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Fiercely (iv) [ˈ
firs-lē] 'in a way that shows strong feelings; with a lot of activity or determination'. 'Let go of me,' she said fiercely. [ES ferozmente, salvajemente]
fill in
fill in (v.)/ˈfɪlˈɪn/: To complete by adding detail or by inserting required information into. I filled in the form on the typewriter. [ES rellenar]

Fill-up(n.)/ fil′up′/ 'An instance of filling something, especially the fuel tank of a car.' Drivers are never far from a fill-up. [llenado]

finalist(n.) /ˈfaɪnəlɪst/ 'a person who takes part in the final of a game or competition'. She is a finalist in the wedding dress design contest. [ES finalista]

financial (adj.) /faɪˈnænʃ l/ 'relating to finance'. For personal finances we have a financial adviser who helps me and my wife keep on top of things.
[ES financiero/a]

financially (adv.) /faɪˈnæn.ʃəl.i/ 'in a way that relates to money or how money is managed'. His dreams are financially impossible to achieve.
[ES económicamente]

Fire (v) /faɪər/: 1. 'To shoot a bullet from a gun'. She fired three shots at the target. [ES disparar]. 2. 'To tell someone that they must leave their job'. She was fired for stealing from
the company. [ES despedir].

First name
First name (noun)
/ˈfɜːst neɪm/ "A name that was given to you when you were born, that comes before your family name. His first name is Tom and his surname is Green. [ ES nom

Fixed (adj) /fɪkst/ 'staying the same; not changing or able to be changed'.Fixed prices. [ES fijo, fijados].

Flag (n.) /flaɡ/ 1. 'a piece of cloth or similar material, typically oblong or square, attachable by one edge to a pole or rope and used as the symbol or
emblem of a country or institution or as a decoration during public festivities'. The American flag. [ES bandera] 2. 'a small piece of cloth attached at
one edge to a pole and used as a marker or signal in various sports'. The flag is up.

Flash. (v) /flæʃ/ 'shine in a bright but brief, sudden, or intermittent way' ; 'move or pass very quickly' ; 'display (information or an image) suddenly on
a television or computer screen or electronic sign, typically briefly or repeatedly'. 1. An irritating neon sign flashed on and off [ES destellar] 2.
A sudden thought flashed through his mind. 3. The screen flashed up a menu. [ES proyectar]

(noun) 'a sudden brief burst of bright light' ; 'a sudden or brief manifestation or occurrence of something' ; 'a camera attachment that produces a brief
very bright light, used for taking photographs in poor light'. 1. A flash of lightning 2. She had a flash of inspiration. 3. An electronic flash. [ES
destello, fogonazo, foco]

flight (n.) /flʌɪt/ 'the action or process of flying through the air'. I changed my flights and I'm leaving tomorrow. [ES vuelo]

Float (v.) /'fləʊt/ 'Be suspended freely in a liquid or gas'. Fragments of chipped cartilage floated in the joint. [ES FLOTAR]

Flower (n.) /flaʊər/ 'The part of a plant that is often brightly coloured and has a pleasant smell, or the type of plant that produces these'. Wild flowers.
[ES flor]

follow (v.) /'fɒləʊ/ Go or come after (a person or thing proceeding ahead); move or travel behind. 'She went back into the house, and Ben followed
her'.[ES seguir]

following(adj.) /ˈfɒləʊɪŋ/ 'Next in time'. the following day there was a ceremony in St Peter's Square. [ES siguiente]

football (n.) /ˈ fʊtˌ bɔːl/ 1. 'any of various forms of team game involving kicking (and in some cases also handling) a ball, in particular (in the UK)
soccer or (in the US) American football.' Go outside with your kids and play in the snow or start a pickup basketball, hockey, soccer or football
game. [ES fútbol] 2. 'a ball used in football, either round (as in soccer) or oval (as in rugby and American football) and typically made of leather or
plastic and filled with compressed air'. Using a volleyball instead of a football reduces the chances a player will break a finger. [ES pelota, balón,
balón de rugby]

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