Photosynthesis Notes

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This worksheet complements the HHMI animation series Photosynthesis. After watching the animation video for
each part, answer the questions. You will be assessed on your answers to the summary questions in part 8 for
standard RS2: Matter and Energy. Please review the rubric at the end of the document for specific details.

1. This animation series contains seven parts.
2. Click HERE to access the video animations for each part.
3. After watching each part, answer the questions in the spaces provided using complete
4. After completing all seven parts of the animation, answer the summary questions in
Part 8.

1. Which of the following kinds of organisms do photosynthesis? HIGHLIGHT all that apply.

____plants ____fungi ____animals ____algae ____all bacteria ____some bacteria

2. What is the overall purpose of photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis’ overall purpose is to nourish the entire world.

3. On Diagram 1, fill in the labels with photosynthesis’s main inputs and outputs of matter and energy.

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1. Complete the following sentence.
Photosynthesis is a set of _chemical reactions_ in which __light__energy is converted to

2. On Diagram 2, fill in the labels with the following descriptions. Some of the objects have multiple labels.
● water (H2O)
● carbon dioxide (CO2)
● oxygen (O2)
● G3P (sugar)
● electron acceptor
● electron donor
● carbohydrates
● energy input


1. In what plant structures does photosynthesis occur? Make your description as specific as you can.
The chloroplasts in the middle of the leaf, in most cells, is the process in which photosynthesis

2. On Diagram 3, complete the following tasks.

a) Draw how CO2 gets into
the leaf.
b) Draw how O2 gets out of
the leaf.
c) Label the name of the
structure through which
these gases pass.

3. What structure is used to transport organic molecules from the leaf to other parts of the plant?

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The structure that is required for the transportation of organic molecules from the leaf to other parts
of the plant is the vascular bundle.

4. Why are leaves green?

Leaves are green due to the pigment coloration of the chloroplasts.

1. On Diagram 4, label the following items. Multiple labels may apply to the same part of the diagram.
● location of the light reactions
● location of the Calvin cycle
● thylakoid
● stroma

2. On Diagram 5, fill in the labels with the following descriptions to show the connections between the light
reactions and the Calvin cycle.
● carbon dioxide (CO2)
● oxygen (O2)
● G3P (sugar)

3. How does a plant increase its biomass?

The plant increases its biomass with the use of having more new organic molecules.


Photosystems I and II (PSI and PSII)
1. What is the function of the photosystems?

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The function of the photosystems is to transform light energy into chemical energy with the help of
the electron transport chain process.

2. On Diagram 6, complete the following tasks.

a) Label PSI
and PSII.
b) Draw the
path of the

The Events of the Light Reactions

3. For PSII, the cytochrome complex, and PSI, draw and label what happens at that structure on Diagram 6.
Then describe the events in a bulleted list in Table 1.

Table 1: Descriptions of the steps in the light reactions.

Structure What is happening with matter? What is happening with energy?

The water is being used with the light The energy that is occurring here is
energy to be split into oxygen and increased with the electron due to
hydrogen ions. The electron is then used the light reaction with the
in the chlorophyll to be excited with
energy and continue onto the next

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The electron is transported to the Some energy from the electron is

cytochrome complex that then uses used in this process in order to pump
the energy to pump hydrogen ions into the hydrogen ions in. The electron is
the Thylakoid lumen. then sent to the PSI reaction.

The electron is rescued and recharged The electron is recharged with a lot
with the light energy with the help of the of energy. Overall, the energy is
chlorophyll. It is then sent off to the next increased in this process.
4. At the end of the electron transport chain, where is the light energy that was absorbed and converted by
chlorophyll stored? List two answers.
1. The light energy is stored in the molecule NADPH.
2. The ATP is the other molecule that stores the energy.

Chemiosmosis and ATP Synthase

5. Label the ATP synthase on Diagram 6.

6. Describe how the proton (H+) gradient is used to make ATP.

The proton gradient is used to make ATP by passing through the stroma into an enzyme called ATP
Synthase. The concentration is higher on the inside, so the lower concentration on the outside allows
the hydrogen ions to pass through.

7. What two molecules bring chemical energy from the light reactions to the next stage of photosynthesis, the
Calvin cycle?
The two molecules that bring chemical energy from the light reactions to the next state of
photosynthesis are the molecules NADPH and ATP. Before they are energized, they are NADP and

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1. Label Diagram 7 with the three phases of the Calvin cycle.

Briefly describe what is going on in each phase and answer the questions shown.
Phase 1 (Diagram 8)

The 3 carbon dioxide molecules are incorporated with

3 RuBP to create 6 3-PGA.

What enzyme catalyzes the reaction in this phase?

