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shes -Would Rother/Hod Better - Unreol k,

rrdIi ir. Lrt,-ls I
Conditionals are clauses introduced with if. There are three types of condltlonal clause: Type I, Type 2 and
Type 3. There is also another common type, Type 0.
Type 0 Conditionals Type I Conditionals
They are used to express something which is always They are used to expresa real or very probable
true. We can use when
(= whenever) anstead
situations in the ; present or future.

ol lt.
It he doesnl study
ItlWhen the sun hard, he wont pass
shines, snow mells. his exam.

Type 2 Conditionals
They are used to express imaginary situations which
are contrary to tacts in the present and, therefore, are
unllkely to happen in the present or future.
Type 3 Condltionals
They are used to express
lmaglnary sltuatlons whlch are
q*s contrary to tacts ln the past.
Bob is daydreaming. : i
'rfl They are also used to express
regrets or crlticism.

ll lwon the lottery,
lwould buy an John got up late, so he missed
expensive car and
the bus.
lwould go on ll John hadn't got up late, he
holiday to atropical
wouldn't have missed the bus.
island nert summer.

lf-clause (hypothesis) Main clause (result) , 'i Use

Type 0
general truth
if +present simple present slmple

J lf the tempenture lalls below 0'C, water turns rnlo lce.

il + present simple, present future/imperative real - llkely to happen in the

continuous,presentperlect can/may/mighVmusVshouldi presentorluture
Type r
real present
i or present perlect contlnuous could + bare inllnltlve
,t he doesnt p ay the fine, he will go to prison.l lt you have linished your work, we can have a break.
ll you need help, come and see me. I tt
you're ever in the area, you slrould come and visit us.

if + past simple would/could/might imaglnary sltuatlon contrary to

or past continuous + bare infinltive lacts ln the present;
Type 2 also used to glve advlce
unreal present I
ll I had time, I would take up a sport. (but I don't have time - untrue in the present)
lf I were you, I would talk to my parents about it (giving advice)

l, + past perlect or would/could/might + have lmaglnary situatlon contrary to

past perlect continuous + past participle facts ln the past; also used
Type 3 to express regrets or crltlclsm
unreal pasl
It she had studied harde4 she would have passed the test.
ll he hadn't been acting so foolishly, he wouldn't have been punished.

Conditionols -Wishes -lVould Rotherllhd hfr;i
a Condltional clauses consast ol two parts: the tl - I We can omit if ln the if - clause. When Il ls
clauce (hypothesis) and the maln clause (resuit). omltted, should (Iype 1), were (type 2), had
When the lf - clause comes before the maln Oype 3) and the sublect are lnverted.
clause, the two clauses are separated wlth a e.g. a) Should Peter come, tell him to wait. (=ll
comma. When the maln clause comes belore the Peter should come, ...)
lf - clause, then no comma ls necessary. b) Werc I you, I wouldn't trust him. (=lf I were
you, ...)
e.g. a) lt I see Tim, I'll give him his book.
c) Had he known, he would have called. (=lt
b) I'll give Tim his book ll I see him.
he had known, ...)
o We do not normally use wlll, would or should ln
an ll - clause. However, we can use wlll or would Look at the pictures and the prompte
and make Type I condlllonal seniencet,
after if to make a pollte request or express lnsls- as ln the erample.
tence or uncertalnty (usually wlth expresslons
e.g. tf tn afi daryn all tho brootc, tho roddo allmtb wlll
such as I donl know, I doubt, I wonder, etc.).
We can use should after if to talk about some-
thlng whlch Is posslble, but not very llkely to
e.g. a) ll the weather is fine tomorrow, we will go
b) ll you will ltll ln this form, I'll process your
application. (Willyou please fill in ... - polite
c) ll you wlll not slop shoutrng, you'll have to
leave. (lf you insisf on sDoutrng... - rhsistence)
d) I donl know il he will pass his exams.
1 cut down/ all forests I world's climate / change
e) llTom should call, tell him I'll be late. (We 2 not stop/use I aerosols /destroy / ozone layer
do not think that Tom is very likely to cail.) 3 find / alternative sources of energy / solve / some of
our environmental problems
a We can use unlesg lnstead of tl ... not ln the ll . 4 temperaturos / go up / by a few degrees /sea levels / rise
clause ol Type 1 condltlonals. The verb ls 5 recycle I waste / save / natural resources
always ln the afllrmatlve after unless. 6 population / continue to increase / not be enough food
e.g. Unless you leave now, you'll miss the bus. for
(=ll you don't leave now, you'll miss the bus.) Usa is trying to decide where to go on holiday.
(NOT:@.) 2 She would like to go to one of these praces. ln
pahs, ask and answer questlons uslng
i We can use woro lnstead ol was lor all persons the prompte below, as ln the example.
ln the ll - clause ol Type 2 condltlonals.
e.g. ll Rick waslwere here, we could have a party. A',IU{EE(CrEilO
t We use ll I wers you .., when we want to glve tou,|tof nrxcr
advlce. OrYly f,2go por porron
e.g. ll I werc you, lwouldn't complain about it.

