
67. ____ converts the programs written in assembly language into machine
(a) Machine compiler
(b) interpreter
(c) Assembler
(d) None of these
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(c) Assembler
68. Processors of all computers, whether micro, mini or mainframe must
(a) ALU
(b) Primary Storage
(c) Control unit
(d) All of above
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(d) All of above
69. What is meant by a dedicated computer?
(a) Which is used by one person only
(b) Which is assigned to one and only one task
(c) Which is meant for application software only
(d) None of these
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(b) Which is assigned to one and only one task
70. Operation is normally specified in one field, known as
(a) Oprand
(b) Opcode
(c) Operation
(d) None of these
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(b) Opcode
71. A computer Virus cannot be contracted by:
(a) Computer Scanner
(b) Floppy Diskette
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of these
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(a) Computer Scanner
72. A computer port is used to
(a) Download files from the web
(b) Communicate with other Computer peripherals
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of these
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(b) Communicate with other Computer peripherals
73. As a computer mouse moves over the table surface, the trackball is
(a) Stationary
(b) Difficult to move
(c) Dragged
(d) None of these
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(a) Stationary 
74. For storing programs and data currently being processed by the CPU
which Computer memory is used ?
(a) Internal Memory
(b) External Memory
(d) None of these
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(a) Internal Memory
75. Following is not a primary storage device:
(a) Optical disk
(b) Magnetic Disk
(c) Optical Disk
(d) None of these
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(d) None of these
76. What is cache?
(a) The amount of memory your computer has on hand for any particular task
(b) Temporary Memory storage device that keeps certain data available for quick
(c) both a & b
(d) None of these
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(b) Temporary Memory storage device that keeps certain data available for quick reference 
77. When your computer speed begins to drop, which element of memory is
likely overtaxed?
(a) LAN
(b) RAM
(c) BIOS
(d) None of these
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(b) RAM
78. Following is not a Computer OS:
(a) OSD
(b) Windows
(c) BIOS
(d) None of these
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(a) OSD
79. Computer monitor is ____ device:
(a) Input
(b) Output
(c) both a & b
(d) None of these
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(b) Output
80. What is a software?
(a) A set of instructions
(b) Set of programs
(c) Set of information
(d) None of these
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(a) A set of instructions
81. Resolution of Printer is measured in:
(a) Inches
(b) Dots per inch
(c) both a & b
(d) None of these
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(b) Dots per inch
82. “TMP ” extension refers usually to what kind of file?
(a) System file
(b) Temporary file
(c) backup file
(d) None of these
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(b) Temporary file
83. BIOS stored in
(a) On the flash memory chip
(b) On hard disk
(c) On a diskette
(d) None of these
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(a) On the flash memory chip
84. There are _____ bits in One byte:
(a) 4
(b) 8
(c) 16
(d) None of these
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(b) 8
85. Numbers are being calculated in computer in:
(a) Octal
(b) Decimal
(c)  Binary
(d) None of these
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(c)  Binary
86. Unix was developed by:
(a) Robert Noyce
(b) Bell laboratories
(c) John Mauchly
(d) None of these
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(b) Bell laboratories
87. Who is the founding father of Google Search Engine?
(a) Larry Page and Sergey Brin
(b) Jerry Yang and David Smith
(c) Steve Jobs and Bill Gates
(d) None of these
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(a) Larry Page and Sergey Brin
87. Who is the founding father of Google Search Engine?
(a) Larry Page and Sergey Brin
(b) Jerry Yang and David Smith
(c) Steve Jobs and Bill Gates
(d) None of these
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(a) Larry Page and Sergey Brin
88. UNIVAC means:
(a) Universal Array Computer
(b) Unique Automatic Computer
(c) Universal Automatic Computer
(d) None of these
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(c) Universal Automatic Computer
89. The two major types of computer chips are
(a) Microprocessor chip
(b) Primary memory chip
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of these
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(c) Both a and b
90. Microprocessors as switching devices are for which generation computers
(a) First Generation
(b) Second Generation
(c) Fourth Generation
(d) None of these
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(c) Fourth Generation
91. EBCDIC stand for?
(a) Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code
(b) Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
(c) Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code
(d) None of these
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(b) Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
92. A storage area used to store data to a compensate for the difference in
speed at which the different units can handle data is:
(a) Memory
(b) Buffer
(c) Accumulator
(d) None of these
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(b) Buffer
93. Computer is free from tiresome and boardroom called as:
(a) Accuracy
(b) Reliability
(c) Diligence
(d) None of these
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(c) Diligence
94. A hybrid computer is:
(a) Resembles digital and analogue computer
(b) Resembles Analogl computer
(c) Resembles digital computer
(d) None of these
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(a) Resembles digital and analogue computer
95. Which type of computers uses the 8-bit code called EBCDIC?
(a) Minicomputers
(b) Mainframe computers
(c) Microcomputers
(d) None of these
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(b) Mainframe computers
96. To produce high quality graphics (hardcopy) in color, you would want to
(a) Ink jet Printer
(b) Plotter
(c) RGB monitor
(d) None of these
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(b) Plotter
97. To produce high quality graphics (hardcopy) in color, you would want to
(a) Ink jet Printer
(b) Plotter
(c) RGB monitor
(d) None of these
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(b) Plotter

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