This process is all done with the help of a PuBisCO


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Phase 2 (Diagram 9)

The 3-PGA molecules accept the electrons from the 6

ATP molecules and 6 NADPH molecules. This then
creates 6 G3P molecules. One of the G3P molecules
leave the cycle in order to be used to create other
organic molecules.

Phase 3 (Diagram 10)

Why is the series of reactions in the Calvin cycle called a

The series of reactions in the Calvin cycle are called a

“cycle,” because it is using organic molecules to create
new organic molecules. It recreates the molecules
needed for the first phase.

2. At the end of the Calvin cycle, what molecules have the energy that originally came from light?
In the end of the Calvin cycle, the molecules that have the energy that originally came from light are
the ATP and NADPH molecules.

1. Complete the following sentence based on Diagram 11.
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P) can be used by plant cells to make
___Sucrose____ and ____Starch____.

2. Which molecule in Diagram 11 is used to transport energy to other parts of

the plant?
The molecule that is transported to other parts of the plant is sucrose.

3. Which molecule in Diagram 11 is stored in the plant for later use as an

energy source?

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The molecule that is stored in the plant for later on as an energy source
is starch.


1. Based on everything you’ve learned from the animations, what is the overall purpose of photosynthesis?
The overall purpose of photosynthesis is to help support all life on earth.

2. Describe how oxygen gas (O2) is produced during photosynthesis. Include the specific structures in the plant
where the reaction occurs.
Oxygen gas is produced as a byproduct of the Photosystem II process when water is split. The proper
wavelength of energy splits the water into oxygen and hydrogen ions. This process is done with the
Thylakoid. The oxygen is then released out the stroma of the leaf.

3. Describe the path of an electron from a molecule of water to the sugar G3P.
The electron is charged and transported through the light-dependent cycle between the proteins of
the Thylakoid. It then is combined with organic molecules in order to be used in the Calvin Cycle.

4. Describe how ATP is produced in the light reactions.

ATP is produced in the light reactions by having the ATP Synthase, fueled by the traveling of hydrogen
ions through the enzyme, by combining with a Pi and an electron. The hydrogen, for this reaction to
occur, comes from the splitting of the water, with the help of strong wavelengths of light. Other
hydrogen ions come from the Cytochrome Complex, pumping them into the Thylakoid.

5. Which of the following statements best explains how the energy in a photon of light is stored in a molecule of
the sugar G3P? Option C. More specifically would be certain wavelengths of light energy.
a. Light energy directly provides energy to RuBP and CO2, which produce G3P in the Calvin cycle.
b. Light energy directly provides energy to ATP synthase, which produces ATP during the light reactions.
c. Light energy energizes electrons to make ATP and NADPH, which provide energy to produce G3P in the
Calvin cycle.

6. When three molecules of carbon dioxide (CO2) react with three molecules of RuBP during the Calvin cycle, six
molecules of the sugar G3P are produced. One G3P molecule exits the Calvin cycle during Phase 2. What
happens to the other five G3P molecules?
What occurs with the other five G3P molecules in the Calvin cycle is the recreation of the 3 RuBP
molecules used in the beginning of the process. The other five G3P molecules becoming 3 RuBP
molecules are what allow the Calvin Cycle to be a cycle.


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RS2: ● Construct an explanation based on evidence for how energy and matter change
Matter & and/or flow into, out of, and within the system during the processes involved in
Energy photosynthesis.

4 In addition to a 3.0 score, student demonstrates sophisticated applications such as:

☐ In depth analysis and explanations of changes in energy and matter such as:
● Explicit details, names of structures, and steps involved in the photosynthetic
☐ Connections made beyond the context of the topic such as:
● Relating and explaining the processes of photosynthesis based on prior
knowledge such as enzyme structure and function, pigment and wavelength
absorption and reflection, cellular transport mechanisms, and membrane

3 While engaged in grade appropriate tasks, the student demonstrates the following:
☐ Thorough explanation of changes in energy and matter during photosynthesis
including details about each of the following:
● production of oxygen gas
● structures of photosynthesis that relate to specific functions
● path of electrons from water to G3P
● production of ATP during the light reactions
● carbon counting and regeneration of RUBP in the Calvin Cycle

2 No major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details such as:

☐ Basic explanation of the changes in energy and matter during photosynthesis; details
are incomplete and/or lacking in detail

1 Major errors or omissions present.

☐ Explanations of changes in energy and matter during photosynthesis are incorrect

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