) The followlng expresslons can be used lnstead

ol if: provlded/provldlng that, as long ae, eup-
pote/eupposlng, etc.
e.g. a) You can see Mr Cafter provided you have an
appointment. (lf you have an appointment ...)
1 How long / be away / choose /
SA: How lon6 wlll ahd bc away lf dha ahoo*a 5paln?
b) V,le will all have dinner together provldlng SB: lf ahc ahooacs 5paln, ohc'll bc away for a waok,
Mary comes on time. (... if Mary comes ...) 2 Where / go / like / camping?
c) Suppose/Supposing fie boss came now, 3 How much I pay I go to / France?
what would you say? fff the boss came ...) 4 What / do / go to / Spain?
5 Where / go / want / cheap holiday?

-Vtould Rahrlllod htter-Ureol hst
ffi study the situations, then make Wpe 2 d\ Read the story betow and make r}pe 3
\g;} cond'itiona, sentences, as in the era-mpte. \E} condiUonat sentences' as in the example.
I don't have a car, so I have
e.g. 1) ...1f Sally hadni bacn ln a hurry, ahe wouldn't
to wait for the bus every day.
hava loft oomo lfiporrant notao at horne....
1 ll L,had... (have) a car,l ...wouldnt.
have to... (noVhave to) wait for the bus
Sally had a tenible day yesterday. She was in a hurry, so she lett
every day.
some important notes at home. She wasn't prepared for her
I never do my home- meeting with a new client, so the meeting was a disaster. The client
was disappointed, and as a result he refused to do business with
the company. The bos shouted at Sally, so she got upset.
lf I ................ (do) my home-
work, my teacher
........ (not/get) angry with me.
Match the ltems ln column A with those in
column B ln ords to make cor"ect Typc O
condflional sentencoS, as ln the example.
e.g. 1 - c ...1f you add au6ar to a cup of coffcc, the cof'
fcc t aatoa swad'tcr,...
bigger house, I .......................
(be able to) invite lriends over. A

Add sugar to a cup\ a The apple floats.

of coffee. \ b Your skin turns red.
4 ll I ............
2 Throw salt onto snow. \ c The coffee tastes
3 Put an apple in a sweeter.
(get up) earlier, I
bowl ol water.
4 Water plants regularly.
d You feel healthy.
(noVbe) late for school. e The plants grow.
5 Lie in the sun too long.
b Take regular exercise. I The snow melts.

Gomplete the sentences to make 4rpe 3

conditional sentences, as in the example.
Put the verbs in brackets lnto the
correct tense.

1A: What time will you be home tonight?

B: l'm not sure. lf I ...have ro... (have to) work late,
I ...'ll call... (call) you.
J 2 A'. I felt very tired at work today.
B: Well, if you .............. (not/watch) the
late film, you ............,.. (not/feel) so tired.
1 lf he ...hadn't. noticed... (not/notice) the mould in 3A: Should I buy that car?
one of his glass dishes, Alexander Fleming ...would B: Why not? lf I ................ (have) the
never have diecovered... (never/discover) penicillin. money, I .............................. (buy) it myself.
2 lf he (sell) some of his 4 A: lf you .................. (pass) a chemist's,
paintings, Van Gogh (you/get) me some cough medicine?
(get) some recognition during his lifetime. B: Yes, certainly.
3 lf Barbara Streisand 5 A: My sister seems very upset at the moment.
(change) the shape of her nose, her career ........... B: Were I you, | .......... ........... (talk) to

4i A;;;'- i;;;
(not/teach) her, Helen Keller ...........
l::::1-"1lli llll: 6
her about it.
A: Unless you ...............
. (be) late again.
(hurry), you .........

