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Guardian (n) /ˈ
ɡɑː·di·ən/: 1. 'Someone who is legally responsible for someone else's child'. In the case of an anorexic patient, the guardian would approve resuscitation and psychiatric
interventions.2. 'A person who has the legal right to take care of a child (usually an orphan)'. He became the child's guardian when her parents died. [ES tutor, -ora]. 3. 'A person
who looks after something'. The guardian of the castle.
[ES guardián, protector].

Guess /ɡɛs/ 1. (n.) 'an estimate or conclusion formed by guessing'. My guess is that within a year we will have a referendum. [ES suposición]
2. (v.) 'estimate or conclude (something) without sufficient information to be sure of being correct'. She guessed the child's age at 14 or 15. [ES

Guess what?
Guess what? (ii) /gɛswɒt/ "used for introducing what you want to tell someone, especially when you are pleased or excited about it". Seven months ago
I never would have believed this, but guess what? [ES ¿adivina qué?]

Guilty (adj.) /ˈgɪlti/ 'Culpable of or responsible for a specified wrongdoing' He pled guilty on every charge. [ES culpable].
Gun (n.) /ɡʌn/ 'A weapon incorporating a metal tube from which bullets, shells, or other missiles are propelled by explosive force, typically making a
characteristic loud, sharp noise.' It was a long-barreled gun. [ES pistola, arma de fuego]

Gym (n.) /dʒɪm/ 'a gymnasium'. The game was played in the gym. [ES gimnasio]

Gymnast (n.) /ˈdʒɪmnast/ A person trained or skilled in gymnastics. 'The gymnasts train Monday to Saturday, seven hours a day.' [ES gimnasta]
gymnastics (n.) /dʒɪmˈnæstɪks/: Physical exercises that develop and demonstrate strength, balance, and ability to move easily and smoothly. Such exercises are
performed mostly on special equipment. Gymnastics is a demanding sport. [ES gimnasia rítmica]

habit (n.) /ˈhabɪt/ 'a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up'. He has an annoying habit of interrupting me. [ES

Hack into
Hack into (ii) /hak/: 'Gain unauthorized access to data in a system or computer.'. they hacked into the bank's computer. [ES Hackear]

half (n.) /hɑːf/ 'either of two equal parts into which something is or can be divided'. One and a half hours are allowed for the exam. [ES mitad]

Hand-made (adj.) /han(d)ˈmeɪd/ 'made by hand, not by machine, and typically therefore of superior quality'. His expensive handmade leather shoes.
[ES casero, hecho a mano]

Handbag (n.) /ˈhan(d)baɡ/ 'A small bag used by a woman to carry everyday personal items' They are all small enough to fit in a purse or handbag, and I know that you will be thankful
to have them. [ES bolso de mano, cartera]

happiness (n.) /ˈhapɪnəs/ 'the state of being happy'. She struggled to find happiness in her life. [ES felicidad]

Hard-earned (adj) /ˈhɑːdəːnd/ 'earned by hard work or with difficulty'. Ideserve every penny of my hard-earned wages. [ES ganado con el sudor
de la frente]

harm (n) /hɑːm/ 'Physical injury, especially that which is deliberately inflicted.' 'Material damage.' 'Actual or potential ill effects or danger.' I didn't mean to cause him any harm
[ES: daño, herida]


Headline (i) (ii)/ˈhɛdlʌɪn/ "Noun: 1.A heading at the top of an article or page in a newspaper or magazine. 1,1.The most important items of news in a newspaper or a broadcast news bulletin.
1,2.Denoting a particularly notable or important piece of news. 1,3. Denoting or relating to the star performer or group at a concert, typically appearing as the last act on the bill. 2.Denoting or relating to
a figure for unemployment based on the unadjusted total number of people out of work, as a percentage of the population. 2,1.Denoting or relating to a rate of inflation based on the consumer price
index and reflecting all changes to the cost of living that an economy may undergo. Verb: 1. Provide with a headline. 2.Appear as the star performer at (a concert) N: ´the war at sea began to hit the
headlines'. V: 'a feature that was headlined 'Invest in your Future'' [ES titular]

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