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Why Bangladeshi Sonali bag should be

appreciated as GI product.

The Sonali Bag (Golden Bag)is a cellulose based biodegradable
Bio- plastic option in contrast to plastic bags, especially polythene
bags. Its my pleasure to introduce a new generation biodegradable
and sustainable packaging material from Jute based cellulose that
has been developed in Bangladesh by Dr.Mubarak Ahmad Khan,
former chief scientific officer and Director General, Atomic
Energy Research Establishment, Bangladesh Atomic energy
Commission.In this paper I will prefer to explain that why
Bangladesh can Claim Sonali Bag as Geographical Indication
(GI) product In future like Jamdani saree.The question may arises
whether Jute or Jute made product especially Sonali Bag can get
GI registration? My simple answer is `Yes` they can.
Bengal has been famous for its “Golden Fiber” from time
immemorial. Ain-i-Akbari, the famous book from 16th Century
(1590) mentions different kinds of Jute products that originated
from Bengal. According to Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation
(BJMC) produced 80% of the entire world production of jute
1940 to1950. As per Article 22.1 of the Agreement on Trade
Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) defines
Geographical Indication as Indications which identify a good as
originating in the territory of a member (of the World Trade
Organization), or a region or locality in that territory where a
given quality, reputation or other characteristics of the good is
essentially attributable to its geographical origin. In other Non
technical Words Geographical indication is a design or sign
which is being being used on any product to indicate that the
product has a specific geographical origin and that it possesses
some distinctive qualities or reputation which is due to its origin.
From the above definition we can assure that as Bangladeshi
Sonali bag is made from Jute which has historical origin in
Bangladesh So there is a aggregate possibility of Sonali Bag to
get GI registration.
Keywords :
➢ GI : Geographical indication; TRIPS: Agreement on Trade
Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights; WTO:
World Trade Organization.
Background of the study :
The Government of Bangladesh enacted the geographical enacted
the geographical indicative products (Registration and protection)
Act 2013 and it was passed in the National Parliament on 5th
November 2013. Untill passing this act Bangladeshi products
were vulnerable to abuse by other parties. The act will now enable
the registration process of Bangladeshi products under the
national and Global GI regime. However in the meantime India
had registered a few items with its GI regime that distinctively
orginate in Bangladesh. One of these include the Jamdani saree
of Dhaka, which is registered by India as Uppada Jamdani. So to
stop vulnerable abuse by other parties This Study will deals with
question of claiming and protecting of Sonali Bag as a
Bangladeshi product in light of the GI regime. It is hoped that if
get the chance for a dissertation on the proposed Research my
study will help Sonali bag to get GI registration.
Objective of the study :
Protecting Bangladesh's GI interest in the Case of Sonali Bag.
Bangladesh had Developed a Sui generis system to protect GI
product by enacting the Geographical Indication of Goods (
Registration and protection) Act 2013.According to section 2(8)
of the Act, Goods include Agricultural and Natural goods Or
Goods of Handicrafts and Industry food Stuff. Therefore Raw
Jute and Jute made products can treated as GI product. Section 9
provides that Producers of the goods or any Association,
Institution, Government body or authority of any group which
represents the persons producing geographical indication of
goods can apply for registration. So In this report my aim is to
show the legal scope of Sonali bag to get GI registration in
Bangladesh GI regime.

Statement of the problem :

Millions of plastic bags are disposed everyday in Bangladesh
from which very few are recycled. 410 million poly-bags are used
in only Dhaka city per month and more than 3 meters layer are
formed in the base mate of the Buriganga river. Only (10-15)%
is put into dustbins most end up in drains,Sewage pipes and Open
places.80% of Dhaka’s water-logging is caused by plastic bags.
These create Major environmental degradation and air pollution
as they emit Hydrogen cyanide, Carbon dioxide, Carbon
monoxide and other toxic and harmful gases into the atmosphere
throughout their life cycle. On the other hand Sonali bag is totally
Biodegradable and water resistance for 6-8 hours. It could be also
recyclable. So to mitigate environmental degradation sonali bag
is not only demandable for Bangladesh but also It has a world
wide demand. So as a place of origin country of Sonali bag we
need protect it as GI product of our regime. In this study I will try
to create awareness from the common people that how much
important and Value of Sonali bag. In addition If its get GI
registration it also enhance our state dignity and for its world wide
demand, it can bring a lot of remittance from allover the world.
Definition clause:
❖ GI Product : As per Article 22.1 of the Agreement on
Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
(TRIPS) defines Geographical Indication as Indications
which identify a good as originating in the territory of a
member (of the World Trade Organization), or a region or
locality in that territory where a given quality, reputation or
other characteristics of the good is essentially attributable to
its geographical origin.
❖ Sonali Bag: The Sonali Bag or Golden Bag or Jute
polymer or Eco- friendly Poly Bag is a cellulose based
biodegradable bioplastic alternative to plastic bags
particularly polythene bags, developed by Bangladeshi
scientists Mubarak Ahmad Khan. A trademark name Sonali
Bag has been designated by the Honorable Prime minister of
Bangladesh .
❖ Sui generis system :A “sui generis system” simply means
One that is of its Own kind. In these case it refers to the
creation of a new national law or the establishment of
International norms that would afford protection to
intellectual property dealing with genetic resources or
biodiversity and the biotechnology that might results.
Methodology :To complete this study I need 4months long
intensive qualitative and quantitative research work. For this
research I have to relay on various primary and secondary sources
including Government official publication, publication of journal
and Internet based information. I also need some field work. Due
to insufficient knowledge about Sonali bag I will try to contract
with BJMC especially Mubarak Ahmed khan.

Sources :In this study I depend on my personal Opinion and

secondary sources of data including government publication and
publication of Daily newspaper.
Scope of the study: To complete this study I need to go Dhaka
and communicate with the proper authority to gather more
intensive knowledge. Money, Time, Energy all will be needed for
this study. A minimum fund can be very helpful to my study.
Limitation of the study :
Although, Sometimes the related authorities will not so interested
to provide sufficient information about their products but I hope
that they will assist me and My energetic mind will overcome
others obstacles.
Ethical declaration :
On this research I will not copy other research.
Submitted by
➢ Sabuj Molla
➢ ID No:16 Law 036
➢ Department of law
➢ Email :Sabujmahmud863@gmail. Com
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman science and
Technology University

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