(not/be able to) communicate.

B: No, I won't. There's plenty of time.
5 lf Naomi Campbell
7 A: Oh! I forgot to ask Sarah over lor dinner.
(not/be) so beautiful, she ..............
......... (never/become) a supermodel.
'' ll I (,.[]1??"1",1'todaY'

Condiiionoh -Wshl -Would Rothtr/llod
8A: May I join the club, please? 11 'John crashed his car yesterday.'
B: Provided you ....................... (be) over eighteen, 'l know, but if he hadn't been changing the cassette,
you can ioin the club. he............... .'
9A: What a lovely restaurant! I'm glad we came here' A won't crash B wouldn't crash
B: lf you ............ (noVburn) the dinner, C wouldn't have crashed
we ................. (not/come) here! 12 'Can I have some chocolate, Please?'
10 A: Just think. lf I ................. (not/move) to 'lf you behave yourself, I ............... you some later.'
York, I ........... (never/meet) you. A would buy B might buy C buY
B: I know, wasn't it lucky?
13 'should you see Colin, .............. and tell me.'
11 A: Jo doesn't spend enough time with me.
B: Well, if she ............... (have) the time,
I'm sure she ................ (try), but she's very busy.
A come B to come C will come
12 A: Did you give Bill the message? 14 'll we were rich, we ........... expensive clothes.'
B: No, but when I .......... (see) him, I 'Well, unfortunately we aren't rich!'
(tell) him the news. A could afford B can atlord C atford

choose the correct .nswor' Put the verbs ln brackets into the
O correct tense.
'lf you ...6... that plate, you'll burn your fingers.' 'l lf I ...rverc... (be) you, I wouldn't drive in the snow.
'Why? Has it been in the oven?' 2 Peter ......... (be able to) help you if he
A would touch B will touch C touch was here.
you're busy, we'll talk now.' 3 lf I had closed the window, the cat ...........
'That's fine. I'm not busy at the moment.'
Arf B Provided C Unless 4
i i";ri
Had I known him, L..........
i;;.J, ,ii n[",11T?,l :]]i
'lf you watch the news, you ............... a lot.'
(talk) to him.
'l know. I watch it every day.'
A learn B were learning C would learn
6 John (maY/lose) his,lob if he
is rude to the boss.
you wear warm clothes, You won't get 7 Jf you (save) some money'
cold.' you would have been able to go on holiday last year.
'l'll wear an extra jumper.' 8 ............
You may win if you (take) part in
A Unless B Providing C Supposing the contest.
'Shall I invite John to the PartY?' 9 lf I had toothache, I ...................
'Well, were lyou, I ............... him.' (go) to the dentist.
A would invite B will invite C am inviting '10 They would have helped us move house if we
(ask) them'
the teacher comes back now, what will
you do?'
11 ll Jane (be) older, she could live by
herself .
'l don't know.'
12 We would have changed our plans if we ...............
A When B Providing C Supposing (hear) the weather forecast'
'Could I see the menu, please?' 13 Emma '... '.... (send) a card
'Yes, sir. lf you .............. a seat, I will fetch it lor you.' if she had remembered it was their anniversary.
A take B had taken C have taken '1'4 Robert .......... (feel) better
'Don't cry. Everything will be alright.' if you talked to him.
'Yes, but if I ...............the bus, I wouldn't have been 15 ll Sam was still living nearby, you .,.............
(can/invite) him for dinner.
late for school.'
16 l{ you ............ ..... (put) your money in
A didn't miss B hadn't missed C don't miss
your wallet, you will not lose it.
'When water boils, it steam.' '|7 lf you ............ ... (like) chocolate, you
'Yes, I know; and the steam is hot, too.' will love this cake.
A would produce B produce C produces 18 ll Bill ............. ..... (come) home early,
10 'Can you help me, please?' he will eat dinner with us.
'Well, if I wasn't studying, I .............. you.' 19 Sandra will join us later unless she
A would help B help C willhelp (have) a lot of work to do.

