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Tayshalorisan Pujols Ovando

ID: A00133519

Unit 3. Activities 1. Quantifiers and Partitives.

I: Do exercise C, page 71. Attitude Book 3B, Complete the table by

writing the words in the appropriate column. Some can go more than one
A lot of, a few, not many, a little, one or two, a handful of, a dash of, a touch of, a great deal of,
not much, a couple of, some, a few, a little.

A large quantity A large number A small quantity a small number

A lot of A lot of A little

Some Some One or two

A great deal Not many

A handful of

A touch of

Not much

A couple of

A dash of

A few

A little
II: Do exercise C, page 71. Attitude Book 3B. Vocabulary Quantifiers.
Complete these instructions with the correct quantifiers, some, any, a few
a little:

Complete these instructions with the correct quantifier: Some, any, a few
or a little.

1- Don’t add _Any__ salt yet.

2- Add a little salt and peppers.

3- Fry the onions, garlic, green pepper, and chili peppers in a little olive

4- Add some flakes of chili.

III: Do exercise C, page 74. Attitude Book 3B. Vocabulary Partitives.

Complete the phrases with things you can see in the pictures.

A glass of Wine/water

A cup of coffee A package of cookies

A carton of orange juice A piece of cheese

A jar of honey A can of soda

A tub of yoghurt A loaf of bread

A bottle of wine A slice of bread/cheese

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