Running Head: Business Management

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Table of Contents
Knowledge Question.......................................................................................................................2

Discuss the benefits of collaboration giving two examples and show how collaboration solved

a problem or issue........................................................................................................................2

What formal arrangements should be in place between partners?..............................................2

Outline how collaborative relationships could be built on trust..................................................2

Explain techniques that cultivate collaborative relationships and partnerships..........................2

Describe three effective data collection methods and how they are best used in a company.....2

What is and describe Emotional Intelligence?.............................................................................2

Explain emotional intelligence’s relationship to individual and team effectiveness and provide

1 an example...................................................................................................................................2

What is Organisational transformation as it related to relationships and partnerships?..............3

Research and analysis/Case Study – Read the article below and discuss, as an essay, discuss

how Rio Tinto can further develop their collaborative partnerships...........................................3

Knowledge Question

Discuss the benefits of collaboration giving two examples and show how collaboration

solved a problem or issue.

Collaboration is a practice by which an individual’s work with each other to achieve the

common objective so that the business gets benefitted. The practice of collaboration enables

everyone in the organisation to work together to achieve the organisational goal.

The benefit of collaborations are:

 It helps in solving the complex problem

 Helps in team building

 Helps in gaining knowledge from each other.

BUSINESS new channels of communication

 Increase the retention rates

 Makes the employee efficient

For example, the critical patient to get well soon need the attention of both doctors,

nurses or the company before selling a product the marketing and production department need to

work together for successful selling.

What formal arrangements should be in place between partners?

There is a need of formal arrangement between the two partners. This formal

arrangement is known as the partnership agreement which helps to avoid the misconduct which

may arise between the partners in the partnership. In the partnership agreement the terms of the

partnership is clearly stated, and recorded, also the division of the ownership the profit sharing
ratio, division of assets, liabilities, responsibilities and roles of each partner is stated clearly. This

agreement protects the partners from the conflicts and also from the termination of the


Outline how collaborative relationships could be built on trust.

Collaboration has become the new way to work. At the center of collaboration is trust.

Trust should be apparent in the connections – how work is done, how words are verbally

expressed, and how the outcomes are represented. Without trust, joint effort self-destructs

rapidly and, now and again, unsalvageable. To develop the trust in a collaboration three things

need to be followed are:

 There should be empathy in the interaction

 The group objective need to be prioritize over the individual objective.

 There should be interdependence between each other.

Explain techniques that cultivate collaborative relationships and partnerships

There are three techniques to cultivate the collaborative relationship or partnership are:

 Creating a team building games: this activity is been undertaken by the organisation to

practicing team building exercise, and building strong relationship within the


 Developing communication between the departments. This activity will not only help in

building the team but also build a strong company as there is a connection between all the

 Encouraging Innovation: here every team members are been asked to take part in the

brainstorming session to suggest the management for making decision. This encourage

the relationship and motivate the employees.

Describe three effective data collection methods and how they are best used in a company.

The three effective data collection methods are:

 Interviews: interview is the best way to know the details about an individual it helps to

identify the criteria, characteristics, need etc. of the interviewee which helps to collect

data. This can be done face to face or via telephone or video call. This helps the company

to get detailed data.

 Questionnaires and surveys: when a company are seeking for a particular data then the

method used is surveying where the customer have to fill a questionnaire based on their
preferences. This help the company to identify the taste and preference of the customer.

 Observation: It is an information assortment strategy, by which you accumulate

information on the explored wonder through mentioning observable facts of the marvels,

as and when it happens. This the company used to identify the preference of the customer

based on the researches available.

What is and describe Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence or emotional quotient is the capacity to get, use, and oversee

people's own feelings in good manners to soothe pressure, convey successfully, relate to other

people, defeat difficulties and defuse strife. Emotional intelligence causes individual to fabricate

more grounded connections, prevail at school and work, and accomplish the vocation and
individual objectives. It can likewise assist with interfacing with people emotions, transform goal

right into it, and settle on educated choices.

Explain emotional intelligence’s relationship to individual and team effectiveness and

provide an example.

Emotional intelligence is significant among colleagues to complete their jobs and

assignments in a helpful and cooperative way. The ability of controlling feelings during work

pressure and struggle would assist with smoothing the venture and upgrade working connections

successfully with different individuals. For example in a meeting the supervisor saw that few

team members are not participating in the conversation as a result after the meeting the

supervisors talks with the individuals separately to understand whether everything is fine or not

and learn that last night the employee did not get enough rest due to some mishaps in the family.

by understanding the problem the supervisor allowed the employee a half day leave.