-Vilould Rothullod hner-Unrcd R$t

I It/ti>.erl" \ t-'ltrtlll\'tlrllS

We use i, to say that something might happen. All types ol conditionals can be mixed. Any tense
combination is possible if the context permits it.
We use when to say that somethlng wlll defi-
nltely happen.
e.g. ll you see Mark, will you give him the message? lf - clause Main clause
(You might see Mark.)
Type 2 Type 1
When you see Mark, will you give him the
message? (lt is ceftain that you will see Mark.) It nobody paid the bill, the electricify will be cut
Type 2 Type 3
lf he had money, he would have boughl
10,; Fill in the gaps using when ot if. her a gift.
Type 3 Type 2
1 A: Have you phoned Paul yet?
B: No, l'll phone him ...;, lr :;... I get home. lf he had won the lottery, he wouldnl be asking
2 A: ..........1 get a new job soon, I may have a party. for money now.
B: That's a good idea.
3 A: I really liked that dress we saw.
B: Well, you can buy it get paid.
4 A: Shall we go somewhere this weekend?
B: Yes. ......... it's sunny, we could go to the beach.
5 A: Did you make this cake yourself? i rrl Rewrite the sentences' as in the
B: Yes. you like it, I'll give you the recipe. {,fD example.
6 A: ls Jane still asleep?
1 He doesn't know her. That's why he didn't speak to her.
B: Yes. ........ she wakes up, I'll tell her you're here. to her....
...1f he knaw her, ha would havc opokcn
7 A: Have you done your homework? 2 He lost his !ob. He's unemployed now.
B: No. I'll do it .......... ......... we've finished dinner.
...1f he hadn't' loet hia job, he wouldn't bo unemployed
8 A: We've run out of milk.
B: Well, ....... I go to the shops, I'll buy some more.
3 His pet died. That's why he's unhappy now.

4 She doesn't have a mobile phone. That's why she

couldn't be contacted yesterday.
llt Choose the correct answer.
5 Tom didn't see the boss earlier. He's waiting for him
lf you are bored, ...i..... something else. now.
A you would do B you will do C do
He is allergic to seafood. That's why he didn't eat
you, I would look for a new iob
paella last night.
A Would be B Were C Had been
I .................. you if I had known you were in hospital 7 I lost my map. That's why I'm asking lor directions now.
A would visit B would have visited C will visit
lf you ................... well, lie down for a while. 8 She doesn't speak French. She didn't have a good
felt B don't feel time in Paris.
A hadn't C didn't feel
5 lce ................... if the temperature rises above 0'C. 9 He lost the race. He is not a champion now
A will melt B would melt C melts
Had I known about the meeting, I ................... it. 10 She didn't go to the bank yesterday. That's why she
A would have attended B attended C will attend hasn't got any money now.
lf he .................. in the garden, he would have heard
11 They went to a party last night. That's why they are
the doorbell. tired now.
A isn't B was C hadn't been
8 I ................... to the bank manager if I were you. 12 I crashed my car. That's why I'm taking the bus today
A would talk B will talk C talked


Conditionob-Wishes-Would Rother/Hod Be

lwish itwould

.o Tlwtsh / could
understand what
\ wish lhadn't
6pent ail that ]
;;;,;;;i,; / )

We use the verb wlsh and the expresslon lf only to express a wlsh. lf only is more emphatic than I wish.
O wlsh/ll only + past slmple/past continuous: when we want to say that we would like something to be diflerent
ln the present.
e.g. lwishllt only I had a room of my own. (But I don't have a room of my own.)
I wish/lf only + past psrlect: to express regret that something happened or did not happen in the past,
e.g. / wlslt I had got your message earlier. (But I didn't get it earlier.)
It only I had talked to him. (But I didn't talk to him.) -
I wish/if only + woutd: a) lor a pollte lmperatlve e.g. I wish you would stop shouting. (Please, stop shoutlng.)
b) to express our wlsh lor a change ln a sltuatlon or someone's behaviour because we are annoyed by it.
e.g. / wistt the wtnd woutd stop blowing. (wish lor a change in a situation)
ll onty John would stop insulting peopte. (wish for a change in someone's behaviou\
I After the sublect pronouns I and we, we use coutd instead ol would.
e.g. lwish we could go to the party. (NOT:1*ie#wc+oa1*gq)
Note: We can use were lnstead of was after wlsh or il only.
e.g. lwish she werelwas more sensitive.

