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Principle of CBS

• Basic idea is to provide a matrix of n×m sets of contacts with only

n+m activities or less to select one of n×m sets of contacts
– Figure

• There is an arrayy of horizontal and vertical wires shown by

y solid
– A set of vertical and horizontal contact points are connected to these wires

• The contact points form a pair

– Each pair consisting of a bank of three or four horizontal and corresponding
bank of vertical points

• A contact point pair act as a Cross Point (CP) switch, and remain
separated or open
p when not in use
• Th
The contact points
i are mechanically
h i ll mountedd andd electronically
l i ll
insulated on a set of horizontal and vertical bars (HB & VB)
shown byy dotted lines
– These bars are attached to a set of electromagnet

• When the electromagnet is energized

– The corresponding bar rotates & make the connection

• Consider
C id the h example
l off 6×6
6 6 CBS as shown
h iin figure.
– It shows 6 subscribers with HB representing inlet and VB the outlet

• Try for establishing the following connection in sequence:

– A to C and B to E
• Th
The CP AC latches
l h by b energizing
i i firstly
fi l HB A andd then
h VB C
• Now for BE, when HB B energizes, BC may latch
– Results in cross

• This can be prevented by introducing an energizing sequence

o latching
c g
– A CP latches only if the HB is energized first, and then the VB
• In this way, BC will not latch.

• Then for completing BE connection, the VB E needs to be

– But this will latch AE (following the above sequencing ) as A is already
– This should also be avoided, and is done by providing the de-energizing
of bar without breaking the existing latches
• Th
Thus after
f de-energizing
d i i A,A the
h energizing
i i off E will
ill latch
l h the

• Thus, the following procedure should be followed for the

establishing a connection in a CBS:
i HB E
i VB
Energize VB OR Energize HB
De energize HB De-energize
De energize VB
i hCConfiguration:
fi i
• In a nonblocking CB configuration, there are N2 SE for N users
– When all are engaged,
engaged only N/2 switches are actually involved in
connection establishment

• Different switch points are used to establish a connection between

two given subscribers
– It depends upon who initiates the call
– e.g., when A wishes to call B, it uses CP AB
• while, when B wishes to call A, it uses CP BA

• Thus, by designing a suitable control mechanism, only one switch

may be used to establish a connection between two subscriber
– Irrespective of who initiates the call.
• In this way,
way the CP matrix is reduced to a diagonal matrix
with N2/2 switches
– We can also eliminate the diagonal CP as it connect the same node

• The call establishment procedure still follows the same pattern

– i.e., HB energizes first then VB, but irrespective of who calls

• Thus the number of CP then reduces to N(N-1)/2

– This
Thi number
b also
l representt fully
f ll connected
t d network
t k

– But, this number is still very large to be practical

• It
I can be
b reduced
d d significantly
i ifi l by
b proper designing
d i i
• The CB hardware mayy be reduced byy connectingg two subscribers
to a single bar
– and letting the bar turn in both direction i.e., clockwise and anticlockwise
– and thus closing two different CP contacts

• With such an arrangements, the number of CB reduces, but the

number of CP remains same
• In the blocking CBS, the number of VB is less than the number of
subscriber The sequence it follows,
subscriber. follows to connect AB,
AB is given as:
Energize HB A
Energize VB P
De-energize HB A
Energize HB B
g VB P’
De-energize HB B
• T

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