What is Organisational transformation as it related to relationships and partnerships?

Organizational transformation is the way toward changing constantly the current

corporate culture to accomplish an upper hand over the competitors. It very well may be an

energizing time for any association.

The organisation transformation is directly related to relationship and partnership. The

goal behind organisational transformation is to gain competitive advantages for which the

organisational culture need to be better which can be done by developing the partnership and

relationship within the organisation.

Research and analysis/Case Study – Read the article below and discuss, as an essay, discuss

how Rio Tinto can further develop their collaborative partnerships

Rio Tinto is a Diamonds and Minerals Product Group established in Africa and the chief

executive Alan Davies are trying to form a collaborative partnership with NBA in order to

develop and solve the issues of Africa like unemployment.

In order to form a collaborative partnership the company need to communicate with the

individuals and the stakeholders effectively. The most effect way to communication is to first

identify the benefit of the stakeholder which will trigger them to become partner and secondly to

choose effective channel of communication like in the case meeting is been chosen to have a face

to face communication with NBA so as to influence to become partner.

To cultivate the existing and new partnership with the individual and stake holders the

company needMANAGEMENT
to involve the stakeholders in the activities of the company, the keep should be

ready to accept the opinion of the stakeholders, establishment of clear roles etc. this are the

methods which will help to develop collaboration.

The report mechanism should be maintained between the company and the stakeholders

to provide a platform where the stakeholders can report or put their suggestion in order to be

transparent in the partnership.

Task 1


Collaboration is a practice by which an individual’s work with each other to achieve the

common objective so that the business gets benefitted. The practice of collaboration enables

everyone in the organisation to work together to achieve the organisational goal. The Coca-Cola

Company has tied up with Emeco to form a collaborative partnership in order to solve an

environmental problem. The purpose of the report to understand the terms and condition of this


Memorandum of Understanding

Partner Organisations

Partner 1

Name- Emeco Private Limited

Address – Hanover, Pennsylvania, United States

Partner 2

Name – The Coca Cola Company

Address – Atlanta, Georgia, United States.

Duration of Agreement

In 2006, both The Coca-Cola Company has tied up with Emco to form a collaborative
partnership in order to solve an environmental problem for the tenure of four year initially.


The main purpose of the partnership is to solve the environmental problem. The Coca

Cola Company has identified that the plastic bottles are increasing which in return can cause

environmental pollution as a result Coca Cola approached Emeco to use this bottles for the

manufacturing of the US Navy Chairs.

Goals and Objectives

The goals and objective of the partnership are:

 To reuse the used bottles.

 To reduce the plastic bottles presence in the environment

 To solve the problem of Environmental degradation

 To provide raw materials for the Navy Chairs.

Roles and Responsibilities:

The advisory group is accountable for:

 Fostering the collaboration

 Adoption of the practices

 Looking at the benefit of both the party reducing the deployment cost of Coca Cola and

reducing the raw material cost of Emeco

 Monitoring the practices.

The advisory group will commit to:

 Attending the meeting

 Concerned about communication

 Making of the decisions.

The expectation of advisory group:

 Each member provide accurate information.

 Provide time making decision.

 Verify the health of the partnership.

Governance Structure and Reporting

The governance structure followed in the organisation is a separate Advisory Board has

been set constituted 4 members from each of the company in the partnership and an individual

who is not associated with any company will be the head of the committee to look after the
operation of the partnership. The advisory committee directly look after the production

department of Emeco and also at the logistics department of the Coca Cola Company to see that

the flow is maintained. All this department directly reports this Advisory Committee.


 The meeting will be chaired by the head of the Advisory Board.

 The total number of member in the advisory group is 8 member 4 from each company.

 The decision will be made on the basis of consensus if not possible then the head of the

committee will have the final power to decide.

 The agenda of the meeting will be provided by the executives of the Advisory


 Two executives will be responsible for taking down the minutes from each organisation.

 The meeting will take place quarterly and if emergency arrive the interim meeting will

take place.


The reporting format followed in the organisation are:

 Every partner should report on a daily basis.

 The data related to logistics of bottle need to updated regularly

 The production department performance data need to be given

 All the partner should work towards the organisational goal.


The information and data should be communicated via official mail id only which is

encrypted to maintain the security.


The partnership does not require promotion as it is working towards a social cause rather

than with the intension to sell. So the companies uses social media platform to promote their

initiative so that the society can know the social cause which the company is working for.

Conflict Resolution

If the dispute or disagreement occurs between the partners with the partnership. Then

three ways can be adopted to solve the issue.

 Mitigate the issue internally

 Negotiate between both the parties to solve the issue

 Mediation of the issue in the presence of the head of the committee.