Wendy has lust started unlverslty. lt isn't what

she expected, and she ,s disappointed. Bead
what aho saye and make 3entencesr as
ln the erample.
o Jason has been for an interview. He didn'l gel
the iob. Read what he saYs and make
sentences, as an the examPle.
e.g. I wloh I had known more aboutthc company.
e.g. lwioh my room wasnVwcrent eo amall.
. I
I didn't know rnuch about
a My room is so small.
o I hava to share the bathroom.
the company.
a The kitchen is such a mess.
. I was nervous.
a My tutors are strict.
o I didn t shake hands with my
a The classes ar€ so hard to
o lforgot what I wanted to say;
a The people are not lriendly.
o I didn't answer the interviewef I

a I can't visit my lamily and

questions properly. l

lriends because they are so

. My letter o{ application was
badly typed.
far away.
ldon't have any friends.
. I spilt the cup of tea lwas

-Would Rqthe/Hqd Bettcr.Unrool hst

ii,. Ii!:dU"'U";,:;!',":;:i;;:;';*":"i"#
-she says and make sentences, as in the
nt ffIJiffL"#::"":","ff1:ljl,?iT:"'
I wish Jack were here. (he/help us)
e.g. I wloh paaple wouldn't otare at mo averywhere I 6o, ...1f Jack ware horc, he would help ua....
I wish we hadn't got stuck in traffic. (we/be late for
o People stare at me work)
everywhere lgo. ...1f we hadn't 4ot otuak in trafflo, we wouldn't

Lx o
People always ask me to
sing at parties.
Magazines print false
stories about my private
hava been late for wark....
lwish you paid more attention in class. (you/under-
stand everything)

life. I wish they had called before they came. (l/cook

. Photographerstake photos something)
of me all the time.
o People make me sign I wish Tim weren't so selfish. (he/make friends much
autographs wherever I go. more easily)
r People never give me any
privacy. I wish Sandra hadn't got up late today. (we/go
shopping together)

I wish you hadn't left the door unlocked. (thieves/

Put the Yerbs in brackets anto the break in)
correct tense.

1A: lwish I ...could play... (play) a musical instrument. Look at the pictures and complete the
B: You should take lessons. wishes. Also make correct condltional
2A: lf only the wind ............. ...... (stop) sentences, as in the example.
blowing so hard.
B: Yes, it's very windy today, isn't it? I've got to get up.
A: lwish John .......... (come) with us.
wish I didn't have to

I up.
B: So do l. He would have really en,loyed it.
(stay in bed for another^et
A: Paul, lwish you .............. ... (stop)
lf I dldn't have to qe, up, I would
making so much noise.
atay in bed for anothar hour.
B: Sorry, I'll try.
A: I wish I ................... (study) more when # I should have been
was at school.

more careful.
B: lt doesn't matter now. You've got a good job.
A: I wish I .,.................. (be) young again. lwish
B: So do l. We had some good times back then. (not crash into the wall)

A: lwish L...................
Jane like that.
B: Don't worry. l'm sure she'll forgive you.
lf only Bob

(call) me.
She's always
B: Well, he promised to call today.
shouting at me.
9A: l'm exhausted. I wish I ................................ (do)
some of the housework yesterday. lwish ............
B: Sorry I wasn't here to help you. (concentrate on my work)
10 A: lwish you (make) less
noise when you come in,
It's not my fault. The door squeaks when you
B: He hasn't
open it. called me yet.
11 A: Are you going to your school reunion party next
week? lwish ............
B: No. lwish I .................... (go) because (stop worrying)
I would like to see everyone again.

Conditionoh -li/irhr,lA/ould Rothr/llod

Study the ways ln whlch we can express preference:

a) preler + gerund + to + gerund (general pref-

No, I'd rather erence) e.g. I preter jogging to cycling.
study near home. b) preler + lull lnlinltive + rather than + bare
lnllnltlve (general preference)
e.g. I preler to go oul rather lhan stay at home.
f,t c) prefer + noun + to + noun (general preference)
iu J
e.g. She preters orange juice to apple juice.
d) would preler + lull inllnltlve + rather than + (bare
lnflnltlve) (speclllc preference) e.g. l'd preter to

U 3 pay in cash rather than (pay) by credit card.

