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Health (n.) /helθ/ The condition of the body and the degree to which it is free from illness, or the state of being well . I had to give up drinking for
health reasons.[ES salud]

helθi/ [usually before noun] 'good for your health'. Ahealthy diet/climate/lifestyle. [ES sano, saludable]
healthy (adj.) /ˈ

healthy food
healthy food (n.) /ˈhɛlθi fuːd/'food that is good for the health, such as vegetables'. Less healthy food items have been crossed off the list. [ES comida

Heir (noun) /ɛː/ 'a person legally entitled to the property or rank of another on that person's death'. The heir to the throne. [ ES heredero].

hell (n.)/hɛl/ 1.ˈA place regarded in various religions as a spiritual realm of evil and suffering, often traditionally depicted as a place of perpetual fire
beneath the earth where the wicked are punished after deathˈ. Irreligious children were assumed to have passed straight to the eternal fires of
hell. 1.1.ˈA situation, experience, or place of great sufferingˈ. I've been through hell. [ES infierno]

Herb (i) /hɜːb/ 'a plant whose leaves, flowers or seeds are used to flavour food, in medicines or for their pleasant smell. Parsley, mint and oregano are
all herbs.' The soup was flavored with citrus and several kinds of herbs. [ES especia, condimento, hierba]

Hero (n.) /ˈhɪərəʊ/ 'A person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.' A war hero. [ES héroe]

heroin (i) (n) /ˈhɛrəʊɪn/ 'A highly addictive analgesic drug derived from morphine, often used illicitly as a narcotic producing euphoria.'Any person trying heroin or any addictive drug
for the first time knows that it can hook you. [ES: heroína]

Hidden (iii) /ˈ
hɪd·ən/ 'A hidden thing or place is not easy to find'. There were hidden microphones in the room. [ES escondido, oculto]
Hide (v.) /ˈhaɪd/ Put or keep out of sight. 'He hid the money in the house'. [ES esconder]

High point
High point (idiom) /haɪ pɔɪnt/: 'The most enjoyable or significant part of an experience or period of time.' The most enjoyable or significant part of an
experience or period of time. [ES Punto álgido]

High street shopping

High street shopping (n) /,haɪ ,stri:t 'ʃɒpɪŋ/ 'Shopping in the main street, where most of the shops and banks are.' I like to go high street shopping every once
in a while. [ES ir de tiendas]

high-street(n.) /hʌɪ striːt/ 'The main street of a town, especially as the traditional site for most shops, banks, and other businesses'. The approaching
festive season boosted the high street. [EScalle principal]

Highlight (v.) /ˈhaɪlaɪt/ 'to emphasize or make (something) stand out.' The paper highlights the difficulties of the working poor. [ES enfatizar,

Hill (i) [hɪl] 'an area of land that is higher than the land around it, but not as high as a mountain'. The house is built on the side of a hill. [ES colina]
Hillside:(n.) /ˈhɪl.saɪd/ 'The slopingsurface of a hill, rather than the levelsurface at the top of it.' There are differences in soil
water content between riparian and hillside sites where trees in the first are mainly evergreen and deciduous in the second.[ES ladera]

hippie (n.) /ˈhɪpi/ 'a person who rejects the way that most people live in Western society, often having long hair, wearing brightly coloured clothes
and taking illegal drugs. The hippie movement was most popular in the 1960s.' Her parents were hippies when they were young, but now they're
extremely conservative. [ES hippie, jipi]

his life took off

(v.) /ˈhɪzˈlaɪf ˈtʊk ˈɒf/ 'to become successful or popular' Since then, his life took off [ES su vida despegó]

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