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Text 2: Hatoyama’s Challenge

I. Clause Structure

a. Identifying Clause

Mood Structure
No. Connector Clause Process Tense Modal
Mood Aux
But the DPJ is finding it easier to make campaign Present
1. Material Declarative
But promises than to keep them. Continuous
Less than two months after taking over, Hatoyama’s
administration is being forced into a difficult balancing
Simple Present
2. act between the need to prevent a double-dip recession Material Declarative
in Passive Form
and the desire to keep Japan’s budget deficit from
spinning out of control.
The recession is knocking tax revenues so far below Present
3. Material Declarative
expectations. Continuous
The deficit will rise to $548 billion this year, an
4. Material Simple Declarative Will
That enormous 10% of GDP.
Despite Hatoyama’s instructions to keep next year’s
spending no higher than this year’s initial budget of $
5. Material Perfect Declarative
970 billion, the country’s ministries have submitted 2010
Yet spending requests totaling $ 1.04 trillion.
b. Identifying groups and phrases to represent the process, participant, and circumstance

Verbal groups to represent the process

No Material Mental Relational Existential

1. is finding
2. is being forced
3. Is knocking
4. Will rise
5. Have Submitted

Nominal groups to represent participant

No. Nominal Group Function

1. a. The DPJ Actor
b. It Goal
2. a. Hatoyama’s administration Actor
b. A difficult balancing act Goal
3. a. The recession Actor
b. tax revenues Goal
4. a. The deficit Ac
b. an enormous 10% of GDP Qualifier
5. a. The country’s ministries Actor
b. 2010 spending requests totaling $ 1.04 trillion Goal
Prepositional phrases and adverbial clauses to represent circumstance

No Prepositional phrases and adverbial clauses Function

1. a. Easier Circumstance
of manner
b. To make campaign promises than to keep them Circumstance
of purpose
2. a. Less than two months after taking over Circumstance
of time
b. Between the need to prevent a double-dip Circumstance
recession and the desire to keep Japan’s budget of condition
deficit from spinning out of control.
3. So far below expectations Circumstance
of condition
To $548 billion Circumstance
4. of purpose
This year Circumstance
of time
5. Despite Hatoyama’s instructions to keep next Circumstance
year’s spending no higher than this year’s initial of concession
budget of $. 970 billion

c. The Complexity Levels of the Nominal Groups to Represent the Participants

No. Deictic Numerative Ephitet Classifier Thing Qualifier

1. The DPJ The - - - DPJ -

2. A A - Difficult Balancing Act -
3. - - - - - Tax -
4. The The - - - - -
5. The The Many (...s) - - The -
country’s country’s
ministries ministries
II. Thematic Structure

No. Themes Rhemes

Textual Interpersonal Topical
Continuative Conjunction Conjunctiv Modal Vocative Finite Participant Process Circumst
e Adjunct theme Verbal -ance
1. But the DPJ Is finding it
easier to make
promises than
to keep them.
2. Less than Hatoyama’s
two administration
months is being forced
after into a difficult
taking balancing act
over between the
need to prevent
a double-dip
recession and
the desire to
keep Japan’s
budget deficit
from spinning
out of control.
3. The Is knocking tax
recession revenues so far
4. The deficit Will rise to
$548 billion
this year, an
enormous 10%
of GDP.
5. Yet Despite The country’s
Hatoyama’s ministries have
instructions submitted 2010
to keep next spending
year’s requests
spending no totaling $ 1.04
higher than trillion.
this year’s
initial budget
of $ 970
III. Mood Structure

No. Mood Structure Modal Auxiliary

1. Declarative -
2. Declarative -
3. Declarative -
4. Declarative Will
5. Declarative -

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