e) would rather + bare Inllnltlve + than (+ bare
lnflnltlve) e.g. She'd rather have a salad than
(have) a steak.

i We use had bstter + bare lnlinitive to glve advlce

or to say what the best thing to do ln a parflcular
sltuaton ls.
- ln pairs, ask and answer questlons uslng
e.g. You hadl'd better take some warm clothes with
you. (= You shouldlought to take ...)
l9t-r the prompts below, as in the example-.
The choice of answer is yours.
l'd better not call him now; he'll be busy.
Had better ls stronger than shourd/ouglrt to, but SA: Would you rathar go on hollday to 9paln or ltaly
It ls not as strong as musl. SB: !'d rathcr qo to Spaln than ltaly.
e.g. You must call a doctor. (strong advice)
You had beller call a doctor. (/ess strong than
1 go on holiday to Spain or ltaly?

2 eal pizza or spaghetti for dinner?
You shouldlought to call a doctor. (less
3 play cards or chess this evening?
4 work in a bank or a school?
strcng than had better) 5 have a dog or a cat as a pet?
tl We use would rather (= would prefer to) to 6 learn French or German at school?
express preterence.
e.g. l'm busy. I'd tathet not take a break now.
m Gomplete the sentences, as ln the
I When the subject ol would rather ls also the sub' GD exampte.
tect ol the lollowlng verb, we use the followlng
construcllons: 1 I'll cook dinner if you really want me to, but ...17
a) would rathor + bare present inflnitive (present/ rathar you cookad tt....
future) e.g. l'd rather stay at home tonight. 2 I'll go to the supermarket if you really want me to,
but ...
b) would rather + bare perlect infinitive (past)
e.g. I'd rather have gone on holiday to ltaly last
3 I'll wash the dishes if you really want me to, but ...

4 I'll empty the rubbish bin if you really want me to,
5 I'll iron all the clothes il you really want me to, but ...
I When the subject ol would rather is dlflerent 6 I'll clean the bathroom if you really want me to, but ...
lrom the sublect ol the followlng verb, we use
the lollowlng constructlons:
a) would ralher + past tense (presenUfirture)
e.g. l'd mthet Tlm dld the shopping today. ot (woutct) preler.
b) would rather + past perlect (past)
e,g. l'd rather Kate hadnt spent so much money 1 Do you ...prefer... reading magazines or books?
yesterday. 2 She ....... go to a disco than go to the

-V{ould Rothrl}lod hiler-Uruool hst
Jack .........,,.. listening to music to watching
4 He ................ study History than Maths.
5 I .................... . the piano to the violin.
6 you ...................... to have spaghetti
or steak for dinner tonight? The past simple can be used to talk about imag-
7 I ................... see a comedy film than an adventure inary, unreal or improbable satuations which are
film. contrary to facts ln the present (unreal present).
you ..........,.......... going to the cinema The past perfect can be used to refer to imaginary,
or going to the theatre? unreal or improbable situations which are contrary
to racts in the past (unreal past).
The past elmple ls used with:
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct . Type 2 Condltlonals
e.g. ll he knew the truth, he would be very angry.
. suppose/supposing
1A: Did you enjoy the party last night?
e.g. Suppose/Supposlng they dldn't invite you,
B: No, I'd rather ...have otaya4... (stay) at home.
what would you do?
2A Shall I dust the computer, Tom? o wish/if only
B: I'd rather you ..............
e.g. I wishlll only I had a lot of money.
(not/touch) it, actually. I'll do it myself.
o would rather (present)
3A: I've got a terrible cold.
e.g. l'd rather Lisa went to the market.
B: You'd better (not/go)
to work today, then.
o as lllas though
e.g. Jim behaves as iflas ltrough hewere the boss.
4A: I'm going to work now.
. at's (about/high) time
B: I think it's going to rain today. You'd better .......
..... (take) your umbrella with you.
e.g. lt's (aboutlhigh) tlme they did something
5A: I didn't enjoy Ben's party. I would rather he ........
about it.
(invite) more people. The past perlect is used with:
B: Oh! I enjoyed it. . Type 3 Condltionals
6A: You had better ............ (study) hard
e.g. lf she had asked me, lwould have helped her.
this weekend for the exam on Monday. . suppose/supposing
B: lwill, but lwould prefer ............
e.g. Suppose lSuppsing you had lost your money,
(go out) with my friends.
what would you have done?
7 My parents prefer............ (spend)
their holidays in the mountains.
o wlsh/lf only
e.g. I wishlll only I hadn't invited them to my
B: Do they? I like to be by the sea.
8A: We'd better
(not/book) a taxr to bring us home tonight. would rather (past)
B: You're right. We might want to stay late. e.g. I'd rather you hadn't said anything about it.
9A: They're organising a party for Susan's birthday.
o as iflas though
B: I know, but it's a secret, so we'd better e.g. He hadn't seen her before, but he acted as
(not/talk) about it in case she hears. illas though he had known her for years.
10 A: I'd rather you ..............
(not/leave) your shoes in the kitchen every time
you come home from school.
undertine the correct tense.
Sorry, I keep forgetting.
I didn't enioy my lunch today. I'd rather
(eat) something else. 'l
It's about time she@44.!lhad learnt how to cook.
B: I'll make you some sandwiches tomorrow then, 2 l'd rather you didn't touchlhad not touched my
12 A: Did you enjoy the film last night? favourite vase. You may break it.
B: Not really. I would rather we 3 lf she heardlhad heard the news, she would have
(see) a comedy instead. called us by now,
13 A: Shall we stay in tonight? 4 They would have opened the door il lhey knewlhad
llt 1l: :'"t:: -::ll,t!iJii"; ;;;;;i; known who was there.
It's high time they madelhad made some changes.