Modification and Termination

If modification required with consent of both the party signed in a consent can do the

modification in the MOU. For the purpose of termination the partner who want to go out of the

partnership should provide notice prior to one month in the advisory committee for terminating

the contract.

Review and Evaluation

The review will be done of all the activities by the advisory team weekly and the data

need to upload in the system of the organisation on regular basis so that the performance can be

identified. Also before every meeting taking place quarterly each member of the partnership will

provide feedback.

In this partnership the raw material for the production will be provide by the Coca Cola

Company where as all the machinery and storage facility of the end product will be provided by

the Emeco Company.


Partnering Organization:

The Coca Cola Company & Emeco Private Limited


James Quincey & Ian Testrow


31st March. 2006


emeco 111 navy chair of recycled coca cola bottles

Getting Ready Checklist

Information Available

Information Whose
Category Question Guide Yes No Required Responsibility Action/Comment

Who are What is the legal structure Check your

you? of the organisation for organisation’s legal
example, Entity Type, Tax structure – Refer to
Status. ABN Look Up.1

What is the history of the


Do you have a mission If no, refer to the

and/or vision statement? Strategic Plan

What are the purpose

and/or values of the

Where are you based?

Where do you
operate/what is your

Do you have Do you have a Strategic If no, refer to the

business Plan? Strategic Plan
plans? Template.

Do you have a Business If no, refer to –

Plan? Business Plan

Do you have a If no, refer to the

Communications Plan? Relationship

Are you aware of where If no, refer to the

the organisation is now Strategic Plan
and where you would like Template.
it to be?

What do What are the services

Information Available

Information Whose
Category Question Guide Yes No Required Responsibility Action/Comment

you do? and/or products you


What do you want/need

from a relationship?

What are What do you want to

you trying to achieve in the short and
achieve? long-term?

What do you Skills, knowledge,

have to offer influence, reputation etc.
to a partner?
Are you offering a specific
project, fundraising event
or require sponsorship?

When are you looking for

a partner?
Promotion and increased
profile of the organisation,
increased business,
increased staff morale,
goodwill etc.

Who Do you receive

currently government funding?
supports the
organisation? Do you have current

Do you have

What is the What is the role of the

capacity and board?
capability of
your Do you have staff to
organisation? achieve the desired
outcomes and reporting

Who is/will be the person Refer to start of

Information Available

Information Whose
Category Question Guide Yes No Required Responsibility Action/Comment

responsible for the checklist.


Will this be conducted by

an employee/or board

Will this be conducted by a


Who would be on a
steering committee?

Would there be an
opportunity to market and
refer business?

Do you have the necessary

tools and equipment?
Task 2

Purpose of Risk Management Plan

The purpose of the risk management plan is to mitigate the potential risk by identifying

the risk.

The potential risks are:

 The lack of supply of raw material during winter time.

 The production cost is becoming high.

 The requirement of the product become less.

 The health safety of Emeco Company while using plastic in production.

 The security issue while communicating the internal data.

The risk mitigation strategy:

 To maintain the stock level.

 The production should be equal to the demand.

 Maintain encrypted communication through official mail id only.

 Continuous feedback and monitoring of the process by the advisory committee.

Organisational Context

As both the party involved in this collaborative partnership for the benefit of each other’s.

as they both are going to get profit out of the operations as a result both the party has maintained

a fund for emergency to mitigate the risk factor from the operations. Also the advisory

committee is formed mainly to monitor the operational activity of the project and also encrypted

communication methods are done for the security purpose of the project.
Risk Diagram


The goal and objective of the partnership

 To reuse the used bottles.

 To reduce the plastic bottles presence in the environment

 To solve the problem of Environmental degradation

 To provide raw materials for the Navy Chairs.

Risks Analysis Evaluate Solution

Financial fraud This may lead to loss Due to the presence of Proper monitoring
of profit fraud within the should be done by the
organisation committee
Poor cost control This may also led to Due to lack of proper The HR team should
loss of profit expert. hire suitable person.
Poor staff This will not allow to Due to the negligence Proper monitoring
supervision achieve of the management should be done by the
organisational target committee
Inappropriate stock Lack of production Due to lack of stock Proper stock
during lean season like management by Coca
winter. Cola company should
be done.
The privacy of the Breach of official The hackers sells the Use of encrypted
communication data data to the competitors official mails and
should follow privacy
Lack of performance Unable to track the Lack of proper Proper data
data. issues management system. management system
should be used.
The health safety of May lead to the
Emeco Company health issues of the
while using plastic employees which will
in production. affect the


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