Conditionob -Wilho -Would Rother/Hod B,

6 I wish I savedlhad saved some money last month. ril oTt{ER woRDs
7 Ben would have taken up sport earlier il he
realisedlhad realised how much fun it was. Study these examples. The second sontence
Tom speaks to everyone as if he knewlhad known has a slmllar meaning to the first sentence.
He would rather you didn't openlhadn't opened 1 lf you don't follow the instructions carefully, you
may make a mistake.
the letter. He wanted to do it himself.
10 Suppose you metlhad met him, what would you unless You may make a mistake unless you
say to him?
follow the instructions carefully.
'11 lf only he calledlhad called me last night, we could
2 ll you go near the house, the dog will chase you.
have gone out,
else Don't go near the house or else the dog
12 I'd rather Mary spent/had spent the night with us. will chase you.
It's snowing too heavily for her to drive home. 3 I don't think it's a good idea to go to that party.
't3 ll you knewlhad known what she did yesterday, were lf I were you, I wouldn't go to that party.
you would be very surprised. 4 I want to go on holiday, but I haven't got enough
14 Supposing she were seenlhad been seen leaving
early, what would have happened?
wish I wish I had enough money lo go on hol-
5 Sam wishes he hadn't told Kate about his plans;
Look at the plctures and complete the now everyone knows.
lollowlng sentences. told lf Sam hadn't told Kate about his plans,
no one would know.

\1 / Your friend wants to go skating,

you want to go bowling. What
do you say?
6 You shouldn't borrow any more money: you won't
be able to pay it back.
bener You had better not borrow any more
money: you won't be able to pay it back.
lwould prefer ...
7 Helen would preler to become a teacher rather
than become a doctor.
rather Helen would rather become a teacher
Your friend likes staying in hotels, than become a doctor.
but you think camping is more fun.
What do you saf

Gomplete each aentence wlth two to

llve words, lncludlng the word in bold.

You should ask someone to help you with your proj-

Your parents want you to take the
dog for a walk. You want your better You ...h;d bebt:er /l:iL... someone to help
brother to do it. What do you saf you with your proiect.
I don't think it's a good idea to invest all your money
I'd rather
in stocks.
were lf I .................
invest all my money in stocks.
Your brother has bought a guitar, I ate too much ice cream and now I don't feel well.
You want him tostop playing. What wish I .................... .................... so
do you saf much ice cream.
Tom wishes he hadn't lied to his parents; now they
I'd rather you ................... are angry with him.
lied lf Tom ........... ............... to his
parents, they wouldn't be angry with him.
Your friend is very tired. You think lf you don't start studying, you'll fail your exams.
she should go to bed. What do you else Start studying
say? ... your exams.
You'd better Tina would preler to eat out rather than cook.
rather Tina .............. ................. than


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